After marriage, Zhao Yahui quickly adapted to the life of the Shao family, because she was familiar with everyone here, and her gentle personality made her get along well with everyone. Living in such a big harmonious family every day, her mood is getting better every day, and people are looking more and more energetic. Although Shao Zhengfei lost his mother more than half a year ago, he did not feel a bit of rejection of Zhao Yahui's stepmother, because he had always felt sorry for Zhao Yahui in the matter with Xiao Xiao. So from the second day of the ceremony between his father and Zhao Yahui, he changed his mouth and called Zhao Yahui his mother just like his elder brother and sister-in-law.

Such a name made Zhao Yahui very happy, she had never expected it. Kexin's belly is getting bigger every day, which makes Shao Zhengfei happier and happier. Zhao Yahui was very good at taking care of others, and she changed her tricks every day to supplement Kexin's nutrition. Xiao Xiao sometimes even complained at the dinner table that her mother had changed her heart. She was better for Kexin's daughter-in-law than her own daughter. The Shao family couldn't help laughing, and Shao Zhengfei was grateful to this stepmother from the bottom of his heart.

Ke Xin gave birth to a healthy son after ten months of pregnancy, named Shao Shaohan. Shao Zhengfei cried with joy when the nurse carried the cleaned up son in front of her.

Looking forward to more than a year, my son finally came to this world safely and healthily! Looking back on what happened over the past year or so, how could he not be excited?

The birth of Shaohan brought more laughter to this originally happy and harmonious family!

Everything in the Shao family looks so beautiful, but the duty of the soldiers is to defend the family and the country, so no one knows which day they will go to the front. Xiaoxiao especially cherishes the days when she gets together with Shao Zhanping, as long as he is at home, she will accompany him as much as possible.

On this day, Xiao Xiao came back from a walk with two children, and saw a tall man with thick eyebrows sitting on the sofa in the living room. He looked cold, he looked like a stranger would not come close, even if he saw Xiao Xiao, he stood up and greeted him, saying hello, politely and alienatedly, "Sister-in-law!"

"Hello!" Xiaoxiao smiled, not caring about the man's indifference. After being in the army for a long time, many people have relatively cold personalities, which is normal. Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that when she first came into contact with Shao Zhanping, he was like an ice cube.

"He is Kang Shaonan, Commander Kang, and the youngest commander of our army." Shao Zhanping rarely praised anyone. When Xiao Xiao heard it, he knew that this commander Kang was extraordinary.

"Xiao Xiao, this time the army has a new mission. Shao Nan and I are going together. Let's discuss the combat strategy first. You can help prepare the meal."

"Good." Xiaoxiao replied simply.

When lunch was ready, Kang Shaonan and the Shao family took the table together, and Xiao Xiao realized that this guy was really not talking. In order to liven up the atmosphere, Xiao Xiao asked cordially: "Shao Nan's family is a boy or girl? Next time I will bring the children to play."

"He is not married yet, and there is no shadow of his girlfriend." Shao Zhanping said with a smile.

"Then I will introduce you, there are many girls around me." Xiao Xiao was very enthusiastic.

"No, thank you."

When she touched a nail, this guy was really naive, Xiaoxiao thought, so she just smiled and didn't talk about anything. After thinking about it, Kang Shaonan took out an old photo from the pocket of the military uniform and said softly to Xiaoxiao: "Sister-in-law, please do one thing."

Ok? Please, are they familiar? However, he is Shao Zhanping's comrade-in-arms. Maybe they are very familiar with each other, so he will ask her. The enthusiastic Xiaoxiao will naturally not refuse.

"Go ahead! If I can help you, I will definitely help."

"If I can't come back this time, I hope my sister-in-law can be her friend, her name is Yu Xiao, and her contact information is behind the photo. Don't tell her, you know me."

Kang Shaonan looked solemn, Xiao Xiao took the photo, and looked at the girl's appearance in the photo. She was very delicate and beautiful. It seems that he loves this girl very much, so why do you say that he has no girlfriend? unrequited love?

Shao Zhanping was also a little surprised. Everyone wondered why Kang Shaonan didn't get married. Every time someone wanted to introduce him to his girlfriend, he always pushed it away coldly. It turned out that he was the one he liked. After so many years of comrades-in-arms, he did not tell himself, but told his wife who met for the first time that Shao Zhanping was still a little jealous.

"I like it, why not chase it?" Xiaoxiao asked softly, but Kang Shaonan just stared at the photo without saying a word. This photo has been on him for many years, and he has been waiting for Yu Xiao to grow up. But when she grew up, she fell in love with other men. This time, he was about to shoot and received this task, so he had to put it on hold.

"Yeah, Shaonan, you are so old, you are not in a hurry for your parents." Shao Zhanping's wife said casually.

