When Chen Yuan heard Situ Qing's promise, tears finally rolled down.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Situ Qing felt very distressed. He felt that if he hadn't led Wu Deyong into the house by himself, he wouldn't have caused Chen Yuan to suffer such painful psychological harm, making him so scared now.

"Don't cry, Yuanyuan."

Bai Chichi also felt that Chen Yuan was kidnapped, in fact, there was still a pitiful place for her, and it was really cruel if she continued to be reluctant.

She was not a cruel person in the first place, so she also said to Chen Yuan: "Don't be wronged anymore, just say what you have in the future. It will only cause such consequences if you hide Wu Deyong from us."

Chen Yuan's expression changed: "Sister Chi Chi, are you still blaming me? I am a victim, innocent!"

"I didn't mean that, but it was for your good." Bai Chichi didn't want to argue with her.

"Yes, Yuanyuan, Chi Chi is right. If you have anything to say, just say it. Anyway, we are all a family." Situ Qing guarded Bai Chi Chi, which made Chen Yuan very dissatisfied, but she couldn't say anything. Because what they say makes sense.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Okay, I remember."

"Let's do it, work with peace of mind, and live a good life!" Situ Qing patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, then helped Bai Chichi's waist go upstairs.

After watching their backs disappear, Chen Yuan's mouth showed a sneer.

You have nothing to say now, right?

Mr. Xiao is really good, and he managed the whole thing smoothly, leaving no worries to Chen Yuan.

Now that Chen Yuan's identity has been confirmed by the police again, Bai Chichi can no longer use this to make any articles.

In a good mood, Chen Yuan sat back on the sofa and changed the stage leisurely.

Want to fix me, there is no door!

After returning to the room, Bai Chichi looked a little tired, Situ Qing touched her forehead and said, "What's the matter, wife, your complexion is not very good."

"It's nothing. Of course it won't be easy to go to a place like the interrogation room." Bai Chi chi smiled.

"Recently you have always been bored at home, and I have been away from you for a long time, so you feel unhappy, right?" Situ Qing said reproachfully.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "No, you are also going to work!"

"Walk on the street when you have time, you will be happy if you buy something for children!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's hand.

"You're right, I really have such thoughts. Seeing that the due date is getting closer and closer, there are still many things that are not ready." Bai Chichi also feels that he has been at home for a long time recently. .

Situ Qing smiled and said, "Okay, I will go with you when I have time."

"Shopping or something, don't go! I don't know about you yet, it hurts when I see those colorful shopping malls!"

"I won't go with you." Situ Qing refused to admit it, and he didn't worry about letting the pregnant Bai Chichi go out alone.

But Bai Chichi didn't think so. Although she was pregnant with Liujia, she didn't have much reaction because it was the end of the second trimester.

And the baby in the belly is very well-behaved, always kicking her mother's belly at the right time to give Bai Chichi a message of peace of mind, so Bai Chichi feels quite relaxed, much better than at the beginning.

"No, I just went, I just wandered around. Did you know that the ginkgo leaves in the garden at the entrance of our street are now yellow, very beautiful! Many mothers-to-be are chatting and resting there and sharing experiences with each other!" Bai He didn't want Situ Qing to suffer the terrible torture of shopping with a woman.

He is a soldier who has always been vigorous and resolute. He went straight to the subject if he wanted to buy anything. Wherever he would go around, he might end up exhausted with nothing.

Shopping has always been a woman's patent.

Besides, Situ Qing was really busy during this period of time for the Hope Project, and there was a lot of work that he needed to complete himself.

Bai Chichi was reluctant to make him so tired.

"Really, I really didn't pay attention." Situ Qing walked in a hurry when she passed the park, and drove by.

"So, it's not appropriate for you to go where we big belly women gather for meetings!" Bai Chichi laughed.

Situ Qing looked at her: "I won't go to chat with you, but it's okay to go shopping with you!"

"No need for you, after we chat for a few days, it is more fun to go shopping with baby's supplies, and there are pertinent opinions to refer to each other, but it is not useful for you to go there." Bai Chichi hit without hesitation. Situ Qing.

"Then I'll leave after sending you to the park, right?" Seeing Bai Chichi's determination, Situ Qing had to make concessions.

This time, Bai Chichi's approval was finally obtained.

"Well, tomorrow morning you will take me to the park when you go to work, and then you will leave. Don't let those expectant mothers see the jokes and I will be squeamish."

"What are you talking about, I'll send my wife off, who dares to have an opinion?" Situ Qing's bull temper came up again.

Bai Chichi pressed his hand and said, "It's not that anyone has an opinion, but that no one has set such a precedent. Why should I be the target of public criticism!"

