"Let go of me, Yuanyuan is here!" Bai Chichi heard Chen Yuan's cry and pushed Situ Qing away in a little panic.

But Situ Qing hugged her even tighter. He said in Bai Chichi's ear: "Wife, didn't you say that the third thing I changed is to stop being obedient to Chen Yuan? You said That's right, I didn't pay attention to how you feel before, I'm sorry!"

"It's not the time to talk about this, let me go!" Bai Chichi heard Chen Yuan's approaching footsteps, feeling a little shy while nervous.

Situ Qing frowned and said, "My wife, you can't do this! If you dare not face Yuanyuan while we are affectionate, what stand do you have to blame me?"

"Qing, you..." Bai Chichi wanted to struggle, but Situ Qing gave him a kiss, then smiled and looked at Chen Yuan who came by.

"Yes, Qin Xuesong has already given money, what's wrong?"

Chen Yuan saw this movement of Situ Qing and saw it very, very clearly, and the hatred in her heart deepened.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just asking." Chen Yuan became even more disgusted when she saw the blush on Bai Chichi's face.

Bai Chichi's heartbeat gradually stabilized, because Situ Qing's big hands firmly supported her waist, which gave her good support and enough courage.

"Qing, let's go in quickly, we will go to the airport tomorrow morning, there are many things to prepare!"

Chen Yuan murmured: "Are you really going there?"

"Yeah, I have said everything with my parents, right, Yuanyuan..." Bai Chichi suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Yuan thought to herself, did you feel a little embarrassed because I saw the scene of making friends with Situ Qing, so you wanted to invite me to go with you?

So Chen Yuan smiled slightly and looked at Bai Chichi, waiting for her next words.

But I never expected that Bai Chichi said to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, we are going to play in the past few days at home and in the company, please take care of you, we will bring you souvenirs!"

These words made Chen Yuan fall backwards and almost fainted.

After doing it for a long time, does she still regard herself as the housekeeper and company security guard? It seems that Situ Qing followed Bai Chichi to learn badly, using Qin Xuesong as a servant!

"Yes, Yuanyuan, what your Sister Chichi said is what I want to tell you. In the company, if you have any doubt, just ask Luo Hui'an. He has rich experience and the solution to the problem is similar to mine. On my behalf." Situ Qing's words did not make Chen Yuan feel any better.

It seemed that Situ Qing was also bewildered by Bai Chichi. His attitude towards him had changed a lot, and Chen Yuan felt too unwilling.

But now there is no other way, because Bai Chi hasn't allowed Chen Yuan to follow them, repeatedly trying to fortify the line.

Chen Yuan felt that if she wanted to change the current situation that was not good for her, she had to let the conflict between Situ Qing and Qin Xuesong expand. Then Bai Chichi would definitely come out to prevent this from happening, and then they could have it again. gap.

The last time Bai Chichi was injured and hospitalized gave Chen Yuan inspiration.

Well, you guys go out and have fun, I will arrange a cute little puzzle at home, so that when you come back, there will be a surprise waiting for you to hold a welcome party!

When Chen Yuan thought of this, she smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"Okay. Sister-in-law Qing, Sister Chi Chi, it's rare for you to hang out with your family. You must have fun! Don't worry about things at home and in the company. Leave it to me. If I don't understand, there are Zhang Ma and Luo. Brother!"

Situ Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, I know you can do it!"

"Yes, Yuanyuan's abilities are obvious to all!" Bai Chichi is also very smart now, she is not stingy in complimenting Chen Yuan at all.

But what's the use of this? Chen Yuan knows that it's the easiest to say good things, anyway, saying good things is neither effort nor brainstorming.

If Bai Chichi had been stubbornly aiming at him, saying bad things about him, Situ Qing would definitely be disgusted, but now he didn't doubt Bai Chichi's kindness to Chen Yuan.

"Don't say that, Sister Chi Chi! Hurry up, you can sometimes get bitten by mosquitoes when you talk here!" Chen Yuan said as she stepped forward, holding Bai Chi Chi's arm and walking towards the house, leaving Situ Qing Lonely followed behind.

There was nothing for a night, and the next day Bai Chichi and Situ Qing took the simplest luggage and drove to the airport in the early morning.

Midsummer was about to pass, and there was a little coolness in the morning and evening. Bai Chichi and Situ Qing saw an early stall on the road, so they stopped to drink two bowls of soy milk.

"I'm here to call Cedar and ask where they are."

Situ Qing nodded: "Okay, by the way, remind mom and dad to bring their ID cards and close the doors and windows."

"Hehe, why are you so grounded now? Qing, you are an overbearing president. Where did you take care of such small family matters before?"

