An An saw that the situation was not going well, and then took the topic over: "Yes! I think you are also a soldier, so you won't be oblivious. Tell you the truth, we just want to tell you two things when we invite you today!"

"Which two things?" Kang Shaonan asked, holding back a smile.

"First, let Yu Xiao go. From now on you can be good friends with her. She will find her love, and you will find your happiness. From now on, you will not interfere with each other!" An An's righteous words are very important to Annan. This made Yu Xiao feel a little relieved.

"The second one?" Kang Shaonan then asked.

"Xiaoxiao's company is about to close down. We know that your family has a big company. The second thing is to borrow money to help Yu Xiao's family tide over the difficulties! How about it?" An'an said these two things simply and neatly, without cumbersome, completely expressing Yu As soon as Xiao's heartfelt voice fell, the three of them stared at Kang Shaonan.

"Then what benefit can I get?"

"That... of course it is good. We are purifying your soul. Think about helping others for pleasure. Isn't it what you soldiers should do? Not only helping others, but also purifying and washing your soul, how happy Don't do it? Right?" Xiaotong rushed to answer.

"I'm sorry, I can't do both of what you said. First, I am a hard-hearted person, and I never give up easily! Second, although our family has money, it is not mine. , So I can't save Xiaoxiao's company either." Kang Shaonan replied neither humble nor humble, without any compromise on his face.

"Let's see! I know there will be no results. I told you that I still don't believe it?" Yu Xiao glanced at Kang Shaonan's appearance, and cast his mouth directly. I know that today's negotiations will not have any good results, and it seems that it is so!

"Hey, how can you be like this? What did you say like Xiaoxiao before, but now that you are not saved, I think you are a good person. Xiaoxiao, let's go!" An An on one side listened to Kang Shaonan and said to him. His good impression was instantly shattered, and angrily pulled Yu Xiao's hand to go outward.

Kang Shaonan sat still and let the two people leave.

Xiaotong next to her was still a little bit reluctant to see her good friend who had left, but she still stood up reluctantly and pointed at Kang Shaonan very indignantly: "You, you, you are too much!" After finishing speaking, she walked away.

Kang Shaonan watched the three people walking out of the coffee shop and then slowly disappearing on the sidewalk. He smiled, reached out his hand and took the phone out of his pocket, and dialed the phone of his younger brother Kang Shaobei.

"How is the matter going?" Kang Shaonan asked as he raised his watch and checked the time. He has to rush back to the army this afternoon. Before that, the Yu Xiao family's affairs must be resolved.

"Big brother, I just came out of my sister-in-law's company. Don't worry, things are done."

"Got it! I'm going back to the army in a while, if nothing else, I'll be back next week!"


Yu Xiao and two good friends had a family. Anyway, on the weekend, the three of them ran to a nearby rice noodle shop to have lunch. The three people found a seat by the window and severely criticized the black-bellied uncle just now. As soon as the topic broke, complaints against Uncle Kang came like torrents.

"That uncle is really a dead brain. The world is so big, why does he fall in love with Xiaoxiao alone? An'an, take a look, take a look, which one of us are beautiful?" Xiaotong spoke first, thinking about it. Uncle Kang's relentless eyes couldn't help complaining.

"Okay, you!" An An picked up the disposable chopsticks on the table and tapped Xiaotong: "He is a hard-hearted person. Even if you laugh in front of him, people will not look down on you. But he also Really, since I like you, why don’t you help your family? Looking at men, I mean to say one thing and one thing! Xiaoxiao, you must fight to the end this time, the two of us will stand by you to the end!" In the scene, An An’s impression of that Uncle Kang was extremely bad.

Yu Xiao sighed after listening to the words of the two good friends, but she still knew very well, if she did not compromise, what would be the consequences of waiting for her own family, she knew clearly in her heart. He picked up the juice on the table and took a sip. It was obviously sweet, but she drank a bitter taste. Is she really going to marry that old man ten years older than herself?

The phone rang at this moment, and Yu Xiao took out the phone listlessly, and two good friends immediately came up: "Uncle Kang's, right? Xiaoxiao, if he admits his mistake, you must hold it. She doesn't, otherwise he will definitely think you are a bully in the future!"

"Yes, yes, yes! You have to speak badly first!" Xiaotong nodded wildly in agreement.

Yu Xiao glanced at the two listlessly: "My dad is calling!" After speaking, he put the phone to his ear: "Dad!"

"Xiaoxiao, good news, our company is all right."

"Really? Great!" Yu Xiao's eyes lit up, and the whole person was cheered up. The company is okay. Does it mean that she doesn't have to marry the black-bellied man again?

"Do you know who did it?" Yu Jiaojiao asked with a smile.

"Dad, who is it?" I really want to know how sacred the savior is. As long as there is a chance, she will thank him three times.

