At the beginning of the lights, the trees on the street looked a little bleak in the night, just like Situ Qing's mood at the moment.

Originally, because today was Chen Yuan’s brother’s birthday, she felt so sad that she wanted to ask Xiaofang to accompany her to go back to the country to sweep a tomb, but Xin Xiaozi unreasonably said that she was conspiring to kill Bai Chichi in the warehouse. Give her another handful of salt on her unhealed wound?

Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan was too pitiful, too wronged and too wronged.

What Xin Xiaozi was talking about, it was a horror of the world!

A good and innocent girl who didn't provoke anyone, but was driven out of the house in such a bleak late autumn, how sad she should be.

The more Situ Qing thought about it, the more worried she became. Chen Yuan ran out with such excitement. Would she not think about it, would she encounter any unexpected events?

While in the disaster area, although Chen Yuan suffered a huge blow from the loss of her relatives, she smiled and took care of Situ Qing with all her heart every day. What a great feeling and how selfless this was.

But such a girl would be disgusted by Xin Xiaozi, and targeted her everywhere, with guns and sticks in every sentence, cynicism.

Bai Chichi used to treat Chen Yuan very well. Like Situ Qing, he treated her like a sister, but since that confession, Bai Chichi has completely changed.

How can you be so small, so that you can't tolerate a little bit of your husband's savior?

Chen Yuan is a country girl. She doesn't know how to store her feelings. She just said it to make her heart more comfortable, but she didn't ask for anything. Why was Xin Xiaozi said such a simple feeling so unbearable?

Bai Chichi, you have disappointed me too much. There is no standard to judge right and wrong, and there is no principle to believe in Xin Xiaozi's nonsense.

Situ Qing's heart was both contradictory and anxious, walking hurriedly on the street, but Chen Yuan was never seen.

"Yuanyuan!" Situ Qing yelled again, ignoring the gaze of passersby.

There was still no response, there were not many people on the street, and the eyes were wide and unobstructed, but Chen Yuan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air without a trace.

Where did it go?

Situ Qing regretted that he hadn't chased it out the first time just now. If it hadn't been for Xin Xiaozi's pull, I'm afraid Chen Yuan would have been found at this moment.

No, she shouldn't be let go at all.

What do those **** photos show? It can only show that Xin Xiaozi's unpredictable intentions, and finding someone to follow Chen Yuan, doesn't it seem more despicable and shameful than her so-called evidence?

Chen Yuan was right. Xin Xiaozi deliberately tried to drive her away from Situ's house. That's why she made a trick for a while, for fear that the trickery would not succeed.

Situ Qing thought, Bai Chichi is really a fool, how could he be friends with such a person! Situ Yuan was even more eye-catching, looking for a wife who had harmed the country and the people to come back, leaving the family unrest all day long.

Just when Situ Qing was looking for Chen Yuan and was anxious, she didn't know that Chen Yuan was hiding in the bushes on the side of the road and laughing.

It seems that he bet the right treasure, Situ Qing did not listen to Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi's words, he chased it out without hesitation!

Very good, very good, so it seems that he still has a foothold in the Situ family, after all, Situ Qing is the head of the family, and what he said counts.

As long as he speaks, what can Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi do?

However, Chen Yuan deliberately prevented Situ Qing from finding herself. She thought that she could not go back so easily, because that would be worthless.

Sometimes, twitching is necessary.

Don’t let him see, it’s better to create some background!

Chen Yuan thought for a while, and secretly observed Situ Qing's movements from among the trees, thinking how to appear in front of him is the most dramatic effect.

There was a taxi on the side of the road dropping off passengers. Chen Yuan saw that the guests gave money and took out their luggage from the trunk to leave.

"Well, it's time for this car to appear!"

The taxi hit the left turn light and was ready to start. Chen Yuan knew that the speed of the car would not be too fast at this time.

Situ Qing was less than a hundred meters in front of the taxi. He was looking for Chen Yuan anxiously, without noticing the most common scene on the street.

The taxi was moving slowly, saying that it was too late and it was fast. Chen Yuan seized the opportunity to drag the suitcase and rushed over, and just hit the front of the taxi unbiased.

The driver didn't expect that someone would rush out at this time, and was shocked, and instinctively stepped on the brake.

"Ah!" Chen Yuan deliberately screamed in the loudest voice.

Then, she saw Situ Qing turning around, and then slowly sliding down beside the wheel.

"Yuan Yuan!" Situ Qing heard Chen Yuan's voice mixed with the brakes. When he looked back, the front of the car just blocked his sight. Only Chen Yuan was lying on the ground frowning in pain, and she was helpless. Eyes.

The driver hurriedly got out of the car and saw Chen Yuan lying there, with the suitcase thrown aside.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine!" Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and shook her head pretending to be strong.