"No way, I used to do whatever I wanted when I was single, but when I married you, I had to go back to the ground from the clouds and do my duty as a husband."

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "In this way, I turned your fairy brother into a trivial uncle?"

"Whatever you say, anyway, I now have to focus on you, our baby, and the rest are clouds." Situ Qing ate the fried dough sticks, Bai Chichi tilted his head and looked at him. I was moved inside.

After calling, Bai Chi urged Situ Qing: "Hurry up, Mom and Dad have already set off, we have to wait for them."

"Don't worry, make sure it's time." Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi into the car.

When passing the security check at the airport, Qin Xuesong repeatedly instructed Bai Chichi and Situ Qing to take care of his father and mother.

Situ Qing didn't say anything. On the surface, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. In fact, he felt very dissatisfied with Qin Xuesong in his heart.

Speaking of it, Bai Chichi has nothing to do with Qin Xuesong at all, so why does Qin Xuesong treat himself like Bai Chichi's relatives again and again, and frequently intervene in their family affairs?

There are no relatives in this world called ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, and Qin Xuesong is too unconscious.

However, Situ Qing restrained it. He just stretched out a hand to Qin Xuesong: "Okay, thank you for sending my parents-in-law over here. Let's set off now!"

"Thank you Cedar, go back soon!" Bai Chichi also smiled and stretched out his hand, but Situ Qing cleverly stopped him back.

The young couple helped their father and mother board the plane together. In order to let them have a comfortable journey, Situ Qing bought first-class tickets specially.

The father and mother Bai felt the caring and warm service, and felt very contented. They took Situ Qing's hand and did not speak, but the slight trembling allowed Situ Qing to understand their feelings.

It's a pity that mom and dad can't see it, otherwise how happy they would be! Bai Chichi thought with regret, she glanced at the white clouds outside the porthole, tears in her eyes.

Situ Qing knew her thoughts and shook her shoulders gently, Bai Chichi put his head on his shoulders, feeling happy.

Soon, the plane stopped at Chengdu Shuangliu Airport.

After walking out of the airport, Father Bai took a deep breath and said, "This place is good, and the air is much fresher!"

"Don't go to Shu, that's what it means!" Situ Qing helped Bai Father and stopped a car with a smile.

Although the father and mother Bai couldn't see it, they were easily integrated into this comfortable and comfortable environment.

The group came to a hotel booked by Situ Qing. It is located on a street near the famous Wuhou Temple in Chengdu. It is very lively, but it is quiet after nightfall and is suitable for elderly people to rest.

Chengdu is very tasty during the day and night. The people here are very hospitable, the food is delicious and the environment is very comfortable.

The white father and mother love Chengdu very much, so they stayed two days longer than the scheduled itinerary, visited the famous Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Wuhou Temple, Jinli, and also visited the giant panda base. The white mother smiled cheerfully while holding the panda. .

Seeing that her parents were happy, Bai Chichi was very happy in her heart. She also went to Wenshu Monastery with Situ Qing to burn incense, and asked the Bodhisattva to bless her baby to be smart and beautiful.

In short, this city that he didn't want to leave when he came, gave Bai Chichi a very good impression and satisfied his father's yearning for the culture of the ancient Shu country.

At the Jinsha site, Sanxingdui, Bai Chichi felt an unprecedented shock under Situ Qing's patient and meticulous explanation.

Sure enough, Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing: "If we have the opportunity in the future, we might as well come to Chengdu to provide for the elderly, Qingcheng Mountain, how great!"

"Okay, wife, as long as you like me, I will stay with you." Situ said refreshingly.

Bai Chichi snuggled against his shoulder and sighed deeply.

"What does this mean?" Situ Qing said nervously to Bai Chichi.

"This is happiness for me. People who are happy to a certain extent will sigh, you know?" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing shook his head: "This is the first time I heard such a statement! Wife, after returning from Jiuzhaigou, we should leave. If you like this place, we will come again after the baby is born!"

"Okay, then you can help raise a red panda. It is best to be born on the same month and the same day as our baby, even if it is the best gift for the baby!" Bai Chichi thinks this is very meaningful and very meaningful. Love.

"Of course it's good, I also like small animals! You are a small thing that wins my heart!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's sideburns.

As the sun sets, the water of the Funan River is shining with sparkling waves. Bai Chichi and Situ Qing are rare and relaxed. They took their parents to Tianfu Square to say goodbye to Chengdu, and flew to Jiuzhaigou the next day.

The water in Jiuzhaigou is as charming as a fairyland when it comes to autumn. When Father and Mother White touched it lightly with their fingers, they were already moved to tears.

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