"There is nothing you really want to eat. If Yuanyuan is not too troublesome, just spicy crayfish!" Situ Qing said.

"Sister-in-law Qing, crayfish are used to treat sewage. Eating too much is bad for your health!" Chen Yuan frowned and said very concerned.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "That's an error. Now crayfish are all cultivated artificially. It doesn't matter if you eat less."

"Yeah, Yuanyuan, if you find it troublesome, then forget it!" Situ Qing didn't make a fuss, he just talked casually.

But since he said so, why would Chen Yuan decline? It was originally the crucial moment to compete with Bai Chichi for Situ Qing, and he couldn't let go of a chance of winning.

"No, no, no trouble, brother-in-law Qing, just wait to eat the hot spicy crayfish after get off work!" Chen Yuan laughed.

Bai Chichi took Situ Qing's arm and sent him out. He looked at him and said, "You are so difficult to serve. It is very troublesome to clean up the crayfish!"

"Really? Just let the store owner handle it for you!" How could Situ Qing know about the kitchen.

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid that people will perfunct me. If I don't make it clean and eat it, I will feel sick in my stomach!"

"What should I do then? I still don't want to eat it!" Situ Qing didn't want to be too tired.

"No, if you want to eat it, it means your body needs certain trace elements! Let's let Yuanyuan, a capable chef, help you pick the head and tail. I'm clumsy and I'm responsible for peeling garlic and choosing vegetables!" Bai Chichi thought about it.

Situ Qing looked back and saw Chen Yuan was eating her scallion egg pancakes silently, so he smiled and said to her: "Yuanyuan, then I will trouble you!"

"It's all right, I'm just idle at home anyway!" Chen Yuan said to him quickly.

Situ Qing nodded, kissed Bai Chichi's face, and the two said goodbye at the door.

"Mother Zhang, let's go shopping!" Back to the restaurant, Bai Chichi called Zhang Ma, and the two went out together.

After listening to the sound of their footsteps, Chen Yuan's expression turned gloomy. It seemed that Bai Chichi was looking for something for herself on purpose.

It seems to be praise, but isn't it just tossing?

Fortunately, Situ Qing eats the crayfish. If it is Bai Chichi, I really want to add a laxative to her and let her go to the toilet and fly down three thousand feet!

But when she thinks about the reception, Chen Yuan's mood will improve. She returned to her room and tried on the dress again, planning to find a time to go out and buy the same pair of shoes and jewelry.

The cleaning of crayfish is very time-consuming and laborious. Chen Yuan washes and scrubs, but Bai Chichi talks and laughs with Zhang Ma to do miscellaneous things, which is relaxed and happy.

After Situ Qing returned home, he was full of praise for Chen Yuan's craftsmanship. This once again allowed Bai Chichi to seize the opportunity to encourage Chen Yuan to make persistent efforts, and must do the job of the fire fighter well.

Chen Yuan had no choice but to nod her head to agree, but she hated Bai Chichi so much that she felt that she was the poor Cinderella Cinderella now.

Time flies quickly, Luo Hoi'an is very efficient. He has already booked a venue in a five-star hotel in the city, and all the tedious preparations are convincing.

Situ Qing discussed the list of guests with Luo Hui'an in the office, and invited people who were of great help to the company's business.

"These are the ones who are cooperating with us." Luo Hui'an asked Situ Qing to look at the names he had proposed and considered them very thoughtfully.

"Well, don't show it to me, you are solely responsible." Of course, Situ Qing fully trusted Luo Hui'an.

Luo Hui'an finished his official business, made two cups of coffee, and rested with Situ Qing.

"President, tell me now, why is it inconvenient for Chen Yuan to be around you?" In her free time, the two are friends.

"It's not inconvenient, but you know, she is an unmarried girl, and I have a wife and children, so I have to avoid it!" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Luo Hui'an nodded: "Understandably, I have also seen some reports. There is absolutely no ambiguous relationship between you and Chen Yuan, right?"

"Absolutely not, otherwise would I introduce her to Luo Yi?" Situ Qing said, shaking his head.

"Yes, I believe in your character. It's just for your status. It's normal to have such scandals around you." Luo Hui'an knows what kind of person Situ Qing is, and he won't be sorry. Things come.

When Situ Qing was late in pursuing whiteness, Luo Hui'an had always been by his side, knowing that it was not easy for them.

"That's why I want you to come back. Chen Yuan temporarily asked her to do some easy things, and then I transferred her to another department." Situ Qing laughed.

Luo Hui'an said: "Alright, Madam is pregnant now, hearing those gossips will definitely affect her mood."

"Chi Chi was originally a very large person. After pregnancy, her mind is indeed smaller, but this is not her intention. It may be that the hormones in the body are at work!" Situ Qing maintained Bai Chi Chi, although Luo Hui'an knew This, but he still couldn't help but emphasize.

"I know, considering this, I will be back soon!" Luo Hui'an also has a son, knowing that a woman's psychology and physiology will change greatly when she is pregnant.

