"Qing, today is Sunday, what can you do?" Bai Chi asked Situ Qing while eating.

As soon as she heard what she said, Chen Yuan immediately pricked her ears, because she hoped to be their light bulb for more time, which made Bai Chi uncomfortable.

Yesterday Chen Yuan spent so much thought to make Bai Chichi fooled, trying to destroy the relationship between the two, but now it seems that she has completely failed.

Chen Yuan originally thought that Situ Qing and Bai Chi Chi would have a disagreement again, and then she could go to comfort Situ Qing and get a chance to get close.

Or you can slander Bai Chichi in your words, and deepen Situ Qing's dissatisfaction with her, but unfortunately all of this is impossible.

Then I will stick to you, Bai Chichi, you will wait for the toad to jump on the back of your instep and smash the undead and disgusting!

"No, do you have arrangements?" Situ Qing asked.

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "There is no special arrangement. I just want to see Mom and Dad. Do you want to go together?"

"Of course I want to, I've long wanted to see their two old people!" Situ Qing nodded immediately.

After sending her parents-in-law home last time, Situ Qing also inquired about similar small yards, but never found a suitable one.

I have been busy with things in the company these days, so I have never been there.

However, Situ Qing's return was not only for this purpose. He felt that Qin Xuesong's heart was not dead, and he might often visit his parents-in-law. If Bai Chichi went back alone, it would be bad if he happened to meet Qin Xuesong.

The two of them were alone, and Situ Qing was worried. Of course, he was mainly worried that Qin Xuesong would be so diligent through his absence in the dialogue, and that he would deliberately say that he didn't care about his father and mother. All these were taboos for Situ Qing.

"Really, let's go over after breakfast. I called my mother and said that we were having lunch at home." Bai Chichi was very happy.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "When it comes to returning to your natal house, you are so happy. Your wife is about to be a mother yourself. Do you still want to go back to act like a baby?"

"What is being acting like a baby, it is called Chenghuan's knees! Moreover, it is because I am going to be a mother that I am grateful for the kindness of parenting from my parents!" Bai Chichi said.

Chen Yuan felt very upset after hearing this. As long as Bai Chichi talked about her parents, Chen Yuan would think of her parents.

Bai Chichi can go home often, but he is already homeless!

"Well, well, what do you say! By the way, should we bring something for mom and dad?" Situ Qing is a sensible and filial son-in-law, and he has always respected Bai Chichi's parents.

After fighting with Qin Xuesong some time ago, he felt guilty and bought a lot of daily necessities to send to the small yard, but every time his father and mother said that there was nothing lacking at home, he asked him not to buy it again.

Nevertheless, Situ Qing sent someone to send it as usual.

"No need, Dad told me that you will buy them a pile of food and clothing every few hours, and the two elderly people can't eat at all. They have invited neighbors to eat many times!" Bai Chichi laugh it out.

Situ Qing said happily: "This is also very good. To help mom and dad build a good neighborhood relationship, we will rest assured in the future!"

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and her thoughts drifted back to her home. Although that home was arguing and fighting, there was always her parents, but now, there is nothing left!

"Sister Chi Chi, brother-in-law Qing, can I go together? I also want to see Uncle Bai and Auntie Bai!" Chen Yuan resisted the anger in her heart and asked with a smile.

Hearing her saying this, Bai Chichi was actually not very surprised, she now felt that Chen Yuan was deliberately pestering Situ Qing.

"Well, because you talked about family and neighbors, I was a little sad. After all, my own parents and neighbors are gone. I also want to feel the long-lost family relationship." Chen Yuan said pitifully.

Situ Qing said without hesitation: "Of course there is no problem, Yuanyuan, you can go with us, you know how hospitable my in-laws are!"

In fact, Bai Chichi didn't want Chen Yuan to go. She was worried that the girl who was showing her ambitions would hit her parents with her idea.

Looking at Chen Yuan's farce yesterday, although she did not succeed in the end, it was carefully arranged, which shows that she has a very obvious intention in her heart.

Her parents are both disabled and the most vulnerable blind people. If Chen Yuan is wicked, it would be bad.

"Thank you, brother-in-law Qing! However, it was Sister Chi Chi's family, and I have to nod her head before I can go!" Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chi Chi with a slight provocation.

Now Situ Qing has promised me, will you object? If you object, Situ will not be able to get off the stage. If you do not object, then you will be very awkward!

Bai Chichi, what are you going to do next?

"Okay, what's wrong with this! It's just multiple chopsticks and multiple bowls on the lunch table!" Bai Chichi said very readily.

