"Ahem..." Yu Xiao was completely choked by Shen Yimo's words, staring at him a little surprised: "You, are you talking about Sister Yaoyao with her?"

"Yeah!" Shen Yi-sil smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Are you surprised? I think this is a way of venting, but the interesting thing is that every time I talk to her about Ming Yao, she will be very quiet. After listening to me, did you think it was interesting?"

Listening to Shen Yimo's words, Yu Xiao looked down at the milk on the table, took a sip, and deliberately tilted the glass cup when he took it away. The milk in the cup spilled on the neckline. She immediately slammed the cup on the tabletop, hurriedly took out the necklace from her neck, and wiped the milk on her body with the tissue that Shen Yimo gave.

Today Yu Xiao wore a white T-shirt. As soon as the dark wooden pendant was taken out, it fell into Shen Yimo's sight. His body instantly stiffened, and his eyes were fixed on the necklace.

"Xiao...Xiaoxiao, you, where did your sunflower necklace come from?"

"Oh, this was given to me by Uncle Ming! Why do you look like this? Isn't it beautiful?" Seeing Shen Yimo's expression, Yu Xiao knew that the necklace was working, and everyone smiled at him like nothing.

"Can...Lend me... to see?" Shen Yimo stared at the necklace, unable to move his eyes away.

"Well, good!" Yu Xiao reached out and took the necklace off, and handed it to Shen Yimo's hand.

Shen Yimo slowly brought the necklace to his eyes, his lips moved excitedly, and the whole person was instantly immersed in the memory of the past.

"Shen Yimo... are you okay?"

Shen Yimo touched the wooden sunflower with his finger, and a sour smile floated on the corner of his lips: "If I remember correctly...this necklace was given to Yaoyao when Yaoyao's mother and Uncle Ming divorced. Yaoyao has always treasured it like a baby. Every time she missed her mother, she would show her the necklace, remembering that she was ignorant when she was a child, and she laughed at her and said that this necklace was ugly... but she kept wearing it until she was big..." Shen Yimo choked up when he said that, and immediately smiled at Yu Xiao reluctantly: "Xiaoxiao...can you... lend me two days?"

"Hmm..." Seeing his uncomfortable look, Yu Xiao nodded immediately.

"Thank you!" Shen Yi smiled apologetically, holding the necklace tightly in his palm.

"Shen Yimo... can I ask you a question?"

"Well, ask!" Shen Yimo put the necklace away and looked up at Yu Xiao.

Yu Xiao thought for a while and looked at him a little nervously: "If... I mean if... Sister Yaoyao was in that car accident... not dead, she can't see it, or is disfigured... you still Do you love her as much as you do now?"

Shen Yimo smiled sourly and shook his head: "This assumption is not true..."

"I know it's not true, but I still want to know your answer. Will you still like her, love her, and marry her unscrupulously? Will you become blind or disfigured because of her? Like her as much as before? After all, in your heart, she is a perfect image!"

Shen Yimo thought for a while, and answered her seriously: "Don't say she is disfigured and her eyes are invisible, even if she is a vegetable..." Shen Yimo pressed her brows uncomfortably and looked up at Yu Xiao: "As long as she is still alive... I just hope that she is still alive...not even a word, as long as you can see her...but...there is no such thing in this world...when she was in a car accident half a year ago, I was still abroad and I received Uncle Ming I immediately rushed back, but it was too late...I didn't even see her last..." Shen Yimo was uncomfortable and couldn't say any more, raised his hand to cover his face and calmed down. For a long time, I watched Yu Xiao squeeze out a smile: "Oh, I made you laugh again. Forget it, let's not talk about her. You are a pregnant woman. Let's talk about you and Kang Shaonan! "

"Shen Yimo, actually Sister Yaoyao..." Yu Xiao drummed up the courage to say something about Ming Yao, but she was interrupted by Shen Yimo as soon as she said something.

"We won't mention Yaoyao tonight, Xiaoxiao, you don't really want to divorce Shaonan, do you?"

Listening to Shen Yimo's words, Yu Xiao bowed her head entangledly: "I don't know..." Originally, she was determined to divorce Kang Shaonan and returned him and Jingingya to be happy, but she saw that photo in the afternoon and listened to An An. If that happens, she starts to be undecided.

Shen Yimo laughed at what she said: "Kang Shaonan went to the company to chat with me for a while, do you know what he talked to me?"

Yu Xiao shook his head silently.

