Xiaojing glanced at Aunt Rong's back, the expression on her face twitched nervously, and then left nervously.

Although Xiaojing did a lot of ideological struggles, she couldn't match her grandmother's sentence of going to prison in the end. Xiaojing is really scared. Sun Xiaoting is a living example. She doesn't want to ruin herself. So she still turned her heart out and left the Shao's villa. Fearing that her whereabouts would be discovered, she also asked the taxi driver to detour around the road, and finally went to the seaside square. Before going, she was afraid that she would be recognized by others, so she went to the roadside to buy sunglasses and put it on, and then wrapped a silk scarf before going to the beach. When I walked to the square, I saw my grandmother sitting on the reef in the distance of the square. Although she was facing her back, Xiao Jing recognized her at a glance. Because I called in advance, and because there was no other person besides her. Xiao Jing looked around nervously, and then walked over cautiously.

When footsteps heard behind her, grandmother knew that the person she was waiting for was coming!

When Xiaojing sat down anxiously beside her grandmother, her grandmother turned her face and looked at the sea coldly: "You didn't tell anyone when you came, did you?"

Xiao Jing immediately shook her head with a rattle: "No! No! What the **** are you looking for, Auntie?" How could she tell anyone this kind of thing? Even if someone asked, she didn't dare to reveal a word.

"Actually, it's very simple for me to find you..." Grandmother turned her face to look at Xiao Jing after she said, and then said coldly, "Help me steal Shao Xiaotian!"

Listening to her grandmother's words, Xiao Jing's face changed in an instant, and her tongue was knotted: "No... no no no... how can I do this?"

"Xiaoting's change of child, now besides me, you are the second insider. Don't think that you can escape the crime if my daughter goes to jail. If I go to the police station to expose you now, you will end up better than Xiaoting. It’s not much better! If I remember correctly, Xiaoting once told me that when Shao Jiaqi became ill that night, you helped to cook the bird’s nest porridge in the kitchen... I think you put the stuff in there too. ?"

When Xiaojing heard her grandmother's words, she stared at her, and she couldn't speak for a long time!

What happened that night, she will never forget when she died! She did put something in the bird's nest porridge, but Sun Xiaoting only told her at the time that that kind of thing was only a kind of laxative, and even if it was eaten, she would go to the bathroom at most several times. But she did not expect that Shao Jiaqi entered the rescue room that night! Later, even though Shao Jiaqi was rescued, he remained in a coma. At that time, Xiao Jing knew clearly that the porridge she gave Shao Jiaqi was not a laxative!

Seeing Xiaojing’s panicked expression, grandmother knew that her words had worked, she sneered and said: "I think if the people of the Shao family knew that Shao Jiaqi was not a physical problem at all, but was drugged. , What do you think they would do? Do you know Xiaoting’s friend Feng Zhitao? He was convicted of intentional homicide and was sentenced to 25 years. You are also attempted homicide, but the consequences are very serious. I think if If these two things are exposed, you will also have to go to jail. If you are also sentenced to 25 years, then when you come out, you will not be much different from my current age, what do you think?"

Xiaojing was completely frightened by her grandmother's words, her lips trembled, and her words were a bit unfavorable: "No! Don't! I don't want to go to jail! Auntie, please! I'm only over 20 years old, I can't It was ruined like this, please..." Xiao Jing was completely frightened, and tears of horror rolled down.

"Actually, what I asked you to do is not difficult, because even now, the people of the Shao family don’t know the true identity of Shao Xiaotian. Even if you stole him and give it to me, the people of the Shao family really found out. You can also make up a lie and say that I am a grandmother who misses children too much, or say something I beg of you. If it is impossible, I will say that I kneel for you, so that the Shao family will understand that you are just For a while, I will not blame you!"

"Then...then what do you want a child for? You... don't you want to kill him?" Xiaojing looked at her grandmother nervously.

Hearing her words, the grandmother couldn’t help laughing: “I just want the Shao family to taste the loss of a child, but I’m not so cruel, and I don’t want to kill, I will just take him away for a while. When my daughter is released from prison in six years, I will return the child again!"

"But... there are so many people in the Shao family... I don't have that opportunity at all!" Xiao Jing kept shaking her head.

"If you don't want to go to jail, there will always be a way. Don't worry, I know that this kind of thing also requires an opportunity, so don't worry, I won't let you do it right away, but if you find an opportunity, I will give it right away. I'll call!" The grandmother made up her mind to take the child away.

"Then... Then I'll give it a try..." Xiao Jing nodded nervously, and finally agreed to her grandmother's request.

"Okay! Then you first think about what to do next here! I'm leaving now!" The grandmother heard that she finally agreed, knowing that her goal had been achieved, and she got up and left quickly.

