"Wife, are you awake?" Kang Shaonan quickly got up from the bed. In fact, he had gotten up a long time ago, and when the army was not busy, he was concerned about his little fiancé, so he ran back.

"Kang Shaonan, I want to go home!" Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan and shouted.

"Then you come with me to get the marriage certificate, and I will take you back when I get the marriage certificate!" Kang Shaonan looked at her condescendingly like a warlord.

"I told you, I won't marry you!" Yu Xiao finally understood what it means to play the piano against a cow. How many times does she have to say this man to understand?

"You will marry me! If anyone dares to marry you, I will twist his head off and kick the ball!" Kang Shaonan sat down beside her, holding her shoulders, the expression on his face was a little serious, and his voice was raised. A bit.

"Don't be so overbearing, okay? I don't like you, I hate you! I'm annoying you! I want me to marry you, unless I die, no, I won't marry you if I die!!" Yu Xiao really He was anxious and yelled in a loud voice, making people feel a little broken, and tears couldn't help falling.

Kang Shaonan looked at Yu Xiao's tears and let go of his hands. He stood up and looked at her silently and said: "If you don't marry, you won't marry. Why cry? Isn't it just a marriage certificate? The big deal is that I won't get married in this life. I’m a bit busy these few days, so I can’t take you home for the time being. I’ve already prepared breakfast. You should go to eat first. I’m leaving!” I left the bedroom without looking back, and the door rang after a while. sound.

The house was suddenly quiet, Yu Xiao wiped her tears and got off the bed. Although he was upset with the old man just now, he finally agreed not to force himself, which was a big improvement for her. As long as he is willing to give up on himself, then she and Luo Yi will have hope.

Yu Xiao had breakfast alone, and after clearing up the dishes, he took the phone and left Kang Shaonan's house. Fearing to meet the enthusiastic sister-in-law in the corridor this time, Yu Xiao tiptoed down the stairs like a thief. This time she had good luck and didn't meet anyone until she got out of the unit door. Yu Xiao walked along the asphalt road, and met some soldiers on the way. They all made military salutes at her, and then a loud voice: "Hello sister-in-law!" Having seen their enthusiasm a long time ago, Yu Xiao just smiled and nodded , Continue to walk forward alone.

When passing by the training ground, she seemed to see Kang Shaonan in front of the team. At this time, he was wearing a straight military uniform and a big brimmed hat. The whole person looked handsome and handsome, and he also showed a sense of majesty. It's just that from Yu Xiao. Disgust was all in his eyes. She hated that man, didn't even want to see him, turned her head and walked straight forward.

Today's weather is good. Yu Xiao looked at the rolling mountains around him and had the idea of ​​climbing. It's boring here anyway, and you can enjoy the scenery here when you go climbing. Look at the time on the phone. It's less than ten o'clock. It should be no problem to come back in the afternoon. Yu Xiao chose a slightly steeper one among several hills as his destination, and set off without hesitation.

Because I wanted to stay far away from the black-bellied man, this thought made her walk much faster. It was summer, and the two sides of the mountain road were full of small yellow wild flowers. Yu Xiao picked some and put them in her hands as she walked. When she picked more, she simply sat down and weaved a wreath on her head, rested for a while and continued on the road.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, but there are more jujube trees on the mountain, and the red jujubes are swaying on the branches with the wind, which is particularly popular. Yu Xiao, who has been living in the city since childhood, has seen this, and walked over with high heels, picking a few here and a few there, picking and eating while picking, so busy. When she had almost eaten, she continued to walk upwards, occasionally looking back at the entire camp area under her eyes, occasionally a few birds flew past in the sky, playing under the white clouds, watching everything in front of her, Yu Xiao felt that she was in a good mood Incomparably, the depression caused by the black-bellied man was also wiped out.

Although wearing high heels, Yu Xiao climbed to the top of the mountain. Sitting on the big rock at the top of the mountain, Yu Xiao took off his shoes, took out a few pictures of the distant scenery with his mobile phone, and then lay on the rock all by himself. Seeing a few white clouds drifting slowly under the blue sky, the breeze came gently, bringing a pleasant coolness. Seeing that the time was less than half past eleven, Yu Xiao closed her eyes and wanted to rest here for a while, but when she closed her eyes, she actually fell asleep.

Yu Xiao woke up in a pleasant ringtone. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Looking at the big sun in the sky, Yu Xiao stretched out, then took the phone and looked at the number on it. Just a glance, almost didn't make her vomit bleeding. The black-bellied man actually named his number "Dear Husband".


Yu Xiao hung up the phone with anger.

Stinky man! Don’t you like to worry? Make you worry. Anyway, he has nothing to do with him. Yu Xiao put the phone on the rock again, but not long after lying down this time, the phone rang again. She frowned and took out her phone to see that she was still the black-bellied man.

