"Stupid boy..." Ren Zhiping hugged her daughter and burst into tears.

Yu Baojiao also chased out from the house, looking at the mother and daughter who were hugging each other and crying, his eyes were red.

With the strong persuasion of his parents, Yu Xiao followed his parents back to the house. A family of three sitting on the sofa in the living room, the silence and depressive breath spread silently in the living room, stimulating everyone's heart...

"Xiaoxiao, you were indeed kidnapped seven years ago. You lost your memory because you were only fifteen years old that year. In that kidnapping case, the special police who came to rescue you killed one person, that People die in front of you, only a few centimeters away, because you have witnessed all that with your own eyes, plus you were so young, you fell into a coma on the spot, and you don’t remember anything when you wake up.” Yu Jiaojiao was silent for a few minutes. Still speaking, he said the truth of the year in a hoarse voice.

"Is it true?" Yu Xiao looked at his parents and asked in a low voice, without much expression on his face.

"Well, it's true! Later... we felt that the city was too exciting for you, so we moved here. Dad said everything is true. We would rather you have amnesia for a lifetime than remember the past. Xiaoxiao, We don’t want the Kang family’s money. The two million last time, parents can’t do anything about it, but if things are already like this, you forgive them. This time, we don’t rely on anyone. If the company really falls, your dad You can make a comeback, don't worry!" Yu Jiaojiao finally patted her daughter's hand comfortingly.

"But you have been in business for so many years..."

"It's okay! In business, there is a loss and a profit. No one can guarantee that you will not lose money in your life. You are right. We owe too much to the Kang family to accept help from others like this..."

"Thank you, Dad..."

"Oh, you kid..."

"I'm a little tired, I want to go to rest for a while! Dad, Mom, Shao Nan just left, don't you tell him what happened today?" Yu Xiao stood up and told his parents before returning to the room.

"Then go and rest, rest assured, parents won't say anything!"

Yu Xiao went back to her bedroom to rest and closed the door lightly. She was lying on the bed quietly. Although her eyes were closed, her brain was spinning all the time. What her parents said, she was only dubious. Although there is a certain degree of persuasiveness, there are still some things that don't make sense. Even if someone really cracked their brains in front of her seven years ago, she collapsed, and she lost her memory because she couldn't stand the stimulation, can this not be the reason for Kang Shaonan to marry herself?

There must be an important link, they didn't talk about it!

However, to find out the truth of the year, who should she go to? Who would really tell her?

Yu Xiao lay down until noon for lunch. Ren Zhiping walked in and asked her daughter to eat, and found that Yu Xiao was lying down and sleeping, feeling somewhat comforted. Yu Xiao followed her mother out of the room, ate lunch obediently, and then told her mother that she wanted to go out for a relaxing break. Yu Baojiao and Ren Zhiping originally wanted to stop them, but after thinking about it, they let her go. A long time has passed since the incident seven years ago, even if the daughter really wanted to check, she would not find any clues. Knowing that she felt uncomfortable, I just let her go.

Yu Xiao took the bag and went out. When she walked out of the unit door, she took out her mobile phone and called Jing Jing. This time, she no longer had any worries, and asked her out straightforwardly.

"Sister Jingya, I want to talk to you about Kang Shaonan!"

"Oh, okay! Where shall we meet?" Jingingya also suppressed it for too long. Every time she faced Yu Xiao, it made her hard to restrain herself. Now that she finally has the opportunity to have an interview, she certainly can't ask for it.

"Just by the sea!"

"Okay! See you later!"

The two took up the line at the same time and rushed towards the beach. Yu Xiao's house was not far from the sea, and he arrived in a short taxi ride. She got out of the car with her bag, looked at the endless sea in front of her, and walked over step by step.

She has been to this place many times. I remember that the last time Jingingya jumped into the sea, she still stood in this place and looked down. She even wondered what mentality Jingya had when she jumped down. When she stood on the top of the dam and held on to the railing, she clearly realized that when a person's thoughts are lost, no matter how deep the water is in front of her, she will jump down without hesitation, right?

Behind him, there was a slight sound of footsteps, followed by a faint fragrance of woman, which disappeared in the brackish sea breeze...


Both of them looked at the sea in front of them, and no one spoke.

"Sorry!" It was Yu Xiao who spoke first.

"Why do you want to say sorry to me?" After listening to such unexpected words, Jingyan turned her head in wonder and looked at Yu Xiao who was indifferent. Today she looks a little weaker and more indifferent.

"I robbed your boyfriend, shouldn't you say sorry?" Yu Xiao answered quietly while looking at the front.

"Xiaoxiao..." The quiet and elegant eyes were inexplicably red after hearing Yu Xiao say this for the first time. All the grievances came to my heart, tears kept rolling in the depths of my eyes.

