She said that a girl who was so cute and peaceful would only be buried in a tea garden when she died.

No one thought that the original joke would actually become true...

A car accident took her young life and ended their love. According to her last wish, Uncle Ming buried her daughter on the top of the mountain. Let her be here, looking down on the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the world...

Shen Yi stood there quietly for a long time, a long time...

After a while, I still raised my foot and walked slowly up the mountain...

No matter how long the road uphill is, there is always an end!

When Shen Yimo stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the cemetery a few steps away, all the sadness and pain, like the rolling river, instantly submerged him...

"Hey, Shen Yimo, what's the matter with you?" Yu Xiao walked up to him, shook his little hand in front of his eyes. Before he could answer, he was hugged into his arms. Yu Xiao instantly Startled.

"Don't move! Give me a hug... Yaoyao..." Shen Yimo's tears also quietly fell when Yaoyao, who was infinitely fond and missed, shouted.

Yu Xiao originally wanted to struggle, but listening to the man's voice choked, she immediately stood still and motionless. I don’t know how long it took, and Shen Yimo’s hoarse voice came in her ear: "Yaoyao said, this is the place closest to the blue sky... If she leaves in the future... she will be buried here... Behind you... Her cemetery..."

Yu Xiao's body stiffened when she heard Shen Yimo's words, and the picture of the girl who had been seen in Uncle Ming's villa flashed before her eyes. It turned out that this is her cemetery. No wonder he walked very slowly when he first saw him go up the mountain.

"I'm sorry..." She didn't know what to say, but it must be painful to understand Shen Yimo at this time. One of his unintentional actions touched the most painful point in his heart.

"I want to be alone with her for a while..." Shen Yimo released Yu Xiao and walked towards Ming Yao's grave.

Yu Xiao slowly turned around, and she saw a tombstone not far in front, which looked particularly eye-catching under the cover of trees and flowers. Not wanting to disturb the silence that belonged to Shen Yimo and Ming Yao, she slowly turned around and went down the mountain along the way when she came...

When Yu Xiao walked halfway up the mountain, he ran into Uncle Ming. Uncle Ming took her through the jungle of tea trees and introduced her to everything about tea. Yu Xiao listened quietly, but glanced at the top of the mountain intentionally or unintentionally. Nothing will happen to Shen Yimo at this time, right?

As if seeing her thoughts, Uncle Ming smiled and patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Yimo!"

"Really?" From the moment he hugged her, she didn't see his face, just by listening to his voice, she could hear the pain and sorrow he couldn't overcome.

"When Yaoyao was buried here, Yimo sat on the top of the mountain for three days and three nights. I couldn't persuade him. Later, every time he came here, he would accompany Yaoyao for one day. Later, I dare not let him When he came, he went to my villa. For the past six months, it was very difficult to live silently. Alas, this child, sometimes... is too stubborn..." When Uncle Ming said at the end, his eyes were red and he turned to look towards In the distant sky, a trace of entanglement flashed under his eyes.

Because of Shen Yimo's matter, Yu Xiao spent a day absent-minded. At lunch, Shen Yimo still did not come back. Yu Xiao wanted to go to the mountain to call him down, but Uncle Ming stopped him.

"Let him go! He hasn't been here for a long time!" Uncle Ming seemed to be used to this kind of thing, doing what he should do calmly.

It was getting late and late, and at dusk, Shen Yimo finally returned to Uncle Ming's house. All of them tacitly knew nothing about the mountain. Uncle Ming made a large table of delicious food, and took out the old wine, drinking with Shen Yimo.

Yu Xiao sat next to him and watched the two people drink happily. When they drank happily, the two would laugh out loud, but the laughter made Yu Xiao sound like an urge to cry.

Shen Yimo tonight is completely like a different person, drinking outright like a man in the green forest, completely devoid of the way a gentleman was in the city before. In front of Yu Xiao and Uncle Ming, he removed all the pretense and became an ordinary man.

Maybe I know that there is still someone here who will take care of themselves. Uncle Ming and Shen Yimo are all drunk. Fortunately, Uncle Ming still maintains the last touch of consciousness, and fumbled back to the room. Shen Yimo was left lying on the table, muttering Ming Yao's name...

Yu Xiao took away the wine bottle in his hand, put one of his arms on his shoulder, and swayed him back to the room. It took a lot of effort to finally drag him to the side of the bed and let him lie down, but Shen Yimo hugged her and fell directly on the bed. His lips came up with a pungent drunkenness and wanted to kiss her. It was blocked by Yu Xiao with his hand.

