Xin Xiaozi and Qin Xuesong agreed that they would post the photos after he got home, and she would find an opportunity to show them to Situ Qing, and the plan to find Jusao would also be implemented immediately.

"Let's do this, we must keep in touch, and we can't let Bai Chi be isolated and helpless and let Chen Yuan bully like before!"

"Okay, do you want me to take you home?" Qin Xuesong asked politely.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head: "No, I told them that I was going back to my natal house tonight. It would be trouble if you send me back and be met!"

"I don't even know if we meet?" Qin Xuesong was a little surprised.

"How come, why should I hide from her, we are now an Allied army, but she doesn't need to do anything, just wait quietly." Xin Xiaozi stood up and took the bag, ready to walk out of the private room.

Qin Xuesong approvingly said: "Yes, the baby is about to be born late, so she can't worry about her, she must have a good environment."

"You think so too, I think our thinking is very unified now!" Xin Xiaozi was very happy.

"All right, I'll take you to the door." Qin Xuesong also stood up.

Accompanying Xin Xiaozi to take a taxi, Qin Xuesong found a driver after watching her leave, and then returned home.

When Xin Xiaozi went home, she happened to ran into Bai Chichi and Situ Qing at the door.

"Hey, the reception ends early!" Xin Xiaozi looked at his watch.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "Chase is a pregnant woman. It is not suitable to stay in a crowded place for a long time, so she didn't wait until the end and came back."

"Really? So is there any autographed photo I asked you to get for me?" Xin Xiaozi reached out to Bai Chi Chi.

Bai Chichi smiled and hit her: "I remember it, you are really, why don't you go with us if you can't forget it!"

"Everything has to be prioritized, alas, give it to me quickly!" Xin Xiaozi's impatience has not changed.

But because of this, Situ Qing didn't doubt her whereabouts tonight.

Bai Chichi shook his head while taking out a photo from his bag.

"Here you are, your idol is also very handsome at close range!"

"Of course, do you think I will fall in love with someone casually?" Xin Xiaozi took a look and smiled satisfied.

Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's waist and said, "Okay, can you go in and talk? If you catch the wind, you will catch a cold."

"Okay, let's go in!" Xin Xiaozi was in a good mood because he had a smooth conversation tonight, and now he has an autographed photo.

Supporting Bai Chichi, Situ Qing carefully took her back home.

Chen Yuan was watching TV with Zhang Ma in the living room. After seeing them come back, she quickly stood up and helped Bai Chichi.

"No, Yuanyuan." Bai Chi slowly pushed away Chen Yuan's hand, but Situ Qing didn't see it.

He was a little sorry, because Chen Yuan's expression was a bit sorrowful.

"Yuanyuan, there is me, don't stand, go sit!" Situ Qing was afraid of Chen Yuan's embarrassment, speaking to ease the atmosphere.

Xin Xiaozi still felt a little uncomfortable in his eyes.

Why is Situ Qing just protecting Chen Yuan like this, what does he think? Could it be that he really thought about this girl?

"Bai Chi, come here!" Xin Xiaozi took Bai Chichi from Situ Qing and helped her to sit down on the sofa.

After seeing them coming back, Zhang Ma got up and went to the kitchen to prepare fruits.

Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi didn't give Chen Yuan face a bit earlier, and said to her, "Yuanyuan, what TV are you watching?"

"Oh, an ethical drama." Chen Yuan sat down seemingly casually, but she was next to Situ Qing.

Xin Xiaozi gave her a dissatisfied look.

"Bai Chi, is it fun tonight?"

Bai Chichi smiled: "It's okay, the food and drink are very high-end, and the singer's standard is also very good."

"After that, let Qingchang take you there. What does the wife of the president of the Tangtang Situ Group always stay at home? And you are so beautiful, and you are ten times better than others with a baby. It's always a pity to hide!" Xin Xiao Zi patted Bai Chichi's shoulder carelessly.

After listening to her, Chen Yuan was very upset, and she said with a smirk: "Sister Zi Zi is right, it’s best for you to attend this kind of reception with sister-in-law, Chi Chi, lest it be like last time. , That Meng Ran..."

"Do you know Mengran too?" Xin Xiaozi asked.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Because she has business dealings with our company, brother-in-law Qing also took me to contact her several times."

"Really?" Xin Xiaozi looked at her with a faint smile. Chen Yuan felt a little hairy in her heart. She didn't know what Xin Xiaozi meant.

"Xiao Zi, eat fruit." Situ Qing had some unpleasantness with Chen Yuan because of the last dream event. He didn't want to mention it again to make Chen Yuan uncomfortable.

Zhang Ma came over with a fruit plate, which contained various fruits, which looked colorful and made people very appetizing.

"Bai Chi, you like to eat this saint fruit, here you are!" Xin Xiaozi picked up a saint fruit and handed it to Bai Chichi.

Unfortunately, Chen Yuan's hand was also on the fruit.

