"Yaoyao, don't worry! Nothing will happen!" Shen Yimo looked at the road ahead, turned his head and shook his wife's hand.

He could understand her uneasy feeling better than anyone else!

"Hmm..." She nodded with a smile, not wanting him to worry about herself.

The road home is actually very short, but for Ming Yao, it is an invisible suffering!

I knew that my son had brought Mingyao back today. As soon as his son's car stopped in front of the villa, Kong Yumeng greeted him with a smile. From the day she learned that Ming Yao was still alive, she had seen her several times from a distance, but it was the first time that she had such a close opportunity. Watching his son and daughter-in-law get closer and closer, Kong Yumeng locked his eyes tightly on Ming Yao.

"Mom, we are back!" Shen Yimo took Ming Yao to her mother.

Kong Yumeng stared at the scar in Ming Yao's eye, shook his head and sighed: "Tsk tusk tusk! What a good boy Yaoyao used to be! How did it become like this? Alas!"

"Mum, hello!" Listening to the direction of Kong Yumeng's voice, Mingyao greeted her mother-in-law with a smile.

"Hey, good! Good! Let's go, let's enter the house!" After speaking, he reached out and took Ming Yao's hand and led her into the living room.

When the three people walked into the living room, Shen Xinrou also smiled and walked over and greeted her elder brother and sister-in-law. Shen Guanting received a call from his son today, so he came back earlier than usual. He was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Seeing the three people coming together, he smiled and greeted Ming Yao to sit down.

Because the son and daughter-in-law went back to this home together, the atmosphere in the Shen family today is a bit better than before. Everyone in the Shen family never mentions the past. During dinner, Kong Yumeng looked at his son and daughter-in-law opposite, and said his request.

"Yimo, Yaoyao, you think you have been married for so long, can you consider having a baby now?"

As soon as Kong Yumeng's words came out, everyone stopped their movements to look at her, and then at Ming Yao.

"Mom! Yaoyao's eyes are inconvenient now. Let's talk about it after her eyes are cured!" Shen Yimo put down his chopsticks and looked at her mother to answer.

"I know Yaoyao’s eyes are inconvenient now. It doesn’t matter if she is inconvenient! I can take care of her. Isn’t it ten months old anyway? When the child is born, mom will take it for you! Besides, there are servants in the family, please come Just a few! It won’t cause trouble to Yaoyao at all! Besides, look at Yaoyao’s younger sister. Now they have two children. Your dad and I are getting older, so I think we can have one. Grandchildren! If there are children in this family, wouldn't it be a lot of fun? Yaoyao, what do you say?" Kong Yumeng's words are reasonable, and people can't refute them for a while. Knowing that his son would not listen to him, Kong Yu looked directly at his daughter-in-law Mingyao when he fell in a dream.

Ming Yao bit her lip lightly, and when she wanted to answer, she was snatched by Shen Yimo.

"Mom! I know you want to hug your grandson, but now Yaoyao's eyes are first, and I can't risk her body!" His wife's current situation is always confusing. If she becomes pregnant, in case there is a mistake , He didn't dare to think about it.

"You child! What do you mean by not risking her body? Did I let Yaoyao take risks? After Yaoyao gave birth, her eyes could still be cured! If according to you, Yaoyao's eyes would last a lifetime Not okay, then you won't have children?" Kong Yumeng watched his son persuasively.

Listening to her mother-in-law's words, Ming Yao's head lowered slightly, something complicated in her heart.

"Mom, look at what you said, Yaoyao's eyes will definitely be healed!" When Shen Yimo heard her mother's words, she was immediately unhappy. Such words may sound nothing to others, but to the wife, it is a huge blow.

Shen Guanting, who was next to him, frowned slightly, and looked at his wife coldly and said, "Look at what you are saying? Now that medical technology is so advanced, how could Yaoyao's eyes be incurable for a lifetime?"

"Oh, mom doesn't mean that you understand. She is anxious to see others and wants to hold her grandson. Sister-in-law, don't take it to your heart!" Shen Xinrou on one side listened to the words of her father and elder brother and quickly stood up to explain to her mother.

"Yes, I just said casually, Yaoyao, Mom didn't mean it! Don't go to your heart!" Kong Yumeng also agreed with her daughter repeatedly.

"Mom, I'm fine!" Ming Yao smiled and shook her head.

Shen Guanting looked at Ming Yao, then at his son, and pondered slightly: "Yimo, Yaoyao, although your mother has something wrong, I think you should consider giving birth to a child! If you have a child In the future, if you concentrate on treating your eyes, there will be no worries in your heart, Yimo, what do you think?"

"Dad! I don't..." When Shen Yi said halfway silently, he was interrupted by Ming Yao next to him.

