"Yes, brother-in-law Qing, I'm smoking!" As Chen Yuan's hand slid in the air, a piece of soot fell on her arm, causing her to shake involuntarily.

Situ Qing frowned and grabbed her cigarette, and said angrily: "What's wrong with you, is there something that can't be resolved?"

"No, I'm very good!" Chen Yuan was sitting on the bed, her hands propped on the edge of the bed, her legs still swaying back and forth.

"Since it's good, why do you smoke?" Situ Qing felt even more angry when she saw Chen Yuan's nonchalant appearance.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Don't men like women who smoke?"

"No, I don't like it!" Situ Qing walked into the room and saw at a glance that there were two bottles of wine on the mat in front of Chen Yuan's bed. One bottle was opened and some were drunk.

"Yuanyuan, did you drink this wine too?" Situ Qing felt a little distressed. He has always admired Chen Yuan's self-discipline and rigor, but what he saw today was too disappointing.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Yes, brother-in-law Qing, don't say you don't like women drinking! As the saying goes, women only have a unique charm when they are drunk!"

"Nonsense, what's so good about being drunk? Yuanyuan, tell me honestly, are you in a bad mood?" Situ Qing took the wine bottle to Chen Yuan's desk and saw the silver lighter that Bai Chichi was talking about. There is a pack of cigarettes beside it.

Situ Qing picked up the cigarette and found that the disassembled aluminum foil was a little strange. It was not drawn out, but just peeled off.

In this way, it seems that Chen Yuan is not a familiar hand, but clumsy and not knowing how to unpack.

"Is this your cigarette?" Situ Qing asked Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Yes."

"Did you take it apart?" Situ Qing walked to Chen Yuan and showed Chen Yuan the opening of the cigarette case.

"Yeah, I opened it in the morning and took two." Chen Yuan no longer looked like when Situ Qing entered the door just now, but lowered her head.

Situ Qing took a deep breath: "Yuanyuan, judging from this opening, this is your first time smoking, right?"

"Brother-in-law Qing, you really don't like women who smoke and drink?" Chen Yuan did not answer directly, but looked up at Situ Qing.

"Of course, when did you see late smoking and drinking? What's the matter with you? Yuanyuan, tell me if you have anything, I will help you." Situ Qing held the cigarette case in his hand and looked at Chen Yuan s eyes.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "I really don't have anything! When you walked in just now, I wanted to show you if I feel like a **** girl."

"Do you think smoking and drinking are sexy?" Situ Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

Chen Yuan flattened her mouth and said, "I have met Miss Meng Ran. I think she is the kind of **** stunner in the big city. She smokes and drinks."

"Fool, who told you this stupid concept? Pure and lovely girls are even more rare! And you are not a dream, why do you want to learn from her?" Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan had been affected by some bad influence recently.

Moreover, he also knew very well that in the past two days Chen Yuan hoped to be comparable to Bai Chichi, but she was frustrated one after another.

Although Situ Qing was very proud of Bai Chichi, she didn't want Chen Yuan's wrong views to ruin her pure heart.

Or because Chen Yuan feels that she is a country girl and feels low in front of Bai Chichi, and Mengran is the dream lover of many men. Chen Yuan probably wants to get close to her image to prove herself.

"I'm not following her, I think she can make so many people think about it, which shows that she is popular like this!" Chen Yuan shook her head.

Situ Qing sat next to Chen Yuan and said, "Yuanyuan, I know you are in a bad mood these past few days. Is it because everyone praises you for being late? But you also have your beauty. Everyone at the reception said that you are beautiful... ..."

"Brother Qing, what are you thinking about?" Chen Yuan stared at Situ Qing in surprise, as if he had said something very strange.

Situ Qing looked at her: "Isn't it the reason that made you depressed, and then learned to smoke and drink?"

"Of course not, what kind of person do you think of me, Brother Qing!" Chen Yuan said aggrieved, tears welled up in her eyes.

Situ Qing said: "I'm sorry Yuanyuan, I might be wrong, but why did you do this?"

"Brother-in-law Qing, I really envy Sister Chi Chi. She can be the focus of the reception, and can also shock the photographer Leo to heaven, but I will never be jealous of her, and I am very proud of her, for you Happy!" Chen Yuan wiped her tears, took a deep breath, and looked at Situ Qing.

"I smoked and drank today, it really has nothing to do with Sister Chi Chi!"

Situ Qing said apologetically, "Really, that's my fault. I thought you would care about such things, because after all, you are also a girl and hope you can win the approval of others."

