Mother Zhang smiled and said, "Why don't I know this? I have never touched a computer.

"As long as you are willing to learn, I promise to teach you! It's just that, it's easy to be addicted to online shopping, and there is a special term called the chop hand clan!" Bai Chichi stretched out his hand and made a chop down motion.

Mother Zhang was taken aback: "Oh, so serious?"

"Yes, I always buy a bunch of things that are both impractical and costly. It's tasteless! So I will regret it if I buy it. But if I don't buy it, I feel like a cat. So I want to chop off my hand!" Bai Chi nodded.

"Then I'd better stop learning, it's not fun to chop my own hands when I'm old!" Zhang Ma stretched her tongue out, a very cute little old lady.

Bai Chichi smiled and said: "I am alarmist. A self-disciplined person like you and good shopping habits will not become that kind of prodigal!"

"I don't think it is necessarily, Yuanyuan was so simple before, but now I see that she is also buying things every other day, and she is about to become the chop hand clan you said!" Zhang Ma pointed upstairs and whispered to Bai Chi Chi .

"Haha, how come, she hasn't bought more than me!"

Madam Zhang shook her head and said, "I have seen what you bought. They are all used by the baby. Every piece is useful. But the things Yuanyuan buys are always taken back to the room. I don’t know. Is there any waste of money."

"It's her own money anyway." Bai Chichi is not an elderly person like Zhang Ma, who is usually frugal.

Madam Zhang sighed: "Look at her, she's still mysterious, and I don't know what else I bought, when I have to talk to her."

"Don't, Zhang Ma, it's better to do more than less!" Bai Chichi hurriedly stopped Zhang Ma's thoughts. Originally, Chen Yuan thought Zhang Ma was partial. Now if she tries to persuade her to spend less money, she will definitely be misunderstood again. .

Madam Zhang reluctantly said: "Although she is single, she can live at home later, but it won't work if the habits are broken."

"I know you are kind, but Yuanyuan is no longer a country girl now, and her living habits are gradually getting closer to the city, don't discourage her enthusiasm!" Bai Chichi still kindly reminded Zhang Ma.

The two talked about online shopping for a while, and later Zhang's mother was really moved by Bai Chichi, wanting to see what the magical omnipotent shopping site was like.

"I'm idle anyway. I'll go back to my room and take down the laptop to teach you, OK?" Bai Chichi is also an activist, and just do what he says.

Madam Zhang thought that everything in the kitchen was almost cleaned up. There was nothing serious in the afternoon, so she agreed.

When Bai Chichi went upstairs, passing by Chen Yuan's room and seeing the closed door, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Just like Zhang Ma said, Chen Yuan bought a lot of things, but she never showed them to everyone. Today is even more strange, and she closed the door to appreciate it for herself.

Thinking that there was no seller's address on the package, Bai Chichi also thought that Chen Yuan might have bought something very private, so she just stopped for a while and went straight to her room to get the computer.

Chen Yuan put the package on the desk, and she knew in her heart who sent it to her.

Because before receiving the package, Xiaoye's people had sent her a text message to remind her.

"Pay attention to the unnamed package."

It seemed to be the little black thing lying quietly on the desk in front of me.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath. She didn't know what was in it, but it must be very important.

Taking out the paper cutter, Chen Yuan unpacked the black parcel bag, carefully cut the express order and threw it into the trash can.

Inside the bag is a hard-shell box, only the size of a document bag, which looks nothing special.

Chen Yuan put down the paper cutter and opened the box with a brown paper envelope inside.

I picked it up and weighed it, but it didn't weigh much, I felt like it was a photo, and it didn't seal it.

Chen Yuan carefully opened the envelope and reached in and touched it. As expected, it was the texture of the photo. After taking it out, she didn't guess wrong.

The photo was taken in the visiting room of the detention center.

Chen Yuan could tell the person inside the iron fence at a glance, and that was Wu Deyong, the prisoner who kidnapped her.

As for the person sitting on the chair outside the fence, although he was from the side, Chen Yuan could easily recognize it as Qin Xuesong.

At this moment Qin Xuesong looked at Wu Deyong calmly with his arms folded, but Wu Deyong looked excited, waving a hand as if to say something, and as if swearing to the sky.

"So I really met!" Chen Yuan picked up the photo and studied it carefully. Yes, both of them were taken very clearly.

It is indeed Wu Deyong and Qin Xuesong.

The evidence is solid. If you only look at the photos, you will think that Qin Xuesong and Wu Deyong are two very familiar people.

If not, why would Qin Xuesong visit Wu Deyong?

Speaking of them, they probably couldn't beat them, and when Wu Deyong was arrested, hadn't Qin Xuesong disappeared long ago?

How could he appear in the local detention center at this time?

Chen Yuan felt that this matter even felt incredible to her, let alone Situ Qing, who had a prejudice against Qin Xuesong.

