"Chichi, have fun going out this time?" Qin Xuesong and Bai Chichi were sitting in the yard drinking tea, and they talked for a while.

Bai Chichi nodded: "I'm very happy, you know my parents, they all like Sichuan, they think the scenery is good, and the people are hospitable."

"Have you seen the earthquake site?" Qin Xuesong soaked Bai Chichi a pot of fragrant rose tea, which nourishes the face and nourishes the baby, and also has a soothing effect on the baby.

"I didn't go, I think it's too solemn, I can't bear that feeling." Bai Chichi always wanted to pay his respects, but he didn't have the courage.

Qin Xuesong said: "Yes, I've been there once before, and I feel very uncomfortable. The stalled clock tower makes people feel uncomfortable, and there is always a dull feeling in my heart."

"I especially don't want to see the children's schoolbags. For a person who is about to become a mother, the pain is really unavoidable." Bai Chichi sighed gently.

"Okay, okay, I'm all to blame. What did you do with this? I was very happy." Qin Xuesong took a sip of tea and heard Father Bai pulling the erhu in the backyard. The melodious tunes showed that he was in a good mood. The sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen makes people feel at ease at home.

Bai Chichi suddenly thought of a question. She asked Qin Xuesong: "Will the survivors of the earthquake have the files of the civil affairs department?"

"There should be, otherwise how to count the casualties?"

"I don't know what Chen Yuan and the others are like. I haven't seen Chen Yuan worshiping her parents. I just heard clearly that everyone in their family was killed." Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan had been there since she came to Situ's house. I haven't been back, I don't know if I am afraid of being hurt by the scene.

"Or people don't want to bring up this matter, it is an unforgettable pain." Qin Xuesong could understand.

"Chen Yuan really doesn't like to mention it, I don't know how it feels, but if it is I would still like to take out the photos of my relatives." Bai Chichi sighed.

Qin Xuesong looked at her: "When that kind of chaos, there may be no way to find pictures of family members. It is in ruins. Where can I find them?"

"You didn't mean that the civil affairs department has files. It should still be okay to find a passport photo, right?" Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan's heart was a little hard.

Since pregnancy, Bai Chichi's heart is sometimes very fragile, always thinking of his parents and relatives, and also a little easy to be sentimental.

It's not that I want to help Chen Yuan, but that she is a little unkind.

"You can ask her, if there is such a need, I can help her." Qin Xuesong thought it was not difficult.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "Forget it, if she wants to forget this at all, doesn't it make her feel uncomfortable for me to mention it?"

"In short, in front of nature, human beings are really small. When the earth shakes and the mountains are shaken during an earthquake, people are as powerless as ants and can only be resigned to their fate!" Qin Xuesong has also experienced natural disasters and knows human helplessness. .

"Yes, I just feel that way, so I dare not go to the site of the Wenchuan earthquake. It's terrible." Bai Chi shivered nervously.

"So, after Chen Yuan has such an experience, her psychological defenses will become very strong, and you can't take it lightly." Qin Xuesong added some water to Bai Chichi.

Bai Chichi looked at him in surprise and said, "Are you still suspicious of Chen Yuan?"

"It's not that I suspect, it's you. From what you said just now, I can tell you are still very worried about her, right?"

"Am I?"

"Yes, otherwise I won't tell you like this. Chichi, you don't have the painful experience of Chen Yuan, so your heart is softer than her." Qin Xuesong analyzed well, he knew that Bai Chichi is now It's not the same as before.

From those conversations in the hospital, Qin Xuesong also knew that Bai Chichi was scrupulous about Chen Yuan, but later saw that Chen Yuan was also injured, and Situ Qing also realized his negligence, so Bai Chichi only pressed Not express.

Today, Bai Chichi also thought of Chen Yuan's abnormal place from his travels in Sichuan. It shows that she has always had scruples in her heart.

"Hehe, Cedar, you really think for me! Yes, I am much better than before!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

"I know that you defeated Chen Yuan at the cocktail party. I can see that, and you will think carefully!" Qin Xuesong looked at Bai Chichi with his arms in admiration.

Bai Chichi frowned, "How did you know?"

"How big is this city? Many of the people attending the reception of Situ Group are my friends. They are full of praise for President Situ's wife, and I am very proud of it!" Qin Xuesong said frankly.

"So you have a lot of eyeliner! Then I have to pay attention to what I will do in the future, otherwise I will always be under your supervision!" Bai Chichi joked.

The two talked very happily, and Bai Chichi took out his mobile phone and flipped through the photos to show Qin Xuesong the beautiful scenery and people.

"Look at this house. I have estimated it for you. It is worth buying and investing!" Bai Chichi pointed to a photo of an ancient house in western Sichuan and showed Qin Xuesong.

