Listening to Ming Yao's words, Yu Xiao was moved by the simple emotional child on stage. She is only in fourth grade, but she is telling her teacher in another way, to be brave and strong...

If God knows, I won't admit defeat...

When the swallow finished singing, there was enthusiastic applause in the whole hall for a long time. Not seeing the envious eyes that everyone casts on her, Ming Yao feels all this with her ears and body and mind. Tears flowed on her cheeks...

Swallow’s voice is nice and full of emotions while singing. The judges were completely moved by the ten-year-old girl and awarded her a special prize.

Coming out of the experimental elementary school, Uncle Ming drove three people to have a big meal. Mingyao has been holding Yanzi's hand tightly, her eyes are red, but there is a happy smile on her face. Yu Xiao was by Ming Yao's side, watching her smile so happily, her heart was mixed, and she had an urge to cry.

After lunch, Uncle Ming took the three people to the largest shopping mall in the county and asked Yu Xiao to help buy some clothes and daily necessities for his daughter Mingyao. Ming Yao was very happy today and asked Yu Xiao to help Yanzi buy a beautiful dress. After buying all the things, Uncle Ming drove the three people back to the village. First send Mingyao and Yanzi to the school to settle Mingyao, then Uncle Ming takes Yu Xiao back home. When the car was approaching the gate, Yu Xiao saw from a distance that Kang Shaonan’s off-road vehicle was parked in front of Uncle Ming’s house. Kang Shaonan was dressed in plain clothes with a cigarette in his hand. He was walking around the gate anxiously and saw When Uncle Ming's car was in the car, the whole person immediately refreshed, stepped on the cigarette, and stared at the car and stopped in front of him.

"Uncle Ming!" As soon as the car stopped, Kang Shaonan walked over to say hello to Uncle Ming, and then glanced at his wife in the co-pilot.

"Shaonan is here?" Uncle Ming smiled and opened the door and got out of the car. Without taking him as an outsider, he directly told him: "I went to the county town with Xiaoxiao and bought some things to put in the back. You can take them down. !"

"Okay!" Kang Shaonan immediately opened the back door of the car and lifted several handbags all at once.

Uncle Ming took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Yu Xiao, who got out of the car: "Xiaoxiao, go open the door! I'll go to the mountain to see how we were hoeing and hoeing today." He walked along the mountain road without looking back. Went to the tea plantation.

Kang Shaonan gratefully looked at Uncle Ming's back and walked to Yu Xiao with a smile: "Wife..."

During the past half month, he had been thinking about saying something when he saw his wife every day. After half a month of brewing, he couldn't say anything when he saw her now.

Yu Xiao glanced at him coldly: "What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep as much as you want! So come to see you!" This is actually not an exaggeration. In the past half a month, I clearly thought that she couldn't do what she wanted, but didn't dare to see her, so I had to give it to her every night. Uncle Ming called and asked her about her daily situation, how good is the meal? Does sleep smell good? How is your mood? Can't think of it? Last night, I heard Uncle Ming said that he could come to see his little wife, and he was so excited that he did not sleep well all night.

Yu Xiao didn't speak, opened the door and walked in. Kang Shaonan didn't mind her reaction, followed her into the yard, and then into the living room.

Watching Kang Shaonan put things away, Yu Xiao looked at him indifferently: "You see it now, you can go!"

Kang Shaonan grinned at her: "My wife, I have been driving for five or six hours, and I haven't eaten a bite of rice until now. Now I am thirsty and hungry. Can you give me some water first?"

He didn’t mind her attitude towards herself, anyway, he was ready to fight a protracted battle. When she first saw herself, she didn’t lose control or lose her temper. For him, it was already Great comfort.

Yu Xiao glanced at him speechlessly, turned around to pour him a glass of water, and when he handed it to him, his eyes fell on his injured arm, wanting to ask how his injury was, her lips moved and she said what she wanted to say. Swallowed back.

Kang Shaonan kept his eyes fixed on her, and he could guess what she wanted to do with a small look in her eyes.

"Wife, my arm is fine, you don't have to worry about me!" Kang Shaonan replied with a grin.

Listening to him or his wife calling himself, Yu Xiao frowned and looked at him: "Kang Shaonan, I think I need to correct it with you. From now on you don't call me wife anymore. I don't like this title now. "

"Okay! Then I can always call your name, right?" Kang Shaonan replied simply.

"I said, no matter what you do, we won't be able to do anything! You can go home after breakfast tomorrow! Don't waste any more time!" After spending half a month in the tea garden, she felt better. For the most part, coupled with getting along with Ming Yao, her mood slowly calmed down. Originally, she thought that when she saw him again, she could be calm, but looking at Kang Shaonan in front of her, she still felt uncomfortable in her heart.

He is like a mirror, as long as he sees his face, all the past will flood out from a corner of my heart, hitting her fragile heart hard. Quiet and elegant persistence, Kang Shaonan's dedication, and the cruel truth seven years ago, have not allowed her to face Kang Shaonan calmly.