"After you come back, I feel like a tiger with wings. Although Chen Yuan is very capable, she is a girl who has not been involved in the world and lacks experience." Situ Qing patted Luo Hui'an on the shoulder.

Luo Hui'an smiled and said: "It's not bad enough. According to Luo Yi, Chen Yuan is also self-taught. It seems that her potential is limitless!"

"Yes, take a good training, is a reserve pioneer!" Situ Qing did not deny Chen Yuan's ability. The reason why he let Luo Hui'an come back not only made Bai Chichi feel at ease, but also wanted him to take Chen Yuan and teach her More things.

"At the reception, I will introduce her to the relevant guests." Luo Hui'an understood Situ Qing's thoughts very well.

Situ Qing nodded: "Okay, I can relax a little later and eat more later."

"Haha, your dignified president is very lazy!" Luo Hoi'an laughed, and the two of them talked happily, and the afternoon time passed quickly.

After returning home, Situ Qing found that Bai Chichi was not downstairs. Chen Yuan was reading in the living room. He asked, "Yuanyuan, where are you Chichi?"

Chen Yuan originally saw that Situ Qing came back, put down the book in her hand, stood up happily and wanted to say hello to him, but she didn't expect that he would ask Bai Chichi when he opened his mouth.

"I don't know, it may be in the room!" The smile on Chen Yuan's face disappeared, and she sat down again and picked up the book.

Situ Qing didn't care, nodded and headed upstairs.

Looking at his back, Chen Yuan was very angry, why he was so obsessed with the whiteness and lateness, and when he came back, he was looking for someone. This is a rhythm that is not seen in a day like every three autumns!

It seems that his offensive is not strong enough, and he can't go on like this. He must be shown that his legs are no longer problematic. Only by staying with him at all times can he have more opportunities to contact and increase his relationship.

Chen Yuan took a look at her feet, and the burned area had recovered smoothness, and her new skin looked good, but it looked more delicate than the original, and the edge position was slightly different.

This is also thanks to Situ Qing allowing the best doctors to use the best medicine and the most advanced medical methods to be able to preserve the beautiful legs.

Chen Yuan counted every injury she suffered on Bai Chichi's head, regardless of whether it had anything to do with her, it was all because of her.

So if he burned his leg in this adventure, if she really couldn't restore her beauty, Chen Yuan had already planned that Bai Chichi would pay the corresponding price.

It's not that you don't report, it's just not the time!

When Situ Qing returned to the room, he opened the door and saw what Bai Chi was hiding in a panic.

"My wife, are you caught by me? What are you doing?" Situ Qing walked over with a smile, hugging Bai Chichi without even changing his clothes.

"Nothing! You came back so early today!" Bai Chichi said while blocking Situ Qing's sight.

Situ Qing shook his head: "You are really bad at covering up! Today I obviously came back later than usual, so I went to see the venue with Luo Hui'an!"

"Ah, is that so? Since I'm back late, quickly change clothes and go downstairs to eat!" Bai Chichi stuffed a bunch of things into the quilt behind him, and said with Situ Qing's hand.

Situ Qing was a head taller than her. Looking from the top of her head, she could only see a little colored wool and the tail of a bamboo stick.

"Wife, I just came back and saw Yuanyuan sitting on the sofa reading a book, what are we eating?" Situ Qing asked Bai Chichi funny.

From what he saw, Situ Qing could guess that Bai Chichi must have been knitting a sweater for himself. Maybe he wanted to surprise himself.

Since she doesn't want to let herself know, then cooperate with her and satisfy her little lady's wish.

"Yuanyuan sits on the sofa and reads because she has already cooked the food. We are all waiting for you, the boss to come back, so we can start! Let's go, go, hurry up!" Bai Chichi just peeled off without a word. He opened Situ Qing's suit and put on a T-shirt.

Situ Qing said dubiously: "You really have infinite power at a critical time, and you forcibly change my clothes!"

"What do you know, changing clothes is an obscure way of going to the toilet in ancient times, where am I changing your clothes!" Bai Chichi tried to divert Situ Qing's attention, for fear that he would discover his little secret.

Situ Qing smiled and stood up: "You are still educated, I am a vulgar person! Well, let's go to eat, I can't starve you and your baby!"

The two hugged and walked downstairs. Chen Yuan had adjusted her mood and set the dining table.

"Yuanyuan, have you made so many dishes again?" Situ Qing saw the dazzling array of dishes on the table, very rich.

"Yes, isn't it Friday tomorrow? Brother-in-law Qing, I'm cheering for myself, and the pre-toasting party is going on smoothly!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Bai Chichi looked at her: "Cheer for yourself?"

"Yeah, my legs are already healed. Tomorrow is the day when I come out of the mountain again. Don't you need to cheer up!" Chen Yuan lifted her leg gently, spinning one foot on the ground, beautifully Dancing.

"You make a lot of sense! Yuanyuan, to add to the fun, let's have a drink!"

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