After a short rest, Situ Yuan went to the Situ Group. He wanted to contact Chen Yuan more to see if she had any problems.

Before, because he spent more time in the army, and later Xin Xiaozi had a miscarriage or something, Situ Yuan was actually not long at home.

His understanding of Chen Yuan was only obtained from Situ Qing and Xin Xiaozi, and there were not many opportunities to really face this person.

This time, it just happens to be a good test.

Chen Yuan didn't know that Situ Yuan was already very clear about her details, of course she wouldn't be too defensive, maybe she would show her feet soon.

"President Situ." Luo Hui'an laughed as soon as he saw Situ Yuan.

In the entire group, only he could see the subtle differences between the two brothers Situ Qing and Situ Yuan at a glance.

This is a golden eye that has been cultivated through working together for many years.

"Brother Luo." Situ Yuan smiled and walked over to shake hands with Luo Hui'an.

"I knew it was you."

Situ Yuan looked at Luo Hui'an: "Of course, we can't hide from your eyes. Qing recently had something to return to the army, so I will take charge of the company's affairs during this time."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Tell me more about the work you are doing recently." Situ Yuan led Luo Hui'an towards the president's office.

At the door, Situ Yuan saw Chen Yuan sitting in the office cubicle busy, typing and checking information.


Chen Yuan stood up: "Hello, President Situ!"

"You're welcome, it's just as good as when Qing was there." Situ Yuan said with a smile, and he felt a little milder than Situ Qing.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Okay, then I will continue. If you need anything, please tell me!"

"You are busy with you." Situ Yuan entered the office with Luo Hui'an after speaking.

Chen Yuan looked at the door and slowly began to bite her fingernails again.

Although he is the brother of identical twins, why does Situ Qing seem so domineering and arrogant?

If he was as peaceful as Situ Yuan!

But Chen Yuan felt that if that were the case, maybe her first actions would be exposed.

That's fine, because Situ Yuan didn't have that aggressive aura, and he didn't pursue the loss of the baby too much, so he could deal with it very well.

But Chen Yuan didn't know. In fact, compared with Situ Qing, Situ Yuan's mind was more meticulous and more concealed.

She had already entered Situ Yuan's ambush, without knowing it.

"Yuanyuan, please help us make two cups of coffee to come in!" Situ Yuan's voice came from the inside line, polite and polite.

Chen Yuan agreed and quickly got up and went to the pantry.

I don't know if Situ Yuan came back this time to simply replace Situ Qing. Does he have any other purpose?

Chen Yuan thought to herself, after all, she knew Xin Xiaozi's grievances with Bai Chichi, and it was inevitable that she wouldn't have been talking about it in front of Situ Yuan.

But because Situ Yuan looked very kind, she was not very wary.

In order to prevent Situ Yuan from noticing anything strange, Chen Yuan still made her coffee very carefully, exuding a mellow aroma.

"President Situ, Assistant Luo, this is your coffee." Chen Yuan pushed open the door of the office and saw that Situ Yuan and Luo Hui'an were studying some materials and documents.

"Thank you, put it down." Situ Yuan smiled and nodded.

Chen Yuan placed the coffee and was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, Situ Yuan said to Luo Hui'an: "We must hurry up on the Sichuan project. If we do well this time, our company will have done a great deed for the future."

"Yes, President Situ."

Situ Yuan looked up and saw Chen Yuan: "Yuan Yuan, Sichuan where you went with Qing last time, right?"

"Right." Chen Yuan stopped.

Situ Yuan said thoughtfully: "Then, don't you have to go for a hard time, go with Assistant Luo to see how the progress is?"

"I'm the assistant to the president, of course I listen to your instructions." Chen Yuan was actually unwilling to walk with Luo Hui'an, but because Situ Qing was not at home recently, she wanted to find Bai Chi and had no chance of revenge, so she had to Nodded and agreed.

"Okay, so be it." Situ Yuan signaled Chen Yuan to go out.

Chen Yuan walked out of the president's office, not knowing what medicine Situ Yuan sold in the gourd, she was still a little confused.

Is this Xin Xiaozi's idea?

Is she going to use Situ Yuan's power to drive herself away, or are they planning to take advantage of this time to persuade Situ Qing and Bai Chichi?

Chen Yuan regretted that she had promised to be too refreshing just now. In any case, it is better to stay at home and keep an eye on the movements around her.

But since they have all agreed, it doesn't seem to be good to change their words at this time. Although Chen Yuan is a little upset, she can only accept it.

That night Situ Yuan still carried Chen Yuan back home.

At dinner, Situ Yuan told Xin Xiaozi about Chen Yuan's business trip.

"With Luo Hui'an?" Xin Xiaozi really didn't know that Situ Yuan was going to distract Chen Yuan, and she was surprised.

"Yes, Assistant Luo has always been a clear left-handed man. He has excellent work ability. Yuanyuan can learn a lot when going with him." Situ Yuan still smiled tepidly.

