Chen Yuan's tears flowed slowly.

"What are you crying? I just ask you a few words." Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan crying and thought she might really not know.

But Chen Yuan turned her face away and looked out the window, sobbing silently.

Situ Qing didn't speak any more, and the two came to the company in silence.

After getting off the car, Chen Yuan followed Situ Qing and got into the elevator. She cleaned her face and removed all the heavy makeup.

At this moment, Chen Yuan looked very pitiful because of her pale complexion and dark circles under her eyes.

Situ Qing looked at her and shook his head slightly.

After arriving on the office floor, Chen Yuan put down her bag and went to the bathroom.

Situ Qing entered the office, a little apologetic, because Chen Yuan looked really innocent.

Did you make a mistake?

Situ Qing thought that it didn't really matter whether Meng Ran appeared or not. As long as she stayed vigilant at all times, she probably couldn't move anything.

At this moment, Situ Qing never thought that Chen Yuan and Meng Ran would join forces to deal with Bai Chichi, and he thought Meng Ran was simply approaching him for business matters.

So when he saw Chen Yuan's sad look, he thought that he should forget it, and there is no need to investigate the cause too much.

But Chen Yuan didn't know Situ Qing's thoughts, she thought that if she was exposed this time, she would leave a big hidden danger.

what should I do? Chen Yuan frowned in the dressing room, always worried that she would be suspected by Situ Qing. The so-called suspicious ghosts were actually the despicable thoughts in Chen Yuan's heart that tortured herself.

"No, he must be convinced that the appearance of Meng Ran has nothing to do with me." Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

But if you just grasp this matter to explain, it will become more and more dark, you have to find another way.

Looking at herself in the mirror, her face was so haggard and her eyes were dull. Chen Yuan once again threw all her faults on Bai Chichi's body.

It's all her, if it weren't for her, how could she deliberately want to do something to destroy like here? It wasn't her, how could she have such an ugly face?

The more she thought about it, the more she hated her, Chen Yuan's hands were tightly pinched together, and her joints turned white.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan brewed her emotions for a while, until two lines of tears were on her face and her eyes were red before she went out.

Back in the office, she saw that Situ Qing was quiet, and Chen Yuan went to the pantry to make a cup of coffee and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Situ Qing's voice was the same as before.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath, and then gently opened the door.

"President Qing, your coffee."

Situ Qing looked up, and Chen Yuan looked like she had just cried and her eyelids were also swollen.

"Why are you still sad, my tone is so heavy?" Situ Qing did not expect Chen Yuan's reaction to be so big.

I thought she was going to the dressing room to touch up her makeup. Now it seems that Chen Yuan doesn't apply powder and faint tears on her face.

"No." Chen Yuan lowered her head aggrievedly and reached out to wipe her eyes.

Situ Qing looked at her: "Since it's not, then don't cry. This is not a big deal, don't take it to your heart."

"President Qing, you are my immediate boss and the person who brought me into the industry. I am really grateful to you." Chen Yuan suddenly used honorifics, which surprised Situ Qing.

When Chen Yuan was in the company, she always regarded herself as an employee of the Situ Group, and never relied on her relationship with Situ Qing and his wife to bully.

Therefore, she respects Situ Qing in front of others, and her honorifics are also on her lips, but when only two people are alone, she will not be so serious and formal.

Today, while drinking coffee in Situ Qing, Chen Yuan suddenly said honorific words, which made Situ Qing a little uncomfortable.

However, he knew that Chen Yuan did this, there must be something later.

"What's wrong, why do you say this."

Chen Yuan sniffed and said, "I still remember Mr. Qing and I spent so many difficult times together during the earthquake. If it weren't for your encouragement and support, my will would have collapsed."

"Well, how did you bring up the past?" Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan's mood was a bit wrong, put down the coffee and looked at her and said.

Chen Yuan whispered: "At that time, we trusted each other, so we can become friends in need, right?"

"Aren't we trusting each other now?" Situ Qing was a little dumbfounded.

Chen Yuan seems to take her previous words too seriously, what exactly is she going to do?

"No, not anymore." Chen Yuan stubbornly raised her head, her small chin facing Situ Qing.

Situ Qing leaned back in the chair: "Oh? How can you see it?"

"From the moment you asked me Miss Mengran, I knew that something was changing our relationship."

"Yuanyuan, I've said it, it doesn't matter if you told Mengran, it doesn't matter whether it is intentional or unintentional, she has no effect on me." Situ Qing explained patiently.

