"It's not hard, for you, for the Situ Group, I'm still willing to do my best and die!" Chen Yuan's words made Xin Xiaozi sick.

She finally couldn't help it: "If you two want to talk about these things, can you go to the study alone and say, this is a restaurant, a place to eat!"

"Sister Xiaozi, what's wrong with you? Isn't the best place for communication in a family is at the dinner table? If you don't have a common language, please avoid it!" Chen Yuan said without showing any weakness.

"A family?" Xin Xiaozi snorted.

Situ Qing looked at her: "Isn't it?"

"Hey, Situ Qing, you can figure it out. Your wife has been mad at you and this woman. What are you talking about as a family?" Xin Xiaozi stared at him angrily.

Situ Qing's face was very cold and arrogant: "She hasn't been so popular because she can't think about it."

"Can't think of it? Now she is pregnant, do you still say that?" Xin Xiaozi was going crazy, but it seemed that Situ Qing was still so stubborn.

"It's because she is pregnant, so she has to be a good role model for the baby, open-minded, tolerance is great." Situ Qing's anger still remained.

Bai Chichi forced him to make a choice. Isn't this tantamount to a stupid question like "My mother and I fell into the river at the same time, who do you save first?"

How could a mature woman do such naive things?

Situ Qing decided to leave Bai in the cold for a few days and give her some time to reflect on it, so as not to be spoiled.

"You, you!" Xin Xiaozi pointed to Situ Qing's nose, too angry to say anything.

Chen Yuan smiled contemptuously and pushed away Xin Xiaozi's hand and said, "Sister Xiaozi, you are too unruly. Brother-in-law Qing is your uncle, what do you look like when you point and point!"

"It's not your turn to teach me!" Xin Xiaozi waved and said.

"It's not a matter of losing your turn. Seeing that the road is unfair and others fix it, I also do it for your own good!" Chen Yuan refused to give in.

Xin Xiaoziteng stood up immediately: "I'll go too, let's leave room for you, this is called understanding the rules!"

"Whatever you want. By the way, brother-in-law, I feel very tired recently. Can you hire a nanny for me?" Chen Yuan deliberately said in front of Xin Xiaozi.

Situ Qing frowned: "Please also? Xiaofang was dismissed late, isn't it?"

"But sister Chi Chi is not at home now!" Chen Yuan acted like a baby.

However, Situ Qing did not agree this time. He shook his head and said, "Not for now. I won't stay in my family for a long time."

"But I really..."

Chen Yuan wanted to continue, but Situ Qing interrupted her: "If you really feel tired, I will let Luo Hui'an arrange the work for you again."

"Ha, deserve it!" Xin Xiaozi smiled sarcastically and clapped his hands.

Situ Qing, at last you still have some conscience, not relying on Chen Yuan's nonsense!

"Sister Xiaozi, don't you want to leave, why are you still here?" Chen Yuan stared at Xin Xiaozi angrily.

"Why am I leaving? This is my dining table. I can sit as long as I want!" Xin Xiaozi simply sat back again.

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth with anger, but Xin Xiaozi saw a joke at this moment!

"Okay, let me go!"

After speaking, Chen Yuan did not leave, but looked at Situ Qing.

But Situ Qing ignored it. After eating the last bite of rice in the bowl, he stood up and went back to the room without saying hello to anyone.

Xin Xiaozi hugged her arms and looked at Chen Yuan provocatively.

"Why, sister Xiao Zi has changed her sex, and she won't leave after she's finished eating, is she helping Zhang Ma to wash the dishes?" Chen Yuan was angry and hated.

"It's none of your business!" Xin Xiaozi said with a smile.

Chen Yuan stomped her feet and ran upstairs.

"Stupid thing, I thought that if Bai Chi left, would you really be able to take the position? The couple quarreled, and the little cold war is just a life spice!"

Xin Xiaozi was in a good mood, and really started to clean up the dishes and chopsticks on the table. After Zhang Ma heard it, she came out and said quickly: "Let it down, Xiao Zi, don't get the oil in your hands!"

"It doesn't matter, I have too little activity today, do some housework as exercise!" Xin Xiaozi said with a smile.

Madam Zhang looked at the direction of the stairs, and whispered: "Why, Qing still didn't mention that he was going to pick him up?"

"No, this time they both are determined to fight to the end! Bai Chi is angry and there is a reason for Qing to follow the grudge, I think it is incredible!"

"That's because you still don't understand it clearly. Ten cows can't be pulled back when he has spotted it. They are stubborn!" Zhang Ma said, shaking her head.

"The right thing can be like this, but this time he was obviously wrong!" Xin Xiaozi felt unable to agree.

Zhang Ma sighed and said, "We don't think the angle is correct, but from his standpoint, it is correct."

"Humph, soon he will know what slaps are!" Xin Xiaozi narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly.

"Slap in the face?" Zhang Ma was startled.

Xin Xiaozi hurriedly smiled and said: "It's not really hitting him, but he will find that he is far wrong, and he is wrong!"

