"Yuanyuan, why have you been there for so long?" When Chen Yuan returned home, the headlights in the living room had already gone out. She was about to go upstairs, but heard Situ Qing's voice from the corner of the sofa.

Chen Yuan was startled. She didn't expect that Situ Qing was still waiting for her. Could Bai Chichi also tolerate his behavior?

Recently, Bai Chichi is very strange, it seems that she doesn't take her jealousy very much, which makes Chen Yuan a little at a loss.

That's why she thought of using Mengran's feminine charm to fight Bai Chichi.

However, Situ Qing's voice sounded a little harsh, but it made Chen Yuan very useful, because it sounded full of concern.

"Brother-in-law Qing, haven't you returned to your room to rest?" Chen Yuan stopped.

Situ Qing is sitting on the sofa with a spotlight on his head, which makes his face look very contoured, and the shadow part is a little mysterious, but it is very exciting.

If he waited so much for his return every day, what a happy thing would be, Chen Yuan sighed in her heart.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan, his hair was very fluffy, and he should have come down after going back to the bedroom to wash.

Chen Yuan smiled and lifted the bag in her hand, and said to Situ Qing: "Because I didn't find a brand I like in the nearby supermarkets, so I walked far without knowing it, but it's okay, I ran by the way... ..."

"Even so, I should call back. I am very worried about you after a while and let me come downstairs and wait." Situ Qing stood up.

Chen Yuan was sour in her heart, why is it white again, does she need to pretend to be a good person like this? Show her kindness in front of Situ Qing?

I won’t eat this set!

"Really? I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, because the autumn night is very cool, so I want to stay longer." Chen Yuan lowered her eyes, a little aggrieved.

Situ Qing looked at her and said, "You don't need to apologize. Don't do this again in the future, lest your family worry about it."

"Yes, brother-in-law Qing, I know!"

"Okay, go upstairs and rest early." Situ Qing finished speaking and patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder casually.

The two walked upstairs side by side. Situ Qing watched Chen Yuan return to the bedroom before turning around and entering his room.

"Is Chen Yuan back?" Bai Chichi sat on the bedside reading a book.

Situ Qing walked over and kissed her face with a smile: "Yes, I just came back, saying that there is no brand of yogurt she likes in the nearby supermarket."

"I remember that the kind of fruity yogurt that Chen Yuan likes is sold in the community shop. How could she not find it?" Bai Chichi said in surprise.

Situ Qing shook his head: "Or it just happened to be out of stock, I don't know."

What Bai Chichi had to say, Situ Qing stretched out her hand and nodded her lips: "It's alright, don't worry about that much, it will be good if she comes back."

"Yes, what do I care about so much!" Bai Chi said with a smile.

"You care about Chen Yuan, and I also care about Chen Yuan. Our mood is the same. So last time I went to Diba to bring her back, there was no other reason." Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi had reconciled with him since then. After that, he became more generous and tolerant.

"I understand, don't talk about things in the past! Have you done everything about the house?" Bai Chichi hadn't asked Situ Qing carefully.

Because Qin Xuesong was involved, Bai Chichi worried that Situ Qing would be unhappy about this, but Qin Xuesong has been away for more than half a month, and Situ Qing must have calmed down now.

Situ Qing nodded: "It's done, Qin Xuesong asked his lawyer to complete the procedures. I only need to sign and put money in his account."

"I don't know where Cedar has gone." Bai Chichi sighed quietly.

Situ Qing looked at her and said, "Do you care?"

"Of course, he didn't have anything wrong at first, it's just that the brave guy helped me indiscriminately!"

"Wife, let's not mention this for now? Since Qin Xuesong has already left, it means that he also has ideas in his heart. When the time is right, everything will come to light!" Situ Qing still felt a little uncomfortable.

However, Bai Chichi did not talk about Qin Xuesong any more recently, and this man was also involved in the house because of the house, so Situ Qing would not act too much.

"Well, Lu Yao knows that Ma Li has seen people's hearts over time. I think you will see Cedar clearly in the end. He is really not the same person as before." Bai Chichi knew that it would not be necessary to change Situ Qing's opinion. Just talk about it yourself.

In short, she believed that Qin Xuesong would not do such boring and shameless deeds, and Situ Qing would surely be magnanimous when the truth became clear.

She believes in her husband and Qin Xuesong, a childhood sweetheart.

"Wife, shall we sleep?" Situ Qing held Bai Chichi and took away the book in her hand.

Bai Chi smiled slowly, then obediently shrank his body into the quilt, let Situ Qing tuck her in, very compliant.

"Good night, good night!" Situ Qing used his arm as a pillow for Bai Chichi, and lightly kissed her on the cheek.