If it weren't for Chen Yuan, but another employee, he wouldn't want to say one more word at all, so why bother with someone who distorted his meaning.

But it happened to be Chen Yuan, and Situ Qing had a trace of guilt in her heart because this girl liked him.

Moreover, Situ Qing thinks that for a simple and simple rural girl like Chen Yuan, it hurts her heart to refuse her. In addition, she always looks at her and Bai Chichi's extraordinary love, the kind of pain in her heart should be very tormenting.

There is another very important reason, that is, Chen Yuan is conscientious in the company and has never missed it.

From a public and private point of view, Situ Qing did not want to criticize Chen Yuan.

What happened to Wu Deyong before made Situ Qing feel that Chen Yuan was innocent and pitiful, but now she should be cared for and comforted.

So Situ Qing said repeatedly that he didn't mean to blame her.

"President Qing, if you really think so, you won't come back and ask me!" Chen Yuan was extremely determined.

Situ Qing was a little annoyed, he frowned and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"If I, as your personal assistant, cannot get your trust, then it's better not to leave me by your side!" Chen Yuan said, her eyes blushing.

"Don't keep you?"

Chen Yuan nodded: "Yes, President Qing, if I can't make the leader believe in my character, then I am not doing well enough."

"Don't you think that your own words are very irresponsible?" Situ Qing suppressed the fire in his heart.

"I don't think. I have proposed to resign before, but you don't approve it. This time, it's better to ask you to expel me." Chen Yuan said more and more sad, and tears fell like a broken string.

Situ Qing's face was already ugly. If he were in the army, he would not allow his female soldiers to say such willful words.

But now it's not a unit, and the person facing her is not her own soldier, so she can't be demanded by too strict standards.

Seeing that Situ Qing did not speak, Chen Yuan cried and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, it is all my fault. I know that if it were not my fault, you would not specifically ask me about Miss Mengran's situation, but I also I don’t know which link went wrong."

She changed her name, which shows that her emotions are gradually losing control.

Situ Qing could no longer remain silent. He tried to use a calm tone to say to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, you are still calling me sister-in-law Qing, then listen to me, stop thinking about it, and go to work. "

"Brother-in-law Qing, I don’t want to leave you and leave the Situ Group, but how can I stay? You no longer believe me, and you think I betrayed your whereabouts to irrelevant people. This is how it feels to me. Do you know the big blow?"

"I'll say it again, it's because you think too much." Seeing Chen Yuan crying like this, Situ Qing didn't want to continue this topic with her for a long time.

But Chen Yuan didn't stop, she cried with rain, and uttered her grievances.

"If Sister Chi Chi suspects me, I have nothing to say! Because women are always a little careful. She sees me with you at all times, and she feels a little jealous. That's normal. I don't Would mind."

Chen Yuan wiped her tears: "But this time it’s not Sister Chichi, but you, Sister-in-law Qing! When the earthquake, I rescued you, and when I cared for and encouraged each other, I would never think of it. One day You would doubt me."

"Yuanyuan, can you stop crying and listen to me." Situ Qing stood up, took a tissue and handed it to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and took the tissue, wiped her face indiscriminately, still standing straight at Situ Qing's desk.

That state is exactly the same as the hero before he died.

It seems that she has really reached the limit of patience, otherwise she would not have revealed so many things to explain her position.

Situ Qing said: "Mengran, I just ask you, where do you mean to blame and doubt you?"

"Brother-in-law Qing, in fact, if you fire me, I can also find a foothold elsewhere, because I have learned a lot from you."

"Why are you still talking about this!" Situ Qing's voice rose again.

Chen Yuan's tears couldn't hold back again. She looked at Situ Qing dimly with tears and said, "If it weren't for you, I would still be a country girl and don't understand anything! I really appreciate you for bringing me out. Recognize so many new things!"

"In this case, you should stay by my side, continue to grow, and say what to expel!"

Chen Yuan shook her head and said, "No, now is different from before. I know that my existence is a trouble for you."

"What's this!" Situ Qing couldn't stand it. Why did the woman stop playing when she cried.

"Because Sister Chi Chi is unwilling to accept me anymore, I can see it! Although I am not smart, I am not stupid either!" Chen Yuan cried with tears.

Situ Qing smiled bitterly and said, "This has nothing to do with Chi Chi at all."

"But brother-in-law Qing, do you mind the appearance of Miss Meng Ran, isn't it because sister Chi Chi is angry and jealous?" Chen Yuan asked deliberately.

Situ Qing shook his head and said, "Of course not."

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