She found several counterpart companies online, and all submitted resumes. Unexpectedly, one of the companies called her on the afternoon of the day when she submitted her resume and said she was asked to go to the company for an interview. This company has the highest salary among all the companies where she submitted her resume. Quiet Ya naturally did not refuse, cleaned herself up from head to toe, and drove to this company.

The interview process went smoothly, but the boss of this company did not see him because he was on a business trip. The company's interviewer was very satisfied with Jing's conditions and decided on the spot to let her go to work in the company tomorrow. Hearing the news, Quiet Ya smiled rarely, and during this time, there was finally one thing that satisfied her.

When leaving the company, she called her sister An An and asked her to accompany her to buy some clothes. Ann was naturally very happy when she heard that her sister had found a job. He immediately asked Zhao Chen for leave and ran out, and took his sister to the mall. With An An present, Jingingya bought them all from head to toe, and finally ran to the barber shop to get her hair done under An An's instigation. Feeling satisfied, the two returned home together.

Father Ann and Mother Ann were very happy to see their daughter changed. The family had a happy dinner.

Jingeya has worked in the company for nearly a week, and did not see the boss of the company. It is rumored that the boss is very handsome and very young. It is only one ear that goes in and that ear goes out. In her eyes, except for Kang Shaonan, None of the other men really looked at it.

Today is Monday, and I heard that it was also the day when the new boss came to the company. Quiet Ya got up early in the morning, ate breakfast in a hurry, and rushed to the company. Because this company has just started, the scale of the company only occupies the top five floors of the entire office building. When Jingan entered the company, she saw all the employees consciously line up in two rows, waiting for the arrival of the boss of the company. Putting her own things away, she quickly stood in.

After about ten minutes, there was a commotion at the door, everyone's eyes followed the sound, and a few people walked in from the direction of the door, standing quietly and quietly, to the new boss It's really not interesting. To her, it doesn't matter who the boss is. It wasn't until a familiar voice wafted in her ears that she raised her head and cast her gaze on the new boss. With her eyes facing each other, Jingan Ya was completely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the boss of this company is actually his college classmate-Yu Haofan! !

Hasn't he gone abroad long ago? Isn't it immigrants? Didn’t you say you will never come back again?

Countless questions were tumbling in my heart, and the past events slowly surfaced in my mind. It wasn't until Yu Haofan announced that everyone had started to work and everyone had returned to their positions. When Yu Haofan's secretary walked over and asked her to go to the boss's office, she recovered from the past.

Take the elevator to the top of the company, and walk into the general manager's office under the leadership of the secretary. Yu Haofan walked over with a smile, closed the door behind her, walked slowly in front of her, and smiled at the still a little surprised quiet and elegant sunshine.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, should you give me a hug?" Yu Haofan finished, and before quietly responding, he reached out and hugged her, but then let go.

"You... how could it be you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Yu Haofan looked at her with a smile, motioned her to sit down on the sofa.

"But...didn't you go to Canada?"

"Don't you let me go back?" Yu Haofan asked with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't mean that." Jingingya smiled and shook her head when he asked: "Haofan, welcome you back!"

"It's almost the same!"

"This company is yours?"

"Well, newly opened! I want to come back to develop my own business! So I am back!"

"Your family came back together?"

"My parents are still in Canada, and I am the only one who came back!"

"Are you alone? Where is your wife?"

"Where to find a wife? I'm not married yet! How about you? Are you married?"


Tomorrow is the weekend, and Kang Shaonan will return to the army. The one-month vacation is over, and his injuries are no more serious problems. Elder Kang has already been discharged from the hospital, and there is nothing wrong at home. It is time for him to return to the army. Because my friend Yu Haofan has not met Yu Xiao yet, we decided to get together tonight. The location was determined by Kang Shaonan. Originally, I wanted to call Jingingya together, but after thinking about it, I gave up. But when Kang Shaonan arrived with Yu Xiao, he realized that Yu Haofan had brought Jingingya. And there were An An and Zhao Chen who came with them.

A few people said hello and sat down. Kang Shaonan and Yu Haofan are old classmates. After a few years, there will naturally be a lot of conversations. Zhao Chen will insert a few words from time to time. An An and Yu Xiao and their sisters are chatting, soon. Time, everyone relaxes too.

But everyone knows everything about Kang Shaonan and Jinging Ya, so they are all very tacitly not touching the topic of the two. Knowing that Kang Shaonan will return to the team tomorrow, the three men will naturally have to drink together. Zhao Chen is an activist, and Kang Shaonan is also a soldier. He is also a bold drinker. Yu Haofan has not returned to China for a few years, so naturally he also drinks a lot. One night, everyone had a great drink.