"If I can come back alive this time, I'll grab her!" Kang Shaonan is proud, his eyes are unquestionable.

"Zhan Ping, are you dangerous this time?" Xiao Xiao was a little worried, and her voice trembled when she asked this sentence.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't make him dangerous."

"Yeah, rest assured, both of us have experienced a lot of battles. Besides, this kid's wife hasn't married yet, so I am reluctant to die, and I am reluctant to die, waiting for us to come back!"

After the meal, he was about to assemble the troops. Shao Zhanping said goodbye to his family Yiyi. He held Xiaoxiao for a long time and kissed her on the forehead a few times.

Kang Shaonan walked to the door and asked Xiao Xiao again, "Sister-in-law, make sure I can't come back and contact her again."

"You will be back, Yu Xiao must be waiting for you."

The two performed a secret mission and could not contact their family members. Xiaoxiao takes her children home to wait for news every day, looking forward to it day and night, and worrying day and night. She put her phone to her ear even when she slept, but there was no news. Xiaoxiao became very anxious. Parents and Shao Zhengfei took turns to persuade her. In front of them, she always said, "It's okay. No news is the best news. When she is left alone, she will look dull and daze, as if there is always a voice in her heart saying: They can't come back."

One afternoon three months later, Xiaoxiao coaxed her two children to sleep, and fell asleep drowsily by the bed. Even when she was asleep, she held the phone tightly.

"Zhanping, will you come back?" She whispered in her dream, not knowing what happened, suddenly felt a cold on her lips, and then her breath was swallowed. She woke up all of a sudden and was shocked to find that the man she had been thinking about was kissing her.

His kiss was extremely passionate and lingering, as if a long-thirsty person met Qingquan.

"Xiao Xiao, my wife, I want to kill you." Shao Zhanping said, before kissing again, Xiao Xiao hugged him and responded warmly.

The two were kissing each other, and suddenly heard a soft cough, Xiao Xiao knew that there was someone in the room!

She pushed Shao Zhanping away and saw Kang Shaonan, a block of ice not far behind them.

what! Ashamed, "Why don't you tell me someone is behind." Xiaoxiao said blushing.

"Sister-in-law, return the photo to me, you continue."

"This guy didn't return home, so he came directly to get the photos." Shao Zhanping teased.

"Haha, I really care about it, but I don't know if the little girl is married now." Xiao Xiao said, who asked you to peek at him.

"It's all under my control, my sister-in-law, don't worry." Kang Shaonan replied lightly.

Xiaoxiao went to the drawer to take out the photo and gave it to Kang Shaonan. He got the photo and looked at both sides carefully, for fear that Xiaoxiao might be damaged.

"But Kang Shaonan, how are you going to chase her?"

"Don't chase, just get married."

"But people have a boyfriend, maybe they still love each other very much."

"That's all right. Waiting to drink the Xi bar." After saying that, Kang Shaonan rushed out the door, Xiao Xiao glanced at her husband, and said leisurely: "How do I feel that the girl is looked at by him, it is a bit pitiful? ."


A black Mercedes Benz was rushing on the road of Q City, Yu Xiao looked depressed at the city scenery that kept flashing outside the window. Struggling for two months, crying, making trouble, and running, but she did not escape the disaster after all. After thinking about meeting for a while, he would get a marriage certificate from the man he had never met before, and there was endless sadness in his heart, for himself and Luo Yi.

There was a sudden vibration in his hand, and Yu Xiao lowered his head. It was a mobile phone message sent by Luo Yi. Glancing at the mother next to him with the light of his eyes, Yu Xiao tapped the message.

"Find a way to go to the men's bathroom in the hotel, I will pick you up later! Remember!"

At the moment when he saw the text message, Yu Xiao's eyes flashed, as if seeing a touch of sunshine in the cold winter, his heart warmed up unconsciously. From the beginning, Yu Xiao told Luo Yi that he was going to the hotel to get the certificate from the old man, so he knew exactly which hotel and floor Yu Xiao was going to. Yes, she has persisted for so long, how could she give up lightly at the last minute?

Escaping marriage is what she must do!

"Xiaoxiao, did you bring your household registration?" Ren Zhiping turned to look at her daughter, knowing that she was not satisfied with this marriage, for fear that she would be disturbed by her daughter again this time.

"Take it." Yu Xiao responded coldly, with no clear color in her voice. She has always been the treasure in the hands of her parents since she was a child, but this time, they changed their previous love of her, and in any case they must let her marry the old man ten years older than her.

I really don't understand, are they doing it for themselves or are they really doing it for her?

"Xiaoxiao, I will see you from the Kang family in a moment, but don't you hear that face?" Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter's admonition. Although her daughter doesn't like that man now, Ren Zhiping believes that her daughter will be happy.

