Shao Zhanping didn't answer his words, but just glanced at him silently, and then at the family. They were almost there. He watched his brother accept and said with a serious expression: "You come with me! I want to say something. !" After speaking, I called Aunt Rong and took Xiaotian away.

Shao Zhengfei couldn't help laughing when he looked at his elder brother's expression, but he was still a little curious and wanted to know what the elder brother was going to say.

"What's the matter? It's so mysterious?" Shao Zhengfei said while sitting on the sofa with his wife Kexin.

Shao Zhanping also sat next to his wife and watched the whole family arrive. Then he watched his grandfather and father slowly said, "Grandpa, Dad, I want to tell you an important thing today!"

As soon as Shao Zhanping's words fell, Xiao Xiao's tears couldn't help falling...

Shao Jiaqi listened to his son, then looked at the expression of his daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but frown, "What the **** is it?"

Shao Zhengfei looked at Xiao Xiao’s expression, only then realized that the matter was a little serious, and asked with a slight frown: "Yes! Why is my sister crying? Brother, tell us, what happened?"

Shao Zhanping was silent for a moment and said slowly: "When I came back from the army the day before yesterday, before leaving the army, I received a text message saying that Xiao Xiao's blood type is type B and Tiantian's blood type is type O. It is said that Tiantian is basically Not my daughter..."

"Damn! Who is such a bastard?" Shao Zhengfei exploded as soon as he heard the eldest brother finish!

Shao Jiaqi also frowned and said, "This person is unpredictable and has impure motives, Zhanping, would you really believe it?"

Elder Shao also looked at his grandson and said, "Zhanping, you can't be fooled by this kind of person! Xiaoxiao is a good boy, she won't do anything to be sorry for you!"

Shao Zhanping nodded slowly when he heard the words of several people, and turned to look at his crying wife beside him and said distressedly: "From the moment I saw the information, I never doubted Shino! Because of her personality, I Knows better than anyone! Then I took the plane back home! But that person still kept texting! Later I thought, how can this matter be checked out! Also Xiaoxiao and Tiantian are innocent !"


"Later, I asked Xiao Xiao for information on Tiantian’s birth, and found that she really had blood type O. At that time, I found it was not good because we were of type AB and Xiao Xiao was of type B. Based on our two blood types, It is impossible to give birth to a child with type O blood!"

Shao Jiaqi was completely shocked by his son's words: "You mean... Tiantian is really not your and Xiaoxiao's daughter?"

"Big Brother! What the **** is going on? How could Tiantian not be? She was born by Xiao Xiao?" Shao Zhengfei frowned in anxious manner, feeling that this matter could not be figured out.

"Yes, Zhanping! What the **** is going on?" Elder Shao also looked nervously at the grandson and asked.

"I couldn't figure it out at the time! How could this happen to me? But the blood types of the three of us were really wrong! When that person sent a text message, he mentioned Xiao Xiao's Dongzi brother and said his blood type was O type. , And said that Tiantian is his biological daughter! I later went to Zheng Haodong and asked about it. After asking, I realized that his blood type was indeed O. I thought at the time that this person knew so much, Actually even Zheng Haodong knows, that means this person is very familiar with the life circle of me and Xiao Xiao. I recalled that since I married Xiao Xiao, the people with whom we had holidays, except Sun Xiaoting, was a female military doctor in the army. Sun Xiaoting has been arrested and imprisoned. The suspicion of other people doing this kind of thing is really too small, so I called the old subordinate and asked about the female military doctor. The result was only after investigation. She actually became an obstetrician at the Central Hospital. As soon as I heard the news, I drove to the Central Hospital, but after I went there, I realized that she actually resigned a few days ago and no one knew her. Where did I go. I came out of the outpatient hall at the time, and after thinking about it, she was not my daughter if her blood type was correct, but she was indeed pregnant, and I dared to be 100% sure, she I am pregnant with my child, but if Tiantian is not my daughter, where did I and Xiaoxiao’s child go?"

Shao Zhengfei's lungs were about to explode, and he looked at his elder brother in shock: "Big brother, what do you mean...Tiantian is really not your daughter?"

Shao Zhanping nodded: "No!"

"Then you and sister-in-law's child? Where did he go? If Tiantian is not your child, then whose daughter is she?"

"Yeah! I was thinking, where did I go with Xiao Xiao's child? I think what happened the night when Xiao Xiao gave birth. Needless to say, we must all remember clearly! That night..."

Shao Zhengfei took the words of his elder brother: "Of course I remember very clearly! Because three things happened that night! First, Dad was suddenly hospitalized in critical condition, then Sun Xiaoting gave birth, and then Xiaoxiao!"