"What does this mean?" Of course, Mom Zhang didn't know the plans of Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi, so she asked inexplicably.

Xin Xiaozi put her arms around Zhang's neck and smiled: "Your old man is waiting for a good show! The last big show is about to go on stage!"

"This child, speaking like a mute!" Mom Zhang couldn't understand, shook her head and walked away.

Xin Xiaozi took the dishes and chopsticks into the sink while humming a song, hoping that everything goes well for Qin Xuesong and she can get Chen Yuan's bottom out as soon as possible, and see how she still has the face to stay at Situ's house.

After returning to his room, Xin Xiaozi called Bai Chichi.

"Is there any progress?"

Bai Chichi's voice sounded a bit heavy: "Well, yes, just now Xuesong talked to me."

"Really? Tell me quickly!" Xin Xiaozi became excited at once.

"It turns out that Chen Yuan is really Yu Beibei. Xuesong has found her old neighbor and showed her picture to others, and she was recognized at a glance."

Xin Xiaozi said happily: "It's great! I see what she has to say now! But with such good news, why do you feel a little depressed?"

"Because Xuesong said that Chen Yuan's parents are no longer alive!" Bai Chichi sighed deeply.

Xin Xiaozi knew that Chen Yuan's father, Yu Zhenhai, was Bai Chichi's biological father, and it was understandable that she was in a bad mood when she heard such things.

"It turns out that it's like this. Don't be too sad. You haven't seen each other anyway, and the feelings are not so deep." Xin Xiaozi was embarrassed and laughed again.

Bai Chichi shook his head and said, "No, I feel sad is not the news of their passing, but the cause of their death is simply..."

"How did you die? Sickness or accident?" Xin Xiaozi knew that Yu Zhenhai and Song Zhen were not very old, and natural death was impossible.

"No, it's really tragic to say. It was Chen Yuan's mother who killed Chen Yuan's father and then committed suicide." Bai Chichi shuddered when he said this.

Xin Xiaozi was taken aback: "Wow, it turns out that Chen Yuan's cruelty was inherited from her mother! The murder of her husband was a matter of five horses in ancient times!"

"Although I haven't met Chen Yuan's father, it is still sad to hear that he died so miserably. After all, he is related to me." Bai Chichi sighed.

Xin Xiaozi comforted her: "Forget it, it doesn't matter to you, anyway, that man abandoned you and your mother, he deserved it!"

"Cedong is still investigating, and I don't know if this matter is the reason why Chen Yuan hates me."

"Isn't that far-fetched? Her mother killed her dad without you knowing it. What does she hate you?"

Bai Chichi didn't know, so he could only say: "We have to wait for the result of Cedar to know why."

"Okay, things have finally made progress. It's much better than we didn't know anything before! Do you know, Situ Qing's attitude towards Chen Yuan after returning home is not necessarily so good, he is still very worried your!"

Bai Chichi felt sour: "Really."

"Yes, just now Chen Yuan said she was going to hire a nanny, Situ Qing said that you will be back soon, you have to decide this matter!" Xin Xiaozi was funny when she thought of Chen Yuan's embarrassment just now.

"He said I'll go back soon? Really!" Bai Chichi was still very happy, but he refused to admit it.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and said: "Yes, you are right to think so! Why does he say what he says, don't come back, let him take the blame!"

"Negative Jing, please don't forget it, the weather is too cold, I don't bother to do it!" Bai Chichi's mood improved.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I feel so happy seeing Chen Yuan being robbed! This dead girl has a bad gene and has a cruel mother!"

Bai Chichi couldn't bear to say this to a deceased person, so he said to Xin Xiaozi, "Forget it, they are all dead, please keep your words."

"You just make me feel very upset! Good, bad, good, and evil must be distinguished clearly. Why is it always ambiguous? A bad person is a bad person when she dies. You cannot become a good person just because she is dead. !" Xin Xiaozi has always loved and hated.

"Or so, but, oh, I can't tell, I always feel that Chen Yuan is still quite pitiful."

"Poor people must be hateful, what do you sympathize with! Don't forget, my baby was killed by her, why don't you think about it!" Xin Xiaozi's anger came up.

Bai Chi's unprincipled sympathy simply couldn't stand her.

"Sorry, sorry, my character is too weak! I will try to correct it!" Bai Chichi knew how much that incident had hit Xin Xiaozi, and he couldn't help but regret that his words were inappropriate. .

"Bai Chi, please listen to me, I will never forget the baby's hatred! Chen Yuan can't be an excuse for her murder for any reason!"

Bai Chichi felt that Xin Xiaozi's words were very reasonable, and his heart was indeed too soft to continue like this, otherwise he still didn't know the terrible consequences of indulgence.

"Okay, Xiao Zi, I remember!" So Bai Chichi nodded sincerely.

Xin Xiaozi felt that the dialogue just now was too ferocious, and said with a smile: "It's all right, just remember it!"

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