"Then... okay!" Xiaojing nodded immediately when she heard Sun Xiaoting say so, turned and ran downstairs.

Dismissed Xiaojing, listening to her voice of going downstairs gradually disappeared, Sun Xiaoting closed the door, quickly walked to the bed and sat down, took out her abortion pill, and gave it down with water. She checked the time. It happened to be more than ten o’clock in the morning. She knew that the drug’s effects would not occur for a while. She first stood by the window and looked at it. After about a few minutes, she saw the driver at home driving the car. Jing left. She walked to the bed and lay down. After a while, she felt that this was not enough, so she got up again and walked back and forth in the bedroom. Seeing that the time was almost up, she took out her mobile phone and called Xiaoxiao and told her that she wanted a drink. Water, my body is really uncomfortable, can you trouble her to send a glass of water upstairs?

Xiaoxiao knew that her body was at a time when she was uncomfortable walking, so she didn't think much about it, took a clean water glass and took a glass of water, put it on the tray and carried it upstairs. The living room of the Shao’s Villa is very large, and the stairs are slightly rotating. When Xiaoxiao was holding a tray and wanted to walk up the last step, she happened to see Sun Xiaoting coming over from above with her pregnant belly and blocking her on the stairs. Sun Xiaoting looked at her condescendingly and smiled: "Sister-in-law is troublesome, I'll just drink it here..." As she said, she took a step down and stood on the stairs, holding the cup on the tray. Drink it.

"Ah..." Sun Xiaoting shook her hand, then threw the water glass out, watching Xiaoxiao looking at her furiously: "Are you trying to burn me to death?" After speaking, she reached out and grabbed Xiaoxiao's arm. Pushing her away, but her feet were stomped somehow, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably. She only heard a few heart-piercing screams, Xiaoxiao saw what was going on before she understood it. Sun Xiaoting fell down the spiral staircase.

Xiaoxiao, who didn't understand what was going on at all, watched Sun Xiaoting's fall, and only felt a bang in her brain. She was panicked and hurriedly ran down the stairs, and found that Sun Xiaoting had fallen into a coma at this time. Shang was also thrown out of blood, and she immediately shouted nervously: "Help... Come on!"

When Uncle Chen heard Xiaoxiao’s shout, he ran into the living room for the first time. He was shocked by the scene of the goal. He quickly walked to the two of them and just wanted to ask what was going on. There was a rush of footsteps upstairs, followed by Pan Shaomin's voice: "What's wrong? Sleeping doesn't make people feel at ease?" Pan Shaomin complained and walked to the stairs, looking down the stairs, unexpectedly Seeing her baby daughter-in-law lying in the lobby on the first floor, she immediately ran down nervously and saw that Sun Xiaoting in Xiaoxiao’s arms was covered with scars on her head and hands, and the most frightening thing was that her daughter-in-law was not right under her. Stop the bleeding of blood.

"Xiaoting, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Xiaoting!" Pan Shaomin kept shouting while holding Sun Xiaoting.

"Madam, let's take the young lady to the hospital first!" Uncle Liu on one side reminded immediately.

"Yes, yes! Send to the hospital!" Pan Shaomin nodded immediately, and several people got Sun Xiaoting into the car. Pan Shaomin quickly got in, and Xiao Xiao sat in the front passenger cabin. The car started quickly and drove fast. Leaving the Shao's villa.

Because he was walking in a hurry, only Uncle Liu had a phone call, but he was driving and it was not convenient to call. Xiaoxiao had to take it and call Shao Zhanping nervously, and after telling him what had just happened, he closed it. Up the line. As soon as Xiao Xiao's words fell, Pan Shaomin's voice rang sharply from the back of the car.

"Xia Xiaoxiao, you don't have a brain, do you? You know that she is pregnant, how can you let her stand on the stairs and drink water?"

"Aunt Ren...I didn't mean it..."

"Don't explain to me! It's okay that Xiaoting and Zhengfei's children are fine. If there is something short and long, what do I think you do?" Pan Shaomin heard what she had just said on the phone with Shao Zhanping, and then exploded.

From the moment Sun Xiaoting fell, Xiaoxiao felt uneasy. Now that her mother-in-law said that, she felt even more uncomfortable, but this matter was indeed related to her. She wanted to explain but she didn’t know how to say it, so she lowered her head. silence.

Pan Shaomin said angrily. When the car arrived in the hospital, because Shao Zhanping had already greeted the hospital, Sun Xiaoting was quickly pushed into the emergency room as soon as he arrived at the hospital. As soon as the door of the rescue room was closed, Pan Shaomin sat down in the waiting chair on one side, watching Shao Zhanping and Xia Xiaoxiao who were standing on the side, and began to beat his chest and said: "What the **** did I do in my previous life? Jia Qi That kind of thing happened last night, and today Xiaoting fell down again, my grandson...you must be well..."

