Yu Xiao opened his eyes and looked at one by one, feeling warm in his heart. Looking at his son and daughter's dark eyes, those pink mouths, and the pink faces, Yu Xiao's lips raised a happy smile.

"Kang Shaonan, I really want to hug them..."

"After waiting for these few days, let you hold enough!" Kang Shaonan sat next to his wife and looked at the child's photos with her, and his heart was filled. During this time, in order to be able to rescue his wife, he did not care about being with the child.

"By the way, can you ask Doctor Yu to give me some sleeping pills? Wouldn't it be enough if you sleep for three days at a time?" This thought suddenly popped out of Yu Xiao's mind. If he could sleep for three days, when he opened his eyes She has given up drugs, which is really a blessing for her.

"How can it work? Sleeping pills must have side effects on the body, and if detoxification is so easy, then there will be no people in the detoxification center. Drugs are not so harmful to people. You already have a great deal. To make progress, in the future, apart from me being here with you, as well as our son and daughter, the three of us will cheer you up together!"


At dinner, Ren Zhiping delivered delicious meals to her daughter as usual. Knowing that she has no appetite right now, every dish is made after careful consideration by the family, whether it is color or taste, I hope to do the best. I don't know if I have photos of his son and daughter. Yu Xiao slowly ate one bite at a time for dinner. He just ate more than a dozen mouthfuls of food, and Kang Shaonan's tears of excitement almost fell. You must know that in the early stages of detoxification, eating is simply torture for people who are addicted to drugs. Not to mention eating, even drinking a sip of water, it is likely to vomit. But every time a drug addiction attacks, they will consume a lot of their physical strength. If there is no corresponding nutritional intake, they will not have the energy to fight the drug addiction. As long as they can eat, as long as they have physical strength, they can see hope.

But such an exciting thing didn't last a few minutes before it was brutally broken. When Yu Xiao finished the last bite, a nauseous sensation appeared in his stomach, and all the food that had just been eaten was vomited out. Seeing his wife panting weakly and weakly, Kang Shaonan couldn't help but blame himself. His wife only ate two bites at lunch. Now he ate so much at once. He should have stopped it, but he really hoped that his wife could successfully detoxify. , Completely ignores the principle of gradual progress.

After Yu Xiao rinsed her mouth, she lay on the bed and closed her eyes tightly. At this time, she felt her body light and floating, as if stepping on a cloud, hanging in the air. She was already weak, and she couldn't lift a little bit of strength all over her body, even if she sat up to eat, she had to support Kang Shaonan's body. She feels completely like a useless person. The food that had just been eaten with difficulty was spit out without any leftovers, knocking down her confidence again. Thinking about the days to come, she really didn't know if she could survive.

After a long time, Yu Xiao opened her eyes weakly and looked at the enlarged photos in front of her. She stared for a long time, and finally turned to look at Kang Shaonan beside her and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Kang Shaonan , I want to eat it again..."

"Okay!" Seeing his wife's weakness, but the firmness in his eyes is refreshing.

This time, Kang Shaonan learned the lesson just now and asked his wife to take away the food after only three bites. Since you can’t eat too much at one time, eat more with smaller meals. After the time of the day, he basically understood the law of his wife’s drug addiction. He staggered the time of eating with the time of the onset, so that her chances of vomiting Will be relatively reduced. Because of the small amount of food, Yu Xiao's stomach reaction was not so great, and the two bites of food that he ate really didn't spit out again.

The hardest night gradually came, and the whole hospital was silent. But it was this quiet that made Yu Xiao's heart more anxious and restless. Fortunately, with Kang Shaonan by her side, she feels somewhat safe. However, the onset of drug addiction did not arouse the slightest sympathy because of the arrival of the night. At around two in the morning, Yu Xiao felt that his body began to become restless again. He wanted to clenched his fists, but looked up at Kang Shaonan’s exhaustion. There was a burst of distress across her heart. During this time, in order to save herself, he also exhausted a lot of physical strength. Listening to his even breathing, she turned her head and bit her lip and tightened her other hand. Tightly clenched into a fist. But she still underestimated the power of the devil in her body. After a while, she was completely defeated, and she shook the hand of Kang Shaonan firmly.

