"Xiaoting's mother, what are you talking about? The doctor said, the operation has already been done for you, and you won't have anything to do. You can take care of your wounds, you know?" Under the sadness in my heart, watching my wife keep comforting.

The grandmother shook her head feebly: "Oh...my own situation...how do I know...Xiaoting's brother is still in college...old man, you have to let him go...don't let him go to waste …Academy, do you know?" Grandmother was a little panting, and every word she said was a piercing pain.

"Don’t talk nonsense... you will get better! The doctor said just now that your operation was successful! Don’t worry too much about your body, you will get better! By the way, my wife, today you go to the gate of the community Didn't you see someone? The traffic police handed me fifty thousand yuan, saying you brought it? What is going on with that fifty thousand yuan?" Fearing that she would be sad again, grandfather turned the subject away.

The grandson looked at the ceiling and thought about it for a while. After a while, she finally remembered that she had gone to meet the Shao's servant Xiaojing. Xiaojing had returned the 50,000 yuan to her, and then Xiaojing took a taxi and left.

"Cough cough... cough cough..." The thought of Xiaojing's girl left like this, grandmother's heart burst into anger, she couldn't help but coughed, grandfather was frightened and immediately helpless, not knowing what to do. I got up and wanted to go to the doctor, but my grandmother stopped again: "I'm fine... you come back..."

Seeing her gradually stopped coughing, grandfather sat down and looked at her again.

"The fifty thousand yuan was borrowed by a friend of Xiaoting's before, and it was returned today, so I went to the gate of the community, who would have thought..." Grandmother said, sighing, even herself Never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Oh... that's good, you have a good rest, I have collected the money, don't worry too much..." Grandfather comforted her repeatedly.

"You save the money in Xiaoting's name, and she will definitely use it when she comes out of it..."

"Okay...I see, I will save the money in her name..." Grandfather did not dare to object to her.

"Also... There is a doctor in this hospital named... Liang Yaru... She is in the obstetrics and gynecology department, can you find her so that she can see me, I have something important to tell her..." The pain came one after another. Grandmother didn't want to waste time, watching his wife urged.

"You raise your body first, wait..."

"Cough..." Grandma couldn't help coughing again after hearing his words.

The grandfather's nervous expression changed, and he immediately stood up and said, "Okay! You wait! I'll find her right away!" Fearing that his wife's body might be out of order, his grandfather nodded in fright, but looked at his wife again after thinking about it. : "Since it's an obstetrics and gynecology department, I will definitely not let me go in to see her! Besides, she doesn't know me either!"

"Just say... you are Sun Xiaoting's father... I have something to tell her. If she doesn't come... I will regret it..."

"Good, good! Don't worry! I'll go right away! Go right away!"

Today, since Liang Yaru went to work, her left eyelid has been jumping up and down, and she couldn't calm her heart because of the disturbance. Finally, when it was three o'clock in the afternoon, her eyelid suddenly stopped and finally returned to normal. Liang Yaru's mood also improved. In fact, since Shao Jiaqi suddenly became ill and was hospitalized some time ago, she has not been doing well. I always have nightmares at night, dreaming that Shao Jiaqi suddenly passed away, and then came back to claim his life. Every time she was awakened in the dark, she was frightened in a cold sweat. A few days ago, she heard that Shao Jiaqi was finally discharged from the hospital, and her spirit was better.

Tonight, she said she was going to go on a blind date. She checked the time, and it was already past three o'clock. Thinking that she had more than two hours to get off work, she felt a lot more relaxed. Just as he was about to let another pregnant woman in, the door was pushed open by the little nurse shouting outside.

"Xiaoling, something?"

"Sister Yaru, there is an old man outside saying that he must see you!"

Liang Yaru frowned and raised her impatient hand: "I don't know any old man, just coax him away!"

"He didn't say anything! He also asked me to tell you that he said he was Sun Xiaoting's father. He wanted to tell you something. If you refuse to see her, you will definitely regret it..."

Listening to the name of Sun Xiaoting, Liang Yaru's face twitched unnaturally, but Xiaoling was here, she still stood up calmly: "I see, go and work, he is my friend's father, I Go and see him..." He put on a mask and walked out of his clinic.

According to Xiaoling's position and dress, Liang Yaru quickly saw her grandfather. She was standing in the corridor not far away. She put her hand in a white coat and walked towards her grandfather.

"You are Uncle Yu, are you?" Liang Yaru walked up to his grandfather and asked in a low voice.

"Yes! It's me!"

"What are you looking for me?"

