"No! You are too dangerous alone, let's go together! Don't worry, I will bring all special police! This will better protect Yu Xiao and Shaoxi!" Knowing the strength of Aunt Yun, Zhuang Junjie brought this time All of them are special police.

Hearing Zhuang Junjie talked about Yu Xiao's safety, Kang Shaonan did not insist anymore. To him, nothing is as important as his wife's safety.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the surroundings were silent, Kang Minan slowly sneaked into the office building inside the factory by the moonlight. This place has been here more than once, so he is familiar with everything around him again. With his own memory, he quickly found the room where his wife was held. He looked in through the window with the faint light, trying to find out where his wife was, but before looking carefully, he saw that the door of this room suddenly opened, and then there was a bang and the lights in the room Brilliant, everything becomes clear instantly.

While the light in the room was on, Kang Shaonan quickly retracted, ready to listen to what was going on inside. But the sound of footsteps in the room came directly towards the window, and finally stopped by the window. What came from inside was a clearly visible voice from Aunt Yun.

"Kang Shaonan, you are finally here!" Before coming here, Aunt Yun guessed that Kang Shaonan would probably think of this place, so she installed surveillance on the most important parts of this building. When Kang Shaonan approached this building, She already knew he was coming.

Kang Shaonan frowned. It was so easy to be discovered, obviously he hadn't expected it before.

"I know you are under the window, come out!" Aunt Yun continued without hearing Kang Shaonan's reply.

Kang Shaonan knew that there was no point in hiding, so he turned over and jumped into the room. The moment he landed, everything in the room was in full view. At this time, Yu Xiaozheng was tied to a chair. When she saw Kang Shaonan in front of her, she was surprised and delighted, but the most worrying was indescribable.

"Husband..." There were tears in Yu Xiao's eyes.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry!" Kang Shaonan looked at his wife, and then at his sister Kang Shaoxi who wanted to sit with Yu Xiao on her back. She was also tied to a chair. He looked at Aunt Yun angrily: "Asshole! Isn't she your accomplice?"

Aunt Yun sneered when listening to Kang Shaonan’s words: "Associate? Don’t think I don’t know. Kang Shaoxi has ceased to be my subordinate since the time he was arrested. She thought that what she did was perfect, but she forgot A little bit, she spent too much time with me. With her uneasy look and subtle movements, I can know what she is thinking. Want to lie to me? Humph!"

"Big brother..." Kang Shaoxi looked at Kang Shaonan, and tears fell. She originally thought that she could solve Aunt Yun with her own strength, but she still ignored Aunt Yun's treacherous and cunning, and she was eventually caught by Aunt Yun. It's calculated.

"Shaoxi, don't cry, eldest brother will save you!" Kang Shaonan said while frowning, raising his foot to walk in the direction of the two.

"You stop for me!" Aunt Yun stopped Kang Shaonan in a cold voice, and her clenched hand quickly lifted up in front of Kang Shaonan: "bombs are tied to these two women, and what I have in my hand is Timer! In three minutes, as long as you beat me, they may be saved!" Aunt Yun said, Bian Yin smiled and pressed the timer in her hand.

"You woman..." Kang Shaonan looked at Aunt Yun and couldn't bear it. He raised his foot and kicked it hard at Aunt Yun.

The anger kept tumbling in his chest, every punch and every kick carried the anger that could not be suppressed for this period of time, and it hit Aunt Yun fiercely. Although Aunt Yun is also a well-known figure in the criminal syndicate, she is still far behind Kang Shaonan. After a few rounds of fighting, she is obviously at a disadvantage. Seeing her current situation is not good, Aunt Yun smiled triumphantly at Kang Shaonan.

"Deputy Teacher Kang, there is actually one thing I forgot to tell you. These two women, no matter which one you rescued, are already useless. I advise you to just give up here! Haha!" He laughed proudly.

Kang Shaonan frowned, watching the time on the time bomb for a minute, knowing that he couldn't delay it, and raised his hand to Aunt Yun and hit it again.

The anger soaring to the sky, like a blood-stained knife, made Kang Shaonan more courageous in the Vietnam war. After only a few rounds, Aunt Yun quickly only had the power to parry, and there was no counterattack.


Aunt Yun didn't pay attention. She was kicked by Kang Shaonan, her body like a broken kite slammed into the wall behind her, and then fell down and hit the ground heavily, again making a dull noise.


There is another loud noise!

The special police broke in and quickly surrounded Aunt Yun with guns. Kang Shaonan didn't care about Aunt Yun's life and death, threw away the gun in his hand and ran towards his wife, looking at the bombs on the two of them, feeling helpless.

