"Mr. Wu is really agile in doing things. You should come out and have a rest. Your legs are inconvenient and the kitchen is slippery." Bai Chichi said to Wu Deyong.

Wu Deyong smiled and shook his head: "No, no, the floor of this kitchen is much better than the living room of the best house there. Besides, I used to be a person standing in the farmland!"

"Don't talk about the past, if you are the same as before, you don't need to go to the city to ask for a living." Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan had enough of Wu Deyong's help, so he asked the other servants in the family to come and clean up.

"Sister Chi Chi, you also said someone else, you really shouldn't come to such a place when you have a big belly!" Chen Yuan wiped her hands clean, holding Bai Chi Chi, and said affectionately.

"Okay, all come out, I'll let someone take you back to the company dormitory in a while." Situ Qing said as he led everyone to the living room.

Wu Deyong's experience today is also very legendary. He didn't touch porcelain, but he didn't have any less money. It was an honor to have a job and even go to the house of his boss for dinner.

In Situ Qing's family, he encountered a fake fellow again, but not only did he not dare to expose it, but he had to make it through for others.

Neither can offend Chen Yuan, nor can he answer Bai Chichi's question, Wu Deyong thinks this matter is too weird.

However, he is not a simple farmer, life has given him too many hardships, and he has become sophisticated.

It seems that the situation in the boss's family is quite complicated. Wu Deyong decided to observe for a period of time. If these relationships can be used, he might be able to reap a greater benefit.

There is no clue as to where to start. Wu Deyong has to weigh carefully whether he is on the side of Bai Chichi or Chen Yuan.

"Well, I'm here to thank the big boss for his hospitality! And the wife and the girl Yuanyuan, it's rare that you don't dislike me." Wu Deyong smiled very honestly, but in fact he had his wishful thinking in his heart.

"How come, are you the guest Qing brought back!" Bai Chichi asked Wu Deyong to have fruit.

Chen Yuan even smiled sweetly: "Brother Wu, you are my fellow, aren't you talking about these things?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Yuanyuan is really the golden phoenix flying out of our ravines! Now she is still sitting next to the big boss next to the top spot, which is impossible for many girls in the city!" Listening to his nondescript words, Chen Yuan's face flushed.

Situ Qing frowned and looked at him and said, "Why do you say that our Situ Group is the same as the Jianghu Society? What is the second place!"

"I haven't read any books and can't speak. Everyone should just listen to a joke!" Wu Deyong rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, you're right, Yuanyuan is indeed very capable. If you have anything to do with her in the future, just ask her, fellow villagers can help fellow villagers, and it's reasonable to make sense and reason!" Bai Chichi glanced at Chen Yuan.

Upon hearing Bai Chichi's words, Chen Yuan only slightly twitched the corners of her mouth.

It's best to not harass me. You, a lame caboose, can you have any friendship with me, the assistant president?

If you really come and go with a fellow villager, wouldn’t it make Situ Qing misunderstand that this kind of fate is worth cherishing, maybe Situ Qing suddenly remembered one day and invited you to the house again, Bai Chichi must seize the opportunity to review again My identity.

There are too many mistakes, and it is inevitable that there will be a day when I cannot justify my claim. Wouldn't it be a mess for me? I was so irritable at first!

"Okay, okay, it's just that I am very grateful that I can get help from the nobles now. Where else can I ask for it?" Wu Deyong's humble appearance made Chen Yuan even more displeased.

"Qing, you can let Mr. Wu go back to rest, it's not too early." Bai Chichi felt that it wouldn't make much sense to let Wu Deyong stay today.

"Well, wait a while, and I will ask the driver to see you off." Situ Qing made a call, and the driver came in a while.

Wu Deyong got in the car thankfully, and watched the car go away. Chen Yuan let out a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

"Yuanyuan, is this really your fellow?" Bai Chichi said to Chen Yuan.

"Yes, I think about it now that I still have some impressions." Chen Yuan felt that if she didn't admit it, Situ Qing might have to investigate Wu Deyong, and she might get involved in all kinds of things.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Really, what does he look like in your memory?"

"It seems a little bit of a bad job. She doesn't work well but likes to brag, and she also likes to show up." Chen Yuan came to a conclusion based on today's contact with Wu Deyong.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "You are correct. Today, Wu Deyong crashed into my car and bumped into porcelain. I knew he was from Qingshan."

"Brother-in-law Qing, since he is a rascal, why are you so kind to him that you brought him home? It's better to have less contact with such people!" Chen Yuan blurted out.

Bai Chichi frowned: "Why do you say this to my fellow, Yuanyuan?"

"What's wrong with the fellow, why do people with character problems want to talk to him!" Chen Yuan said unhappily.

