Bai Chichi sighed and said, "Who said no, I blamed me for being blindfolded and having a soft heart. In fact, I believe in people without principles."

"Don't say that to yourself, you are too kind!" Seeing Bai Chichi's appearance, Xin Xiaozi couldn't bear to blame her anymore.

"Sometimes kindness is just a better excuse. I'm dull enough to talk about it. I didn't notice it early in the morning." Bai Chichi shook his head and said.

Xin Xiaozi walked up to her, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I am not as kind as you. Wait and see, I will expose Chen Yuan's disguise!"

"What are you going to do?" Bai Chichi raised his head and looked at Xin Xiaozi.

"Well, there is no specific plan yet, but you know what I do. I don't like procrastination. I will do it as soon as possible!"

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "This is true."

"Okay, I came to you to tell you that I have an appointment with Qin Xuesong for dinner tonight, so don't let it out to me."

Bai Chichi looked at her in surprise: "Are you really planning to resolve the grudges and grievances with Cedar?"

"What kind of grievances did I have with him? Wasn't it all to fight for you? It's just that I didn't like him before. Now he looks like a dog. It's not too much to eat him, anyway. It's also idle!" Xin Xiaozi sat on the bay window grinning.

"He is indeed a successful person now, so after three days, when you look at him with admiration, people will change!" Bai Chichi felt that Qin Xuesong had not only succeeded in his career, but his character had also changed. Be noble.

Qin Xuesong used to be just a small bastard, but now he is much more mature and stable. Sometimes Bai Chichi is very grateful for what he has done for himself.

Just because he believed in him, Bai Chichi felt that the act Da Yong had made had absolutely nothing to do with Qin Xuesong.

However, this matter has passed so long, Bai Chichi no longer wants to pursue the right and wrong, so as not to cause Situ Qing's dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter to him, I won't have anything to do with him, I just go to have a meal and reminisce about the past! Most importantly, I have to ask him for help."

"What do you want to do?" Bai Chichi was startled. Xin Xiaozi always did whatever she thought of. What would she ask Qin Xuesong to help?

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "What are you nervous about? I think so, isn't he, Qin Xuesong now has a face and a face, so in terms of connections, he should be broader than me and you."

"Well, what then?"

"Since he knows so many people with three levels of education, it should be more convenient to investigate Chen Yuan's identity. As you said, Chen Yuan's origin is unknown. We should start from this point. This is the root cause." Xin Xiaozi analyzed it well. .

Bai Chichi said admiringly: "You still want to be thoughtful."

"And you think, we live in the deep house compound, how can we have the opportunity to do these peripheral jobs, so we are looking for a foreign aid, and it must be reliable!" Xin Xiaozi told Bai Chi all his thoughts. late.

"You thought so far!" Bai Chichi felt that Xin Xiaozi had indeed considered a lot more than himself.

Xin Xiaozi said triumphantly: "I'm not a fool when I follow far away. He taught me some investigative knowledge."

Bai Chichi looked at her and said, "Yes, those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near ink are black, and the person far away has special depth. You finally did not become his wife for nothing!"

"Don't praise him, I will be endless when you praise him!" Xin Xiaozi's tone was filled with pride and admiration.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Sometimes I really envy you, how good you are, and I will not go where to find a savior to come back."

"Then he didn't meet him. If he did, he might want to give back to others even more than Qing. It's possible if he doesn't agree with him!"

"Nonsense! You, you don't know the blessing when you are in the blessing!" Bai Chichi glared at Xin Xiaozi strangely.

"Then it's settled. I'll leave in a while. If you ask questions, you can tell me to go back to my mother's house." Xin Xiaozi stood up.

Bai Chichi looked at her, his eyes slowly red: "Xiao Zi, thank you."

"Thank me, don't just talk about it, give me something practical!" Xin Xiaozi said with her arms crossed, looking at Bai Chichi condescendingly, and said without any kind of politeness.

Bai Chichi said helplessly: "You are so incomprehensible, it's obviously a moving scene that you made a secular life!"

"I'm a layman, anyway, you remember my love, and you have the opportunity to repay me in the future!" Xin Xiaozi smiled and touched Bai Chichi's head.

"The more we talk, the more ridiculous, how can we account for these!" Bai Chichi had to cooperate with her and pretended not to care.

Xin Xiaozi nodded: "That's right, so don't say anything thank you or not thank you in the future, you are fine, I will be fine naturally!"

"That's right, we are good sisters who break bones and tendons, so everything you do for me is what you should do!" Bai Chichi also learned Xin Xiaozi to play a rogue.

"You're so smart, you know it!"