"Haha! Kang Shaonan, do you know why I brought you here? I didn't even think about getting out of here alive! The bombs on them, you can only save one person, even if you untie one bomb, the other bomb will still do Go on, and the time is only ten seconds! If you want to save your wife, you have to lose your sister, and if you want to save your sister, you have to lose your own wife, haha! Even if you live out from here, you will pay and abandon it in your life The pressure of a loved one! Haha!"

"Big brother, don't care about me! Anyway, I will die sooner or later! If I die here, I will be tortured in the future!" Kang Shaoxi heard Aunt Yun's words and immediately turned to look at her elder brother Kang Shaonan and pleaded. She knows Aunt Yun's personality very well, and that woman will do it when she says it!

Kang Shaonan stared at the threads, and without looking up, he solemnly ordered the special police behind him: "Take this woman out first!"


Zhuang Junjie also entered the room. He thought it would be a difficult task to arrest Aunt Yun, but now he discovered her true intentions. No matter what Kang Shaonan did, she would face the pain of losing another relative. She wanted Kang Shaonan to live better than death.

"I'll find a bomb disposal expert!" Zhuang Junjie said as he took out his mobile phone.

"It's too late! Give me the dagger, you take them all out! I will come by myself!" Kang Shaonan was still staring at the bomb, and his whole body was surprisingly calm.

"But..." Zhuang Junjie hesitated and put the dagger handed over by the special police officer into Kang Shaonan's hand.


"Got it!" Zhuang Junjie nodded, waved to the special police behind him, and led all the people out of the room with Aunt Yun.

The bomb is no stranger to Kang Shaonan. The life in the army allows him to deal with this kind of thing every day. It is easy for him to dismantle the first bomb, but it is not so easy for him to separate the other bomb. . He stared at the Siamese bomb for a while, then looked at Yu Xiaodao in a deep voice.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm going to dismantle the bomb on your side first. After I cut the line and say "run", you will run downstairs immediately. You know how far you are! You know?" Kang Shaonan told his wife in a deep voice .

"No! I want to leave with you!" Yu Xiao desperately shook her head, tears also fell. She didn't want to hear this. Her children were only nine months old, and they couldn't live without a father.

"Big brother, as long as you cut the thread and you take your sister-in-law with you, no one can stay! I said that I am already..." Kang Shaoxi turned around and looked at the big brother firmly. She was very happy that she had a chance to redeem her sins.

"You shut up!" Kang Shaonan looked at her sister unceremoniously: "I didn't cut the thread on her body first because Yu Xiao is my wife, because this bomb can only cut her body first. I know you are here. Whatever you think, don't think about anything now, just sit quietly and worry about it. Even at the last moment, Big Brother will never give up on you!"

"Big Brother..."

Listening to the words of her elder brother, Kang Shaoxi's tears kept running down. Only at this moment, she truly understood what family affection and blood connection are. She thought that she had become a sinner of the Kang family, so that she would no longer be protected by anyone desperately. For a person like her, what else is worth protecting?

But the eldest brother said that even at the last moment, he would never give up on himself!

Kang Shaonan untied the ropes on the two of them and stared at the time on the timer. There were only more than forty seconds left. He turned his head and looked at Yu Xiao calmly and smiled, leaning on her lips and kissing gently. After a while: "My wife, you have to be obedient. When I cut the upper thread, you will keep running. Yangyang and Xiaoxiao are still waiting for you, understand?"

"No..." Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan tearfully: "I am not afraid of death, as long as I am with you, I am not afraid of anything! Shaonan, please let me stay... please..." I don't think about anything anymore, I just want to be with him, whether it is life or death.

"There is no time now. I know you are more brave than I thought. Good luck, I am going to cut now. Don't go back and run forward, remember?" Kang Shaonan stared at his wife's eyes again.

"No..." Yu Xiao shook his head in tears.

Click! !

The red line was cut, and time seemed to stand still at this moment! In the next second, Kang Shaonan looked at his wife and shouted: "Run!!!"

Tears kept pouring down, no matter how reluctant, Yu Xiao stood up and ran out of the room without looking back. She knew very well that if she stayed, he would be distracted.

Kang Shaonan, I believe you! I believe you will be able to walk out of this room safely.

Ten, nine, eight...

When the time on the timer really started to run down, Kang Shaonan stared at the three different colored threads, frowning from tightly together to slowly loosening...

"Brother, I'm sorry..." Kang Shaoxi lowered her head slowly. She did not expect that she would drag her eldest brother into **** before she died. This is not the result she wanted!

Kang Shaonan didn't answer his sister's words, and stared at the three lines. Although he had heard of this kind of bomb, he had never touched it.

"Shaoxi, if I remember correctly, your lucky color is red?" Kang Shaonan stared at the red line and asked his sister slowly.

"...Yes..." Kang Shaoxi was slightly startled, she didn't expect her elder brother to remember this kind of thing so clearly.

"Got it!" Kang Shaonan raised his hand to face the red line and cut it without hesitation.

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