When Yu Xiao woke up, it was time for lunch. The moment he opened his eyes, all his memories came to life. When she thought that Kang Shaonan knew about her, she nervously retracted her head into the quilt and refused to come out again.

Kang Shaonan knew what she was thinking, and leaned over Yu Xiao's head and said: "My wife, I know you are feeling bad now, but it's not your fault. No matter what you become, you still have me and ours. Child. Yangyang and Xiaoxiao are waiting for you to go back. Think about them. As long as you don’t give up, you will definitely return to the way you were. Xiaoxiao, trust me... okay?"

After a while, Yu Xiao exposed half of his head from the quilt, looked at Kang Shaonan a little nervously, and lowered his eyelids: "But I look like this...Don't you dislike me?"

Kang Shaonan held his wife's hand and lowered his head to kiss her forehead: "Fool, how could I despise you! Drugs are scary, but they are not invincible. Besides, I will always be by your side. I believe, After half a month, you will definitely walk out from here healthy. First of all, you must have a heart that wants to defeat it. Do you remember the last words Shao Xi said? She said that you must not lose to Aunt Yun! Xiaoxiao, you must believe in yourself! Trust me too!"

Yu Xiao looked at him anxiously: "But...when the drug addiction strikes, I feel that my body does not listen to my commands, and I want to control it by myself. I thought that as long as the drug addiction just be patient, it will pass, but I do. Not..." At the end of the talk, Yu Xiao's eyes were red, and tears flowed down her cheeks. It was not that she hadn't worked hard, but the physical pain she had never experienced.

"As long as you want, you can do it! I know this is very difficult for you, but for me, for the child, you must stick to it! Okay?"

"But... can I really do it?"

Kang Shaonan looked at his wife and smiled: "You can do it! You can do it!"

Yu Xiao pursed her lips, looked at Kang Shaonan and nodded: "I listen to you!"

"Mom made your favorite dish for you, just delivered it, shall we eat some now?"

Yu Xiao nodded weakly: "Okay!"

Kang Shaonan helped his wife out of the bed to sit up. Now she is tortured and weak. Only by eating can she have the strength to fight against drug addiction. Kang Shaonan set up the table and all the dishes on it. He knows that fish is a good food for people who are rehabilitating drugs, so he specially asked his mother-in-law Ren Zhiping to make his wife's favorite sweet and sour carp.

"These are your favorites, come!" Kang Shaonan said as he passed the chopsticks to his wife's hand.

"Oh..." Before Yu Xiao's hand caught the chopsticks, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach. Not to mention eating these meals, just watching it like this, she didn't have any appetite.

"Kang Shaonan, I can't eat it, you take it quickly!" Yu Xiao turned her head to the other side, she didn't even want to look at these things.

"Xiaoxiao, if you can't eat, you have to eat. You are very weak now, even if it's a bite..." Kang Shaonan stubbornly stuffed his chopsticks into his wife's hands. But the next second, I heard a crackling noise.

"I don't want to eat! I don't want to eat! Didn't you hear?" Yu Xiao, who was still calm just now, suddenly became furious. He reached out and overturned the dining table on the bed. All the bowls and plates were smashed.

Kang Shaonan looked at his wife who was suddenly out of control, stood up in silence, walked into the bathroom and took out the cleaning tools, silently tidyed everything up, and sat back next to his wife.

"I'm sorry..." Yu Xiao bowed her head to apologize, clutching a corner of the quilt tightly, not daring to look at Kang Shaonan's eyes.

Kang Shaonan held his wife's hand in his palm and looked at her distressedly: "I know you didn't mean it, because now there is a devil living in your body. It makes your body lose control and makes you lose your mind. Everything you do is not from your sincerity. I know you don’t have any appetite right now, and your body is suffering, but even so, you have to keep eating, even one bite is a victory for you! "

Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan's firm eyes, and nodded after a long while: "Okay, I will eat! But those meals..."

Kang Shaonan smiled: "Don't worry! I'm all ready!"

The scene that just happened had long been expected by Kang Shaonan. When his mother-in-law delivered the meal, he deliberately told him to divide the meal into several portions and put them in the next ward. Seeing his wife's mood stabilized again, he got up and left the ward, and after a while he walked in with a new meal. After re-arranging the food, Kang Shaonan handed the chopsticks to his wife again.

When Yu Xiao took the chopsticks, he noticed the injury on his body and looked at him guiltily: "I did all of these?"

"These minor injuries are nothing to your husband. Don't think about anything now. As long as you can pass the first three days safely, it is a service for us. Xiaoxiao, you must come on!"

"Hmm..." She nodded obediently, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat bite by bite.

Eating is a simple thing for a normal person, but for a drug-ridden person, it is a kind of torture in disguise. Yu Xiao ate only a few bites, and then vomited all the food.