"He is a big man and a soldier. He was forced by you to think of a way. He bought a bottle of Erguotou and went to the company to find me for a drink. Xiaoxiao, to be honest with you, I looked down on him the first time I saw him. He, because you were obviously married at that time, but he told me that he was your boyfriend. I thought at the time that he was still a soldier, and he didn’t even dare to admit his identity as a husband, but he learned later that it was because You don’t let people tell you about your relationship. Later, I had more contact with him and I knew a little bit about him. Especially this kidnapping made me completely change my view of him. He is a soldier, although he can’t Stay with you like an ordinary man, but he loves you very much! Xiaoxiao, you answer one of my questions, do you think Kang Shaonan treats you well?"

"Okay..." Yu Xiao replied in a low voice. In fact, she saw everything Kang Shaonan did and understood his painstaking efforts. But what the rich Zihao said before his death, as well as what Jingnya said in the corridor, kept lingering in her ears, and she couldn't forget what she wanted to forget.

"Then why are you divorcing him?"


Seeing her not speaking, Shen Yi smiled silently: "Okay, then I will ask you one more question! Just now you asked me, if Yaoyao is still alive in this world, she is disfigured and blind, will I still look like I love her as before. I now ask you, if Kang Shaonan is injured and can no longer take care of you, what do you do? Will you still be determined to leave him like now?"

"No!" Yu Xiao answered without hesitation.

"He is injured and you can't bear to leave him. Why don't you cherish him when he is healthy now?" Shen Yimo asked with a smile.

Yu Xiao lowered her eyelids, pursed her lips, and answered somehow.

"Go back and communicate with him tonight. Don't always believe what others say. None of us can change what happened seven years ago, but you can choose your own way in the future!"

"Well, I understand!" Yu Xiao nodded gratefully when he looked at him.

When Yu Xiao and Shen Yimo walked out of the revolving hotel after dinner, they found Kang Shaonan standing not far away. Seeing two people walking out, he immediately greeted his wife and Shen Yimo: "Xiaoxiao..."

Shen Yimo looked at Yu Xiao with a smile: "The flower protector is here, and I should go home too! Goodbye!" Shen Yimo nodded at Kang Shaonan and walked to his car.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go home!" Kang Shaonan grabbed her hand and walked to her off-road vehicle. Yu Xiao looked at his back, but did not refuse.

The two got into the car, and the car quickly drove out of the hotel and returned to their new house.

I don't know how Shen Yimo was talking to her, Kang Shaonan felt a little nervous, and talked to her without words along the way.

"Are you full?"


"What is he looking for?"


"Shen Yimo is very nice..."


"Did you go to the tea shop this afternoon?"


"Are you satisfied?"



Silence fell slowly in the carriage, and neither of the two spoke again, each thinking about his own thoughts. This situation continued in the new house, when Yu Xiao changed his shoes and was about to return to the bedroom, he was stopped by Kang Shaonan.


"Hmm..." Yu Xiao looked back at him.

Kang Shaonan looked at her and smiled: "Good night!" After speaking, he returned to the guest room.

Yu Xiao stood on the spot, watched the door of the guest room close, lowered his eyelids and returned to his bedroom.

Yu Xiao got up early the next morning, and when she packed herself and walked out of the bedroom, she discovered that Kang Shaonan had been up a long time ago, and even breakfast was on the table. Seeing her walk out, he immediately greeted her to eat breakfast. Yu Xiao walked over and sat down, took a sip of porridge and looked at Kang Shaonan on the opposite side, and stopped talking.

"What do you want to tell me?" Kang Shaonan looked at his wife and smiled, and took a bun and handed it to her.

"You...really changed your career?" Ever since she heard him say this, she always felt a fishbone stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get up or down, which was very uncomfortable.

"I handed the report to the teacher, it hasn't been approved yet!"

"I want to come back!" Yu Xiao said, bowing his head to eat.

"No! Unless you don't divorce me!" Kang Shaonan replied angrily like a child.

"You have to come back first, and talk about the divorce later..." Yu Xiao replied with his head down.

"No! I'll talk about it later, that means you still have to divorce me! I still have to change my career! I can't lose my wife just because I'm a soldier!"


Seeing his wife not speaking, Kang Shaonan tentatively asked her: "Xiaoxiao, you just said that later, how long will it be? One year? Ten years? Or a hundred years?"

Yu Xiao gave him an angry look, but her tone softened a lot: "Do you think you are a tortoise? You still live a hundred years?"

Kang Shaonan listened to his little wife and smiled: "Wife, did you just mean...you didn't divorce me?"

Listening to him calling his wife again, Yu Xiao blushed, pretending not to hear, continue to eat his own breakfast, and stop talking to him.

Kang Shaonan looked at his wife's expression and smiled, knowing that it was impossible for her to turn around at once, but he finally saw hope. While eating his breakfast, he watched his little wife giggle. Yu Xiao pretended not to see, and pretended not to hear, and finished breakfast on his own. Kang Shaonan snatched it when he wanted to put his bowl into the kitchen sink.

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