"Yaoyao, I love you... Yaoyao... why... you ignore... me..."

"Shen Yimo, wake up!" Yu Xiao pushed his body hard, but her strength was too small, and his body became heavier when he was drunk.

"Yaoyao... why don't you agree...I love..." Before the last word was uttered, Shen Yimo actually tilted his head and fell asleep.

Yu Xiao looked at him asleep, sighed heavily, pushed him away from him, and put his legs under the bed on the bed after getting out of bed, and then took off his shoes. He fell off, covered him with a thin blanket, and then turned and left the room.

This night was a torment for Yu Xiao. Recalling that from knowing Shen Yimo to the present, I have never seen him like this. I really can't imagine how thick armor he needs to wear to pack himself into a president while living in the city. In a position where countless people admire and look up, he has unspeakable pain in his heart. If he exchanges everything he has now for Ming Yao, he will definitely give up everything without hesitation?

There is such a man who loves you deeply, Ming Yao, can you feel it in heaven?

Yu Xiao tossed and turned on the bed, wondering if Shen Yimo's persistence touched the softest string in her heart. This night, her thoughts of Kang Shaonan were soaring. But thinking about everything she heard in the unit door, her heart slowly sank again. Some mistakes are forgivable. Some mistakes, like a sharp knife, will eventually leave a regretful scar in my heart when slashing across the tip of my heart...

On the night Yu Xiao left, Kang Shaonan frantically looked for her all night. He searched all the places she might have visited, and made all the calls that should be made, but he still didn’t find any of Yu Xiao’s trace.

This night, he did not return to Yu's house, nor did he have the face to go back. He returned to the two people's new house, called Ren Zhiping, and told her tactfully that Yu Xiao would be fine. Because of the heavy rain when he went out, he was soaked all over his body and could not take a shower. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Yu Xiao's number again and again. The message from the mobile phone was still the phone shutting down.

Sitting dejectedly on the sofa, Kang Shaonan thought of Uncle Ming, but he had never seen Uncle Ming, let alone where his tea garden was. Thinking of what Shen Yimo had said, he must have been there. I wanted to call Shen Yimo right away, but he didn't even have his number. Rubbing his forehead and thinking for a moment, he took up his mobile phone and called An An even though it was late at night. The phone rang for a long time before connecting. Kang Shaonan spoke out his thoughts straightforwardly, and An An readily asked him to wait, and called him in a while.

After receiving the line, An An immediately called Zhao Chen for Shen Yimo's number, and then told Kang Shaonan. Kang Shaonan said thank you for hanging up the phone, and called Shen Yimo. But after a while, what came from the phone was that the other party had turned off.

Kang Shaonan sighed, knowing that it would be impossible to find Yu Xiao tonight.

After Kang Shaoxi apologized to her elder brother Kang Shaonan, she drove away from Yu Xiao's community. She originally wanted to go home immediately, but not long after the car drove out, she received a call from Rich Zihao. Looking at the annoying number, she threw the phone directly on the seat on the side and stopped going. Manage it. But after a while, she began to regret it again. After all, the rich Zihao still holds her most important thing in her hand. If she wants to win a round, the most important thing at the moment is that she can't turn her face off with him.

Thinking of this, she stopped the car on the side of the road, took the mobile phone and called Fu Zihao again.

"Give you a quarter of an hour, rush to Huadu Entertainment City immediately, come one second late, and you will wait for the newspaper tomorrow!" The rich Zihao was obviously very angry, and hung up after speaking.

Kang Shaoxi threw the phone nervously and started the car to Huadu. Fortunately, her car was not very far from the flowers. She crossed a few streets and arrived. As soon as the car stopped in front of the door, Kang Shaoxi ran into the entertainment city quickly without taking care of the car and asked some waiters. Finally found the box where the rich Zihao was and quickly searched for it.

When he walked into the box, Kang Shaoxi saw the rich Zihao sitting in the middle of the sofa. He was holding a naked lady in her arms, and the big hand of the rich Zihao was touching the woman's body. Come and touch. Around the two, there were several men, each of them hugged from left to right, and Kang Shaoxi blushed as he watched.

"Oh, who is this beauty? Brother Hao, isn't you going to send us off tonight?" When one of the men with yellow hair saw Kang Shaoxi who walked in, he looked at her unscrupulously. Seeing that she is in good shape, she whistled presumptuously.

"She's my fiancee! How about it? Pretty?" Fu Zihao raised his head, pushed the woman away from him, and hooked his finger at Kang Shaoxi with a smile.

Kang Shaoxi bit her lip and walked over in compromise.

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