Kang family, not everyone can enter.

"Got it!" Yu Xiao replied a little impatiently, turning his face and looking out the window again. The mood is much better than before.

Ren Zhiping glanced at her daughter and knew that she was in a bad mood, but she couldn't help but said, "Xiaoxiao, mom walked more bridges than you walked. I believe my parents, Kang Shaonan must be a good husband." Ren Zhiping shot She patted her daughter's hand for comfort.

"You can figure it out." She can't be too much, let alone let her parents see any clues.

Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter and smiled, with some comfort in her heart. Although her daughter's expression is still not very good, it is already a great improvement for her.

The car stopped in front of the agreed hotel. Under the supervision of his parents, Yu Xiao entered the lobby of the hotel together, and then into the elevator. Ren Zhiping pressed the number key six. Looking at the changing numbers, Yu Xiao thought about his next move.

"Oh, sigh..." Yu Xiao stretched out her hand to cover her lower abdomen, with a bit of pain on her face.

"What's wrong? Xiaoxiao?" Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter nervously.

"Isn't it diarrhea?" Yu Baojiao asked nervously.

"'s okay..." Yu Xiao replied with a pained expression, which just didn't want her parents to worry about her.

"I said it's all right, it hurts like this." The elevator dinged to a halt, and Ren Zhiping helped his daughter while walking out.

"Mom..." Yu Xiao drew a wink at her mother and lowered her voice: "I look like my aunt is here."

"Ah? Then let's go to the bathroom!" Ren Zhiping was anxious when he heard that, and waved to the husband in front of him: "Taiou, you should go meet your in-laws first, and say we will be there soon."

"Well, then don't delay it too long!" Yu Jiaojiao looked at his daughter in pain, nodded and left.

The mother and daughter found the bathroom under the guidance of the hotel staff. Ren Zhiping helped her daughter walk in. Seeing her increasingly anguished expression, she felt a little distressed: "It will be fine if you have a baby in the future. Mom used to be like this. Hold on, have you heard?"

Yu Xiao's face was wrinkled like a bun, and she was holding her stomach and looking at her mother in pain: "Mom, I didn't bring sanitary/towels!"

"Ah? What can we do about this?" Ren Zhiping's words were a bit difficult for her daughter. She didn't carry that stuff in her bag for the past week. Looking at her daughter's expression, she thought about it, and then looked at her daughter and said: " You go in first and don’t get your clothes on. I’ll go out and call the driver and ask him to buy a pack." Asking the driver to help buy sanitary napkins is too embarrassing to put it, but Ren Zhiping is afraid that her daughter will run again. This is the only way to go.

"Okay." Yu Xiao nodded obediently and closed the single room door.

Listening to the sound of mother's footsteps out of the bathroom, Yu Xiao immediately walked out of the bathroom with his bag, carefully followed behind her mother, and ran into the men's bathroom while Ren Zhiping was on the phone. Fortunately, there was no one in the men's bathroom. Yu Xiao found the door of a single room while looking at the door of the bathroom, and stepped back in.

Yu Xiao pressed her ears to the door and listened to the mother's shout at the bathroom door. It seemed that she already knew that her daughter was missing. Huh, Yu Xiao let out a long sigh and leaned against the door softly.

"Miss, is it fun to peek/peek?" A cold baritone suddenly heard behind him, shocking Yu Xiao who had just relaxed.

Looking back, I saw a tall man with thick eyebrows and sword eyes looking at her coldly.

"Ah, you..." Yu Xiao was shocked. Just about to shout, she heard her father's voice from the bathroom door. She hurriedly reached out her hand to cover her mouth, and then made a silence with the other hand. , And then put your hands together, please don't make a sound of this man.

"Miss, I am not interested in you, please go out quickly!" The man ignored her movements at all, his voice was slow and strong, and Yu Xiao trembled with caution when he heard his father's voice outside.

"Husband, go and see if there is anyone in the men's bathroom! She won't hide in it, right?" Ren Zhiping's words rang at the bathroom door, and Yu Xiao's heart beat even more.

"Okay, let me see, you are waiting here." As soon as Yu Jiaojiao's voice fell, his dull footsteps sounded in the bathroom.

Yu Xiao's heart suddenly raised her throat and looked up at the cold-faced man in front of her, and wanted to say something to herself. She felt awkwardly, stretched out her hand to wrap around the iceberg man's neck, and kissed on her tiptoe. Said it was a kiss, but Yu Xiao actually ran into it completely. Because she was really afraid that this man would make a noise again, she would definitely come up with such a bad idea when she was at a point where she could do nothing.

The iceberg man obviously did not expect the little woman in front of him to be so powerful, but... the moment his lips and teeth touched, his eyes flashed fiercely.

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