Although Ming Yusong persuaded his daughter for one night, Yu Xiao still didn't say a word of relief. After returning home from the hospital, Yu Xiao remained silent. Kang Shaonan knew that she felt uncomfortable, and did not bother her much. While Kang Shaonan was cooking dinner, Yu Xiao went to the study alone and took out photos of her childhood and looked at them one by one. The memories of my childhood also kept tossing in my mind.

I remember that when she was in the first grade at the age of seven, she was playing with the same table, but the same table accidentally bumped her onto the corner of the table next to her. There was a nail head on the corner of the table, which plunged into the side of her temple. Location, she shed a lot of blood on the spot, the teacher was frightened, took her to the hospital for bandaging, just in time for the end of school, a classmate ran to tell her parents. When his mother Ren Zhiping heard about it, she almost fainted on the spot in fright. You must know that if you pierce it deeper, you will die. The next day, my mother made a riot in the principal's office. The classmate's parents took things to her house and apologized. My mother, Ren Zhiping, refused to give up. She thought her mother was too much before, but now she thinks about it, but she has a strange feeling.

When she was eleven years old, she was clamoring to learn to bike, but the first time she was smashed, she limped and went home. After my mother saw it, she didn't dare to let her use a bicycle for a year...

The same thing, it seems that there are many, many...

Scenes, piles, all flashed in front of my eyes...

This is a tangled night.

After Ren Zhiping and Yu Gaojiao came out of the hospital, thinking about their daughter's attitude towards them, Ren Zhiping kept crying. When packing up at night, he cried several times. Yu Baojiao was also uncomfortable, but thinking about what he had done, what face does he have to beg his daughter for forgiveness?

"Oh... don't cry. In fact, think about it, Xiaoxiao doesn't owe us! Putting aside the 20 years of parenting, she has already had enough from the day she married to the Kang family. We were greedy for money more than ten years ago, but more than twenty years later, we still married her for two million. Although Xiaoxiao and Shaonan are in a good relationship now, we can’t think like that. If it’s really ours My biological daughter, maybe we won’t exchange our daughter for the safety of the company! So, Xiaoxiao really doesn’t owe us! Alas..." After experiencing so many things during this period, Yu Jiaojiao also wanted to start something completely. It's not that you own it, it must be yours.

Although Ren Zhiping can understand her husband's words, how can it be possible to let go of emotional matters? She couldn't help crying when she thought of the daughter she raised so hard and would never recognize herself again, but things have reached the point where she is now, no matter how sad she is, the big mistake has been made. Even if she wanted to make it back, she had more than enough energy.

In the morning of the next day, the two of them didn't even make breakfast. At this time, they didn't feel that way. Packed everything in, and looked at the room reluctantly. Then the two of them pulled the suitcases and went downstairs. They put all the suitcases in the taxi. They sat in one by one, and the car started slowly. , Ready to leave.

An army-green off-road vehicle drove over quickly and braked in front of the taxi. Ren Zhiping and Yu Jiaojiao looked excitedly at Yu Xiao who got off the co-pilot of the off-road vehicle. They quickly opened the door and got out of the car, all watching nervously. With her daughter.

"Xiaoxiao..." Ren Zhiping watched her daughter walk over, tears instantly falling.

Yu Xiao walked to her mother and watched her tears keep falling. She raised her hand distressedly and wiped the tears from the corner of her mother's eyes, and then smiled slightly: "Mom, Dad, where are you going? Are you ready to not want me? Do you want your grandson to lose sight of your grandpa and grandma after birth?"

"Xiaoxiao..." Ren Zhiping cried and hugged her daughter.

On one side, Yu Gaojiao also flushed with relief, and looked at his daughter apologetically: "Xiaoxiao, it's your parents who are sorry for you..."

Yu Xiao smiled: "Since I'm sorry, then I can't leave. My tea shop needs help, and you have to take care of me after your grandson is born? So neither of you can leave, don't think about it. Leave me!"

"Xiaoxiao..." When Ren Zhiping heard her daughter's words, her daughter cried more fiercely: "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry..."

"Mom, your daughter is pregnant with twins. I ran over without eating breakfast and starved to death!" Yu Xiao patted her mother's back spoiledly.

"Mom will do it for you... Mom will do it for you..." Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter with a smile while wiping tears.

"Dad, Mom, let's go upstairs first! Kang Shaonan, the luggage is yours!" Yu Xiao walked upstairs holding his parents' arms.

On the second day of reconciliation with his parents, Yu Xiao officially opened the tea shop. At Yu Xiao's insistence, after Kang Shaonan stayed with her at home for another week, he said goodbye to her family and returned to the army. But this time, he really accepted the task of Commander Zuo and went to the regiment commander of the most backward regiment in the military area.

