Having said this, Gu Sen paused for a while and didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter? Just say something." Kang Shaonan was a little confused. Gu Sen is a famous thorn in the army. Although he is not respectful, he is still good, but there is nothing he dared to say today. What's wrong?

Last time I told Gu Sen to closely monitor the person who came to Europe, it seemed that there was a result, but this result should not be his happy opinion, so Gu Sen is hard to say.

"It's true that someone has contacted Laiou, and I want to return some cash to Laiou...This person is a sister-in-law..." Gu Sen said cautiously. In the entire army, who didn't know that Kang Shaonan had miserably his young wife?

The important thing is that the tracker saw "Yu Xiao" and Laiou walk into a private house, and only came out for a long time. No one knows what happened in the meantime. It's okay if there is nothing, if there is something...

"Have you seen it clearly?" Kang Shaonan frowned upon hearing this. He naturally knew that it was impossible for Yu Xiao to know Laiou, that person should be just like Lan Meng, good at disguising and imitating.

It's just that why that person pretended to be Yu Xiao to do such a thing, it is unknown.

No matter how reluctant, Gu Sen still has to speak according to the time. After all, there are some things that cannot be concealed: "Look clearly, except that I have never heard my sister-in-law speaking, and his behavior is correct."

"So amazing?" Kang Shaonan was also taken aback. Speaking of disguise and imitation, many people can do it, but everyone has their own unique thinking, so everyone's speech and behavior will be more or less different. The place.

Just like Lan Meng was discovered by Aunt Yun, it was also because of the slight contrast between Lan Meng and Yu Xiao.

"Yes, if it's not the sister-in-law himself, then this person's ability to disguise is terrible." When he heard what Kang Shaonan said, Gu Sen realized that the Yu Xiao he was monitoring was probably fake.

But if this is false, it means that this disguise ability is too strong. What should he do if there is an identical Kang Shaonan one day?

"Boss, I think we should design something for this plan, so that no one else will show up someday, I stupidly tell him everything." Gu Sen couldn't help worrying. Such a mistake would make Gu Sen. I feel that I am a failure, and if I really make a mistake because of this, it is very likely that Kang Shaonan will be hurt because of him. This is what Gu Sen does not want to see.

Gu Sen dare not say to others in the army, but Kang Shaonan is the elder brother to him Gu Sen!

"Haha..." Kang Shaonan couldn't help but smile: "Do you really think this disguise technique is invulnerable?"

Kang Shaonan didn't feel ridiculous about Gu Sen's thoughts, because he had encountered it himself.

When he first took part in the mission, there were pretenders directly appearing, and the one who pretended to be the highest commander in their mission, Kang Shaonan almost confessed all the combat missions.

It was the veteran next to him that pulled his sleeve in time, so that Kang Shaonan didn't say everything, but carefully looked at the commander's temperament and other things.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't look at it. At first glance, she almost didn't scare Kang Shaonan.

He felt a lot like his own leader, and he was not a member of the team at all.

Fortunately, the leader of that mission came forward and explained to Kang Shaonan how to observe whether he was alone and only care about a little.

That is the pupil. The pupil distance of each person is different. As long as the pupil distance is the same, they are definitely not the same person.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Gu Sen smiled. In any case, he didn't want Yu Xiao, who was his sister-in-law, to implicate these terrorists.

"Get close to her and talk to her." Kang Shaonan thought that Lan Meng had asked her to show off a tape recorder that she had made a few days ago.

That machine can record very subtle sounds, and then put them to the loudest, and analyze whether it is a disguised tone.

No matter how good a master imitates, the sound is not a real person, and flaws will appear under the advanced magnifying glass.

This is the first method, and the second method is to observe closely after contact.

Even a subtle expression on the face is likely to find out who it is.

Kang Shaonan couldn't be more confident about this, no matter who he is, he has his own specific expressions and habits.

"Yes, boss." Gu Sen hung up the phone knowingly and went to do his own thing.

After solving these things, Kang Shaonan started the car and went home.

Yu Xiao, who wanted to come to sleep at home, should have woken up. He took a vacation this time because he noticed something after the dance party and asked for it.

If this matter is not resolved, how could he have the mind to go to the army.

When Kang Shaonan returned home, Yu Xiao was already awake, eating the supper that Ren Zhiping made for her, and the two little babies were already asleep.

"Mom, wife, I'm back." Kang Shaonan went in to take off his coat and hung it on the hanger at the door and said to the two people.

"Shaonan is back, have you eaten?" Ren Zhiping saw Kang Shaonan and said with a smile.

"Not yet, mom, don't worry about it. I'll just go and eat by myself." Kang Shaonan quickly walked over and sat down next to Yu Xiao. Yu Xiao can't do anything but he will.