Qin Xuesong didn't know that Bai Chichi remembered him when he was still traveling, and the houses he photographed were also very distinctive. He was still a little moved.

"Is this taken for me?"

"Yes, I think you are in this business now, so I just paid attention to it to see if there is a suitable good house." Bai Chichi said to Qin Xuesong very seriously.

"Thank you, Slow!" Qin Xuesong was very warm.

Now that Situ Qing and Bai Chichi have a very good relationship, Qin Xuesong would not expect Bai Chichi to have any concern for him. As long as she can think about it, he will be very happy.

Bai Chichi smiled mischievously and said: "Don't thank me, if you really do business in these houses, just give me a commission!"

"There is no problem at all! Do you have an address?" Qin Xuesong wished to make the sale immediately, so that Bai Chichi would be rewarded justifiably.

At any time, although money and material are not omnipotent, they are even covered with a tacky coat, but no one can deny it. Sometimes, money is easy to do. Everywhere in life needs material supplies, otherwise There will not be so many non-governmental organizations collecting donations everywhere.

When the spirit is satisfied, material is also a way to express love.

"Yes, I wrote down every place, and I talked a few words with fellow villagers, and marked those with intention or no intention. You wait, I'll get it for you!" Bai Chi said as he said. Stand up and get your bag.

Qin Xuesong hurriedly held her hand and let her sit down: "How can I let you go? Situ Qing didn't say very clearly yesterday. If you hand you over to me today, I will be fully responsible for you!"

"Unexpectedly, you are quite trustworthy! Wife, how are you doing this morning, did your baby kick you?" At this time, Situ Qing's voice came from the courtyard gate.

Qin Xuesong looked back at him: "It came on time, how do you know that the rice is about to be cooked?"

"Qing, you have been busy all morning, come here and sit and have a cup of tea!" Bai Chi smiled while watching Situ Qing beckoning.

"It's really good to know each other, but you really feel sorry for him!" Qin Xuesong shook his head.

Situ Qing strode to Bai Chichi's side, leaned over and kissed her, raised her head and said to Qin Xuesong, "Why, you are not convinced?"

"Serve, but it's not that you're taking it, it's that it's too late! No way, she is really fond of you, and she has been talking about your trip to Sichuan all morning." Qin Xuesong helped Situ Qing pour a cup of tea and handed it to him.

Situ Qing was not polite, took a sip, then smiled and said to Bai Chichi, "Wife, what have you said?"

"A lot, we also talked about the Wenchuan earthquake. When you went to Chen Yuan's hometown for disaster relief, you must have experienced that hellish scene. I didn't even dare to think about it." Bai Chichi thinks it is better to wait for the baby to grow up. Go to the sad place when you are older.

A man like Situ Qing will feel heavy when he hears the topic of an earthquake. He nodded: "It's right not to take you there, otherwise you will not be able to stand it."

Qin Xuesong looked at Situ Qing: "By the way, I heard that you brought Chen Yuan back from the disaster area. Did her parents and brothers find the remains?"

"Because Chen Yuan didn't want to mention it, so she didn't follow up." Situ Qing shook his head.

"Don't she want to know?" Bai Chichi found it strange, a bit contrary to the feelings of normal people.

Situ Qing frowned and said, "How do you ask this? The trauma in my heart is too serious, and it's a place that I can't bear to touch."

"That's true, let's not talk about it, Qing, do you tell Xuesong about the western Sichuan houses, are there business opportunities?" Bai Chichi took the initiative to change the subject, unwilling to bring bad memories to Situ Qing. After all, he almost lost his life in that disaster.

Qin Xuesong smiled and said: "You are starting from the perspective of a businessman, and you are starting from the aesthetics. The sum of your two words should still have weight."

"In Shangyanshang, these materials are not provided to you for nothing." Situ Qing took a sip of tea and looked at Qin Xuesong with a smile.

Bai Chichi shook his hand: "Qing, don't be so realistic!"

"Wife, you go to the kitchen to help me get something to eat, I am so hungry!" Situ Qingzhi left in vain.

"You are really upright and forthright. She just told me that she will raise a commission in the future. Seeing your posture, does she want to cooperate with me?" Qin Xuesong knows that Situ Qing is very good in business. Not bad.

But Situ Qing shook his head and said, "It's not cooperation with you, I provide information, you go to negotiate, and then I give you a commission."

"Very good at planning! Are you trying to use my professional skills?" Qin Xuesong is also very smart, knowing what Situ Qing meant.

Situ Qing nodded: "That's right, if you are willing, I can give you the highest commission in the market."

Qin Xuesong looked at him and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Situ Qing asked.

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