Quiet Ya’s words have been echoing clearly in my ears: He loves me... If Yu Xiao were not there, we would have been married... Shao Nan, he doesn’t love Yu Xiao at all, he has never loved her before. No... he just feels that he owes her... so he spends his whole life to compensate her...

Word by word, it stabbed her heart like a sharp knife! Unspeakable pain!

Reluctant to let go, but she still has to force herself to do it!

She is very content to be married to him for three months. Since he had never loved himself, it would be too cruel for him and Jingingya to keep him by his side. Let him go and see him happy, she will be content.

"Then what you mean is that you agree that I will stay tonight?" Kang Shaonan was not angry, and asked with a smile while avoiding the importance.

Yu Xiao knew that it was useless to say anything now, so she coldly dropped the sentence ‘I’m going to see Uncle Ming’ and left home.

"Be careful when going up the mountain!" Kang Shaonan exhorted, looking at her back.

Both Ming Shu and Yu Xiao went up the mountain, and Kang Shaonan was left alone in the family. Although there are not many times here, Kang Shaonan has an inexplicable intimacy towards Uncle Ming’s home. He is a person who can’t stay idle. Seeing if it’s still early to make dinner, he first lights the stove to boil water. I ran to my wife's room to find some worn clothes, took them out and soaked them in a basin for washing.

The clothes in this season have little cloth and they wash up quickly. After a short time, they finished washing. After drying all the clothes, he splashed the yard with water and cleaned the inside and out of the yard with a broom. It's almost busy. Seeing that Uncle Ming and his wife haven't come back from the mountain, he ran to the vegetable garden behind the house and picked some green vegetables and brought them back, put on an apron and started cooking dinner. When Uncle Ming and Yu Xiao came back from the tea garden, Kang Shaonan had already prepared all the supper and was about to serve it.

"Shaonan, you have to come here often from now on! In a few hours you have finished all the work at home?" From the moment Uncle Ming walked into the yard to enter the house, he found that Kang Shaonan had cleaned it up inside and out. Compliment him with a smile.

"As long as Uncle Ming doesn't drive me out!" Kang Shaonan watched Uncle Ming smile, his eyes fell on the little wife on one side, and looked at her with concern: "Xiaoxiao is hungry, right? Washing water is on the balcony outside. Go and wash your face! Let's have dinner right away!" After that, regardless of whether Yu Xiao responded, she turned around and went to serve food again like a master.

Uncle Ming looked at Kang Shaonan's back and smiled, and raised his hand to pat Yu Xiao to signal her to go outside with him to wash her hands. Yu Xiaoyuan thought that Uncle Ming was going to say a few words to himself, but he said nothing. The two walked in after washing their hands, and sat at the table with Kang Shaonan to have dinner.

"Xiaoxiao, you go get my Uncle Ming's wine! I haven't seen Shao Nan for so long, today we both have to have a good drink!" As soon as Kang Shao Nan came, Uncle Ming's interest rose.

Yu Xiao looked at Uncle Ming and hesitated. In fact, she was worried about the gunshot wound on Kang Shaonan's arm, but she couldn't tell.

"Xiaoxiao, go get it!" Uncle Ming smiled and waved to Yu Xiao.

The wine was finally brought, Uncle Ming and Kang Shaonan were both very interested, and they chatted while drinking. Yu Xiao sat quietly, eating his own dishes. In fact, she has always liked the dishes Kang Shaonan made, but today I don't know why, she has no appetite at all when looking at the dishes on the table.

Kang Shaonan saw that she ate very little, so he picked up her chopsticks and put her favorite sweet and sour fish in her bowl: "This is the live fish I bought on the way here, eat more!"

Yu Xiao originally had a little bit of green vegetables in his stomach, but Kang Shaonan put the fish in the bowl and smelled the fishy smell. Yu Xiao instantly felt an acid water coming out of his stomach and raised his hand to cover his mouth quickly. Ran out of the house.

"Xiaoxiao!" Kang Shaonan was taken aback by Yu Xiao's appearance, thinking that she couldn't think about it because of the past, so she smashed the wine glass in her hand on the table and chased it out.

Seeing Yu Xiao squatting next to the toilet and vomiting constantly, the hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground. He walked to her and patted her back and asked her, "Why do you vomit like this? Is it because my food is not cooked? It feels uncomfortable in my stomach after eating it?"

Yu Xiao waved his hand again and again, feeling almost vomiting, and then stood up to go back to the house.

"Wait a moment, I'll get you a glass of water to rinse your mouth!" Kang Shaonan turned around and walked quickly into the room. After a while, he took a glass of water and walked over to Yu Xiao's hand to watch her rinse her mouth. The individual just returned to the house.

"Is Xiaoxiao okay?" Uncle Ming asked her with concern, seeing Yu Xiao look weak.

"Uncle Ming, my stomach feels a little sick. I guess there is a problem with the lunch I ate. Let's eat. I will go back to my room and rest!" Yu Xiao looked at the table of vegetables in front of him, and the feeling of vomiting came again. .

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