Chen Yuan was swaying on the dance floor with a bottle of beer. She wanted to release herself and put aside the recent boredom and frustration.

The lights of the bar flickered, and the mask on Chen Yuan's face exuded a cold light. She was wearing the clothes she bought with Bai Chichi and Situ Qing last time. Her bare arms and legs were beautiful and clean. She stepped on a pair of high heels. Proud footsteps.

When leaving get off work in the afternoon, Chen Yuan made a special trip to Situ Qing, trying to pack his briefcase or something.

"Yuanyuan, you don't have to wait for me, I have to pick it up late today." Situ Qing stood up from behind the desk.

Chen Yuan was shocked and said with a smile: "I know, you sent Sister Chi Chi to Uncle Bai and the others in the morning. This will let me pick Sister Chi Chi with you!"

"I'll go back after having dinner at my parents-in-law's house. You don't need to go with me. Go home first." Situ Qing walked to Chen Yuan's side and reached for his briefcase.

Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and said reluctantly: "Brother-in-law Qing, you always avoid me now. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Yuanyuan, you think too much." Situ Qing thought of revealing Qin Xuesong's true face during dinner at night. If Chen Yuan had gone, Bai Chichi would definitely be even more unhappy, thinking that he had lost Qin Xuesong's face.

In this case, why bother Bai hesitated, and Chen Yuan was also embarrassed, so she should be asked to avoid it.

But Chen Yuan didn’t know all of this. There was a layer of mist in her eyes. She looked at Situ Qing and said aggrieved: “You didn’t want the radiation protection suit I sent yesterday, and I didn’t say anything. You went out together early this morning. Don’t take me, and now you want me to go home alone, you must have something to hide from me."

"No, it's just going to have a meal." Situ Qing gently patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, turned around and went back to the computer.

Standing in Situ Qing’s office, Chen Yuan looked at him working at the desk, bit her lip and walked over to him and said: "Brother-in-law Qing, you have been a little cold towards me all this time. I think you are doing this for Let Sister Chi Chi feel at ease, right?"

"Yuanyuan, you are my assistant. You also know that I have been a little busy lately. There are a lot of things. I didn't deliberately ignore you." Situ Qing did not look up.

Chen Yuan frowned: "But as your assistant, you haven't told me anything about your work lately. This makes me feel that I am just a decoration now, and your real assistant is Luo Hui'an!"

"What are you talking about? If you are not happy about the job assigned to you, tell Luo Hui'an and let him adjust it for you." Situ Qing said.

"Brother-in-law Qing, you avoid me in your life and take me up at work. What's the point of me being by your side like this?" Chen Yuan said angrily.

Situ Qing looked up at her and smiled: "Yuanyuan, you are too serious. After these few days, I will personally reschedule for you."

"Really you just ignore me because you are too busy?" Chen Yuan looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you mean? Yuanyuan, I thought you were a very sensible girl, and you shouldn't have so many little suspicions!" Situ Qing was a little annoyed at first, but now Chen Yuan also ran to make trouble.

For a long time, Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan was the least worrying person. She was smart and considerate, was serious about people and things, and never used emotions.

But now, she would be emotional because she didn't drive her to get off work together, which made Situ Qing a little disappointed.

"Brother Qing, I don't want to be suspicious, but in fact, I, alas, forget it." Chen Yuan's expression was very lonely, and Situ Qing looked a little unbearable.

"Yuanyuan, you go home first. Sister Chi Chi and I will be back soon."

Chen Yuan nodded: "Good sister-in-law Qing."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan turned and walked outside. Her back looked very thin. Situ Qing felt that she was really unkind to her recently, but there was no way. She had to make her understand a little bit. Delays cannot be separated.

I have to wrong you, Yuanyuan. Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan in his heart.

After leaving Situ Qing's office, Chen Yuan came to a coffee shop. She needed to sort out her thoughts and see how Situ Qing could restore her care and love.

Qin Xuesong didn't know what the specific situation was, and it wouldn't be great to rely on him to stimulate Bai Chichi.

Chen Yuan always felt that it was better to ask for herself than to ask for help. Instead of relying on Qin Xuesong, she might as well take the initiative. Of course, the target of the attack was Situ Qing.

If the contradiction between Qin Xuesong and Situ Qing made Bai Chichi feel dissatisfied, then he would deliberately approach Situ Qing again. Isn't this just adding fuel to the fire?

Yes, we must find a way to arouse Situ Qing's pity or guilt, so that he will no longer look like a thousand miles away.

Chen Yuan also knows Situ Qing very well, knowing that there is actually a soft heart beneath his heroic appearance.

As long as you pretend to be pitiful, it's best to be miserable, so Situ Qing will definitely feel sorry in her heart.

After making up her mind, Chen Yuan slowly enjoyed the fragrant cup of cappuccino, eating matcha cake, and she was in a good mood.