Halfway through the drink, Jingya, who had been silent, stood up suddenly, poured herself a full glass of wine, and watched the opposite Kang Shaonan and Yu Xiao toast.

"Xiaoxiao, Shaonan, I toast you two with this glass of wine, what happened before... I'm sorry!" After finishing speaking, he took the glass and drank it.

The others looked at each other a little bit, but everyone knew it well and didn't know what to say. An An, who was next to her, didn't expect her sister to drink the wine, and looked at her nervously: "Sister, are you okay?"

Kang Shaonan and Yu Xiao stood up at the same time, but didn't say anything, they all toasted and drank. At this time, silence is the best solution. When the two of them sat down, Kang Shaonan unconsciously looked at Yu Xiao who was next to him and gave him a hand, but in the quiet and elegant eyes, it seemed that something smashed through the tip of his heart, causing pain.

Jinganya looked at Kang Shaonan and Yu Xiao who were on the opposite side. Suddenly she lost control of her emotions. She said sorry. I went to the bathroom, turned and ran out of the private room. An An got up to chase, but was stopped by Yu Haofan, he got up and chased it out.

As soon as the two of them left, the remaining few were a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Zhao Chen tried his best to adjust the atmosphere and chatted with Kang Shaonan about the army. But when Yu Xiao sitting aside met An'an's eyes, she felt a little guilty in conscience. Fortunately, this embarrassment didn't last long. Yu Xiao's cell phone rang. The call was from Shen Yimo. She stood up with her cell phone, and exited the private room while pressing the answer.

Shen Yimo had nothing to do with her, just to ask her about the content of a document, wanting to finally confirm it. The two talked for a while and then hung up. Putting the phone away, Yu Xiao turned around and looked at the door of the private room in the distance. Thinking about Quiet Ya, he couldn't help but sighed and walked into the private room. Just a few steps away, she heard a voice coming from the corridor next to her, listening to the familiar voice, her footsteps stopped slightly. Knowing that she was doing this too much, she still pricked her ears unconvincingly.

"Jingya, don't you have trouble with yourself? You see how happy Shaonan and Xiaoxiao are now, do you have the heart to make them feel uneasy like this?" This was Yu Haofan's voice, and he was comforting softly. Be quiet and elegant.

"I know... I know everything... But... I just don't want to... Hao Fan, do you know why Shao Nan married Yu Xiao? It was because he did it when he was dealing with a kidnapping case seven years ago. A wrong decision made Yu Xiao hurt. It was because of that time that Yu Xiao lost his memory completely. He felt that he was sorry for Yu Xiao, he obviously loved me, and he gave up our love for Yu Xiao. He loves me Well... if we hadn’t had Yu Xiao, we would have been married... Shao Nan, he didn’t love Yu Xiao at all, he had never loved her, never... he just felt that he owed her... so he used I will make up for her in my life..." Jingya said and kept crying. She had been enduring the fact that she could not confide to others, even the closest person, she was deeply buried in her heart. Yu Haofan used to be her good friend and classmate. At this time Jingjingya put down all her precautions and vomited her unhappiness at him.

Although the quiet and elegant voice was intermittent, Yu Xiao, who was a few steps away, heard it clearly.

The body shook involuntarily. With a bang in her ears, she heard her own world, something collapsed quickly.

Piece, piece, piece...

Tears rushed down his cheeks.

Shaking hands on the wall, he tried his best to support his body. In the direction of the elevator forward, he walked step by step. A few steps away, she seemed to have walked for as long as decades. Every step is like stepping into a piece of acquaintance with Kang Shaonan. It's just that when the foot falls, every piece is shattered! !

He said: I fell in love with you at first sight!

He said: You are my baby!

He said: Wife, I love you!

He said: Baby, I like you!

He said: I want to walk with you to the end of life!

He says:……

I just learned today that everything is a huge lie! !

Between them, it was not love at first sight at all! It turned out that he knew himself seven years ago! No wonder he was not married at the age of thirty-two, no wonder Jinge Ya was so beautiful he was indifferent, no wonder he did not hesitate even if his family needed two million.

She thought that she had met the best man in the world, and now she knows that he only caused irreparable harm to herself because of a wrong decision, and that he married herself! !

make up? Use your life's happiness?

Kang Shaonan, you sacrificed your love to marry me, don't you think you are too great? But your greatness makes me feel like a cold joke!

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