Once this photo was seen by Situ Qing, he would definitely believe that Wu Deyong was instructed by Qin Xuesong to get into the Situ Group and kidnapped himself!

Chen Yuan was a little excited. She held a corner of the photo and stood up and walked to the window. She looked at the clear sky outdoors. It was absolutely correct. This person must be Qin Xuesong!

This time I can’t count as I did the trick, but you brought it to the door yourself, and Chen Yuan was very happy.

Unexpectedly, this time I caught Qin Xuesong's painful foot without any effort. Bai Chichi had nothing to say when he saw this photo?

If Wu Deyong was obedient to Qin Xuesong, then Bai Chichi would definitely have to defend him again, but with the photo as evidence, she would be futile.

This time, Situ Qing would not give up the final investigation easily as he did last time.

At that time, Qin Xuesong hypocritically said that he would quit Bai Chichi's life, and given the low price of the small courtyard to Bai Chichi's parents, Situ Qing had no other way to go with him.

But regarding Wu Deyong, Situ Qing was originally dissatisfied with him and felt that he had been deceived, so this person's impression score was already negative.

In addition, Qin Xuesong said to leave but did not leave, and was still secretly messing up, wouldn't this make Situ Qing feel unprecedented anger?

The more Chen Yuan thought about it, the more she felt that this incident would definitely make Situ Qing out of control.

Then there will be a good show!

It's just that Chen Yuan is a little bit troubled about how this photo can be seen by Situ Qing.

If it was taken by Chen Yuan, it would be impossible.

In Situ Qing’s heart, Chen Yuan is a pure country girl. In this city, apart from Situ Qing’s family and colleagues at work, she doesn’t know anyone else at all. How could there be any means and ways to get this? photo?

If Situ Qing became suspicious when seeing the photo, and after careful investigation, he might have involved Master Xiao.

That was Chen Yuan's big taboo, she didn't dare to take this risk.

Although Lord Xiao had great magical powers, Situ Qing was no ordinary person. The two were evenly matched, and both were very important.

If Situ Qing finds out, not only will Chen Yuan be unable to protect herself, but it will also cause Xiao Ye's anger. When the time comes, both parties will find her in trouble. Chen Yuan asks herself that there is no way to protect herself.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan's excitement just now dimmed.

"What's the use for me holding this photo? On the contrary, it has become a hot potato. I can't take it out. I don't dare to throw it away. Alas, I am so happy!" Chen Yuan took the photo in front of her annoyed. He looked at it and sighed.

But she changed her mind again. There is no chance now, it doesn't mean that there will be no chance in the future. Keep the photos and wait, there will always be a way.

So Chen Yuan put the photo back in the envelope, then walked to the bookcase, took out a medium-thick business administration book, and clamped the envelope inside.

"Just wait quietly, there will be a day when you can see the sun again." Chen Yuan patted the book gently, and then put it back in the bookcase.

Throwing the box into the trash can, Chen Yuan came downstairs.

She was afraid that Bai Chichi would be suspicious if she stayed in the room for too long, so she wanted to help Zhang Ma to do something to cover up.

But what she didn't expect was that after going downstairs, she heard the laughter of Bai Chichi and Zhang Ma coming from the restaurant.

What are they talking about so happy?

Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment, but still aggravated her steps and walked over.

At the dining table, Bai Chichi opened the laptop and was teaching Zhang Ma how to use the mouse. She held Zhang Ma's hand and said the method patiently.

But Zhang Ma is an elderly person after all, and she hasn't touched anything in this area, so the mouse is always disobedient, sliding around on the screen, making her laugh in vain.

Mom Zhang looked at the mouse and said, "This gadget is really hard to master!"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, or you can do it directly here!" Bai Chichi asked Zhang Ma to touch the touchpad on the notebook with her finger.

The result is still the same, Zhang Ma smiled and said: "It seems that I can't handle this, and I won't be a Chop Hand Clan in the future!"

"Chop Hand Clan? Zhang Mom, Chi Chi, what are you doing?" Chen Yuan pretended to be curious and walked over.

"I taught Mom Zhang to buy things online." Bai Chichi glanced at Chen Yuan.

Madam Zhang smiled and said, "Yes, I think you young people always buy things online, so see how you do it!"

"It turned out to be like this! Actually it's not difficult, Zhang Ma, you can learn it soon!" Chen Yuan saw pictures of daily necessities on the screen.

At this time, Mom Zhang suddenly remembered, and she said to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, is the package you received today also something you bought online?"

Chen Yuan didn't react to this question for a while, and she was shocked before saying, "Ah, yes."

"I bought something, why isn't even the seller's address so mysterious?" Bai Chichi asked casually.

Chen Yuan's eyes rolled: "Oh, it's underwear!"

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