Chen Yuan was still not reconciled. She wanted to make the last effort to kiss Situ Qing, but at this moment, Situ Qing shouted loudly: "Mother Zhang, Yuanyuan is back, please make her a bowl of sober soup. Right!"

Zhang Ma came out of the room, put on a coat, squinted her eyes and said, "Yuanyuan is back? I know you are drunk. I have already prepared it for you and put it in a thermos!"

"Then give her a drink, she seems to be a little unsteady." Situ Qing took the opportunity to settle Chen Yuan on the sofa, and then followed Zhang Ma to the kitchen.

Zhang Ma’s hangover soup put a lot of tomato sauce and small yellow flowers, Chen Yuan took a sip, really reminding the brain, wanting to pretend to be drunk and feel a little embarrassed.

Situ Qing helped Chen Yuan and led her upstairs, opened the door and light of the room, and gently put her on the bed.

"Yuanyuan, go to sleep, you won't remember anything when you wake up." Situ Qing knew what it would be like to get drunk.

Now what Chen Yuan has said and done will be like a cloud of smoke, floating away from her mind, leaving nothing behind.

Of course, apart from headaches, that is the only consequence after a hangover.

Silly girl, after this night, you will know that borrowing to buy drunk is not fun, and it will not have any positive effect on your life.

It is better to take a good rest. When you are awake, you will slowly figure it out.

"Sister-in-law Qing, where are you going?" Chen Yuan was lying on the bed, tears streaming slowly, watching Situ Qing say weakly.

Situ Qing smiled: "Where else can I go, I'll go back to the room and stay with him."

"It seems that you still love Sister Chi Chi the most!" Chen Yuan said sadly.

"It's not the favorite, it's only love. Yuanyuan, don't think so much, go to bed!" Situ Qing finished speaking, closed the door and left.

Hearing his footsteps heading in Bai Chichi's direction, Chen Yuan suddenly got up from the bed.

She walked to the door and listened quietly.

Situ Qing stopped, and Situ Qing opened the door, but it was wrong. He didn't seem to open the door, but pushed hard.

"Late, open the door!" Although her voice was very small, Chen Yuan could hear clearly.

It seems that Bai Chichi shut Situ Qing outside. This is because he went to the disco to find himself, right?

Chen Yuan hadn't noticed that Bai Chichi was looking at Situ Qing and herself on the stairs just now, otherwise she would definitely hold Situ Qing and kiss him forcibly.

However, Bai Chichi would not allow Situ Qing to return to the room now, that was enough, anyway, as long as they quarrel, Chen Yuan would feel very happy.

Secretly opening the door a little bit, Chen Yuan really saw Situ Qing standing at the door of the room and whispering: "Chi Chi, don't do this!"

But no matter what Situ Qing said, Bai Chichi didn't open the door, and the two of them were so stalemate.

Chen Yuan was very happy. She felt that today's move was considered a success. Although it did not impress Situ Qing, it at least proved that he cares about himself and can offend him for nothing, which is not bad.

Now see if Situ Qing can knock on Bai Chichi's door, if she opens, they will definitely reconcile tonight, and Chen Yuan has seen more of this situation.

But if Bai Chi is persistent and insistent, that would be great, which means that there is another crack between them.

After waiting for a while, Chen Yuan saw Situ Qing hovering at the door a little angrily, then he shook his hand and went downstairs.

Very good, very good, Bai Chichi, you did a good job! Chen Yuan cheered in her heart, then she ran to the bay window and hid behind the curtain to see Situ Qing hurriedly across the yard and onto the street.

Where did he go? Chen Yuan guessed that she should have gone to the car, because she wanted him to go home with her back, so the car was still on the street.

Sure enough, there was the ticking sound of the car unlocking from a distance. Chen Yuan nodded and laughed in satisfaction, then walked to the bathroom and took a comfortable shower.

That's great, is Bai Chichi crying in the room now? Regardless of her, I am in a good mood anyway!

Chen Yuan took out a cigarette, sat on the bay window and smoked it comfortably. Looking at the dim night outside the window, she felt that the scene was not played in vain.

As Chen Yuan guessed, Situ Qing went straight to the car. When he knocked on the door just now, he thought that Bai Chichi would open the door, and then angrily accused himself and Chen Yuan.

If that's the case, then I can tell her what it feels like to watch the one I love with other people, and then tell her that I and Chen Yuan didn't do anything to apologize to her at all.

Or in this way, Bai Chichi would not be angry again, and he would also understand why he was so angry at what Qin Xuesong did. The two would reconcile because the misunderstanding was eliminated, and hug and sleep.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chichi actually chose a policy of passive resistance. She would not open the door at all and would not give Situ Qing a chance to refute her.

It was late at night, and Situ Qing couldn't just smash the bedroom door with Bai Chichi in a grudge. He couldn't disturb the rest of the family, especially his father.