If you can do it yourself, there is no need to bother others. This is what Kang Shaonan knew when he was young.

"It's okay, Mom isn't tired, what would Shao Nan want to eat?" Ren Zhiping stood up with a smile, took the apron hung on the back of the chair with both hands and tied it on her body: "I have been busy all day, Mom will make it for you."

"Thank you mom, do whatever you want, and you can eat enough." Kang Shaonan smiled and sat beside Yu Xiao. Today, he was too tired to drive back and forth for six or seven hours a day.

"Yes." Ren Zhiping walked into the kitchen with a smile.

Yu Xiao and Kang Shaonan were left in the living room. Yu Xiao glared at Kang Shaonan reproachfully: "What are you going to do, I will come back?"

"I'm not busy, didn't you tell me everything?" When he sent Yu Xiao back, Kang Shaonan told him that he was eating with one of his comrades-in-arms, but obviously this reason did not deceive Yu Xiao.

I have been married to Kang Shaonan for some time. Who in the army does not like to drink?

It's okay to have rules in the army. If you don't drink alcohol after leaving the army, you are not a soldier. And Kang Shaonan went out to meet with his comrades in arms, and returned without a drop of wine. No matter how strange this happened.

"I'm not driving a car and can't drink, otherwise I have to drink two or three glasses of white." Kang Shaonan stared at Yu Xiao with a greedy look.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiao said nothing. What Kang Shaonan didn't want to say, she wouldn't ask.

Ren Zhiping made a meal for Kang Shao Nan Duan and went back to the room.

The young couple stayed alone for a while, how can the mother be uninterested in bothering you?

"Yu Xiao, don't you go to the tea shop these days?" Kang Shaonan asked tentatively while eating the egg fried rice that Ren Zhiping made for him: "You will stay with me at home when I am on vacation."

"The tea shop is not far away from home, so let's go together." Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan unclearly. Kang Shaonan hadn't said that she was not allowed to go out when he said on vacation. What happened this time?

"And even if I go by myself, it won't take long to take a look." Yu Xiao frowned slightly, and it won't take long for the tea shop to reach the villa. Even if the guests will be busy for a while, it won't be too long.

"Okay." Kang Shaonan didn't say anything more, after all, Yu Xiao wanted to open a store in the first place because he meant it, but it's not enough that he has followed Yu Xiao recently.

After eating, Kang Shaonan put away the bowls and chopsticks and went upstairs to the room with Yu Xiao in his arms.

When Yu Xiao woke up early the next morning, Kang Shaonan was nowhere to be seen.

She got up to wash and eat something casually, and drove to the tea shop.

In the morning wind, there was a bit of chill. I saw the blue trot that An'an drove yesterday, stopping at the door of the tea shop, blocking the door to the utmost.

Yu Xiao looked black and found a place to stop her car, got out of the car and knocked on the window of An'an's car: "Two beauties, don't you know what you are doing? Forbid me to open the door for business. ?"

As soon as these words came out, An An made two clear coughs with an embarrassed expression: "Well, Xiaotong and I just stopped here to rest for a while...just to rest for a while..."

"Just rest for a while? Okay, don't lie." Xiaotong confessed with an unkind face and a roll of eyes: "An An, this girl found me to play in your shop early in the morning. Who knows that the car is so bad, so take the car. Stop at your door and you can't get out anymore."

Hearing this, Yu Xiao's face flushed red. What he knew was that An An's technique was not good, but what he didn't know was that she had offended someone, who came here to smash the scene.

"I'll stand behind and give you command, you fall backwards." Yu Xiao turned helplessly and prepared to only reverse the car.

"Don't, Xiaoxiao, don't stand behind the car." When Xiaotong heard that Yu Xiao was about to command An An to reverse, she quickly got off the car and chased after Yu Xiao, pulling her arm to keep her away from An An's car: "You Don't take your own life."

"You...couldn't you ever command?" Yu Xiao looked at Xiaotong with a serious face, and then said in surprise.

Xiaotong nodded heavily: "I was almost covered under the car by someone who had no conscience!"

"Ahem..." Even though Yu Xiao was already prepared, she was still choked by her saliva. She and Xiaotong came to the driver's seat of the car: "An'an, you can honestly explain, your driver's license will not be bought Right?"

"No! My driver's license is good!" When it came to this, An An pouted unconvinced.

At that time, she also wanted her family to buy her a driver's license, but was strictly forbidden, so she had to take the test by herself. Who knew that the car in the driving school was so far apart from the car that the family bought for her that it could not be compared at all.

"Although I really want to believe you, I always find it unbelievable." Yu Xiao and Xiaotong looked at each other and beat An An mercilessly: "Come down, I'll stop."

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