The last time that Jusao did a good job, Xin Xiaozi lost her pregnant baby very smoothly.

But this time I can't find her again, right?

Chen Yuan knew that since Xin Xiaozi's accident, the Situ family's search for Jusao had never stopped.

Then a big living person suddenly disappeared from the world. If it weren't for the powerful force of Lord Xiao, who else could do it?

One can imagine what kind of character Xiao Ye is!

The Situ family can be regarded as powerful and powerful, and they have contacts in various government departments and civil organizations, but they can't find such a nanny, so now Xin Xiaozi has no chance of revenge.

Chen Yuan laughed indifferently, son, don't hate me, if you want to blame, blame your mother!

If it wasn't for her stubbornly clinging to Situ Qing, if it wasn't for her to hold the position of the president's wife and not let go, you could be born safely.

Now, because your little Aunt Zi is back, and there are so many things that I hate, so you have to be taken advantage of by my little one!

Chen Yuan didn't want to consider Bai Chichi's degree of danger at all, because as long as this matter succeeds, she succeeds.

Regardless of her life and death, it is the same anyway!

Tracing back to the source, it is not because of the hateful white mother that caused all this today!

Chen Yuan felt that this method would definitely get Xiao Ye's approval.

Didn't he hate Situ Qing very much, so that the two unborn children of the Situ family couldn't see the sun. What kind of cruel revenge was this?

Not only Situ Qing, Situ Yuan and Situ Baichuan will be in desperation, right?

Very good, very good, this way not only completed her revenge plan, but also satisfied Xiao Ye. Chen Yuan felt that she was really smart.

But for now, we must first find a nanny who is as smart as Jusao, and she has to be cruel and merciless.

This kind of talent can only be trained by Xiao Ye, so Chen Yuan has no other way but to ask for help.

"There should be more than one Jusao under Master Xiao. This time I will find a woman who looks stupid but has a bright heart!"

Chen Yuan knew that the Situ family hadn't hired a nanny after Xin Xiaozi had a miscarriage. They must have had lingering fears.

Now if I find another one, I will definitely not find someone who looks shrewd and capable like Jusao. You must be reliable before you can enter.

How to do it? The tactics that Jusao used last time are no longer good, and Chen Yuan knows that this time the Situ family will definitely scrutinize various materials of the nanny.

But these are not problems. For Xiao Ye, it is not easy to modify a person's history?

Chen Yuan couldn't help laughing when she thought of her various personnel relations in Qingshan Township.

It's done perfectly, and it doesn't leak. Even someone like Situ Qing has not found any flaws!

So, the identity of a mere nanny, how can I change it as I want?

After making up her mind, Chen Yuan walked to her bag and took out the old phone and held it in her palm.

"Well, I can't be soft-hearted! A child is nothing, Qing, if you like it, I can give birth to you in the future!" Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

Yes, what sympathy does Bai Chichi's child have? He has lived a miserable life from the day he was born, isn't it worthy of pity?

It doesn't matter if a child died, there is no need to feel guilty!

Chen Yuan took a deep breath again, and then opened the flip of the old phone.

After compiling the text message, Chen Yuan checked it carefully, and then pressed the send button without hesitation.

"Supa Jusao looks for a nanny to send to Situ's house."

Chen Yuan put quotation marks on the word nanny, she knew that Xiaoye's people would understand her meaning.

Now because Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi didn't seem to take any action yet, Chen Yuan couldn't act rashly, and could only observe quietly.

I don't know what they are thinking, Chen Yuan knows the relationship between Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi, and they will communicate frequently, so now she is a little restrained.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Bai Chichi you will soon meet the greatest pain of this life, or your death date!" Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and said coldly.

The trees outside the window had fallen out of their leaves, and they looked like dry arms stretched out into the air in the rustling wind, with a sense of horror.

Chen Yuan walked to the window and closed the curtains with a splash.

Cause and effect are rewarded. Anyway, these are caused by the mother who is in vain. You can't be soft-hearted, and you can't be afraid.

Chen Yuan tried to calm her heart down, took a hot bath, and went to bed early.

After Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi broke up in the corridor, they also returned to the bedroom.

"Wife, you are tired today, why are you still sitting in the living room with Xiao Zi and talking for so long?" Situ Qing got up to support her.

"We have always been like this, and you know it." Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing frowned: "During the reception, I was still worried about your lack of energy. Don't go to bed so late in the future."

"It's not too late, you can't see 11 o'clock!" Bai Chichi raised his wrist to show Situ Qing's watch.

"If you don't rest early, your baby's biological clock will be messy in the future." Situ Qing looked at her distressedly.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Why, don't you think Xiaozi was too harsh on Chen Yuan today, so you are not happy with her?"