In the quiet night, Bai Chichi and Situ Qing hugged each other to sleep on one side, and Chen Yuan tossing and turning on the other.

Because just now, although Situ Qing showed concern for her, he said that it was Bai Chichi, which made Chen Yuan very unhappy.

Why do you dare not say it even if you care? Are you afraid of being jealous of Bai Chichi, or are you really afraid to face your own heart?

Chen Yuan felt that Situ Qing always had some feelings for herself, but his sense of responsibility was too strong and he would continue to deny it.

Even the rejected kiss, Chen Yuan thought it was Situ Qing deliberately avoiding it, let alone Luo Yi, it was a game set to make Bai Chichi feel at ease.

Since you are so serious about me, then I will let Mengran deal with Bai Chichi, Situ Qing, you don't have to be polite, enjoy this kind of embrace and hug, I won't be jealous.

Chen Yuan thought of Situ Qing for a while, Bai Chichi for a while, and Luo Yi and Mengran for a while, which made her sleep in a daze for a long time.

The next morning, Situ Qing took Chen Yuan to the company as usual.

"Yuanyuan, you help me write down the main points of the meeting, then I will be handy." Situ Qing told Chen Yuan.

"Good president." Chen Yuan nodded and took out the pen and paper to start serious work.

Situ Qing liked seeing Chen Yuan's attitude, nodded in satisfaction, and went to his own office.

After Chen Yuan finished writing, she got up and sent all the materials to Situ Qing's desk.

"Very good, yes, you will go to a meeting with me in a while and make a record." Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan after taking a look.


"But Yuanyuan, before the meeting, you went to the car to fetch some of the souvenirs I brought back from Sichuan. I almost forgot about it."

Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and laughed: "It's been many days since you came back from Sichuan. Those specialties have expired!"

"How come, it's all in a sealed vacuum! Those are some small gifts from the local township government. I want to give them a taste. It is also a part of the people's heart." Situ Qing was busy with work during this time. So many, so I didn't expect it.

Today, because of the meeting, he remembered this incident suddenly.

"Okay, I'm going now." Chen Yuan knew that Situ Qing had the habit of putting things in the trunk, so it was no surprise.

But what Chen Yuan didn't expect was that when she took the souvenirs and returned to the elevator, someone would suddenly pop up from the corner and grab her hand.

"Let go of me, who are you!" Chen Yuan screamed, but the person covered her mouth, making her unable to make a sound, and everything in her hand fell to the ground.

"Don't call! I'll be rude to you again!" The voice was familiar, but Chen Yuan couldn't remember who it was.

The light in the corner was very weak. Chen Yuan could only see the environment she was in after adjusting to it for a while. This was a blind spot for monitoring and it was not easy to be noticed.

Who will it be and what will he do?

At this time, the man smiled in Chen Yuan's ear and said, "Bad girl, what did you say in front of Situ Qing? He actually said that I am not from Qingshan Township, and that my name is also fake!"

When Chen Yuan heard it, she realized that the person holding her was Wu Deyong!

"Now it's okay, I drank your ecstasy soup, Situ Qing fired me, I finally had a stable income, and it became empty again! You made me go back to the street to do that dangerous touch porcelain !" Wu Deyong's stinky tone made Chen Yuan faint.

She didn't dare to struggle too hard. At this time, there were almost no people in the underground parking lot, and the gatekeeper was far away from the elevator.

It seems that Wu Deyong found some opportunity to sneak in. He has worked here for such a long time and is already familiar with the environment here.

For him, this place is very safe, but for Chen Yuan, it is not the same thing.

"I came to you today, nothing else, I just want you to compensate for my loss! Anyway, you are so favored, you can reverse black and white. Money shouldn't be a problem for you, right? Situ Qing certainly does not benefit you. Less!" Wu Deyong also jumped the wall in a hurry, a little bit unscrupulous.

Chen Yuan could not speak out, so she nodded vigorously.

"Do you agree? Huh, I can't help you agree or disagree! This way, I will let you go, but you are not allowed to shout, otherwise I will give you a knife on the waist!" Wu Deyong used the sharp weapon in his hand to hit Chen Yuan's face I took a photo on it, and it was cool and terrifying.

No way, Chen Yuan had to pretend to be scared and nodded with tears.

In fact, she was not so afraid of Wu Deyong in her heart, because this man was just a rascal, he didn't dare to actually kill.

"Well, I also know that you don't care about such a small amount of money. You are afraid that I will reveal your identity. Then you will not only pay me unemployment benefits, but also give me a hush fee!" Unexpectedly, Wu Deyong would have to make an inch.

It may be that he saw Chen Yuan shivering with fear, and felt that this woman was quite easy to succumb, so he simply didn't stop doing it and took the opportunity to make more points.

Chen Yuan can only agree now besides agreeing.

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