"Qing, did Cedar really go to Sichuan?" Bai Chichi received a text message from Qin Xuesong the next day, saying that he had already got off the plane.

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to have such an ability to act now. He left as soon as he said, very decisive." Situ Qing's affirmation to Qin Xuesong made Bai Chichi very happy.

"Look, I said he has changed now, and he is no longer the way he used to be procrastinated and passing by. It is really comforting!" Bai Chichi put his hands on his chest.

Situ Qing teased: "You seem to be redeeming the Virgin of Qin Xuesong's soul, wife, you and him are just friends!"

"Just because I am a friend, I am happy for his change. Qing, what percentage of commission do you plan to give him?"

Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi: "What is your ideal price?"

"I don't know, I don't know how to do business." Bai Chichi shook his head honestly, thinking that Situ Qing was asking the wrong person this time.

"Well, if you have no objections, I will give him more than the market ratio, 20% higher!" Situ Qing found Bai Chichi's naive look very interesting.

Bai Chichi still shook his head and said, "I still don't understand, but it sounds good from your tone."

"It is indeed very good. Those houses are also very interesting, maybe I will develop in this direction in the future." Situ Qing is very pioneering, and some of the projects he fancy also have great market potential.

For example, the acquisition of this old building is also a good thing for the country and the people. It can maintain the folk customs of a place, and it has historical value.

Situ Qing felt that such an approach on the one hand satisfies people with such hobbies, on the other hand, it can also protect cultural relics, which is very beneficial.

"Really? Then can't we cooperate with Cedar? He is also quite talented, he has been in the industry for so many years, so he should be an individual talent." Bai Chichi said with joy.

Situ Qing nodded: "This is the theory, but I don't know if he is willing to condescend."

"I will definitely agree. The strong team will be more competitive in the market!" Bai Chichi took Situ Qing's hand and squeezed vigorously.

"Let's talk about it when he finishes the matter on his hand! Now, I have to go to work, and my wife, you are at home to raise the baby." Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's cheek.

Bai Chi chi smiled and sent Situ Qing downstairs, Chen Yuan had been waiting for a long time.

After watching them drive away, Bai Chichi returned to the bedroom and started tossing his female celebrities.

"Who invented the production of this sweater? It's too complicated. I can't do it!" Bai Chichi poked it with two bamboo sticks. It took a long time to hit a few crooked lines, which looked unattractive. It is not practical, because the hole between the line and the line is surprisingly large.

This is how to do? Bai Chichi originally planned to wear a scarf to Situ Qing as a gift for the Mid-Autumn Festival, giving him an unexpected surprise, but now it seems that it is indeed a long way to go.

After being patient and tinkering for a long time, Bai slowly stopped the movement of his hands in frustration, looked at the scarf that he didn't know, and became discouraged.

"Forget it, I'll go to ask Madam Zhang to see if there is a quick way!" Bai Chichi was helpless and was about to move rescue soldiers.

This time Bai Chichi is very sincere to celebrate with Situ Qing, because this is the first Mid-Autumn Festival after marriage. She hopes that on such a good day that symbolizes reunion, she can give her beloved a handmade piece. gift.

No matter how expensive and delicate the scarves bought outside are, they are still inferior to the one-of-a-kind Bai Chi Chi made with sweat and love.

Helplessly, Bai Chichi's talent in this area is really limited. After learning for a period of time, he can still only play the simplest row of needles.

It seems that apart from studying medicine, there are really very few places where he can be praised. Fortunately, Bai Chichi is a strong Xiaoqiang who has failed repeatedly and never gets discouraged.

The temporary disappointment quickly disappeared. Bai Chichi packed the ball of yarn and bamboo sticks into a bag and went downstairs to find Zhang Ma.

After Zhang Ma's patient teaching, Bai Chichi was finally able to slowly lay the thread more densely and beautifully, and she was very proud of it.

"Chi Chi, is this the scarf for Qing Da?" Zhang Ma asked with a smile watching Bai Chi Chi sitting on the bamboo chair and poking the wool awkwardly.

"Yeah, otherwise I don't have to bother like this! I used to watch Mom Zhang when you played sweaters quickly and skillfully, and soon you would have a large area, but it was so difficult in my turn, and I was so worried!" Bai He frowned and said.

Madam Zhang said to her while choosing dishes, "My practice makes perfect. When I first learned, it was much slower than you. You are learning fast enough and good enough!"

"Really? Mom Zhang is saying good things to encourage me, right?" Although Bai Chichi was very happy in his heart, he was also very self-aware.

"How come, I'm not the kind of person to be obedient! You have learned really well after a while!" Zhang Ma stood up and went to the sink to clean and choose clean dishes.