When Kang Shaonan opened his eyes, he saw his wife beside him biting her lip, her body trembling again and again. Blood spilled from the place where the corner of his lips had been bitten. He quickly jumped out of bed, found a towel for his wife to bite, and then returned to her and hugged her with blame. He just squinted for a while, but he didn't expect her to have another attack. The body is clearly a pain that ordinary people can't bear, but she still thinks about herself...There are mixed flavors in his heart!

Because of the daytime experience, although this episode was still the same as before, Yu Xiao survived abruptly. When the body collapsed again, she was limp beside Kang Shaonan and closed her eyes slightly.

"Kang... Shaonan..."

"You are too weak now, stop talking..."

She nodded silently in her heart and didn't speak again. She is indeed too weak now, and she doesn't even have the strength to respond to Kang Shaonan...

No matter how long the night is, dawn still comes quietly. This night, Yu Xiao slept unexpectedly for an hour. Although she still slept unsteadily, this hour is really precious to her. The next morning, Dr. Yu came to check Yu Xiao’s body. Kang Shaonan communicated with Dr. Yu about his wife’s health. After hearing Yu Xiao’s news, Dr. Yu was very happy and told Kang Shaonan to stick to it. Three days are the most critical three days for Yu Xiao to quit drug addiction. After these three days, all the uncomfortable symptoms in the body will gradually slow down day by day, and eventually he will be successfully detoxified.

Following the doctor's words, Kang Shaonan was confident. The road ahead is difficult, but at least there is hope.

No matter how long it lasted for three days, Yu Xiao and Kang Shaonan's persistent efforts came over. At dinner on the third day, Yu Xiao insisted on eating six or seven mouthfuls of the meal. Although Kang Shaonan was worried that she would vomit all of them because of eating too much, the final result told him that his wife had succeeded. This night, Yu Xiao's sleep was extended from the previous one or two hours to three hours. In the dark night, listening to his wife's even breathing, Kang Shaonan was excited. In these three days, only he knew how happy it was for Yu Xiao to be able to sleep quietly.

On the morning of the fourth day, after experiencing the torture of last night, Yu Xiao woke up from his sleep and saw that Kang Shaonan had already got up and had just walked out of the bathroom.

"What time is it now?" Since living in this ward, asking Kang Shaonan the time has become what Yu Xiao must do every day. Because I was so eager to get out from here, I wish I opened my eyes, it was already half a month later. Although that is absolutely impossible.

Kang Shaonan walked to his wife, reached out his hand to untie the rope tied to her, and answered, "It's half past eight!"

Yu Xiao widened his eyes in surprise, and looked at Kang Shaonan in a somewhat unbelievable way: "In other words, did I sleep for four hours last night?"

Kang Shaonan smiled and helped her sit up, took out the towel from the basin, wrung out the water, and started to wipe their faces: "Yes! You slept for four hours last night, Xiaoxiao, we Your efforts have not been in vain. Now the first three days have passed. Although your body will still have seizures, the number will be less and less and the interval will be longer and longer. We have succeeded in half, as long as we Keep going, you will be successful in detoxification!"

"Great! I had a lot of dreams last night, and it was not like before. I dreamed that Yang Yang and Xiaoxiao grew up! I also dreamed that my sister knew better! I also dreamed of my mother... but I didn't. See exactly what she looks like..." To Yu Xiao, what Kang Shaonan just said was like a shot of stimulant. Being able to sleep for so long is not only good for the body, but also a great encouragement to her spirit. You must know that during these three days, although she was sleeping every day, she dreamed of it in her sleep because of the onset of drug addiction. Either she was fighting with Aunt Yun or her body started to attack again. And last night, she actually dreamed of her two children.

This feeling is like being locked up in a dark hell, no matter how hard you struggle and work hard, it will not help. But just when you completely lost your confidence, someone suddenly opened a window in front of your eyes, and a beam of bright sunlight came in through the window, rekindling your hope in life. But for Yu Xiao at this time, that beam of sunshine was the result of her and Kang Shaonan's efforts.

"This shows that your sleep quality is much better than before. As long as your diet and sleep improve, your body will recover faster and faster. In half a month, we can be discharged from the hospital!"

"Really? As long as twelve days later, I can be discharged?" Yu Xiao grabbed Kang Shaonan's arm and looked at him with longing eyes.

"At that time, your body has basically recovered to the same work and rest as before, and the onset of drug addiction will slowly disappear!"

"Great! I have to come on!" Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan excitedly, and then at the pictures of his son and daughter on the wall, his confidence in defeating Poison Demon grew stronger.

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