"It's the Kang family!"

"Kang family? It won't be...Kang Shaonan's family?" Just now I felt the sky was clear, but an explosion of thunder sounded above his head instantly, which blasted Yu Xiao.

If it is really the Kang family, isn't she dead?

"Yes, Shao Nan asked his brother to do it! Xiaoxiao, come back soon, we will visit their house anyway today!"

"But... Dad..." Yu Xiao scratched his hair depressed, not knowing what to say.

"It's nothing, but come back right now!" Yu Jiaojiao almost used a commanding tone, and then hung up the phone with a snap, leaving only a beep.

Listening to the blind tone in the phone, Yu Xiao's eyes dimmed for an instant. He threw the phone on the desktop softly, at a loss.

"Xiaoxiao, is your father calling?" An An and Xiaotong had already heard some clues from Yu Xiao's conversation and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, our company is all right, but I'm going to die!" Yu Xiao sighed, feeling unspeakably depressed.

"Could it be that Uncle Kang's family really helped?"

"Yes, this black-bellied man is going to be proud! You can eat it, my dad told me to go back and leave first!" Yu Xiao grabbed the bag next to him and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute! Let's help you out! The three heads are the best of Zhuge Liang!" An An grabbed Yu Xiao's wrist and motioned her to sit down first.

"Yes! Yes! Let's think about what to do?" Xiaotong nodded in agreement.

Yu Xiao sat down in the chair and looked at the two people listlessly: "What can you do for me? That's two million! Can you sell me several times!" Although she also wanted to love her Struggled once, but it was two million, and she felt there was no way to escape. Thinking about Luo Yi, she was sad to die in her heart. They were still together a while ago looking forward to the future happily, but now...

"If you really marry Kang Shaonan, have you ever thought about Luo Yi? Don't you really love each other? Even if Kang Shaonan and his family are really kind to you, then you don't have to pay you back, isn't it two million? We can make an IOU for him and pay in installments. You and Luo Yi, together with Xiaotong and me, don’t believe that he can’t pay back his two million!” An An is indeed a good friend of Yu Xiao, at this time In any case, you can't just watch your friend's happiness be ruined like this.

"Yes! Xiaoxiao, you can't just compromise like this! Absolutely!" Xiaotong was reminded by An An's words, and she nodded in agreement. Although she sometimes commits a nymph, but now it's a good friend's happiness, she Can't just sit back and watch. But thinking about the two million, she began to look at An An with insufficient confidence: "The four of us...when will we make two million?"

An An raised her hand angrily and pointed to her forehead, and shook Xiaotong's head.

"Damn, are you a good friend of Xiaoxiao? Why do you always have ambitions and destroy your own prestige? If you say this kind of thing, be careful that I break with you!"

Xiaotong immediately bit her lip and didn't dare to say a word.

"But... give him an IOU, will their family agree?" Dad himself can't borrow two million, like these college students who are about to graduate, why does the other party believe in himself?

"How do you know if you don't try? By the way, what about Luo Yi? Why doesn't he show up at this time?"

"Her mother is hospitalized with leukemia. How can I call him back at this time?" Yu Xiao replied with dim eyes. If Luo Yi is by his side, maybe the situation now is completely different. But his mother was seriously ill in bed, how could she bear to call him back?

"How could this be? Alas, you are really a pair of mandarin ducks!" Xiaotong pouted and shook his head sympathetically.

"Even if he can't come back for a while, you should let him know your current situation. Maybe after you tell him, he can think of a better way! Love is originally a matter of two people, at this time he also You should pay a certain amount of responsibility. If you don't tell him, you won't even have this last glimmer of hope!" An An reminded.

"Well, you're right! I should call him!" An An's words made Yu Xiao's eyes brighten. These days, she just didn't want to add unnecessary troubles to him, but forgot that he might be able to. Come up with your own idea and think of a solution. She stood up, grabbed her bag and looked at her good friend and said, "I'll go back first, and I will call you if I have something to do!"

When Yu Xiao left the rice noodle shop, people came and went on the pedestrian street, and flirtatious couples passed by her from time to time. Yu Xiao felt a sense of soreness in her heart. When can she also walk on the street with Luo Yi like this? She took out her mobile phone and called Luo Yi while walking.

"Xiaoxiao, do you miss me? I will go back tomorrow!" Luo Yi's voice came from the phone, it sounded so sunny, and there was no exhaustion before, and Yu Xiao's heart was instantly warmed.

"When will you be back tomorrow?" Yu Xiao asked urgently.

"I take the morning train, it should be here at noon tomorrow!"

"How is Auntie now?"

"Well... I'll tell you when I go back tomorrow!"

"Okay, then you will be careful tomorrow, and call me as soon as you arrive!"

"it is good!"

"Then I will hang up first, bye!"


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