"It's all forced by life. Now that I let him guard the garage, he will definitely get back to the right. Besides, I will take care of him because he is the people in the disaster area." Situ Qing knows that Chen Yuan has always had a distinct love and hatred. Will favoritism.

Chen Yuan whispered: "It's better to send it out early, maybe something will happen."

"Yuanyuan, what did you say?" Bai Chichi heard it.

Chen Yuan raised her head: "It's nothing, I said Sister Chi Chi, you should go back to your room to rest."

"Yes, wife, let's go." Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's waist, and the two snuggled upstairs.

Chen Yuan looked at their backs and gritted her teeth angrily.

Damn, how come a man from Qingshan Township suddenly appeared, and because he was defenseless today, he almost showed his feet!

Chen Yuan thought to herself, fortunately, Wu Deyong still had a bit of insight, not as simple as an ordinary rural person, what did he say.

I don't know if today is a perfunctory pass, Chen Yuan is still a little nervous, she always feels that Bai Chichi is testing herself intentionally or not when she speaks.

No, if things go on like this, sooner or later, something will happen, so you still have to use the power of Lord Xiao to decorate your life experience.

Chen Yuan hurriedly returned to her room after hearing the footsteps of Situ Qing and Bai Chichi disappear, and got through the phone of Assistant Xiao Ye.

"Please tell Master Xiao and ask him to send someone to Qingshan Township. No matter what method is used, I must have a good background!"

"Someone is investigating you?" the other person asked.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "Not for the time being, but a new situation has emerged, so I have to guard against it!"


Chen Yuan hung up the phone and sighed heavily.

Unexpectedly, it is quite troublesome to forge an identity. It has been so long for half a year. Chen Yuan has not bothered about this at all, because Situ Qing is a real witness who brought him back from the disaster area. .

And at that time, Bai Chichi and Situ went away to the disaster area and saw Situ Qing and her appear in the train station. What is so doubtful about this?

But now something is wrong, Bai Chichi has already begun to notice, otherwise she would not have asked so many questions to Wu Deyong.

What kind of shit, Chen Yuan really wants to swear, is there such a boring thing? It's still a specialty of Qingshan Township, and I'm not afraid of being laughed out of it!

This Wu Deyong is also true, he inexplicably bumped into Situ Qing's car, why didn't he kill him.

On the one hand, Chen Yuan hopes that Wu Deyong will be smart and it is best to follow her own words. On the other hand, she is also well prepared and does not have to worry about other people's investigations.

Anyway, I can't give Bai a chance to take advantage of it.

Chen Yuan was depressed enough today. She finally waited for Situ Qing to come home, thinking that she could get his praise for relying on her hometown food, but she didn't expect him to bring back a tricky problem. It was really rainy and rainy.

Forget it, Chen Yuan thought to herself, after all the difficulties have been overcome, Bai Chichi must not find an excuse to let Situ Qing alienate and suspect herself.

At this moment, in Situ Qing's bedroom, it was a different scene, Bai Chichi sat in the bathtub comfortably enjoying Situ Qing's massage.

"My wife, your belly is really much bigger, and it grows a circle every day!" Situ Qing can now use the naked eye to see the baby stretching arms and kicking in Bai Chichi's belly without a machine.

"It's going to be seven months, of course it's old!" Bai Chichi said with a smile while holding his moon-like belly.

Situ Qing looked at her: "What do you mean when you keep asking about changing Zicao today?"

"I think it's fun, but Chen Yuan hasn't told me about such a new and interesting thing!" Bai Chichi thought of giving Situ Qing a little hint.

"This is not science. Yuanyuan knows that you are a doctor, how could she tell you this!" Situ Qing disapproved.

Bai Chi blinked and looked very cute.

"What do you think, wife?" Situ Qing couldn't help but kissed her lips.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I find it strange. Chen Yuan is a native of Qingshan, and Wu Deyong is also a native of Wu Deyong, but they don't know each other, and their eating habits and customs are different."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you don't know people from a place, there are a few people who are related to them, and everyone will become familiar with them when they chat..."

"My wife, are you suspecting Wu Deyong, but Yuanyuan?" Situ Qing said sensitively.

Bai Chichi didn’t deny it, but said: “Anyway, the remains of Yuanyuan’s relatives have not been found. Or you can simply find someone to visit Qingshan Township. No more."

"You don't have any other ideas?" Situ Qing certainly understood that there was another meaning hidden in Bai Chichi's words.

"By the way, check Wu Deyong to see if he does any fake ID card." Bai Chichi still avoided the question.

In fact, Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi's words were not unreasonable, anyway, it would be fine if this matter was carried on without the knowledge of Yuanyuan.

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