After a while, the mood should change. Now, before the time is up, I will come to the afternoon tea to cheer myself up.

After returning home, Chen Yuan deliberately went to the kitchen to greet Zhang Ma, her expression looked very unhappy.

"Mother Zhang, neither Sister-in-law Qing nor Sister Chi Chi will come back for dinner tonight. You can simply make something that you and Uncle Situ like to eat."

Madam Zhang looked at her in surprise and said, "What about you, don't you need to cook your favorite dishes?"

"Oh, I don't eat at home either."

Mom Zhang stopped her work and looked at Chen Yuan and said, "Where are you going?"

"I go out for a while."

"Have an appointment?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly and said, "No."

"Since there is no appointment, what are you doing out, how good it is to eat at home!" Zhang Ma felt even more strange.

Chen Yuan lowered her head: "I just want to go for a walk."

Seeing her appearance, Zhang's mother was a little worried and said, "What's wrong, did something happen?"

"No." Chen Yuan said as her eyes were red, the more she said that, the more puzzled Zhang Ma was.

"Yuanyuan, tell Mom Zhang if you have anything to do, and I will help you!"

Chen Yuan smiled and shook her head: "It's really okay. I'm just in a bad mood and depressed. I want to go out and get some breath."

"Why are you in a bad mood? Yuanyuan, if you have any questions, please don't hold it in your heart. You also know how Qinghe Chichi treats you. They won't just sit idly by." Zhang's mother was very kind and saw Chen. Yuan was not happy, so she was kindly comforted.

After hearing Situ Qing's name, Chen Yuan's expression became even more ugly: "Sister-in-law Qing and Sister Chi Chi are very good to me. I was just staying here, so I shouldn't have any wrong demands."

"This kid, what's the matter with you? If you don't tell the truth, how can I let you go out by yourself? Qing came back and asked, what should I say?" Zhang's mother stood up anxiously.

"He won't ask. Even if you want to ask, you just say that I'm out." Chen Yuan helped Zhang Ma to pick up rice, but she only grabbed a small handful, enough for two people.

"Mother Zhang, I'm going out now." Chen Yuan took off her apron, her sorrowful look that made her feel uncomfortable after seeing it.

Madam Zhang looked at her and said helplessly: "If you refuse to say where to go, how should I tell Qinghe Chichi?"

"I just go out and take a walk, don't worry, I'll be back in a while." Chen Yuan hugged Zhang Ma by the arm. This behavior seemed abnormal to Zhang Ma.

The more this happened, the more disturbing people were. Zhang Ma chased Chen Yuan for a few steps, but she hurried back to the room, took her bag and went out.

Chen Yuan packed the nightclub clothes in her bag, and then went to a steak restaurant for a very comfortable dinner before arriving at a big disco.

This is when the nightlife of the city begins, with feasting, a scene of singing and dancing.

Chen Yuan was still wearing her professional suit with light make-up, and she walked up to the disco gate very punishingly.

"Oh, is the theme of tonight uniform temptation?" A man next to Chen Yuan whistling, still whispering, discussing her figure and appearance.

Chen Yuan didn't mind, she raised her head and walked in generously.

"This lady, how many people do you want?" A handsome foreman walked over and looked at Chen Yuan.

"One." Chen Yuan said coldly.

The foreman stretched out his hand to her: "Please here. Our beauty bar is very suitable for urban white-collar workers like you!"

"No, this is just the clothes I wear when I go to work. Where is your bathroom?" Chen Yuan smiled.

The foreman glanced at her and showed a knowing smile: "It turns out that this is the case, then please come with me!"

Chen Yuan went to the bathroom to change the nightclub clothes, and then put on a beautiful and mysterious smoky makeup.

When she walked out, the whole person's temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes, and the eyes of the foreman waiting outside became straight.

"Wow, beauty, you, you are simply Cleopatra's standards!"

"Don't be mean, take me to the bar, I want to have a good drink!" Chen Yuan's tone also changed with the change of makeup.

"A superb beauty like you, some people are rushing to pay for how much you drink!" The foreman said exaggeratedly.

He works on such occasions all day, and of course knows that the attractiveness of a beautiful woman to male customers is an indicator of his drink sales tonight.

The one in front of me can definitely help me improve her performance, because she looks very glamorous and such a woman is the most popular in nightclubs.

"Let's go." Chen Yuan smiled slightly, she felt that it was time for herself to enjoy being held in the moon by the stars.

Today, Chen Yuan's intention was to make Situ Qing regret, but she also knew that before the time was right, she could relax.

The foreman graciously led Chen Yuan to the most eye-catching position of the bar light. After she sat on the tall bar stool, her beautiful legs looked extraordinarily slender.

"Entertain this beauty!" the foreman said to the bartender.

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