"That's it. Xiaoting's mother had a car accident today. She has just finished the operation and is in the ward upstairs. She said she wanted to see you and want to talk to you. If you don't go..."

Before his grandfather finished speaking, Liang Yaru turned and walked towards the corridor next to her: "Let's go!" She knew it well, so she didn't need him to say it more clearly to understand.

The grandfather took Liang Yaru to his wife's room. After entering, the grandmother first pushed the grandfather away, watched him walk out of the ward, and then lightly closed the door of the room, then looked at Liang Yaru with confidence.

"Auntie is looking for me?" Liang Yaru looked at her grandmother on the bed, frowned slightly, and sat down beside her bed after a while.

"Auntie's situation is not very good...I'll be straight to you..."

"Okay! Auntie, don't hesitate to say anything!" Liang Yaru did not refuse, after all, the grandmother knew what she was doing.

"As for Shao Zhengfei's father, Xiaoting hasn't confessed you up to now... I am out of health now... You have to do something for me..."

"Auntie please say..."

"Come here a little..." Grandmother motioned to her to get closer.

Liang Yaru hesitated for a moment, but still leaned to her grandmother's mouth. After listening to what she had said to herself, she sat up straight and looked at her grandmother on the hospital bed with a hesitant expression...

"I know that this time... I probably won't be able to make it through... You must help Xiaoting in this matter... Cough cough..." Grandmother couldn't help coughing again after she finished speaking.

"Then... what if I don't help?" Liang Yaru dislikes being threatened by others, and asked her grandmother on the bed coldly.

"Ahem... about Shao Jiaqi, then you...wait to go to jail..." The grandmother felt that she was also dying anyway. She endured the pain in her body and watched Liang Yaru gritted her teeth.

Liang Yaru was silent for a while, and stood up after a long while: "Well...I will do this...You should rest well, now your body is already like this, and thinking about this kind of thing, I will go now..." Without waiting for his grandmother to speak again, he walked to the door with a cold face, opened the door and left.

"You..." The grandmother looked at Liang Yaru's back and coughed violently again: "Cough...cough...cough cough..." At the end of the cough, grandmother only felt a surge in her throat. The smell of blood...

Grandfather had been waiting in the corridor outside the door. As soon as the door opened, he walked over immediately in worry!

"Uncle, Auntie has already told me that she is not in good health, she must take good care of her, I am leaving..." Liang Yaru nodded slightly to his grandson and left.

Father grandson glanced at her back and listened to the violent coughing from the ward. He pushed the door and quickly walked in. Seeing his wife coughing constantly, he walked to the bed and watched With a big mouthful of blood leaking from his wife's mouth, he suddenly burst out and shouted: "Doctor--!"

The doctor came quickly, and his grandmother was pushed into the operating room again in a short while! Seeing that lamp came on again, grandfather's heart was pulled together again!

This time the operation took only half an hour, and the door of the operating room was pushed open. Seeing the doctor walk out, grandfather immediately walked over with a sigh of relief: "Doctor, how is my wife?"

The other party shook his head and looked at the grandfather's helpless answer: "I'm sorry! We have done our best this time! The previous heavy bleeding has obviously stopped, but this time, somehow, the original wound bleeding is even worse. We can't stop! We really did our best..." The doctor said, looking at his grandfather and nodded apologetically, and then quickly left over his body.

Father grandson staggered, and as soon as he stood standing on the wall, he saw his wife pushed out of the operating room by the nurse, covered with a white cloth! He staggered forward, his old hand lifted the white cloth on his wife's face, and couldn't help but tears: "My wife...why did you leave like this? How can you bear to leave me..." Grandfather Looking at the wife in front of him, still lying down as if he was asleep, he couldn't help crying.

The grandmother was finally pushed to the morgue, and his grandfather fell to the ground dejectedly, tears streaming down his face. He didn't know how long he had been crying before he got up from the ground, tremblingly supported the handrails on the wall, went downstairs, and then left the outpatient hall of the hospital, walking towards the gate of the hospital in despair...

Thinking about his daughter still in jail, thinking about his son who is still in college, and thinking about his future life, he suddenly had the thought of leaving the world with his wife. Looking at the road outside the gate, he stumbled and wanted to walk over, but just raised his foot and walked two steps, he stopped in place. Having been immersed in the grief of the death of his wife, he unexpectedly forgot one thing. Why did the woman he called in shortly before the wife vomited blood to death? Did she do something to her wife?

With this thought, he quickly turned around and went to Liang Yaru's office!

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