Xin Xiaozi looked at Chen Yuan: "Did you hear that? This is a good opportunity. It will be good for you to learn more from others."

"I understand the kindness of my brother-in-law, don't worry." Chen Yuan didn't want to talk back to Xin Xiaozi in front of Situ Yuan.

"Yuanyuan has always done things properly, and I believe she will definitely complete this task." Situ Yuan said with a smile.

Chen Yuan smiled reluctantly after hearing what he said.

She was not particularly familiar with Situ Yuan, and could not adapt to his methods, and now she could only feel wronged for a while.

"How happy the company trains you?" Xin Xiaozi said to Chen Yuan while eating braised prawns.

Happy shit, you guys just want to get me away, so that you can find a step for Bai Chi to come back!

Chen Yuan carefully contemplated Xin Xiaozi's smile, or maybe this was what they discussed, otherwise why did Situ Qing avoid it?

When Bai Chichi left home, he said so clearly, with me and without her, Sichuan still doesn't know what will happen to Sichuan after this time, and he doesn't know if he can come back!

"Very happy, but brother-in-law, how long do you plan to let Assistant Luo and I go?" Chen Yuan thinks it is better to ask.

Situ Yuan thought about it for a while and said, "It won't take a long time, about a week."

"Oh, is it?" Chen Yuan nodded.

Xin Xiaozi looked at her: "Don't worry, if Qing doesn't ask you to go out, we will have nothing to do with you!"

"Xiao Zi, why are you talking to Yuanyuan like this! She is Qing's benefactor, and you should treat her better!" Situ Yuan seemed to defend Chen Yuan quite well.

Xin Xiaozi's flat mouth: "You two brothers are really one heart! Chen Yuan, since I have torn my skin with you, I don't need to be close to you! Anyway, if you stay at this house for a day, there will be no peace. Yes, you should do it yourself!"

"Little Zi!" Situ Yuan's voice became louder.

"Sister Xiao Zi is right, but sister-in-law Qing won't let me go, otherwise I don't want to stay here and get angry!" Chen Yuan finished speaking, put down the dishes and stood up and left.

After she left, Situ looked at Xin Xiaozi helplessly: "What are you doing? Can you keep your breath?"

"What's wrong, I can't understand her arrogant look!" Xin Xiaozi said unconvinced.

Situ Yuan shook his head and sighed, "How long have you been married to me, why can't you understand what I think?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Luo Hui'an to take Chen Yuan to Sichuan together, just to buy a period of time to arrange the next steps. If you do so, you will startle the snake and cause Chen Yuan's suspicion!"

Xin Xiaozi opened his mouth wide: "Ah? Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Didn't I say it, let you stay calm and watch how I set the game."

"Avoiding Chen Yuan is also one of your plans?" Xin Xiaozi realized then.

Situ Yuan smiled and shook his head: "Silly girl, what a fool!"

"Hey, who are you stupid!"

"I'm stupid, am I stupid? Eat well."

Situ Yuan still refused to tell Xin Xiaozi what he planned to do. Anyway, he just told Xin Xiaozi to stop confronting Chen Yuan, but he couldn't appear too calm.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan will leave Situ's house soon. During this week, Xin Xiaozi couldn't see her either.

Soon, Luo Hui'an and Chen Yuan set off for Sichuan, and Situ Yuan also started his own actions.

Before that, he still came to Bai Chichi's parents' house and discussed Situ Qing's thoughts with her in detail.

"Late, Halal treats you wholeheartedly. If Chen Yuan can leave smoothly this time, can you reconcile with Qing and go home?"

"Thank you, Yuan! It's not that I can go back if I want to go back. If Qing wants to understand, he will pick me up." Bai Chichi said quietly.

Situ Yuan looked at her: "Has Qing already been here once?"

"He came to pick me up, just walking through the procedures! You think he would rather go to the army than let Chen Yuan go. What does this mean?"

"This is because he feels very depressed, not to escape! Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that Qing will see Chen Yuan's true face, and he will know where he is wrong." Of course, Situ Yuan knows his own brother well. .

Bai Chichi nodded: "Then, let's talk about it then!"

"Xiao Zi and I both hope that you can go home with Qing as soon as possible, and it won't be wasting so much effort."

"Well, I understand."

Situ Yuan comforted Bai Chichi a few more words, and finally told her that Chen Yuan had gone to Sichuan, and the results would appear after this week.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Chichi asked.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "My way of doing things is different from that of Qing. I'm not absolutely sure that I won't say it before."

"Okay, I respect your decision." Bai Chichi would not pester Situ like Xin Xiaozi did. He didn't want to know what the plan was like.

Situ Yuan nodded: "Then wait for my good news!"

After leaving Bai Chichi's parents' home, Situ Yuan asked his subordinates to go to another place to investigate in detail the information he needed to know.

Of these things, Situ Qing, who was far away in the army, certainly didn't even know.

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