"Shall we... make a deal?"

"Wh, what's the deal?" Jingan Ya looked at her in surprise, surprised that she would say such a thing.

Yu Xiao turned to look at her, and said with a faint smile: "You tell me the truth seven years ago, and I will return my boyfriend to you!"

"You, what did you say?" Quiet Ya looked at Yu Xiao in surprise, feeling a little unrecoverable for a while.

Yu Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the sea in front of him without feelings: "I know that Kang Shaonan has never loved me. He only married me because of sympathy and pity for me. I am still young, and there are opportunities. I I don't want to continue to consume him, as long as you tell me the truth seven years ago, I will divorce him!"

"You, how do you know... he doesn't love you?" Yu Xiao's words made Jingan Ya a little nervous.

"Tell me the truth! Nothing else is important to me now!" Yu Xiao turned to look at Quiet Ya, there was no expression on that delicate face, only she knew it, and she was deep in her heart. What kind of suffering endured.

"You...really going to divorce Shao Nan?" Jing Ya asked uncertainly.

"I know that Sister Jingya has always loved him. If I knew about this before I got married, I would never marry him! I have no other requests, Sister Jingya, can you tell me the truth?" Yu Xiao pleaded Looked quietly ya.

"I...I...I'm sorry! I can't say it! Can't say it!" Jingeya shook her head with messy eyes. Although this transaction was full of temptation for her, she looked at Yu Xiao's expectant eyes. Still can't bear to tell the past.

"Why can't you tell? What happened seven years ago? Sister Jingya, don't you like Kang Shaonan? As long as you tell me the truth, I will return him to you. Please, Sister Jingya, can you tell me?" Yu Akatsuki held Jingyue's arms and looked at her pleadingly. If Jingyah refused to say, she might never know what happened seven years ago.

Looking at Yu Xiao's eyes, Jingya swallowed her saliva in a tangled manner. After a few seconds of silence, she gritted her teeth and replied: "Xiaoxiao, actually seven years ago..."

Yu Xiao stared at Jingya nervously, for fear that she missed any word, so that Jingya was too nervous and her hands were a little painful: "Sister Jingya, what did you say seven years ago?"

"Yes, I'm sorry! Xiaoxiao, I don't know the specifics, I, I have something to do, I'm going now..." Jing Jing finally swallowed what she wanted to say, and pushed Yu Xiao's hand away. Turned around and ran away quickly.

"Sister Jingya! Sister Jingya!!!" Yu Xiao chased her for some distance until she ran to the side of the road. She watched Jingya get in a taxi and leave, her body weakened and she collapsed on the sidewalk. .

Tears came out again, blurring the sight.

I really want to know what happened seven years ago and why everyone who knows is silent?

why? why? why?

There was a squeak in her ear, and the car door opened in the next second, and several dark shadows suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Before she could react, she felt black in front of her eyes.

The world suddenly darkened, turned upside down, and finally, it was silent...

Ren Zhiping originally thought that her daughter would go out to relax, and she would definitely be back in the afternoon, but this time, it was six o'clock in the evening. Calling Yu Xiao again and again, it was all news that the other party had shut down. Yu Jiaojiao and Ren Zhiping panicked about the emotions of Lenovo's daughter when they left home. They took out their mobile phones and called An An, but An An had never seen Yu Xiao. Hearing the news that Yu Xiao has not yet returned home, An An comforted the two of them not to panic. She would call to find out.

An An took the line, then called Shen Yimo and asked him if he had met Yu Xiao, but the answers were the same. Because they were worried that something would happen to Yu Xiao, several people agreed to find them separately, and finally gathered at Yu Xiao's parents' house.

This search came at eleven o'clock in the evening, and everyone searched everywhere Yu Xiao could go, but it ended in fruitless. Finally, I had to go to Yu Xiao's house to meet.

"Auntie, did Xiaoxiao tell you where she was going when she left last?" An An looked at Ren Zhiping and asked again.

"No, she just said to go out to relax. We thought that she must be uncomfortable in her heart, so we didn't think much about it, who knows..." Ren Zhiping said that at the end of the uncomfortable, she couldn't say any more, covering her face and crying.

"That means... after Xiaoxiao left here, she disappeared? Who among us has seen her?" Shen Yimo asked, looking at everyone with a frown.

An An and Xiaotong both shook their heads: "We haven't seen each other today!"

"That means Xiaoxiao has disappeared since lunch. It's around eleven o'clock. She has been missing for ten hours..." Shen Yimo remained calm and analyzed the disappearance of Yu Xiao.

"I saw her today!" There was a voice suddenly, breaking Shen Yimo's words, everyone was taken aback, and then looked at Jingya, who had been silent, and heard the news of Yu Xiao's disappearance from her sister, and she followed.

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