So there was no alternative, Situ Qing could only choose to be patient for the time being, and let Bai Chichi calm down and think about what happened today.

However, regardless of whether Bai Chichi was calm or not, Situ Qing himself was really upset. He pulled the car door and sat in, smoking a cigarette, still feeling very depressed.

Shouldn't Bai Chichi be misunderstood on purpose just now? She must be very sad, will she cry, will she disturb the baby in her stomach?

Situ Qing didn't let himself regret it, his personality did not allow him to be indecisive, and he would just do what he did, and bravely bear the consequences.

Since it was Bai Chichi who deliberately protected Qin Xuesong first, pretending that he had an ambiguous relationship with Chen Yuan was just a small punishment for her.

Despite thinking this way, Situ Qing couldn't help but worry that Qi Bai Chi would be late. He looked at the direction of his home from a distance and knew where his bedroom window was. It was still dark, and Bai Chi Chi did not turn on the light. .

Situ Qing's heart was full of depression. He knew that Bai Chichi closed the bedroom door and seemed to have caused it by herself, but after all, it was because of her own reasons.

After thinking about it, Situ Qing felt very upset, and the air in the car was not good, so he simply kicked the accelerator and drove the car to the food street where Bai Chichi had taken him.

Sitting on the bay window, Chen Yuan watched Situ Qing's car speeding by downstairs. She was a little surprised, where would he go?

Look at the time, it's almost two o'clock midnight, will Situ Qing lose control of his emotions? Chen Yuan shook her head, telling herself not to be superfluous.

Originally, Situ Qing thought he was drunk. If he called him and cared about him or ran to look for him at this time, wouldn't it be here that there is no silver and three hundred taels?

Forget it, it's the most realistic thing to wash and sleep. It's the best thing to leave them upset!

Chen Yuan peeked at Bai Chichi's window secretly. She didn't see the light. Didn't she hear Situ Qing's car driving by?

But how did Chen Yuan know that Bai Chichi was like her now, standing quietly behind the curtains and looking at the empty street.

It's just that Chen Yuan was very relaxed, but Bai Chichi was very heavy.

After sorting out what happened today, Bai Chichi still couldn't let go. Even if he defended Qin Xuesong, Situ Qing did such a thing too much.

Because Qin Xuesong grew up with him, it is difficult to let go of that kind of affection, and it is normal to have some doubts about his suspicion. It is an instinct, the same instinct to treat relatives.

But Situ Qing, he knows Chen Yuan's intentions for him, but he is intimacy with her. Doesn't this make Chen Yuan even more illusory?

If he didn't feel for Chen Yuan, but kissed her, what would Chen Yuan think? Or he had feelings for Chen Yuan and couldn't help kissing her, what should he think?

Bai Chichi felt that Situ Qing was too **** at this point, so she simply couldn't accept such a selfish and rogue Situ Qing.

The two knew each other very well, so Bai Chichi also guessed that Situ Qing might be deliberately **** him off, so he must have a set of rhetoric next.

Can't give him a chance to make him plausible, this is the reason why Bai Chichi closed the door and put everything out of the door!

But doing it this way does not mean that he was really willing in his heart. Hearing Situ Qing's knock on the door, Bai Chi was very uncomfortable.

But she stubbornly refused to let herself open the door, leaning on the bedside and listening to Situ Qing's voice silently, motionless.

Later, Situ Qing left, Situ Qing went to the car, Situ Qing drove away, and Bai Chichi knew it all.

So what? Do you take the initiative to seek peace with him, and take the initiative to call him? Bai Chichi felt that he couldn't do it.

Right and wrong are so obvious, why do you want to be the one with your head down?

If you want to kiss Chen Yuan, then you can kiss. Wherever you want to drive, then you go! I am blind!

Bai Chichi knew that Situ Qing was not an impulsive person, and that he would be fine, but he was not happy, so he went to blow the air.

Trying to make herself not worry, Bai Chi late poured a glass of milk and drank it, but couldn't sleep while lying in bed.

She overestimated herself too much and thought she could really feel relieved, but how could it be possible? For a man that he loved so deeply, where he drove in the middle of the night, whether he would speed, whether he would fight with others, were all things that Bai Chichi worried about.

Bai Chichi turned to and fro, the baby in his stomach also became anxious, kicking her for a while, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

Situ Qing, you are so disgusting that we both feel restless! If you want to pick Chen Yuan, go pick it up. Why do you want to kiss her and be seen by me?

Bai Chi couldn't figure it out, but her personality wouldn't make her compromise easily. Even if she was worried and irritable, don't take the initiative to call the man who made the mistake.

Be patient, there will be times when my eyes cannot be opened, and I will not believe that I can't sleep when I'm too sleepy! Bai Chichi hypnotized himself like this.

But what she didn't expect was that when the sky outside the window lit up, she still couldn't fall asleep, and could only watch the morning sun gradually rise.

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