Bai Chichi and Situ Qing came to Situ Yuan's bedroom together, and heard Xin Xiaozi's laughter from a distance.

Her emotions turned quickly. After a while, she had forgotten the harm Chen Yuan had caused to their couple. Bai Chichi really envied Xin Xiaozi's character.

Can afford to put it down, one yard into one yard, this is Xin Xiaozi.

"Mom, let's go back!" Bai Chichi walked to the door and said with a smile.

Xin Xiaozi was speaking with the white mother, and Situ Yuan sat on the sofa in the corner looking at them, his eyes full of love for Xin Xiaozi.

Bai Chichi was very sour in heart. Why didn't Situ Yuan give up his lover easily like Situ Qing?

They are all twin brothers, but Situ Yuan will always stand side by side with Xin Xiaozi, never thinking of perfection.

"Hey, you guys are going to talk so soon? Now that the talk is finished, what are you eager to go back and do, eat together, as a celebration!" Xin Xiaozi looked back and saw Bai Chichi, smiled and ran over and took her hand.

Bai Chi smiled gently: "No, my father is still at home waiting for us to go back!"

"Just ask your godfather to come here with you! Far, you go and pick up his old man!" Xin Xiaozi has always been carefree, not seeing Situ Qing standing behind Bai Chichi with a melancholy face.

It was Situ Yuan's superb observation ability. He immediately noticed that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing were very wrong. There was no sign of reconciliation between the two people. Instead, they became more and more alienated.

"Xiao Zi, wait a minute." Situ Yuan stood up and walked to the door.

"What are you waiting for? Oh, are you unfamiliar with the road, Qing, you too, take your old Master Taishan and let us have fun together!" Xin Xiaozi had not figured out the situation, and said, holding Situ Yuan's arm. .

Bai Chichi laughed awkwardly: "Xiao Zi, don't want it anymore, my father..."

"What is he? Isn't that godfather doesn't like to go too far? Then, we all go to your house, okay?"

Situ Yuan really had nothing to do with his wife, so he had to whisper to Xin Xiaozi, "Xiaozi, didn't you see it?"


Situ Yuan pulled Xin Xiaozi aside: "Qing and Chi's expressions are not at all reconciled. Don't worry about eating in a hurry."

"How is it possible? Chen Yuan is gone, what reason do they have for not making up?" Xin Xiaozi looked back at Situ Qing and Bai Chichi in surprise, only to discover the problem.

Because at this moment, Bai Chichi and Situ Qing are separated by half a meter. They are very polite and polite, and they are not as glued as glue after reconciliation.

"I don't know, I'll ask you first, let Chi Chi and your godmother wait in our room for a while!" Situ Yuan wanted to work harder.

Xin Xiaozi nodded, and walked over to Bai Chichi and said, "Come on, don't rush to go, let's listen to Godmother talk about the past!"

"Have you heard all of them?" Bai Chichi really didn't want to stay longer.

But Xin Xiaozi pulled her to the mother white: "Godmother, tell me how your godfather served you carefully when you were born late!"

"Chi'er, do you want to go back right away?" Although Mother Bai could not see, she knew very well in her heart that she had already heard that Bai Chichi was in a bad mood.

Moreover, Situ Qing had been standing at the door for so long, without saying a word.

"Mom, I'm afraid Dad is anxious."

Mother Bai nodded: "Well then, Xiao Zi, we will talk later!"

"Why so..." Before Xin Xiaozi finished speaking, he saw Situ Yuan coming from the door with a bad face, and nodded slightly to her.

Situ Yuan had already spoken a few words with Situ Qing in the corridor just now, and he knew why Bai Chichi reacted like that.

Since it was agreed to calm down with each other for a while, it wouldn't be a problem to pull them together hard, so let Bai Chi go back.

"That, all right!" Xin Xiaozi saw Situ Yuan's hint, although she still didn't understand what happened, but she was relieved.

Bai Chichi helped Bai Mu, and the others arrived at the door.

"Mom, I'll leave it to your old man after a while, and I will visit her from time to time!" Situ Qing said to Mother Bai.

"Qing, I know that you are busy with work. I want to have a baby too late. I also want to put her by my side and take good care of her. Don't worry!" The white mother knew that there were still some problems between her daughter and son-in-law, but she beat I like Situ Qing in my heart, and don't want to see them part ways.

Besides, there is also his own little grandson. Besides, the baby’s growth environment is absolutely the most important.

So Bai Mu also pretended not to know anything, or told Situ Qing to pay attention to dressing and sleeping as before.

"Then please mother!" Situ Qing couldn't breathe in pain.

"What are you talking about, it's all a family, why are you so polite!" Xin Xiaozi was very upset, she originally thought that Bai Chichi would not leave after coming back this time.