"I don't deny that Xiao Zi is really not polite to Yuanyuan." Situ Qing is not so stingy, he really thinks that Bai Chichi should rest early, otherwise he will not take her home an hour after the reception. .

"Don't you know Xiao Zi's personality? It's like a firecracker. She's not aimed at Chen Yuan." Bai Chichi sat down and Situ Qing massaged her shoulders.

"Despite this, Chen Yuan did not offend her much."

"When it comes to miscarriage, can Xiao Zi not get excited? Don't blame her, it's the same for everyone."

Situ Qing knew that Bai Chichi was defending Xin Xiaozi, so he didn't plan to entangle her with such trivial matters.

"Be careful later."

Bai Chichi nodded: "Yes, I also said that Xiao Zi, she recognized her fault, so she is still a good comrade!"

"Wash and sleep. I'll accompany you to the hospital tomorrow morning." Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi to the bathroom.

"No, you go to work, just have Xiao Zi with me." Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing after getting dressed.

"Can you?" Situ Qing was worried.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "It's okay, and you heard Xiao Zi say that she also plans to do a self-examination, it is not convenient for you to go, and it takes a long time."

"In this case, I'll take you to the hospital." Situ Qing thought about it.

"Good." Bai Chichi did not object this time.

Early the next morning, Xin Xiaozi, Bai Chichi, and Chen Yuan all got in Situ Qing's car and came to the hospital.

"Sister Chi Chi, Sister Zi, do you need me to go with me?" Chen Yuan asked.

Because Xin Xiaozi heard what Bai Chichi said, today's attitude towards Chen Yuan has been slightly adjusted.

"It's okay, you need to go to work!"

Bai Chichi also said: "Yes, we are enough for the two!"

"Then, shall we leave?" Chen Yuan looked at them and said.

Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan: "You are here waiting for me. I will come down after I send it to the obstetric department."

"Yes, yes, brother-in-law Qing is thoughtful!" Chen Yuan said with a smile quickly.

Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi glanced at each other, did not speak but smiled.

When Situ Qing left, Bai Chichi said to Xin Xiaozi: "Look, I was right to make you look better to Chen Yuan on the surface."

"Why do you say that?"

"After I returned to the room yesterday, Qing specially asked me, so he still cares a little bit." Bai Chichi thought about Situ Qing's words.

Xin Xiaozi nodded: "I also figured it out. You make a lot of sense. If anyone is rude to my savior, I might also be upset."

"Originally, Qing didn't even know what Chen Yuan had done. He thought that the girl just liked him purely. This is not a fault." Bai Chi sighed slightly.

Xin Xiaozi said pungently: "How can so many overbearing CEOs fall in love with my bridge segment? I don't know what medicine is sold in this Chen Yuan gourd!"

"So, before the matter has no real evidence, don't conflict with Qing for her, otherwise she will take the lead!" Bai Chichi is experienced, and Chen Yuan cried and complained the past few times. All made Situ Qing very uncomfortable.

"Sooner or later I will show this fool Situ Qing, his savior is a fairy with painted skin!" Xin Xiaozi said viciously.

Bai Chichi slapped her with a smile: "What are you doing? Now it's serious for us to go to the doctor!"

"Yes, it's because you are going to have a baby, so I have to protect you with Qin Xuesong and not let you be affected!"

"I'm so lucky to have such a good friend!" Bai Chichi gave Xin Xiaozi a fist.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said, "This is my signature move, why are you going to learn it?"

"Let's go, I know you are a heroic female knight!" Bai Chichi took her hand, and the two came to the doctor's office together.

The results of the examination were very good, the baby's fetal heart and fetal movements were normal, and he had grown a lot, which made Bai Chichi very happy.

"You can't even close your mouth when you smile!" Xin Xiaozi said enviously.

Bai Chichi hugged her shoulders: "Of course, when you have a baby in the future, you will feel this kind of warmth too!"

"Yes, I believe it too!" Xin Xiaozi's heart was still very sour.

"Xiao Zi, if you want to check your body, we have to go to the gynecology department." Bai Chichi couldn't bear to let Xin Xiaozi shuttle among a bunch of pregnant women.

"Okay, let's go!" Xin Xiaozi nodded.

Walking down the long corridor of the hospital, Bai Chichi touched his stomach and said, "Now as long as the child is born safely, I can leave it alone."

"Yes, especially that girl Chen Yuan, don't mess with her, leave it to me!" Xin Xiaozi patted his chest righteously.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "You shouldn't have a head-on conflict with her, just stop by quietly."

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