Forget it, anyway, her belly started to growl, so she didn't care about him.

Yu Xiao took the phone, tidyed up her short skirt and walked down the mountain in high heels. As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and it is difficult to go down the mountain. Before taking two steps, Yu Xiao deeply understood the true meaning of this sentence. Although she is wearing high heels, she can't feel anything at all when she goes up the mountain with a piece of high behind her foot. This is different when she goes down the mountain. The front is low, plus the height of the high heels. Stilts are no different. But there were stones and thorns everywhere, and she couldn't take off her shoes, so she had to move down with difficulty step by step.

Every step he took, Yu Xiao cursed Kang Shaonan fiercely in his heart: Stinky Yumu Gelai, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have fallen into this field! Stinky man! Dead man!

Yu Xiao went down the mountain while cursing, because the road was too difficult to walk, she picked a branch from the haystack next to it and used it as a cane. But she didn't walk a few meters away, she stopped suddenly, because she suddenly discovered that there was a colorful snake crawling in the grass directly in front of her, staring at her with small black eyes, her mouth was still not stopping. Spits out. Yu Xiao had never been in such close contact with this animal. Yu Xiao felt that her cautious liver was shaking, and she did not dare to take a mouthful. For fear that it would startle the snake in the grass, she swallowed hard, trying Go around in a pile of rocks next to it.

Since I can't provoke it, can we not afford it?

One step, two steps, three steps...

Yu Xiao suffocated his breath and moved to the side cautiously. When he was about to walk past, a small lizard suddenly jumped out from nowhere and ran towards Yu Xiao with a swish.

"Ah!!!" Yu Xiao screamed in shock, and the one at his feet couldn't stand still and rolled down the mountain.

Yu Xiao only felt the world spin and the ears were rustling, and there was tingling pain all over her body. Fortunately, after her body rolled down seven or eight meters, it was blocked by a small tree in time. Yu Xiao sat up with her head in her arms. Fortunately, when she fell down, she hugged her head in time, but when her body moved a little, the pain in her body came like an overwhelming feeling. She gritted her teeth and checked her injury. Something on the leg was scratched, and a piece of skin was rubbed off. It was bleeding outside, and there were abrasions in many other places. To make matters worse, her little skirt was torn a big opening by a tree branch, directly exposing her panties. Oops!

Yu Xiao looked around, but no one could be seen. She gritted her teeth and grabbed the stone next to her to stand up.

"Ah!! My feet!!!" Yu Xiao sat down with pain just now. She didn't feel it just now. Now she tried hard to find the pain in her feet. She tried to move a little bit. The piercing pain immediately spread from the ankle. Looking at the camp area far down the mountain, Yu Xiao's heart to cry is all there.

At this time, a phone ring rang again not far away. Yu Xiao hurriedly looked over and found that the phone was ringing constantly above him. It seemed that he had dropped the phone when he rolled down. She stretched her arms hard enough, and the result was still more than ten centimeters away. She rolled over her arms and climbed up, finally took the phone over, but the ringing stopped abruptly at this time.

Yu Xiao couldn't bother to be angry with the black-bellied boy, clicked on the call log, found "Dear Husband" and dialed back.

"Wife, where have you been?" The phone rang and was connected. Kang Shaonan's anxious voice came from the phone. When he came back from the training ground, he found that Yu Xiao was missing, and the call was unavailable. He died of anxiety.

"I...I fell..." When she heard Kang Shaonan's voice, Yu Xiao suddenly felt a little wronged, tears in her eyes kept spinning, and her voice choked up.

"Where are you?" Kang Shaonan asked urgently.

"I... I'm on the mountain... the highest mountain..." Although he was not lightly thrown, Yu Xiao's brain was still awake, and he accurately stated his position.

"Wait for me there!" Kang Shaonan said and hung up.

Yu Xiao put down the phone and stared straight at the camp area below the mountain. It didn't take long for her to see a figure rushing out of the camp area and quickly climbing towards the top of the mountain where she was. Kang Shaonan is a soldier, and the mountains around this area have been crawled by soldiers like them a long time ago, so climbing this kind of mountain is not a problem for him. Yu Xiao climbed the mountain for more than an hour, and he only spent less than twenty He arrived at Yu Xiao's side in minutes. But it was summer, and the weather was already hot. In addition, Kang Shaonan was worried about his little fiancé, so he ran a little bit anxiously. When he got to Yu Xiao's side, he was already sweating.

Kang Shaonan looked at Yu Xiao in front of him and frowned. The little girl somehow got her whole body hurt, and he felt a little distressed.

"Wife, what else is uncomfortable except here?" Kang Shaonan checked the wound on her leg, and then looked at other places. Fortunately, the others are all abrasions, which should be fine. But these are all exposed places, and he doesn't know if there are any injuries under the clothes.

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