Situ Qing smiled and said to Chen Yuan: "You see, we are both husband and wife. I said I want you to go. Would a generous and enthusiastic person like my wife disagree?"

What a husband and wife, what a warm and generous! Chen Yuan thought to herself, it seems that Bai Chichi, you have resolved the crisis once again, and you can make Situ Qing praise you so highly!

"Of course I know that Sister Chi Chi will definitely let me go with me. It's just a question." Chen Yuan's face was a little silly.

Bai Chichi looked at her, but what he thought in his heart was that the small yard was Qin Xuesong's property, and he would often go there. If Chen Yuan really wanted to mess around, let Qin Xuesong take precautions.

Moreover, if you are lucky and catch Chen Yuan's feet, Situ Qing will never trust her so much!

At that time, everyone will know Chen Yuan's true face, that is, a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

As long as the absolute safety of the parents can be guaranteed, then it is nothing to take Chen Yuan for a meal, after all, Chen Yuan is still not going to make any drastic actions in front of Situ Qing.

"Okay, let's hurry up and eat." Bai Chichi said with a smile, her appearance looked very relaxed and happy.

Chen Yuan thought secretly, do you really think I would like to see your blind parents? I'm just going to disappoint you!

Bai Chichi, you better be able to meet your old lover today. I can also seize this opportunity to participate in a book with you in front of Situ Qing and make you so proud!

After eating, Situ Qing drove Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan to the small courtyard. On the way, Bai Chichi called her mother and said that all three of them would come to see them.

"Chier, mom will buy the freshest fish for you right away! By the way, your dad gave you a bit of quail spoiled, saying it is for you to eat and play!" The white mother was very happy on the phone. Said.

"Thank you mom and dad, you don't have to go, we just bought it along the way!" Bai Chichi said sweetly.

Mom and Dad, Chen Yuan was crazy listening in the back seat. If it weren't for your mother, my mother would not have died!

Bai Chichi, if I were not going to destroy you from the bottom of my heart, I really want to pounce on you and give you a slap in the face!

But no, I know that violence cannot solve problems, especially deep-seated problems.

To make a person suffer for a lifetime is to take away her most beloved things, so for nothing, Situ Qing, I will definitely get it, just wait and see!

"Will you buy it?" The white mother was worried. In the hearts of her parents, her children would always be children.

"I will, fish, just buy something alive and kicking! Mom, I have Chen Yuan beside me. She has a rich life experience, and I will definitely buy something that will satisfy you!" Bai Chichi pointed out from the rearview mirror Chen Yuan laughed.

Chen Yuan had to smile faintly.

Putting down the phone, Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing: "Let's go to the market to buy a fish, and then take it back for my mother to make it, and everyone will eat it together."

"Okay, I also like to eat fish, my wife, you have to eat more, the baby who eats fish is very smart!" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Chen Yuan interrupted and said: "Now the fish are cultivated artificially. Unlike our countryside before, everything is in the original ecology. That's good!"

"That's right, I think of the rock fish in Niujiazhuang before, and I will buy some more if I have a chance in the future!" Bai Chi nodded.

Situ Qing said: "Yuanyuan was injured to catch you fish, wife, do you remember?"

"Of course, I will remember Yuanyuan's goodness!" What Bai Chichi thought was that Chen Yuan at that time didn't know if she was sincere for herself, if she had been approaching step by step since then Situ Qing is terrible.

Many things have passed. The important thing is what Chen Yuan will do in the future. Judging from her behavior yesterday, she has no intention to stop there.

"Look at what you said, Sister Chi Chi, that's nothing!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "No, I will remember everything you did, Yuanyuan, don't worry, there will be a chance to repay you!"

Chen Yuan frowned and wondered what Bai Chichi's words meant. Is she simply expressing thanks, or is she warning herself?

"Wife, you are too serious, Yuanyuan is not an outsider!" Situ Qing always hopes that the two women can live together peacefully, so she has been reconciling the atmosphere.

However, because of Situ Qing’s words, Bai Chichi began to think of all the previous things. Although she is not a very suspicious person, but because of Chen Yuan’s recent actions, Bai Chichi had to re-examine the strange things in the past. .

Chen Yuan's good, Chen Yuan's good-looking, Bai Chichi didn't doubt it at all before, and even fell out with Xin Xiaozi over this matter.

But looking back now, I feel that there is indeed something wrong in many places. A thought that scared her came up in Bai Chichi's mind. Could it be that the person who destroyed her parents' gas pipe is also related to Chen Yuan?

No, she shouldn't be so cruel, she just wants to take Situ Qing away! After all, Bai Chichi is kind, unwilling to think of Chen Yuan so extinct.

It is best to find the suspect earlier!

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