"I don't care. Sister Chi Chi is like my own sister. It's too late for me to be happy for her!" Chen Yuan shook her head.

"Then what do you mean by smoking and drinking?" Situ Qing didn't understand.

Chen Yuan sighed and said, "That's it. I met a few customers at the reception, which is of great help to our company."

Situ Qing nodded and looked at her.

Chen Yuan went on to say: "I tried to contact them in the past two days. The boss of one of the building materials company is very interested in our project and is willing to provide us with the best cost-effective products."

"Very good, it shows that you have good abilities and can take over such a company." Situ Qing vaguely sensed what Chen Yuan meant.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "What's the use of my good abilities? That boss is particularly patriarchal, saying that women can't even smoke and drink, and are not worthy to talk to him for business! Let me either learn to smoke and drink, just like him, or go Change a male business person."

"Do you learn to smoke and drink for this?" Situ Qing felt unhappy.

Chen Yuan looked at him with a layer of spray in her eyes. She choked and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, I know I am a country girl. Before I entered the city, all I touched were the fields and the earth. I am a very earthy person! "

"Nonsense, what's a very earthy thing? Can smoking and drinking prove that life is in the forefront of fashion? It's ridiculous!" Situ Qing said loudly to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan saw that his face was so ugly, tears fell again: "Brother-in-law Qing, you are comforting me, I know!"

"I am not comforting you, I am scolding you!" Situ Qing felt very angry, who gave Chen Yuan such a twisted value.

Chen Yuan cried and said: "You scold me, I dare not say anything! But the boss did say that if you want to deal with him, you have to accompany him to smoke and drink like a man, so that he can eat and play. Have fun!"

"You are committing a crime, do you know?" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan with a hatred of iron and steel.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "No, as long as I can do my part for the company, I am not important at all!"

"Listen to me, Yuanyuan, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do for the company! To you, smoking and drinking is basically destroying your own temperament and character!" Situ Qing patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, speaking earnestly. Say.

Chen Yuan sobbed: "Where can my temperament and character make it to Daya Hall? If I learn to smoke and drink, I can talk to the boss about business, and he will definitely give us the best materials and prices!"

"It's stupid to think like this! You think I brought you back from the disaster area to train you to be a tacky woman who can't get rid of cigarettes and alcohol?" Situ was so angry that his lungs were exploding, and he grasped tightly Chen Yuan's arm.

"Sister-in-law Qing, let me learn it. When I get up, I will definitely drink that boss down and let him sign our contract obediently and willingly!" Chen Yuan burst into tears and grabbed the cigarette case. I took a cigarette and lit it.

Situ Qing wanted to take it off, but was afraid that it would be burned to her, so she had to hold her wrist tightly.

Although Chen Yuan couldn't handle it, she lowered her head to take a sigh of cigarettes, but she coughed and coughed, her face flushed, and she couldn't breathe.

Situ Qing dropped the cigarette in her hand and patted her back. It took Chen Yuan for a long time to take a breath and sat weakly on the bedside and wept.

"Yuanyuan, you are so wrong!" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan, feeling that Chen Yuan was completely scheming.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "But what can I do? Brother Qing, I hope to be your helper in my career, and I hope I can make a contribution to the company! Now that such a good opportunity lies in front of you, do you want I give up easily?"

"Yuanyuan, who said that to contribute to the company is to sacrifice your health, do you think it is cool for girls to smoke and drink? Tobacco and alcohol will destroy your skin and harm your body. You are not worth the gain!" Situ Qing I still feel a little sad. I knew that Chen Yuan would have such an idea, so I should stop her sooner.

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and said, "What does my health have to do with me..."

"How can you think like this? Health is the most precious wealth, money, business, and company development are clouds. If you hurt yourself for these insignificant things, what do you let me do? I will feel guilty!" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan sighed inwardly.

Chen Yuan raised her head and looked at Situ Qing: "Really? Brother-in-law Qing, do you really think my health is the most important thing?"

"Of course! Yuanyuan, I will take your cigarettes and alcohol, you go and wash up and rest early!" Situ Qing said as he put all the things on the table into a pocket.

Chen Yuan looked at his back with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth. But when Situ Qing turned around, she was again a pitiful look.

"Yuanyuan, let me tell you that the Aichi Group does not need any employee to make unnecessary sacrifices for the company. That builder has no character at all. I won't cooperate with him!" Situ Qing was serious. Looked at Chen Yuan and said.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Sister-in-law Qing, I understand, I'm sorry, I won't be so naive anymore, don't worry."

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