When Bai Chichi and Situ Qing were so sweet that you and I were too sweet, Chen Yuan tossed and couldn't sleep in the hotel room.

She felt very angry when she thought of Meng Ran's words, but she had to admit that this was indeed the case in some places.

Bai Chichi's concentration has unexpectedly risen to an incredible stage, which is simply puzzling.

Hearing other women in her husband's room, Bai Chichi could behave calmly. When did she become so powerful?

"Bai Chichi, what the **** are you doing?" Meng Ran was lying on the soft bed in the hotel, but felt cold and uncomfortable.

Forget it, anyway, there is still a chance tomorrow. Didn't Situ Qing agree to accompany him to play for a day? It takes a long time and there are many things you can do.

After thinking about it, Chen Yuan decided to put aside those unpleasant thoughts for the time being and waited for the arrival of tomorrow.

However, Chen Yuan thought that Mengran would say that there would be a surprise in the morning. What was that?

Could it be that Bai Chichi deliberately pretended not to care, and then settled accounts with him after Situ Qing returned to the room?

Maybe when he gets up tomorrow morning, Situ Qing will be angrily at Bai Chichi's unreasonable harassment, and then he will have a reason to comfort him!

Yes, it must be so.

Compared with Meng Ran, Chen Yuan's experience and cultivation in dealing with this multi-angle relationship between men and women are not at the same level.

Since Meng Ran said that, she must have reason.

Thinking about this, Chen Yuan felt much better, jumped up and ran to the wall, pressed her ears, and wanted to hear Situ Qing's movements.

Unfortunately, the sound insulation of the Shudu Hotel is very good, she can't hear anything.

It would be fine if Situ Qing and Bai Chi Chi were arguing at this moment, and it was best to make a quarrel, and that would be what Chen Yuan wanted.

Still waiting quietly, Situ Qing is not an ordinary man, he is so steady and deep, how can he make a lot of noise in the hotel?

Chen Yuan ran back to the bed and forced herself to sleep well after turning off the light, striving to have sufficient energy and energy in the task of provoking Situ Qing and Bai Chichi tomorrow.

The bright moon shines in Kyushu, where Chen Yuan wants to get Situ Qing and Bai Chichi at this moment are already sharing the bed, hugging and sleeping together.

Not only was he not by Chen Yuan's side, he was not even in this city anymore.

Early the next morning, Chen Yuan got up to freshen up, wanting to give Situ Qing a clean and refreshing morning makeup.

After she was done, she dialed the phone number of Situ Qing's hotel room, but no one answered it.

"Hey, what's the matter? Is it because I was tired of quarreling and sleeping very hard?" Chen Yuan muttered, and dialed Situ Qing's cell phone again, but no one answered.

Because at this time, Situ Qing's phone number was still in his pants pocket, and he was in pajamas with Bai Chichi to eat breakfast downstairs.

No way, Chen Yuan had to walk out of the room and wanted to come and see in person.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she saw a large basket of red roses, exuding a tangy fragrance.

what is this? Chen Yuan was surprised.

An idea immediately popped into her heart, it must have been sent by Situ Qing, he wanted to give himself a happy day!

Great, you are finally thinking about my emotions, your perfect day should start in the morning!

Chen Yuan happily knelt down and picked up the basket of roses, and saw a light red card in the middle of the roses.

When was Situ Qing so romantic, he had never done such a thing to Bai Chi Chi, and Chen Yuan felt a little flattered.

She looked at the corridor and no one was there.

With a heartbeat like a deer, Chen Yuan returned to the room holding the flower basket, wanting to taste the sweetness and joy alone.

Taking out the card, Chen Yuan took a deep breath and kissed it before opening it.

"Assistant Chen, isn't this a good surprise?" Meng Ran was signed.

Chen Yuan's anger soared. It turned out that the surprise Meng Ran said was this inferior trick!

What the **** is she doing, making herself happy, Chen Yuan feels that Mengran is just adding fuel to the fire.

Just as Chen Yuan was shaking with anger, the phone rang.

"Hey!" Chen Yuan saw that it was Meng Ran's call, and she was very rude immediately.

"Assistant Chen, have you received the roses from me? Women shouldn't have given roses to women, but I think you can accept the romantic atmosphere brought by some flowers. Maybe your President Situ will be blushing to you. Now!" Meng Ran said with a smile.

Chen Yuan sneered and said, "Do you think it's funny?"

"Where, I have a good intention! Assistant Chen, I was not very good to you yesterday. I apologize for sending a bunch of flowers." Mengran really didn't want to make a fuss with Chen Yuan.

"Thank you, it's a pity, this has greatly affected my mood!" Chen Yuan's tone was like ice.

Mengran smiled and said: "Don't be like this, you see such beautiful flowers, the depression last night should have been wiped out! It is not good for you to be seen by Situ Qing with a straight face! I will give you flowers , Just make you laugh!"