Xiaojing looked at the sea in despair, thinking about what she would do next, her body instantly softened!

Think about that lovely Xiaotian, if he was really stolen from the Shao’s house... With the character of his grandmother, if Shao Xiaotian really lived with her for six years...

She didn't dare to think about it!

The body shuddered involuntarily! But the road came out on her own. No matter how much she regrets, Shao Jiaqi's body has already been injured and she has been in a coma for several months. Even if she is a blind person, she understands that she committed the crime of intentional homicide! If it is revealed, then my life...

It's completely over!

Xiaojing finally drove back to the Shao's villa amidst anxiety!

The night came quietly, Xiaojing lying on her bed, tossing and turning, is she doing it or not? So if the small child is really taken away by him, if there is something wrong with him, once the Shao family finds it out, how can he let him go?

No way! No way!

She sat up from the bed and lay down again looking at the darkness in front of her!

Think about Xiaotian's small child, her conscience is constantly being condemned, but think about what she has done to Shao Jiaqi, and participated in the exchange of children. No matter which one of these two things, she is Can't escape the relationship!

When I thought of this, regretful tears couldn't stop falling. I knew it would be like this, and she wouldn't do it if she died! I regret that I took the tens of thousands of dollars from Sun Xiaoting, and I went astray!

But no matter how regretful it is, no matter how kind the people of the Shao family are, they will definitely not let them go. Because during the period when Shao Jiaqi was in a coma, Pan Shaomin also died unexpectedly. What happened to the Shao family could not be forgiven for her! If Shao Jiaqi knew it was his own medicine, he would definitely hate himself to death!

How to do? How to do? What should she do?

Xiaojing spent a whole night in bed, but in the end she didn't come up with a good result...

I don't know if Sun Xiaoting violated the Shao family. Since she was arrested and imprisoned, happy events in the Shao family have been one after another.

Today is Sun Xiaoting's full month in jail!

But it was also the day when Shao Jiaqi was discharged from the hospital!

Since waking up, Shao Jiaqi's body has been getting better every day, because during this time Shao Jiaqi kept cooking for him in different ways, and Shao Jiaqi's body became more and more vigorous. He had been lying in the hospital for a few months. When he woke up, he wished to go home immediately. If it weren't for Zhao Yahui's insistence on letting him stay for a while, he would have returned to the Shao's villa. Yesterday he felt that he was almost recovered, so he clamored to be discharged. Zhao Yahui couldn't help him, so he called the doctor and gave him a full-body examination. The results of the examination made everyone very happy!

Shao Jiaqi can be discharged from the hospital!

So early this morning, the Shao’s family made breakfast, and Xiao Xiao was going to the hospital to pick up her father-in-law after breakfast!

The whole family just walked into the dining room and sat down. The landline in the living room kept ringing. Aunt Rong quickly walked over to pick up the phone. After a while, she walked to the dining room and looked at Xiao Xiaodao: "Madam, it’s the teacher calling. Coming!"

When it heard that it was Shao Zhanping calling, Xiao Xiao immediately put down the dishes and went to the living room, picked up the receiver and put it to her ear: "Zhanping, why are you calling this time?"

"Xiao Xiao, is Zhengfei?" Shao Zhanping asked if his brother was there.

"Yes! He is in the restaurant, do you want to find him?" Xiaoxiao asked.

"Just ask you! Remember the last time I told you that someone agreed to donate the cornea?"

When Xiao Xiao heard what Shao Zhanping said, she immediately realized something, and asked excitedly: "You don't mean to say that Zhengfei has successfully matched that person, right?" Even though she asked this way, Xiao Xiao still felt a little bit in her heart. Lack of confidence, but some unspeakable expectations.

"The matching is completely successful! You will tell Zhengfei right now to help him book my flight. As long as you send him to me, you don't have to worry about other things."

"Really? What you said is true?" Xiao Xiao asked excitedly, still a little disbelief.

"It's absolutely true! I didn't let you tell him before, and I was afraid that I would let him down again this time! Now it is certain, the doctor informed me that the operation can be done at any time! You can bring him right away!"

"Yes...yes yes! I know, I will do it right away!" Xiao Xiao nodded as soon as he heard Shao Zhanping's words.

"That's it for now!" Shao Zhanping didn't want to waste any more time, so he closed the line after talking to his wife.

Xiaoxiao put down the microphone excitedly, and then quickly ran into the restaurant, looking at Shao Zhengfei who was about to eat, and shouted excitedly: "Zhengfei! Your eldest brother just called and said that he had found someone who was completely successful with the match. He voluntarily donated his cornea! The doctor has notified your eldest brother that he can operate at any time! Your eyes can finally see the light again!"

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