After breakfast, Chen Yuan put on the professional skirt of the studio, put on a light makeup, with her hair curled up, and her capable image immediately appeared in the mirror.

"Yes, I have to adjust my mentality, carefully do every next step, and don't have any negligence." Chen Yuan said to herself as if she was sworn by her fist.

When I went to the company today, there must be a colleague meeting to discuss her and Luo Yi going to Europe together. Chen Yuan also decided not to refute, so they would all misunderstand.

In this way, it is also a good cover-up, or it will relax your vigilance after a long time.

Not to mention Bai Chichi, when Zhang Ma saw Luo Yi coming to eat at home, her complexion was much better than before. It seems that this trick is still very effective.

Chen Yuan feels that her first task now is to establish her image and confuse those who should be confused.

She didn't want to fight with Bai Chichi head-on, but knew how to use the resources around her to start a fight of wits, which would be more challenging and fulfilling.

It is too stupid for the hardworking man to control the laborer, so why should he be stupid enough to struggle with himself?

Bai Chichi is not a good woman to deal with right now, she is always on guard, so she has to let her guard down.

"Yuanyuan, are you ready?" Situ Qing went back to the room to kiss Bai Chichi goodbye, and then walked to Chen Yuan's door.

"Okay, let's go Qing brother-in-law!" Chen Yuan smiled brightly in the sun, and her energetic appearance made people feel refreshed.

Situ Qing looked at her and said, "It's pretty good, the jet lag hasn't reversed, you are already so full of energy!"

"I just can't stay idle. After playing for so many days, I'm afraid I will slack off! So it's best to keep up the spirit!" Chen Yuan smiled and closed the door and went downstairs with Situ Qing.

Bai Chichi stood in front of the bay window and drank the warm milk Situ Qing had given her, and saw Chen Yuan and Situ Qing walking towards the garage together.

"I don't know how she will face Wu Deyong, I am really interested!" Bai Chichi smiled and shook his head gently.

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly turned around and waved at the window where Bai Chichi was, and smiled.

Bai Chichi also waved his hand quickly, not to be too stingy.

"My wife, hurry in after drinking. It's not a joke if it's blown by the wind." Situ Qing also exhorted heartily.

"Good!" Bai Chichi nodded obediently.

Chen Yuan said to Situ Qing, "Sister-in-law Qing, I am actually very happy to see you and Sister Chi Chi become more and more affectionate. I was obsessed with talking nonsense a few days ago. Don't mind too much!"

"You can't say that. When people are confused, you and Luo Yi are doing well now, and Chi Chi and I are also very comforted."

"Luo Yi is really good to me. This time I went to Europe to take care of me."

Situ Qing smiled and said, "I know that kid is good."

After coming to the company, Chen Yuan immediately discovered that her guess was correct, and her colleagues were all talking about her going to Europe with Luo Yi.

Whatever you say, the more lively you talk, the safer I will be, Chen Yuan said with a sneer in her heart.

"Yuanyuan, you make me a cup of coffee first." Situ Qing didn't want Chen Yuan to devote himself to busy work.

"Okay, President." Chen Yuan has entered the state and adjusted her pace.

Situ Qing smiled satisfied, and walked into his office.

Chen Yuan is making coffee in the lounge, because the entire floor is Situ Qing's office area, so she is also very clean.

The coffee was scented, and Chen Yuan bit her lip and thought, or else go to see Wu Deyong first, and make mental preparations in advance for everything.

I don't know what I will face, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Situ Qing only said to resolve matters related to Wu Deyong, but he didn't disclose a word of what it was.

The more this happened, the more disturbed Chen Yuan was.

So after making the coffee, Chen Yuan also made up her mind.

"President, I want to go to the downstairs propaganda department to print a copy."

"What information?" Situ Qing took the coffee, sniffed it, and felt that it was the familiar taste, and then took a sip.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Didn't you say that you won't give me any important work for the time being, so I want to see the pictures that the propaganda department used to make for the staff restaurant."

"Are you really going to do catering?" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Chen Yuan said shyly, "No, I just want to see it first."

"Go ahead."

After leaving Situ Qing's office, Chen Yuan first came to the propaganda department, pretending to ask them to call up the previous design drawings.

"Assistant Chen, how about your trip to Europe?" Several extroverted girls surrounded Chen Yuan, insisting to listen to her talk about her feelings.

"Don't be like this, hurry up and do things, be careful, I will join you in front of the president!" Chen Yuan also rarely joked with them.

The girl twittered and smiled and commented on Luo Yi. Chen Yuan pretended to be shy, turned around and walked out.

"Still pretending, something must have happened when I went to Europe this time!" Chen Yuan was very satisfied with the comments coming from behind.

The power of public opinion is great.

After walking out of the propaganda department, Chen Yuan did not immediately return to the office, but went straight to the underground parking lot.