Shao Zhanping had learned from the phone that the matter was related to his wife. Seeing her nervousness, and listening to his stepmother, he couldn't help but look at the stepmother and said: "Aunt Ren, don't be too anxious, the matter has not been clarified yet. Don't get too excited..."

"Can I not be excited? From Zhengfei and Xiaoting's marriage to the present, which day am I not to be careful? But who knows that something like this still happened..." Pan Shaomin couldn't stop at all, she was also a woman, look When Sun Xiaoting was bleeding under her body, she had a hunch that her grandson might not be able to keep it.

As soon as Pan Shaomin's words fell, he saw that the door of the rescue room suddenly opened, and a doctor walked out from the inside with a serious face: "Who is the patient's family member?"

Pan Shaomin immediately got up from the chair nervously and replied hurriedly: "I am who I am! Inside is my daughter-in-law, doctor, how is she?"

"The adult is bleeding heavily and needs to have the uterus removed. Could you please sign here!" The doctor said as he handed Pan Shaomin a surgical slip.

When Pan Shaomin listened to the doctor's words, he only felt that his eyes were dark, and the person was about to fall to the side. Shao Zhanping stretched out his arm to catch Pan Shaomin, helped her sit on the chair, and then looked at the doctor on the opposite side and said: "No Any other way? It's just a miscarriage. Why do you have to remove it?"

This incident is also related to his wife. With Sun Xiaoting's personality, if the uterus is really removed, she will definitely hate Xiaoxiao for a lifetime!

"My lord's life is in danger now, and we suspect that she has taken the abortion pill. Time is running out, so please make your decision quickly!"

"You...what did you say? She took the abortion pill?" Xiao Xiao looked at the doctor incredulously and asked.

The doctor nodded affirmatively, and looked at the two people anxiously again: "Yes! Who are you signing? If you don't make a decision, the adult is likely to be in danger!"

Shao Zhanping looked at her stepmother who was unconscious in the chair, then looked at Xiaoxiao, then looked at the doctor and said, "Give it to me! I sign!"

"Zhanping..." After hearing Shao Zhanping's words, Xiao Xiao pulled off his shirt nervously, feeling nervous. Once this kind of operation is signed, it means that Sun Xiaoting will never have a child in his lifetime.

Pan Shaomin was in a daze when he heard Shao Zhanping's signature, she was a little awake, opened her eyes and shouted: "No! You can't sign!" After speaking, she stood up and grabbed the doctor's arm. Hysterically said: "No! I don't agree to sign! You must save her! Must you know? Anyone of you who dares to remove her womb will die here!"

The doctor frowned and sighed for a while: "Okay, then we will try our best..." After speaking, he turned and went into the operating room.

Pan Shaomin sat down on the chair, Xiao Xiao worried about her body and walked over nervously to comfort her: "Aunt Ren..."

"Go away for me!" Pan Shaomin stretched out her hand and pushed Xiaoxiao away fiercely. Xiaoxiao fell to the ground unexpectedly, tears of grievance swirling in her eyes, she bit her lip, and she was at a loss. Shao Zhanping frowned and stepped over to help his wife from the ground.

"What is Aunt Ren doing? It's not Xiaoxiao's fault!" Shao Zhanping looked at his stepmother with a cold face, with an unhappy expression on his face.

"At this time, you still said it was not her fault? Xia Xiaoxiao, since the day Zhengfei abandoned you, you have been thinking about how to avenge the two of them, right? Xiaoting can't wait to give birth to this child, if It wasn't her, could it be that Xiaoting fell from the stairs herself?" Pan Shaomin stared at the two people in front of her angrily.

"Did you not hear what the doctor said just now? Sun Xiaoting took the abortion pill! She did it herself!" Shao Zhanping said unceremoniously.

"You're talking nonsense! That's her own child, how could she take abortion pills?" Pan Shaomin didn't believe Shao Zhanping's words at all, and retorted shrillly.

"The doctor is in the operating room. If you don't believe me, when Sun Xiaoting finishes the operation, can you just ask?" Shao Zhan said calmly.

"Even if what you said is true, Xiaoting fell down the stairs and Xia Xiaoxiao couldn't escape her responsibility!" Pan Shaomin became a little unreasonable. She couldn't stop thinking of the long-awaited grandson disappeared. excitement.

"Now that Xiaoting hasn't woke up, we don’t know everything. I know that you love that child, but I also hope that you, as an elder, will not condemn others without speaking. What kind of person is Xiaoxiao, I am better than anyone else. Everyone knows! She will never do things like hurting Sun Xiaoting!" Shao Zhanping watched his stepmother retort every word.

"Okay! This is what you said, so let's wait for Xiaoting to wake up and see what she says?" Pan Shaomin heard Shao Zhanping's words and understood that what he said now was useless, so he stopped talking angrily.

Shao Zhan glanced at her indifferently, and walked towards the end of the corridor with his little wife by the hand. He wanted to ask her what happened. When the two walked to the end of the corridor, Shao Zhanping looked at Xiao Xiao's nervous and uneasy face, looking at her distressedly.

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