Because she was not seen by her mother-in-law Liu Xiaoyun, after Kang Shaonan left, Yu Xiao only occasionally went back to Kang's house to see Elder Kang, or to see Aiqi who was pregnant. My father's health gradually improved and he moved back from the hospital to his former villa. After discussing with his adoptive parents, Yu Xiao moved in with his father. She has never lived by her father's side since she was born, and now she has made up for the regrets of the past.

Ren Zhiping and Yu Gaojiao have been involved since Ming Yusong's accident, until Yu Xiao forgave them for what they did before, and they have also undergone tremendous changes. The two of them took care of the tea shop with all their energies, and when they had time, they also followed Yu Xiao to learn tea art and distinguish Here are the types of tea. Life is more hopeful than before.

Mingyao's eyes have never found a suitable cornea, and the surgery to restore her vision has been delayed. But Shen Yimo has never given up his confidence. He believes that as long as he persists, his wife's eyes will surely have the day when his eyes are restored. Because of Kong Yumeng’s persistence, Ming Yao has never stepped into the Shen’s villa since registering his marriage with Shen Yimo, but Shen Guanting still asked his son to bring Ming Yao to eat in the hotel several times in private, he almost watched Ming. Yao grew up, so he still has a certain affection for Ming Yao. He comforted Ming Yao that his wife Kong Yumeng would have figured it out.

Although the love with Shen Yimo was opposed by her mother-in-law, the actions of her father-in-law Shen Guanting still warmed Ming Yao's heart. She believes that as long as she works hard, one day her mother-in-law will accept herself.

Because Shen Yimo is busy with work, it is completely impossible to take care of his wife everywhere. Fortunately, Yu Xiao has a tea shop. As long as Shen Yimo is busy, he will send his wife to the tea shop or Ming Yusong’s villa. Don't worry, Yu Xiao and his father-in-law also have a companion.

Ai Qi gave birth smoothly within a month after Kang Shaonan went to the army. With two identical daughters, even North of Kang Shao Bei Le could not be found. Yu Xiao envied Kang Shaobei and Ai Qi, and looked forward to the child in his stomach. It’s just that sometimes when I think about giving birth, my husband, Kang Shaonan, is not around, and I feel a little lonely. But she knows very well that since she has chosen to be a military wife, she has no choice.

Since Kang Shaoxi was deceived to the United States by a wealthy man, he has never been whereabouts. Liu Xiaoyun has been a little depressed because of the disappearance of his daughter, and often stays alone in the room without leaving the house. However, after Aiqi gave birth, there were two more children in the family. Looking at the two identical granddaughters, her attention was slowly shifted. Every day, surrounded by two cute little granddaughters, her mood became more and more. The better.

Considering that Yu Xiaohuai is twins, since she was six months old, at the insistence of Shen Yimo and Ming Yusong, Yu Xiao has been staying in her father’s villa, usually accompanied by her sister, although sometimes she will She couldn't help thinking about Kang Shaonan, but having relatives by her side somewhat eased her lovesickness. Of course, Kang Shaonan often calls her after work.

In a blink of an eye, Yu Xiao was almost ten months pregnant, and only a few days before her expected delivery date. She was afraid that Yu Xiao might have any safety issues, so Shen Yimo set a delivery room for her in the hospital and went directly to the hospital for delivery. Yu Xiao, but everyone, had to live in for now.

On the morning after Yu Xiao was admitted to the hospital, when she got up to go to the bathroom, she suddenly felt severe pain in her stomach. Fortunately, she was accompanied by her adoptive mother, Ren Zhiping. She immediately called the doctor, and she knew Yu Xiao’s amniotic fluid. It was broken, and Yu Xiao was pushed into the delivery room under the chaos. Shen Yimo was the first to rush to the hospital. When the doctor asked him to sign the surgical drape, he couldn't help but look at the end of the corridor. Kang Shaonan couldn't get through the phone all the time. He hesitated for a while, and he picked up the pen and hurriedly on it. Signed his name.

When everyone got the news, they all rushed to the hospital quickly, and even the old man of the Kang family came here with a cane. After all, Yu Xiao is the daughter-in-law of the Kang family, and her grandson was not with her when she gave birth, which is somewhat sad. Ming Yusong's body was already healed a long time ago. After receiving the call, he rushed over with his daughter Mingyao. Ren Zhiping and Yu Jiaojiao also closed the tea shop and rushed to the hospital.

When Yu Xiao was pushed into the delivery room for ten minutes, a taxi drove into the hospital quickly and stopped in front of the outpatient building. The car door opened quickly, and a burly, vigorous man walked out of the car. He didn't even care about the change the driver was looking for, and strode into the outpatient building...

Kang Shaonan bought a ticket to fly back to the city on the night when Yu Xiao moved into the delivery room, but who knew that the plane had some accident and was delayed for several hours. When the plane landed in this city, it was already the next day. In the morning, I didn't care about the others, so I stopped a taxi and drove straight to the hospital.

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