Xin Xiaozi's movements were originally unintentional, but Situ Qing looked at it and thought she seemed a little deliberate.

"Yuanyuan, you eat too." Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.

"Ah, it's a coincidence, I also want to give this saint fruit to sister Chi Chi!" Chen Yuan said obediently.

Situ Qing smiled and said, "I know you have always taken care of you late, but now that Xiao Zi is back, you can also worry less."

"This is what I should do. I will be the same as before if Xiao Zi comes back!" The more Chen Yuan behaved, the more Situ Qing felt that Xin Xiaozi was a bit too much.

He knew that Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi were best friends, and he still understood her behavior, but it seemed wrong to always embarrass Chen Yuan like this.

"Bai Chi, should you go for a birth check?" Xin Xiaozi ignored Situ Qing and Chen Yuan, and talked to Bai Chichi on his own.

"Well, I have to go tomorrow." Bai Chi nodded.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "Well, I'll go with you!"

"Okay, you also go for an individual check-up, don't you want to prepare for pregnancy, let the doctor take a look!" Of course, Bai Chichi is very willing.

Chen Yuan pretended to be very concerned about Xin Xiaozi and said: "Sister Xiaozi, you really have to be careful. They say that if people who have had a miscarriage once do not recover well, they will easily become a habitual abortion. ....."

"Hey, can you expect me to order! If I have a habitual abortion, what good will it do for you?" Xin Xiaozi said angrily.

The lost baby is the biggest pain in her heart. Now that Chen Yuan says this, of course she can't help being angry.

"I, how could I be! Little Zi sister, I am doing this for your own good!" Chen Yuan was said by Xin Xiaozi, her face flushed and her eyes moist.

Seeing Situ Qing's face changed, Bai Chichi knew in his heart that he was defending Chen Yuan, and that Bai Chichi knew how well Chen Yuan could act.

If Chen Yuan did this deliberately, it would be easy for Situ Qing to be dissatisfied with Xin Xiaozi, so Bai Chichi hurriedly said: "It's all about talking here, Xiaozi, don't worry about it, Chen Yuan also Don't be wronged!"

"I'm not overhearted, it sounds terrible, these words!" Xin Xiaozi's personality is very straightforward, and everything is on her face, which makes her not as good as Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan will always be a pitiful face, not to mention Situ Qing, anyone who doesn't know her will feel that Xin Xiaozi is bullying her.

"Sister Xiaozi, I'm sorry." Chen Yuan lowered her head and said pitifully.

Xin Xiaozi had something to say, but Bai Chichi gagged his mouth with an apple.

"Alright, let's eat fruit!"

Although Situ Qing hadn't spoken all the time, he knew which side he was on by looking at his eyes.

"Do you think there is any change in your body?" Bai Chichi didn't want Xin Xiaozi to be fooled by Chen Yuan, so he changed the subject.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head and said, "There is no big change, it is almost the same as before, but every time I come to my aunt, I always feel that the amount is a bit big..."

"Late, Xiaozi, you talk slowly, I'll go back to the room to check some information." Situ Qing felt that Xin Xiaozi was a little too informal, so how could he talk about this kind of privacy in front of the uncle? So I left with an excuse.

After seeing him go, Chen Yuan also stated that she was going to work tomorrow, and after leaving Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi, she returned to her room.

"Hey, why were you being so fierce to Chen Yuan just now!" Bai Chichi hit Xin Xiaozi's hand strangely.

"Where am I fierce, what she said is too harsh, how can I become a habitual abortion physique? I am about to have a baby, can I not be angry when I hear this?" Xin Xiaozi stared at white. Tardy.

Bai Chichi lightly sighed and said, "Don't treat Chen Yuan so badly in front of Qing, otherwise he will think that we are too domineering!"

"Is he deaf? He didn't hear what Chen Yuan said just now!" Xin Xiaozi said unconvinced.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "You don't know, Chen Yuan is pretty good in pretending to be in front of Qing. She is kind and honest, patient and courteous. She has all the qualities a woman should have!"

"What's wrong with Qing, aren't you a lady in the traditional sense? I think you are a virtuous and virtuous woman!" Xin Xiaozi pouted.

Bai Chichi looked at her and said, "Look, you are good to me, so you will have such a good impression of me, and Qing, Chen Yuan saved his life, so he also only saw Chen Yuan's advantages. , Especially these advantages always appear in front of him!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, the more you clearly target Chen Yuan in this way, the more you make Qing feel pitiful, and when you show her bad evidence, you may not be convinced by Qing Zhen!" Bai Chichi It is indeed a lot more mature and stable since these days, and there is depth in looking at problems.

Xin Xiaozi nodded thoughtfully: "You make a lot of sense! Because I don't like Chen Yuan, Qing must have a preconceived thought. After I caught Chen Yuan's handle, he would think I was framing me. Good people!"

"Be smart, just get it right! Don't be so obvious in the future, Chen Yuan knows how to hide, we can't be too straight and stupid!"

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