"Xiao Zi is right, returning to her family's house late is the same as being in our house, Qing you can visit her more." Situ Yuan also worked hard to restore the relationship between Bai Chichi and Situ Qing.

Bai Chi slowly smiled: "Well, you all go back."

"How about that, Qing, go drive!" Xin Xiaozi didn't want to let Bai Chichi leave like this.

Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi with a look of inquiry.

"Alright." As soon as Bai Chichi's voice fell, Situ Qing turned and went to the garage.

"What's wrong with you?" Xin Xiaozi asked in a low voice.

Bai Chichi sighed and said, "It's nothing, there are still some issues and no consensus has been reached."

"This idiot, how can I compare with you at this level, I must be the wife of Baiyi Baishun!"

"He's not you!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Xin Xiaozi was indignant: "It's really screwy! Whether you go back, I think he still owes it!"

"Don't say it, it won't be good if my mother hears it." Bai Chichi hurriedly covered Xin Xiaozi's mouth.

"Don't tell me, I will come to you tomorrow, you are telling me the details, I will help you analyze and analyze!" Xin Xiaozi is just like Bai Chichi's military division.

Bai Chi nodded: "Okay."

"Godmother, we are very relieved to be by your side, if you need anything, please call us anytime!" Situ Yuan helped Baimu to wait for the bus.

"Well, you are all good children, I know." The white mother is blind or not, knows everything, but doesn't say anything.

Situ Qing drove the car over, Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan helped Bai Mu and Bai Chichi into the car respectively, and closed the doors.

"Qing, drive carefully, your mother-in-law and your wife and children are in the car!" Xin Xiaozi said loudly on purpose.

Situ Qing felt sour. It is now, but after the child is born, she still doesn't know if Bai Chichi will really leave.

Of course he was reluctant, but he had to make this decision because of the guilt of dialogue.

Cherish the present day!

Situ Qing nodded, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the car slid out.

Xin Xiaozi looked at his car and said to Situ Yuan, "What's the matter?"

"I think Qing said something that shouldn't have been said." Situ Yuan sighed and shook his head.

"What did you say?"

Situ Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi: "If we love each other deeply, but I ask you to find another man, thinking this is a great move, how would you feel?"

"I'll kill you! Are you a pig?" Xin Xiaozi waved his hand and made a beheading action.

"I am not, Qing is." Situ Yuan avoided.

Xin Xiaozi reacted: "He said to Bai Chi like this?"

"He feels that his love is not as clean and pure as Qin Xuesong, so he wants to give up, and it is too late..."

Before Situ Yuan finished speaking, Xin Xiaozi jumped up: "I'm crazy, did he get his head caught by the door!"

"Don't say that to my brother." Although Situ Yuan also felt that Situ Qing's actions were inappropriate, but he couldn't bear to criticize him.

After all, these things only happen under certain circumstances, and if Situ Qing is not so in vain, he would not have such thoughts.

"I don't want to talk about him either, but this is too irritating! I tell you, he also met Bai Chichi, if it were me, I would have to slap him twice!" Xin Xiaozi crouched on her hips and shouted Gasping for breath.

Situ Yuan embraced her shoulders: "Forget it, I think he was too guilty for a while, and he will figure it out after a while."

"Then what if Bai Chi is really angry and runs to find Qin Xuesong?" Xin Xiaozi was full of anxiety.

"Do you think it will?" Situ Yuan believed that Bai Chichi would not do that, otherwise he would not continue to run back to her family in anger with Situ Qing.

She loved Situ Qing deeply. Although she was surprised and angry at what he said, she was not so impulsive to give up her happiness.

"I don't think so." Xin Xiaozi thought for a while and said seriously.

Situ Yuan laughed: "That's it, we don't bother them now, they will be reconciled one day!"

"Thinking about it, I feel depressed, but Situ Qing I is so smart, why is he suddenly so confused!" Xin Xiaozi frowned and said.

"Emotions, you also know, it is always incredible." Situ Yuan took Xin Xiaozi's hand, and the two slowly walked towards the house.

While Situ Qing drove the car along the way, from time to time she glanced at Bai Chi Chi in the rearview mirror, but Bai Chi Chi's eyes were always on the scenery outside the window.

Situ Qing wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. He always moved his lips but couldn't make any sound.

"Qing, are you going to the army next?" It was the white mother who broke the silence.

"Yes, Mom, there are still some problems to be dealt with." Situ Qing felt that staying in a city with a vain delay, she couldn't help thinking about her crazy.

The white mother sighed: "You are always so busy, so you must be careful of your body! Chi'er is about to give birth, and then the most tired person is you!"

"Mom, I will pay attention." Situ Qing glanced at Bai Chi Chi again.

Bai Chichi's eyes suddenly met his: "Baby's name, you can think about it when you have time. Being a father is not so easy."

"Oh, good." Situ Qing was surprised and happy, but couldn't think too much.

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