"Kang Shaonan, I really can't eat it..." She also wanted to squeeze in, but her stomach didn't listen to her orders at all. The fish that she usually loves at this time is harder to swallow than poison. . She looked at Kang Shaonan and kept shaking her head, and tears kept rolling down: "Sorry, I can't do it...I really can't do it..."

"It's okay, let's take it slowly! You take a break first!" Kang Shaonan packed up the food, helped his wife lie down on the bed, watched Yu Xiao slowly close his eyes, and then left the room.

Since Yu Xiao entered the ward, Shen Yimo has been guarding outside the ward. Because Ming Yao also performed surgery in this hospital, when the ward was arranged, Yu Xiao's ward was arranged next to Ming Yao's ward. Seeing Kang Shaonan coming out, Shen Yimo and Ming Yusong immediately stared at him nervously.

"How is Xiaoxiao?" Ming Yusong was the most uncomfortable person. One of his two daughters had just had an operation, and the other had become addicted to drugs. If it weren't for these two sons-in-laws, he didn't know if he could hold on.

"Dad, Xiaoxiao is still very fragile now. Apart from the physical aspect, the most important thing is that she has no confidence at all. Can you go back and let the father-in-law and mother-in-law hug Yang Yang and Xiaoxiao? I want Xiaoxiao to see the baby!" Just after hearing what his wife said, Kang Shaonan realized that if she wanted to help his wife, spiritual encouragement was the most important thing. If she didn't have the heart to overcome drug addiction, no matter how hard she put in it, it might be nothing.

"Okay! I'll go! You stay with Xiaoxiao!" Ming Yusong nodded, turned and walked quickly to the elevator.

Seeing the back of his father-in-law leaving, Kang Shaonan told Shen Yimo something and immediately went back to the ward. Yangyang and Xiaoxiao were soon taken to Yu Xiao's ward by Ren Zhiping and Yu Gaojiao. Before seeing anyone other than himself, Kang Shaonan deliberately freshened up Yu Xiao. Now she can't bear a small blow, so he has to be more careful.

Knowing that his son and daughter are going to the ward, as well as his parents, Yu Xiao is nervous. Although she didn't take the drugs on her own initiative, as far as she can remember, anyone who has such things is despised by others. Perhaps it was this kind of mentality that caused her to have a strong sense of inferiority deep in her heart.

"Kang Shaonan, would they think I lost their face?" Yu Xiao held Kang Shaonan's hand tightly, and his heart jumped nervously.

"Baby, they love you very much. No one has this idea. They just hope you can get better soon. Don't be afraid!" Kang Shaonan patted his wife's hand and walked to the door to open the door. She took her daughter and smiled and walked into the room.

The little guy hasn't seen his father for a long time, and when he saw himself in his arms, he smiled happily. When Kang Shaonan sat down next to his wife's bed with her daughter in her arms, she smiled and looked at the strange room, and saw her mother within a few seconds. I used to see my mother every day, but I don’t know where my mother went these days. Now when I saw my mother’s face, I smiled and stretched out my little hand towards my mother’s arms, and yelled at her mother: "Ma Ma ......, Ma Ma..."

Listening to her daughter's cute cry, and then looking at her daughter's immature face, Yu Xiao's tears burst out, and she reached out to take her daughter from Kang Shaonan's hand and hugged her tightly in her arms: "Smile... ...My good daughter..."

"Ma...Ma..." The smile grinned and smiled happily, revealing a few white milk teeth.

"Smile...she will call her mother..." Yu Xiao was surprised and happy holding her daughter, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

"Yeah, I heard my mother say that she can't see you these days, she calls her mother every day, and Yangyang will also call them. Although these two little guys don't understand anything, they really miss you. Now." Kang Shaonan looked at his wife holding her daughter tightly, and smiled with satisfaction.

The door of the ward was then pushed open. Before Yu Xiao looked up, she heard the sound of her son's wow. She followed the sound and saw that her son Yangyang was also holding out her little hand in her grandmother's arms. Struggling ceaselessly, and shouting continuously: "Ma...Ma..."

Seeing her grandson looking anxious, Ren Zhiping immediately sent Yangyang into the arms of her daughter Yu Xiao. As soon as Yangyang entered the arms of her mother, she laughed like her sister. Yu Xiao kissed his son for a while and kissed his daughter for a while, tears kept streaming.

Ming Yusong stood by the hospital bed and watched her daughter's tiredness and haggard face even though she was washing clean. He walked to the other side with distress and sat down and looked at his daughter to comfort him: "Xiaoxiao, for Yangyang and Xiaoxiao, you can't just give up. You are their hope. Without you, our family would never be happy. Get up, we are all cheering for you outside, you must hold on! Don't give up! Dad knows you can do it!"

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