After Tang An left, Kang Shaonan called Yu Xiao and said that it was a fake not to worry. After Xuexue came back, Kang Shaonan couldn't rest assured that Yu Xiao would go out alone.


"Beep...Sorry, no one answered your call, please wait..."

"Dudu... right..."

Kang Shaonan panicked after making five or six calls and no one answered. Yu Xiao never stopped answering his calls, except of course when he was angry.

But he didn't make Yu Xiao angry recently, what happened?

Thinking about it this way, Kang Shaonan's heart was raised. He quickly changed the phone card and made an encrypted call to go out: "Gu Sen, quickly show me where Yuxiao is."

"Good boss." When Gu Sen heard Kang Shaonan's tone, he was naturally not joking. Right now, his hands were quickly tapping on the keyboard. After a minute, Gu Sen let out a sigh of relief: "Boss, care is messy, sister-in-law now In the mall, it should be shopping."

"Which shopping mall, send me the specific address." Kang Shaonan would not rely solely on Gu Sen's speculation without verifying the facts. He hung up the phone and waited for the text message to be received.

"Zero Zero Zero..." A single text message ringing sounded. In Kang Shaonan's ears, the sound was very beautiful at this time. He received the text message and simply glanced at the general direction and drove towards the mall.

On the other side, Yu Xiao was pulled by several people to try on various clothes, but she did not hear the cell phone in her bag ringing constantly.

"Xiaoxiao, this dress looks good, you can try this one on again." An An took a set of skirts from the hanger and handed them to Yu Xiao, motioning her to go in and change the set on her.

"Change it?" Yu Xiao looked at Xiaotong crying for help, only to find that Xiaotong was being pulled by Shen Xinrou and was constantly trying on clothes.

And Xiaotong seemed to feel Yu Xiao's help, and the two looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and continued the work of trying on.

"An'an, I think the skirt you are holding in your hand must be good if you wear it." Yu Xiao tried to make her smile as sincere as possible. No matter how a woman likes new clothes, she can't stand up to every store in a shopping mall. Try it on thirty or fifty times.

The clothes in these shops are not expensive. A piece of clothing can cost a few thousand dollars at most. Buy all the clothes you like, and the card Kang Shaonan gave her is enough.

But now it’s not a question of brushing enough, it’s just being overwhelmed by the constant change of clothes.

"Really? But I think this dress is too cute. If you wear it, the effect should be better." An An immediately picked up the dress and went to the mirror to cover her body for a trial.

After a while, An An handed the skirt to Yu Xiao with a frustrated expression: "Sure enough, such a cute pink color is only suitable for you. Go and try to see if it looks good."

"I..." Yu Xiao almost spit out blood.

She is so "sincere", how can An An continue to "abusive" her?

An An naturally saw what Yu Xiao meant, and she rolled her eyes angrily: "I said Xiaoxiao, you are content, you have seen a few girlfriends who are willing to let out their favorite clothes, that is you. I have never let go of the clothes I like!"

This sentence is true, Yu Xiao and Xiaotong are in the same state when trying on clothes with An An in the past: Wait!

Waiting for An An to come out constantly changing all kinds of clothes, today is indeed abnormal.

But today, An An is going to go shopping in order to buy some clothes for Yu Xiao, so as to alleviate the grievances of the past few days...

It's just that An'an has forgotten one thing, not everyone has the same passion and fighting power for shopping as she does!

No, at first I planned to go from the middle to the left and then from the left to the back. The plan was only halfway through.

They are now at the second to last store on the left side of the mall!

The shopping mall on the left hasn't been finished yet. Fortunately, Shen Xinrou's life experience is there. She often comes here to make purchases. The owners and employees of the mall know her.

As soon as she saw her coming, they quickly assigned a few security guards who were specially carrying things for them.

As for why she is not a waiter, there is only one reason. Shen Xinrou's combat effectiveness is equally too strong. Unless she is a waiter from special forces, otherwise the average waiter can't keep up with her physical strength, let alone help carry things!

"An An, you try first? It doesn't look good for me to try again?" Yu Xiao tried to persuade An An to try on his clothes, but as soon as he said this, An An's face changed.

"Yu Xiao! Do you want to fight!" An An looked at Yu Xiao angrily, God knows how much she likes that dress! But the pink color of that skirt is too positive, and it is impossible for people with very good skin to wear it!

And today, An An came to go shopping to buy some clothes for Yu Xiao. Who knew that Yu Xiao was so uncomfortable and always wanted her to try them on.

Of course, this is nothing. The most serious thing is that An An can’t wear the skirt at all, but Yu Xiao thinks that An An will try it on first and then try it on by herself. If An An’s upper body works well, everything is easy to say. Is the effect bad?

Isn't that Chi Guoguo's face slap?