"Assistant Chen!" Chen Yuan deliberately turned behind Situ Qing's car, pretending to take things from the trunk, and she really caught the attention of Wu Deyong who was on duty.

Chen Yuan looked back and said coldly: "It's you!"

"Of course it's me. Why, you don't want to see me as a fellow?" Wu Deyong has been waiting for the opportunity to approach Chen Yuan since he touched a nail at Bai Chichi.

A piece of information cannot be sold to Party A, and there is still Party B!

"How come, I have no grievances with you." Chen Yuan stood in front of Wu Deyong generously and said calmly.

Wu Deyong smiled slyly.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Yuan frowned.

Now I don’t know what the situation is, and I can’t mess up.

"Nothing to laugh, but I haven't seen my fellow villager for so many days, and I am happy!" Wu Deyong took a mouthful of a fellow, and Chen Yuan was annoyed by it.

"Then you laugh slowly, I have something to do." Chen Yuan felt that Wu Deyong's words must be something strange, so she wanted to catch it.

Sure enough, Wu Deyong stopped her and said, "Don't worry, Miss Yuanyuan! You don't want to talk about hometown with fellow villagers?"

"This is working time. If you have anything to talk about, wait until after get off work." Chen Yuan walked away from Wu Deyong.

While walking towards the elevator, Chen Yuan was guessing Wu Deyong's intentions in her heart.

Just after she took a few steps, Wu Deyong suddenly called out: "Yu Beibei!"

These three words made Chen Yuan's heart jump. Her footsteps obviously stopped, but she immediately returned to normal, and she continued walking without looking back.

"Yu Beibei!" Wu Deyong called again.

Chen Yuan still did not respond. Wu Deyong stepped on the artificial leg, chased her and blocked her way.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yuan said upset.

Wu Deyong smiled: "I am calling your name, why don't you respond?"

"my name?"

"Isn't it, Miss Yu Beibei!" Wu Deyong was also mentally prepared. He stared at Chen Yuan's back the moment he called out, and saw her subtle movements.

This woman really has a problem! Very good, since you have the handle in my hand, don't worry if you don't benefit me!

"What are you talking about? My name is Chen Yuan, you know it!" Chen Yuan looked dazed, and she was a little impatient.

Wu Deyong smiled and said: "Don't pretend to be you, what Chen Yuan, what victims of Qingshan Township, you are lying!"

"I don't understand what you are saying, and I don't have time to delay you here, please let me go!" Chen Yuan was still very flustered in her heart.

How could this person know the name Yu Beibei?

"Why don't you understand? Yu Beibei, you said, what did you run to our Qingshan Township a few days before the earthquake? It's strange, how did you know that there would be an earthquake next, how did you know that President Situ would Go to the disaster relief?" Wu Deyong's rogue face looked annoying.

These words made Chen Yuan's mind blow up.

When I first went to Qingshan Township, I really didn't expect an earthquake to happen so soon. The people of Xiaoye just said it was possible.

The most important reason was that Xiao Ye received intelligence that Situ Qing's unit might go to Qingshan Township to do a military demonstration.

At that time, Chen Yuan hadn't thought of impersonating a disaster victim, she just tried her luck.

As a result, by mistake, the exercise turned into a disaster relief, and Chen Yuan could perfectly interpret a poor Qingshan country girl who had lost all her relatives.

At that time, Chen Yuan thought everything was destined, and she was very grateful that she could approach Situ Qing and avenge Bai Chichi.

Look, God is helping yourself!

But Chen Yuan would never have thought that Wu Deyong could call out her real name. What happened?

"Did you have a broken brain? Tell me these inexplicable things early in the morning!" Chen Yuan glared at Wu Deyong in disgust.

"Really? You should be very clear about what I said! Do you still remember the bag you lost at the train station in Qingshan Township?"

Chen Yuan felt a little in her heart.

"That bag is really good quality, and it's still good now! There is also a train ticket in it, which clearly says Yu Beibei, and the time and place. Don't tell me, these are all my empty words. fake!"

Chen Yuan suddenly laughed: "Old Brother Wu, are you drunk? I'm Chen Yuan, your fellow, what's wrong with you?"

"You are not, you are Yu Beibei, and you are not from Qingshan Township!" Wu Deyong insisted on this matter, and decided to blackmail Chen Yuan severely.

Chen Yuan looked at him sympathetically and said, "Forget it, I think you are in a strange state now, so let's go back to the dormitory and take a rest!"

"No, I'm fine! Yu Beibei, since you want to hide your name, you must have a purpose! Don't be afraid, I will not expose you, as long as you are smart, I will keep this secret for you!" Wu Deyong stretched He took out **** and made a money counting motion.

When Chen Yuan looked at him, tears came out of her smile.

"Are you sick? Touching porcelain and breaking your brain?"

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