Although Chen Yuan felt that Meng Ran had made a joke too much, what she said seemed to make some sense.

Seeing roses and smelling the fragrant scent, you should really lift your mood and go to see Situ Qing with full enthusiasm.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and said to Meng Ran, "Well, I accept your flower and your suggestion."

"Yes, women should be as charming as flowers! If you are always frustrated, wouldn't you look ashamed?" Meng Ran smiled.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Well, if I have any needs, I would like Miss Meng Ran to lend a hand, regardless of the predecessors."

"Of course, of course, we are still comrades on the same front, Assistant Chen, come on! I am optimistic about you!" Meng Ran hung up the phone after speaking.

Chen Yuan looked at the rose, leaned her face close, took a scent of flowers, and said to herself that she should not be discouraged.

Anyway, Situ Qing was not there at the moment, Chen Yuan simply tore off the rose petals and put them in the bathtub, and took a fragrant bath.

The mood has improved and the person is beautiful.

Chen Yuan knocked on Situ Qing's door, but no one answered.

What's the matter, it's almost nine o'clock, is he inside or out? Chen Yuan frowned and looked at the closed door.

It's better to ask at the front desk.

So Chen Yuan came to the hotel lobby, she walked to the front desk and asked, "Where did the gentleman staying with me go?"

"It's Miss Chen Yuan, President Situ's assistant, right?" The front desk said with a smile.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Yes, it's me. Isn't President Situ in the room? I knocked on the door and made no calls."

"Ah, that's it. President Situ has already left." Chen Yuan would not respond to the words of the front desk for a while.

"go away?"

The front desk still kept a professional smile: "Yes, let me see, the specific time is after 11 o'clock last night."

"What?!" Chen Yuan couldn't close her mouth in surprise.

What is going on, why Situ Qing didn't even say hello, where did he go? Didn’t you say that you will go sightseeing together today?

"President Situ explained that Assistant Chen might have fallen asleep and didn't want to disturb you, so let us pass it, of course, after you get up." The smile at the front desk made Chen Yuan want to slap her.

Chen Yuan said angrily: "You are too obedient. How can I say that I am your guest. If my fellow traveler has left, you didn't even notify me."

"Sorry, Assistant Chen, this is what President Situ meant. He is our VIP guest, so I have to respect his opinion."

Chen Yuan became more and more angry when she listened, which meant that she was not an important person and could bully at will.

But if she showed this anger at this moment, the people in the hotel would definitely look down on her even more, so Chen Yuan resisted.

"What did President Situ say?"

"Oh, President Situ said that he had already booked the flight home, which was about one o'clock in the morning. Because he was walking in a hurry, he asked Assistant Chen to take his luggage back." The front desk looked at the work record.

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and said, "Well, he just left me behind."

"No, no, no, President Situ said, he thinks Miss Meng Ran is very close to Assistant Chen, and Miss Meng Ran is very familiar with Chengdu, Assistant Chen can go with her, the tour guide will be there in a while, you will have a good time of."

The more she listened, the more angry she became, and Chen Yuan's face turned pale.

Why did Situ Qing go so suddenly? He must have gone back to explain to Bai Chichi with an apology. It was really quick!

"Assistant Chen, President Situ asked us to book you a ticket and told us to serve you well." As if compensation, the front desk looked at Chen Yuan with a smile and said.

No matter how enthusiastic you are, it's useless. Situ Qing left so recklessly. Isn't it obvious that Bai Chichi is the most important thing?

Chen Yuan's angry and jealous mood burned her whole body like a flame.

"Assistant Chen, President Situ..." The front desk wanted to say something, but Chen Yuan cast it over with a knife-like look.

"Stop talking, I will have fun!"

The front desk owed slightly: "Okay, I wish you a happy mood!"

Happy you big head ghost! Chen Yuan finally restrained the urge to curse, and returned to the room with a cold face.

"Meng Ran, Situ Qing is gone! Go home to accompany his wife!" No one can tell, Chen Yuan can only call Meng Ran.

"Really? That's really a shame! Assistant Chen, are you okay?" Meng Ran said casually while enjoying the nail service of the Holiday Inn.

Chen Yuan shook her head bitterly: "I'm okay, do you have time today? Situ Qing said, let us two people who are destined to travel together!"

"Hehehe, President Situ is really interesting. Does he see that Assistant Chen and I are related?" Meng Ran always said that.

Although Chen Yuan considers herself innocent and thinks that Mengran is just a high-level socialite wandering between men, she has to admire her calmness and ease.

"Why, Miss Meng Ran thinks we are not?"

"Yes, of course, don't we have a lot in common! Assistant Chen, don't worry, I will take you to have fun today!" Meng Ran is very unruly on the surface, in fact, her ambition is definitely not what Chen Yuan can imagine.

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