"I...I'll try it on now!" Yu Xiao was yelled at by An An, and she curled her neck to please and smiled and turned to change one.

Even if she was reluctant, Yu Xiao could only obediently obediently forced by An An's **** from outside the fitting room. She pulled off her clothes as quickly as possible and put on the pink skirt that An An chose in her hand.

Wearing sandals specially prepared by the store on the feet, in order to facilitate customers to try on clothes to see the effect.

Yu Xiao walked out wearing those obviously unsuitable cool drags, first showing her head cautiously, and after seeing that there were no people in the store, she walked out.

As soon as Yu Xiao came out, An An's eyes changed.

Green light! Yes, it is green light!

Not to mention the people present, even the seventeen or eighteen students who just came in are jealous of Yu Xiao's skin.

An An is the closest to Yu Xiao and feels the most.

Before, Yu Xiao's skin was not bad, but it was not such a very good white and red, tender and dripping water.

Since marrying Kang Shaonan, Yu Xiao's skin has been getting better every day.

Coupled with this pink dress, Yu Xiao went out and told others that she was already the mother of two children. No one believed it!

"Xinrou, look at it!" Xiaotong was also tortured by Shen Xinrou. Seeing Yu Xiao coming out in this dress, she was a born little loli!

Even after taking a look at her, Xiaotong didn't forget to call Shen Xinrou to take a look, so that she could have a little more rest.

If An An came out today to buy a few clothes for Yu Xiao to be shocked, then Shen Xinrou came purely because no one would go shopping with her, and she wanted to go shopping after holding back at home for a long time.

But her clothes will be sent to the house regularly. There is no need to purchase so many clothes at all, and the closet will no longer fit.

So she came today completely for enjoyment, not to mention Xiaotong's foundation is not as good as Yu Xiao, but it is not bad.

Shen Xinrou completely treated Xiaotong as a doll to play, and let Xiaotong try all the beautiful clothes.

What's more, this doll doesn't need to change clothes by himself at all. You only need to pass the clothes you like, and the doll will do it yourself.

"I'm going... Yu Xiao's foundation is so good! No way, no way, I also want to quickly find you a dress, and I must compare Yu Xiao!" An An found Yu Xiao a dress that suits Yu Xiao, and Shen Xinrou instantly I feel that my "doll" is being compared, of course I don't want it!

"Xinrou...I think the one I am wearing now is not bad, why don't you just leave it like this... forget it?" Xiaotong pleased and looked at Shen Xinrou.

Where is the strength in the tea shop before? The whole looks like the little girl next door.

"Forget it? What did you just say?" After hearing this, Shen Xinrou looked like Xiaotong angrily as if she had eaten dynamite, "An An's aesthetic is good, but my aesthetic is bad? Can't count! Absolutely! Can't count!"

While talking, Shen Xinrou turned around and walked to the side of the house and took a black suit back in front of Xiaotong: "Well, let me take a look at this."

"Huh?" Xiaotong almost cried looking at the clothes in Shen Xinrou's hands.

"En?" Shen Xinrou looked at Xiaotong's expression, her face almost dripping with gloomy water: "Are you not willing to try? Don't you like the clothes people are satisfied with choosing you?"

"No, it's just that I'm too tired..." Xiaotong has no other friends besides An An and Yu Xiao. This time Shen Xinrou looked like she was about to cry. She messed up her hands and feet and kept swinging her hands, trying to make Shen Xinrou understand. Own meaning.

But where did she know that, the more she explained, the more tears in Shen Xinrou's eyes, and finally she directly rubbed her eyes with her hands: "I knew it, I knew you didn't treat me as a friend... I lost it... …"

"No, no! I'll change..." A woman's tears are useful for men, but most of the time they are also useful for women! For example, now, Shen Xinrou didn't cry at all, but just covered her eyes with her palms and pretended to cry, Xiaotong completely disintegrated, taking the clothes in Shen Xinrou's hands and entering the fitting room resignedly.

The security guards who followed Shen Xinrou in this scene were all dumbfounded, with only one thought in their minds: Is this okay? This is the legendary obsessive-compulsive disorder, right?

However, Shen Xinrou would naturally not answer her.

In the fitting room, Yu Xiao looked at the little dress in front of her with anger, her face was speechless, she was the mother of two children! An An actually gave her this kind of clothes to try on!

It was okay to keep trying on clothes. Once she stopped, Yu Xiao thoroughly felt the soreness of her legs and exhaustion.

She took a deep breath and leaned on the personal sofa in the fitting room. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and took a look. Yu Xiao never expected Kang Shaonan's call anymore.

After lighting up the phone screen, Yu Xiao saw five or six missed calls on the phone, all from Kang Shaonan.

At this moment, Yu Xiao knew what is called the present report!

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