Bai Chi pushed back Xin Xiaozi and said, "Then if you want to leave, go quickly, lest you run into Qing's return and you will have to bother you to lie."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now, and have dinner with your first love in the evening!" Xin Xiaozi made a mischievous face.

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "That's how you are, one mouth is annoying!"

"It's so disgusting, we like this mouth from far away!" Xin Xiaozi pursed her mouth and made a kiss.

Bai Chichi hurriedly hid his face: "You are ashamed or ashamed! Say these things that are not suitable for children in front of my baby!"

Xin Xiaozi laughed and said: "It's not bad for the baby to accept my prenatal education, so as not to be as embarrassed as you!"

"Go, go!" Bai Chichi grabbed Xin Xiaozi by the arm and pulled her out.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "You don't need to push, I will go out immediately!"

The two of them twisted into a ball, just like they were in school, happily forgetting the unpleasant troubles around them.

At this moment, the bedroom door suddenly opened. Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi were still holding each other’s hands and joking. They were stunned when they looked back, but then they all laughed again, because the person who came in was right. It's Situ Qing.

"Xiao Zi, Chi Chi, are you fighting?" Situ Qing saw Xin Xiao Zi and Bai Chi Chi still clasping each other's wrists, as if they had grasped the gate of life.

Xin Xiaozi quickly let go and said: "If you don't play, you won't play anymore, your helper is here!"

"I don't need any helper!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing walked over and embraced her waist and said, "Yes, I don't need me, but now it's just two fights!"

"Ha, your family of three partnered to deal with me?" Xin Xiaozi pointed to Situ Qing and Bai Chichi and said.

"Where is it, it's because of your own lack of strength, afraid you can't beat me!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing saw that Bai Chichi's mood improved a lot after Xin Xiaozi came back, and he was also more cheerful, naturally also very happy.

"Xiao Zi, you came back just right. Today, a customer of our company gave me some VIP coupons. Would you like to go to the top restaurant of Hilton for dinner together?"

"Today?" Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi said in unison.

Situ Qing smiled and said, "What's wrong, do you have any arrangements?"

"Oh, no, no, I mean, Baichi didn't! You two go, I don't bother to make light bulbs!" Xin Xiaozi said, shaking his head.

Situ Qing looked at her suspiciously: "Would you bother to make light bulbs? I remember that you used to like to participate in my late dating, for fear that I would bully her."

"That was before, and I'm not sure if you will really treat her well, now I don't need it anymore, you love to have dinner for two!" Xin Xiaozi hugged her arms and faced Bai Chichi Blinked.

Bai Chichi looked at her and smiled without speaking.

"Opportunity is rare. It is said that there is a famous singer who will sing to cheer up tonight. I came back earlier just to invite you and be late." What Situ Qing said was true. He happened to meet that customer when he went to the company today. Come and send VIP coupons.

Because Situ left the army, Situ Qing was afraid that Xiao Zi would be lonely, so he was the first one to take her with him.

In addition, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi are as good as their sisters. If they go together, the atmosphere will definitely be better and more lively.

"Ah, who?" Xin Xiaozi immediately became interested when he heard it.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "I heard that Chi Chi said that it is a singer you like very much. He sings old-fashioned love songs. The sound is very clean..."

"Zhang Xinzhe?" Xin Xiaozi's eyes beamed.

"It seems to be him." As soon as Situ Qing's voice fell, Xin Xiaozi showed an expression of regret.

Bai Chichi looked at her, thinking that since you want to go so much, you might as well make another appointment with Cedar.

Because Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi had been friends for many years, they knew what they thought of each other just by looking at each other's faces.

Xin Xiaozi knew that Bai Chi was unwilling to exhaust herself for her business, but no matter how he liked the singer, he couldn't delay business.

Moreover, there are still many opportunities to listen to concerts in the future, but things that are too late are of urgency.

"Forget it, you go, I have to go home." Xin Xiaozi gave Bai Chichi a look, meaning you can rest assured, I know the priorities.

"Xiao Zi, the opportunity is rare, you should go with us!" Bai Chi couldn't bear it, she also knew that Xin Xiaozi liked Zhang Xinzhe very much.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head and said, "No, no, I will come back later, and it would be better if I let him accompany me!"

"What's the matter, I suddenly twisted and pinched?" Situ Qing looked at her and felt a little uncomfortable.

Xin Xiaozi said impatiently: "What is tweaking? Didn't I tell my mother to go home for dinner! Go ahead, if you can, just ask for an autograph for me!"

"Xiao Zi!" Bai Chichi still wanted to persuade her to go.

"What are you doing? I said everything. One is that I have to go home, the other is that I don't want to make a light bulb, and the third is that I want to share it with Yuan Youfu!" Xin Xiaozi shook his head firmly.

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