Bai Chichi lifted up her work, and it turned out to be much more attractive after Zhang's guidance. She nodded in satisfaction, turned her neck, and decided to take a break.

After sorting out the **** of wool, Bai Chi Chi walked to Zhang Ma to help her put the washed vegetables into the draining bamboo basket.

"Mother Zhang, I'm very stupid with my skills. My mother's health is not good and her eyes are invisible, so the sweaters I used when I was young were called by the aunt next door." Bai Chichi chatted with Zhang Ma.

"I know, but your child is very competitive, good grades and sensible, and I would be very pleased if I were your mother!" Zhang's mother smiled lovingly at Bai Chi.

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "Although I want to be able to do a little bit, I really don't have any talent. I'm not clever at all when I start housework, and I always give my mother a disservice!"

"It's okay, diligence can make up for it!" Zhang Ma liked Bai Chichi very much, loving her just as loving Situ Qing.

Bai Chichi dried the water on his hands and took a big red tomato to eat.

"Chichi, Chen Yuan also asked me about you learn to wear sweaters." Zhang Ma suddenly said a word, which surprised Bai Chichi.

"What did she ask?"

"Chen Yuan asked me if you were following me to learn how to make wool, and also asked what you plan to make and what kind of thread you are buying." Zhang Ma said while busy washing rice.

"Why is she asking about this?" Bai Chichi snored while eating tomatoes, but he didn't really care.

Madam Zhang smiled and said to her: "Chi Chi, I think Chen Yuan is watching you play for fun, she wants to learn too?"

"I don't know. What did you tell her, Madam Zhang?" Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan always had to compare herself with herself. She would definitely want to win a game before she was reconciled.

Madam Zhang was very playful and said: "Why would I reveal your secret? I told her, you learned to knit the baby with me, to make small clothes for the baby. As for the thread, my old eyes are dim and my memory is poor. I don't remember much."

"Hehe, Zhang Ma, you are really cute!" Bai Chichi was happy.

"Chen Yuan must be trying to compare with you. She will call whatever you call, and she will buy whatever line you buy!" Zhang's mother has a lot of experience, and it's not that she can't see Chen Yuan's thoughts.

Although the family knew that Situ Qing would not do anything to be sorry for Bai Chichi, it was obvious that Chen Yuan wanted to show his favor.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Zhang Ma automatically joined Bai Chichi's team. She hoped that the family would be peaceful and harmonious, and no more accidents would happen.

"It doesn't have to be to compare with me. People have this kind of psychology. They think that what they have done can be used for reference. Chen Yuan may think so too." Bai Chichi has never made Chen Yuan public. Secret.

She sometimes felt that as long as Chen Yuan stopped automatically, it would be regarded as nothing happened.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that this is just my own wishful thinking.

Aside from other things, Chen Yuan has to secretly go to get news on this matter of knitting. Her fighting spirit seems to be getting better and better.

Bai Chichi felt that it didn't matter. The gift to Situ Qing was just his own mind, and it was not really better than anyone else's.

Situ Qing's fancy is definitely not the workmanship and material, he should care more about who gave it to him.

"Chen Yuan has a lot of thoughts, Chichi talk to her when you are okay, let her rest, don't think too broadly." Zhang Ma reminded Bai Chichi.

"Didn't she lose her relatives in the earthquake? Sometimes she is vulnerable, Zhang Ma, thank you, I know what you mean." Bai Chichi said to Zhang Ma with a smile.

Madam Zhang sighed: "Tingting was also an idea child in this family before. What happened? So I thought, it's better not to happen again. How many tossings can this family withstand? "

"Yes, we will pay attention." Bai Chichi felt very warm in his heart. No matter what Chen Yuan did, he was always the one who stood up.

Zhang Ma looked at Bai Chichi and took her hand and said, "The little young master is about to be born, and our Situ family will add a lot of good food to this Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank you Bodhisattva for blessing!"

"Okay!" Bai Chichi knew that Zhang's mother was very good to Situ's family, and treated this place as his own home.

It is a pity that Xiao Zi and Situ are far from home this year, which is no small regret.

But Bai Chichi also believes that by this time next year, the family will definitely be more lively! Maybe Xiao Zi's baby was born at that time.

"I steamed a good fish for you at noon, and made the fried shredded pork with chives, which you like to eat. You will eat more!" Zhang Ma looked at Bai Chichi's stomach, her face blooming sincerely. Smile of joy.

For the baby and for Xiao Zi, Bai Chichi felt that he should eat well like a soldier, so that he would have enough physical strength to face all the unknown difficulties.

Whether it is Chen Yuan or others, as long as you want to destroy your family and future happiness, you must not tolerate it. You must be fully prepared to meet the challenge!

Touching his stomach, Bai Chichi felt that the baby had given him an optimistic attitude and infinite strength.

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