Although she rushed out suddenly, the driver was very kind: "Should I take you to the hospital?"

"No, don't blame you, I ran into it when I lost my mind!" Chen Yuan stood up while supporting the body with one hand.

Situ Qing quickly ran to her and asked anxiously: "Yuanyuan, where are you injured?"

"Brother-in-law Qing? Why are you here?" A hint of surprise flashed in Chen Yuan's eyes, but it was all she was acting. She had deliberately crashed the car after seeing Situ Qing.

"Just tell me, where does it hurt?" Situ Qing's attention was on Chen Yuan's body. He looked at Chen Yuan carefully, and reached out to support her.

The driver apologized and said, "I didn't notice you running over, so go to the hospital for a look!"

"No, no, it's my fault. I am upset and crashed into the car recklessly. I should say I'm sorry to you!" Chen Yuan was sincere and did not avoid her fault at all. Situ Qing was moved and distressed.

She is so kind. She was hit by a car and refused to blame others. She took all the responsibility on herself.

How could such a character be a vicious person who wants to kill the fetus in the womb of others?

"Are you really okay?" Situ Qing saw the state of the car, then looked at Chen Yuan and the suitcase, and probably understood.

It must be that Chen Yuan was thinking of the humiliation she had just received, and she was so angry that she didn't see the taxi that started off the street clearly, so she hit herself.

"I'm fine, brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan shook her head, but there were flashing tears in her eyes.

Situ Qing said to the driver: "Okay, you can go."

"All right." The driver looked at Chen Yuan, then at Situ Qing, and got in the car and left.

Situ Qing helped Chen Yuan walk to the flowerbed on the side of the street, let her sit down and then picked up her suitcase.

"Let me see, where did I hit it?" Situ Qing knew that although the car started slowly, it was still very hard compared to people.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "I really didn't hit it."

"Impossible." Situ Qing didn't believe it.

"Does it matter whether you hit it or not?" Chen Yuan sighed, with a hint of helplessness and sadness in her tone.

Situ Qing was a little sad, and it seemed that her guess was correct. Can Chen Yuan run out with such a mood to do anything good?

The accident just now is very lucky. If you hit a moving car, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

It seems that God is still blessing kind people.

"Yuanyuan, you have no problem walking, right?" Situ Qing asked.

Chen Yuan smiled: "Didn't you see it when you were holding me just now?"

Indeed, when Situ Qing assisted Chen Yuan towards the side of the street, she was on her toes, looking very painful.

"Isn't it a broken toe?" Situ Qing was taken aback, and despite Chen Yuan's resistance, she rolled up her trousers and wanted to take off her shoes for a check.

Chen Yuan was secretly refreshed, this bitter trick was very successful!

In fact, her feet weren't serious at all, just some bruises.

Situ Qing saw that a piece of skin was torn on Chen Yuan's calf, and traces of blood ooze out, and she squeezed her bones, but it was fine.

"Brother-in-law Qing, my toes are pretty good. Really, it might be this bruise that makes me a little bit painful." Chen Yuan said honestly, she didn't want to play the show too much, it would be counterproductive.

"A bruise is also an injury. Go back and deal with it immediately." Situ Qing put Chen Yuan's trousers down.

Since Chen Yuan said that there was nothing wrong with her toes, she didn't have to take off her shoes. Situ Qing was actually very measured in his heart, and he would only do what he should do.

"No, I won't go back." Chen Yuan stubbornly shook her head.

"Yuanyuan, don't be stubborn. You also know that he didn't really want to drive you away. It's just that Xiaozi was instigating you and she was also dizzy." Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan's expression and knew that this time she was really hurt. Up her heart.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Whether I am sincere or not, I have been kicked out. Where can I go back? I'm not the kind of person who has a face, I also have self-esteem!"

"It has nothing to do with self-esteem, you should have lived well at Situ's house!" Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan was pitiful.

Of course it would be sad to be humiliated by Xin Xiaozi and curse with her nose. It is normal for her to want to leave.

But even if this is the case, one should stand up bravely and resist. Why bother to abandon rights for the sake of self-esteem?

"How can I live anymore? Sister Xiao Zi hates me for being so boned. Sister Chi Chi is with her as a whole. If she listens too much, she will naturally be affected. Didn't I make them even more unhappy when I went back?" Chen Yuan sniffed intentionally.

"Listen to me, if I let you live, you can live with peace of mind. No one dares to say anything about you!" Situ Qing has never been a hot-headed person. He is not impulsive, but insists on his views.

Chen Yuan didn't do anything wrong in the first place, so why did she live on the street like this?

If someone knew that Situ Qing treated his savior like this, wouldn't they point to his spine and scold him?

Injustice, this is Situ Qing's most hated adjective, he will not allow this to happen to him.

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