"Dad, mom, let's listen to you, let's have children first!" Since the mother-in-law mentioned this matter, she has been thinking in her heart. After thinking about it, she feels that she is still too selfish and only cares about herself. I didn’t realize the age of the two old people.

"Yaoyao..." Shen Yimo looked at his wife beside him displeased, not understanding why she agreed to her parents' request.

"Yimo, I think my parents are right! Although I can't see it, it should be fine to hire a few more servants at home! Besides, after giving birth, we really have no worries! I don't want to be because of me. His eyes delay the child’s growth!"

"What is delaying the growth of a child? We might be able to find a suitable cornea soon! What if you are pregnant and can't have surgery?" This is what Shen Yimo really worries about. It is not that he does not want to have his own child. , That is their future life hope and the crystallization of his love with Yaoyao, but if Mingyao is pregnant and finds a suitable cornea, no matter what decision he makes at that time, it will be painful!

"What you said is just an unknown! In fact, none of us know when I can find it! But the child is different! Once he is born, it will bring me more confidence!" Ming Yao knows her husband's painstaking efforts, but she can't Too selfish.

Shen Yimo looked at his wife's eyes, his eyes flashed tangledly, and after a long while he nodded slightly: "I will think about this again!"

Listening to Shen Yimo's words, Kong Yumeng's face had a little more smile, and he picked up his chopsticks and kept picking Ming Yao.

The dinner was pretty warm, but Shen Yimo was a little unhappy from start to finish, until the two of them returned to their bedroom. As soon as he closed the bedroom door, Shen Yimo took his wife to the bed and sat down, and gently put her hand to her lips and kissed gently. Looking at his wife firmly said: "I won't let you have a baby until your eyes are not good!"

"But..." Ming Yao opened her mouth to explain, and Shen Yimo raised her hand to press her lips.

"With me, everything doesn't work. We can agree with my parents. Anyway, no one wants to have a baby and get pregnant the next day!"

"But how long is it? You can't tell lies every day, right?"

"Then tell them that they can't be pregnant! It's really impossible, so I went to the hospital to find a doctor and walked through the back door, and said that I can't, causing your infertility, haha!" Shen Yi smiled silently and put his wife in his arms and found himself This idea is really good.

Hearing what Shen Yimo said so easily, Ming Yao's tears flowed down instantly, and all the words choked up in his throat. Just reached out and hugged him tightly, sobbing in his arms: "Shen Yimo, you fool..."

Before going to bed at night, Kang Shaoxi went to George's room. Because he didn't have a place to live temporarily, and he was Kang Shaoxi's lifesaver, the Kang family enthusiastically left him at home. As soon as Kang Shaoxi walked in, George quickly locked the door and closed all the curtains, and then smiled and Kang Shaoxi walked to the bed and sat down.

"Look at your expression as if you succeeded?" Seeing the expression on George's face, Kang Shaoxi asked him in a low voice.

"Hehe, isn't it just two servants? My previous brothers are still there. As long as we are willing to pay for this matter, we will definitely be able to do it." George is quite sure of what to do.

"Then when will they give us news?" Kang Shaoxi asked cautiously.

"In a few days, after all we have just arrived here, so many things to unfold will definitely arouse suspicion."

"it is good!"

"But..." George looked at Kang Shaoxi next to him and hesitated.

"Just say something, don't hesitate!" Kang Shaoxi took a cigarette, took a breath and slowly exhaled a burst of smoke.

"Are you really willing to kill those two kids? They are only six months old! You let them take drugs?" George frowned.

"What's wrong with six months old? Who made them Kang Shaonan's children? Why? When did you become so soft-hearted?" Kang Shaoxi squinted at George and asked him dissatisfied.

"Haha, yes! Liu Ye originally suspected that you would feel softened for a while, but now it seems that there is no such possibility!" Upon hearing Kang Shaoxi's words, George followed with a smile.

"Huh! Are you bored? You still make this kind of joke with me at this time?"

"This is what Liu Ye meant, I just implemented it! By the way, did you gain anything from going out today?"

"There must be a harvest. The person arranged by Liu Ye will arrive tomorrow, right?"

"Well, it should be about the same! Do you have any plans?"

"After they arrive, you arrange for two maids to go to Shen's house!"

"Aren't you a waste of manpower? What are you going to do in Shen's house?" George frowned, not understanding Kang Shaoxi's intention.

"Shen Yimo is Ming Yusong's son-in-law and Yu Xiao's brother-in-law. If there is a problem with the Kang family, the Shen family will definitely be the first to help. Death!" Kang Shaoxi narrowed her eyes, and cold light flashed under her eyes.

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