"I spoil my wife and love my wife, what's the matter!" Situ Qingnong's eyebrows were erected, and he said confidently.

"It's not clear to you, anyway, you are not allowed to follow me. I don't want people to think that I can't live without my husband." Bai Chichi's personality is indeed the same. She has never been a kind of little birdy woman. .

An independent, strong and confident female ophthalmologist, this is Bai Chichi's true color, but because of her pregnancy, she took such a long maternity leave.

But despite this, she didn't want to turn herself into a sticky person who always relied on Situ Qing's little tail.

To love someone is to not restrain him, no excuses.

"Everything, I promise, as long as you don't shut yourself up at home." Situ Qing raised his hand in a gesture of surrender.

Only in front of Bai Chichi would he have such a side.

What is good or bad must be shown to the one you love. This is the real life.

"That's it!" Bai Chichi happily slapped Situ Qing's palm.

Situ Qing looked at her, shook his head helplessly, then hugged her and gave her a fierce kiss.

The project is about to start, Wu Deyong's affairs are settled, and Situ's family finally finds peace for the time being.

But in Chen Yuan's mind, she didn't think so. Of course, she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, but she was suffering from not being able to find a suitable opportunity.

At first, Meng Ran came to Chengdu to take the opportunity to run to Situ Qing's room, but she found nothing.

I don't know which expert Bai Chichi has been instructed, why is she so calm and not angry?

Not only that, but he also had the ability to make Situ Qing rush home overnight to accompany her. What kind of charm or demon was used?

Chen Yuan was puzzled, but she was helpless.

Now she can only take one step and look one step at a time. No matter how unwilling Chen Yuan is, she can only stop temporarily, otherwise it will easily cause Situ Qing's suspicion, which will be troublesome.

"Bai Chichi, you are so lucky!" Chen Yuan stood in front of the window and smoked, watching the ginkgo leaves fall, her mood sank to the bottom.

It’s always the case when you’re unlucky. Drinking cold water can cramp your teeth.

The cigarette that Chen Yuan was holding, inexplicably dropped a few sparks, and it happened to fall on the back of her other hand. She shook her hand vigorously, but it hit the wall again, causing pain. of.

"Damn it!" Chen Yuan cursed in a low voice, blaming Bai Chichi for such small things.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be depressed, if not depressed, I would not smoke!

If you don't smoke, you won't be scalded, won't shake your hands if you don't smoke, or hit the wall if you don't shake your hands!

Chen Yuan became more and more angry, and fiercely squeezed out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, as if it were a white head.

Wait and see, there is always time to make you cry!

But at this moment, Bai Chichi was cuddling Situ Qing, the two of them soaked in the bathtub, the scene was warm and beautiful.

"My wife, your skin seems to have improved after pregnancy." Situ Qing stroked Bai Chichi's back, which was indeed smooth and smooth.

"Hormones have changed, so this kind of thing will happen." Bai Chichi said while enjoying Situ Qing's massage, closing his eyes.

Situ Qing frowned: "It's too professional, just say something nice."

"Well, I heard the old man say that my son pretends to be an ugly mother, and my daughter pretends to be a mother. You said that my skin has improved. Maybe I am pregnant with a little padded jacket!"

Situ Qing's eyes widened at once: "Really? You know I like my daughter very much! Is there any scientific basis for this?"

"No, I am teasing you!" Bai Chi said with a smile.

"Wife, you are too damn, make me happy for nothing." Situ Qing turned Bai Chi to face her, and studied her belly.

Bai Chichi pointed to his belly and said, "Ask the baby and see what he says."

"Okay, come on, good baby, tell dad, are you younger brother or younger sister?" Situ Qing said solemnly.

"You can't ask me this way, look at me!" Bai Chichi gently stroked his stomach and said, "Baby, are you a boy?"

Before the words fell, a small bag suddenly bulged in the corner of his stomach.

"Did you see that, he nodded!" Bai Chichi said in surprise.

Situ Qing shook his head: "If you are not rigorous, ask again."

"Baby, are you a girl?"

Another bulges.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "What should I do, this kid is too naughty, teasing mom and dad!"

"Maybe it's in response to the policy, so I don't want to tell us the answer! Didn't the doctor say it? Except for medical reasons, he won't tell his parents the gender of the child!" Bai Chichi said seriously, tilting his head.

"My wife, don't be so cute. Whether it's a boy or a girl, we all love it, don't we?"

"Yes, let's not discuss this. Please give me a good wrist squeeze. I think it hurts to even twist the towel when washing my face recently." Bai Chichi raised his hand and handed it to Situ Qing.

Situ Qing said nervously, "Why is this happening?"

"It may be tenosynovitis, which is normal. Many people are prone to this condition in the later stages of pregnancy."

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