Chen Yuan put down the book in her hand, walked to Bai Chichi and sat down, looked at her and said, "Sister Chi Chi, you are so happy. This soy milk and buns are definitely delicious. It should be legendary. A delicacy that a daughter is hard to find!"

"What does this mean?" Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan, knowing that there was a lie in her words.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "If it weren't for such a superb breakfast, why wouldn't Brother-in-law Ching stay home all night? I think he must be just like the one in the movie. He filmed the all-night team just to give Sister Chi Chi A soy milk and Xiaolongbao full of love!"

At this time, Mom Zhang brought the hot breakfast, and Bai Chichi saw the curling heat of the soy milk and the crystal-clear dough of the buns, and smiled and said, "It's really good food, and it's quite deliberate!"

"Yes, Sister Chi Chi, sister-in-law Qing last night..." Chen Yuan tried her best to lead the topic to what happened last night, hoping to provoke the conflict between Bai Chi Chi and Situ Qing.

Bai Chichi glanced at Chen Yuan: "Aren't you drunk last night? How do you know that Qing didn't go home all night?"

"Uh, this, brother-in-law Qing told me! He didn't just ask me about it!" Chen Yuan's face flushed, pretending to be embarrassed.

Baichi took a sip of soy milk slowly, and sighed contentedly, "It's really delicious, rich and fragrant!"

"I also think this soy milk is good. It should be squeezed from real soybeans. The fragrance is sweet!" said Zhang Ma, turning around and leaving.

Bai Chichi ignored Chen Yuan, took a bite of Xiao Long Bao, nodded and said, "Well, this meat filling is also very fresh and delicious!"

"Sister Chi Chi, I just said, Brother Qing..." Chen Yuan still didn't give up, staring at the corner of Bai Chi Chi's mouth, and wanted to continue.

But Bai Chichi smiled and said to her: "Yuanyuan, Qing cares about you so much, why did he forget to let you taste this breakfast?"

"He, didn't he buy it specifically for you!" Chen Yuan couldn't help but an unpleasant expression emerged.

Bai Chichi frowned and said, "How do you say, you shouldn't buy it for me alone! What's more, I have been in line all night, so why not buy one more!"

"Because Sister Chi Chi, you are pregnant, you should be concerned about you, I dare not compete with you!" Chen Yuan said angrily.

Bai Chichi looked at her: "How come you are struggling for favor, Yuanyuan, your positioning is a bit wrong!"

"Sister Chi Chi, I'm just rushing to the point, don't worry! Also, yesterday I didn't deliberately ask Brother Qing to pick me up, and he was injured for me. Now I feel very guilty. There is a hint of pride in Chen Yuan's words.

However, Bai Chichi was very clear about what Chen Yuan was trying to express now. She just wanted to say that she had weight in Situ Qing's heart.

Bai Chichi is now different from before. She won't let Chen Yuan succeed easily, at least not on the surface.

So Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Yeah, I also told him that there are so many ways to solve the problem, how can it be so straightforward? It really worries me!"

"Is there any way? The other party is some boring people in society, I can see that my brother-in-law is very brave!" Chen Yuan was a little unconvinced, and she clearly wanted to prove that Situ Qing did not care for her, and Bai Chichi actually dismissed it.

This went against Chen Yuan's original intention. She became angry when she saw Bai Chichi's calm and relaxed appearance, but she could not blatantly provoked.

What kind of medicine does this Bai Chichi sell in the gourd? Didn't she shut out Situ Qing last night, and when Situ Qing went out just now, her expression was so ugly, she knew that the two people had a fierce conflict.

But judging from Bai Chichi's performance, everything seems to be normal. How could she be so open?

By the way, it must be pretended!

"I told him earlier, don't fight and kill, that's the courage to stand up!" Bai Chichi ate another dumpling and said, shaking his head.

"Sister-in-law Qing didn't get used to what those people were doing, and the situation at the time was not as simple as Chi Chi thought!" Chen Yuan felt that Situ Qing's heroic actions to save the United States were criticized by Bai Chichi. It was a humiliation to her.

Bai Chichi shrugged: "If I change to me, I won't."

"Sister Chi Chi, we won't discuss this issue. Do you know how I came back yesterday? I have forgotten everything!" Chen Yuan said with anger but a little depressed.

"I know, Yuanyuan, it's not that I said you, you are an unmarried girl, you should take care of your own image." Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan deliberately seriously, and gently shook his head.

"What kind of image am I?"

"It looks very sloppy, very different from the usual you! And you know what, you still hold Qing, stick to his ear and mutter to yourself, it is embarrassing to make it clear!" Bai Chichi thought, you are not Want to make me misunderstand? I can pierce the window paper for you.

When Chen Yuan heard this, she secretly smiled, it seems that Bai Chichi is still jealous, the calmness just now is false.