Elder Shao also nodded: "Yes! Our house was a mess that night! So the impression is very impressive!"

"I checked the archives in the hospital. The only one who gave birth to Xiaoxiao that night was Sun Xiaoting! If Tiantian is not our daughter, there is only one possibility..."

Shao Zhengfei immediately stared at him when he heard what he said, "Big Brother, what do you mean... You mean Xiaotian?"

Kexin has been silent and listened to the conversation between the two and unbelievably said: "Then if you follow the older brother, then Xiaotian and Tiantian have changed?"

Shao Jiaqi's brows wrinkled in an instant! Hold the armrest of the sofa tightly!

Shao Zhanping nodded solemnly: "I did think of this! So I went to the hospital's monitoring room, but the monitoring data there can only be kept for one month. The night Xiaoxiao gave birth, it was deleted long ago. It’s impossible to find out the truth in the hospital, so I made a decision! After returning home, I first told Xiaoxiao about the incident. She couldn’t stand it at first and couldn’t accept such a shock. ! But there is no way. Since the matter has already happened, how can I check it out! In the afternoon I persuaded her to take Xiaotian to the paternity test center!" Shao Zhanping said as he took the testimonial from his pocket and handed it to Father: "Just over an hour ago, we finally got the appraisal result!"

Shao Zhengfei immediately leaned to his father's side and stared at the result on the piece of paper. When he saw the 99.99% value, his eyes widened unbelievably, feeling a little disbelief, and reached out and took it from his father. , Stared at him a few more times, and finally looked at the two people opposite in shock: "Xiao Tian is really your son?"

Shao Jia slapped the armrest of the sofa together, and said angrily: "It's too disgusting! Who on earth is doing such a damaging thing?"

Elder Shao's body trembled a little in anger, too: "I'm so depressed! How can there be such a thing? How can there be such a thing?"

Shao Zhengfei stared at the identification results on his hand, and looked at the eldest brother opposite: "Then if Xiaotian is your son, if nothing else, Tiantian is my daughter? Is that true?"

Shao Zhanping nodded: "Yes! I think Sun Xiaoting's initial plan was to get the property of our family after the child was exchanged, so she found out whether the child in her belly was a male or a female within a few months of her pregnancy. Later, Xiao Xiao was hospitalized in a car accident because she was in the hospital and Liang Yaru was also in that hospital. It should be very simple to find out whether Xiao Xiao was carrying a boy or a girl through her colleagues. When Sun Xiaoting learned that Xiao Xiao was pregnant After being a boy, she wanted to get a boy too much, so she wanted to change the child. Later, with the help of the female military doctor Liang Yaru, the child was dropped..."

Shao Jiaqi nodded in agreement after hearing his son’s words: "But Zhanping, don’t you think it’s impossible? Even if Sun Xiaoting really has this idea, how can she know when Xiaoxiao will give birth? And even if two people are on the same day, Xiaoxiao There will be people guarding outside of the delivery room, and Zhengfei and your aunt Ren will guard outside the delivery room of Sun Xiaoting! She is not a god, how could she know that I would be sick that night?"

A word from his father woke up Shao Zhengfei instantly, and he nodded in agreement, but couldn't understand this point: "Dad is right! Although I hate Sun Xiaoting no matter how much I hate Sun Xiaoting, my mother and I will be there when she gives birth. But it happened that night when Dad fell ill and entered the rescue room. The family was rescued outside. At that time, there was no time to care about Sun Xiaoting’s childbirth. Fortunately, Sun Xiaoting’s mother was there that night. So when Sun Xiaoting gave birth, there was no one from our family outside the operating room!"

After hearing what his son said, Shao Jiaqi continued: "If Zhanping speculates, then it means that Sun Xiaoting knew that I would get sick before, Zhanping, is that true?"

Shao Jiaqi’s words instantly made Shao Zhengfei unspeakably angry, staring at his elder brother and asking: "Big brother, what do you mean by..."

Shao Zhanping nodded solemnly: "Yes! I'm suspecting that Dad's illness that night was not accidental!" Shao Zhanping finished speaking and looked at his father: "Dad, you should remember the scene before the coma that day?"

"Yes! I remember!"

"Aunt Ren told me before she was alive that after dinner that night, she once cooked a bowl of bird's nest porridge and gave it to you! You should have passed out in the bathroom not long after drinking that bowl of bird's nest porridge, right? ?"

"Yes!" Shao Jiaqi nodded again.

When Shao Zhengfei heard what his eldest brother said, he immediately retorted depressedly: "Big brother, what do you mean? You don't doubt what my mom put in the bird's nest porridge my dad drank?"

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