"Really, Brother-in-law Qing told you?"

Bai Chichi nodded: "He was in a bad mood, and he couldn't push you directly away, so I just said casually let him go out and buy me breakfast, and he went without a word!"

"I'm so sorry, Sister Chi Chi, I don't remember anything when I was drunk. You must be sad?" Although Chen Yuan said this, she couldn't see the sincerity of apologizing, but it was full of temptation. .

"Why should I be sad? You are holding him, not he holding you! Besides, he made a special trip to buy breakfast for my all-night team, and I still think it's very sweet!" Bai Chichi finished the soy milk , Playing with empty cups satisfied.

Chen Yuan was so angry that Bai Chichi didn't say anything about Situ Qing about Chen Yuan, but he said Chen Yuan upside down.

In this way, Chen Yuan immediately lost her aura in front of Bai Chichi, and became as if she was a bit shorter.

But this is not over yet. Bai Chichi ate the last dumpling with relish, and said with a smile: "Excuse me, Yuanyuan, this is the breakfast Qing bought for me. I won't greet you anymore, I'm finished. Only worthy of Qing!"

"It's enviable, Sister Chi Chi, brother-in-law Qing treats you and the baby in your stomach so well, you can be regarded as expensive by the mother, like the queen in the harem!" Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi ironically .

What's great about you, isn't it that you are pregnant!

If Situ Qing is not for the sake of a child, he may not really sit back and care about me. Maybe he can love sweetness and envy others.

"No, no, this is different! First of all, I am not a member of the Qing harem. We are monogamous under the protection of the law. Besides, we have love first, then babies, so we can't talk about anything. The son is expensive by the mother!" Bai Chichi finished eating the buns with a smile, and wiped his hands gracefully with a tissue.

Chen Yuan swallowed fiercely, feeling that Bai Chi's reaction this morning was far beyond her expectations.

What's the matter, why isn't Bai Chichi angry and looks full of superiority? Why is she justified?

Could it be that what happened last night really did not affect her at all?

Impossible, no woman would willingly let her husband take care of another woman, and she was injured.

Didn't Bai Chichi prevent Situ Qing from entering the door? How come Situ Qing has been ordered by her to go out and buy breakfast?

In a misstep, Chen Yuan said to herself that she shouldn't take the initiative to put forward this opinion just now, but Bai Chichi climbed up the pole.

It's better now, Bai Chichi can justly criticize Chen Yuan's drunk behavior, and can also say that he doesn't mind.

Moreover, Situ Qing did not return all night because he was in a bad mood after being harassed by Chen Yuan. Bai Chichi asked him to go out to buy breakfast to relieve his unhappiness.

Not only did Chen Yuan not eat a bite of the breakfast she bought, she also made Bai Chichi watch the jokes and watched her sweep away!

How could it be completely different from what I thought before?

Chen Yuan said angrily, "Sister Chi Chi, brother-in-law Qing fought for me yesterday. Fortunately, she was not recognized. Otherwise, there must be a tabloid reporter who wrote indiscriminately. You will definitely get angry again. It will be my fault! "

"No, I know that Qing is going to save you because of the nature of his soldier. Let alone you. If you replace it with any **** the street who is harassed by a gangster, he will do it! It's just that not everyone is saved. All the girls want to agree with them!" Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan with deep meaning and said.

"Acting with your body?" Chen Yuan was shocked.

"Yes, if you saw your own behavior last night, you would think the same way. Fortunately, it is Qing Qing. If it were someone else, you might have agreed to your reward!" Bai Chichi stood up.

Chen Yuan followed her and said coldly: "Sister Chi Chi, why didn't you come out to stop me when you saw me doing that? Did you not get angry at all when you saw me cuddling and hugging sister-in-law? "

"Yuanyuan, I am an ophthalmologist, and I am not a psychological counselor! Besides, you and Qing are both adults. You have no sense. He still knows what to do and what not to do! Why should I go?"

Bai Chichi said so straightforwardly that Chen Yuan didn't know how to measure, and her momentum had been suppressed. Chen Yuan could not get angry, so she had to sneer.

"By the way, Yuanyuan, what is the name of the bar you went to?" Bai Chichi asked suddenly, catching Chen Yuan a little off guard.

But she knew that there was no point in lying, because Situ Qing knew that place, so she had to tell it honestly.

"Sister Chi Chi, why are you asking this?"

"Oh, it's also a coincidence. I have a junior who happens to be a DJ at that Diba. I think she should know the origin of the person who is rude to you!" Bai Chichi smiled, sitting on the sofa, holding I turned over the book that Chen Yuan had read before.

"Ah? No more trouble, Chi Chi, things are over, why bother to provoke right and wrong!" Chen Yuan was startled. If what Bai Chi Chi said was true, wouldn't all of her swagger last night be exposed. ?

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