"Then she will definitely dump you." Yu Xiao said carelessly, and continued to think about her love.

But she was choked by Kang Shaonan's next words, "But now she and I have a pair of twins."

Yu Xiao...Can she say that this woman is blind.

"People always go out to eat when they fall in love. What kind of restaurant for couples, send roses on Valentine's Day."

"Then wife, what do you want to eat, I will make it for you, and I will start ordering roses tomorrow, one per day, and send the flower shop to the tea shop."

Yu Xiao continued to be speechless. It seems that her love cannot be inferred by common sense, "Forget it, I don't want to. It's been so long since graduation, how can I still remember how people talked about love? When they are old, their memory has deteriorated. ."

"Wife, where are you old? Otherwise, let's go to the movies in the afternoon."

When Yu Xiao saw that Kang Shaonan was so affectionate, he would dare to talk about it and he could get acquainted. If I knew it, I had to talk more about it, "Okay, okay, what movie to watch. I haven't been to a movie for a long time."

"How about the Snow Country Train?"

Yu Xiaomoran, just assume that she didn't say that just now. The Snow Country Train is obviously more ironic than entertaining, right?

The two were discussing, and Kang Shaonan's phone rang.

"Hello, Master?"

"Kang Shaonan, you are assigned to do a task about Zhao Yu, do you know?"

"Yeah. I know."

"That's good, since you are mentally prepared, this task is really dangerous. Here we are looking for someone, so we will also give you a four-day vacation. You will spend more time with your wife and children, and then Come back to understand the situation there and prepare to go abroad."

"Okay, thank you Master."

Yu Xiao always felt nervous watching Kang Shaonan answer the phone, so when the phone hung up, she asked nervously, "Husband, what did you say on the phone."

"Say..." Kang Shaonan specifically sold it until he became impatient watching his wife wait, and then said: "Give me four days off."

"Oh, this matter." Yu Xiao hasn't reacted yet, anyway, it's not a mission, no! Wait, "Four days off?" Hiss, Yu Xiao pulled her waist again because of too much excitement.

"Yes, four days off!"

"When did your teacher become so good, what's the big thing? Husband, you did meritorious service again?" The good thing that fell from the sky, Yu Xiao was a little dizzy about being smashed, and some doubted the truth of this matter.

If you don’t want to talk about going abroad, the young wife of the province is plainly worried, so Kang Shaonan only said half of it, “It may be that my grandfather called my superior. Let me go through the back door.”

"Go the back door? Going the back door for something, is it just a holiday? Grandpa wouldn't be so lost, right?" Yu Xiao obviously didn't believe it, and asked suspiciously.

As soon as Yu Xiao wanted to break the casserole and ask the question, Kang Shaonan began to fool again. "Grandpa is the commander who retired. Of course he will not be so boring. The main reason is that you agreed to move back. He is happy. He is happy. Thinking that I didn’t accompany you well, so I took four days off."

"Is that the case?" Yu Xiao is still a little skeptical, but it seems to have said it in the past, and there is no other better explanation. "Husband, in this case, let's go out and play and put the two little guys at home. Have we been to the two-person world?"

Kang Shaonan also wanted to go out with his young wife. It happened that the two of them thought about going together, but Kang Shaonan was a little worried, "Wife, can your waist work?"

"Why not, okay, ah!" Originally, Yu Xiao was going to move twice to prove that her waist was okay, but when she moved her waist it hurts, but she didn't give up like that, "husband, I have a day off today , Tomorrow will be fine, let’s go out and play, the world is so big, let’s go see it together."

Can't match the little wife's tone, Kang Shaonan can only agree, "Okay, I will arrange, we will go to see the world, but it is OK, if your waist is not good tomorrow, we will not go." The promise is yes. , But Kang Shaonan still made the rules first, after all, Xiaoxiao's body is still important.

"It will be fine, my body is great."

Since he was going out, some things had to be arranged. Kang Shaonan asked Yu Xiao to lie down on the bed, so he went downstairs and told her mother, "Mom, Xiaoxiao and I are planning to go out for a trip. It looks like three days or so. God, can you help to see Xiaoxiao and Yangyang?"

Liu Xiaoyun likes grandchildren and granddaughters unusually. This is the best news for her. She agreed without thinking, "No problem, you can play whatever you want. Play for ten and a half days. It doesn’t matter if I have a month, Xiaoxiao and Yangyang are wrapped around me."

Kang Shaonan was also happy when his mother agreed so smoothly, but when he thought that Xuexue had already arrested Tang An, he was a little wary, and then asked: "Mom, our house may have been spotted recently. If nothing happens, it is best not to go out. If you really go out, you must pay attention to safety."

Originally, Liu Xiaoyun waited for Yu Xiao to go and hugged her grandchildren to visit her friends' homes. When Kang Shaonan said that, her heart was so frightened that she subconsciously went to find some grandchildren and saw the children on the floor. After playing happily, she relieved her mind, "Shao Nan, what's the matter, are there just a few days of peace?"

"How could there be none? It will be there when someone catches it." He couldn't say too much, and Kang Shaonan could only comfort his mother like this.

After Kang Shaonan instructed his mother, he took the tablet to search for various travel guides on the Internet, booked air tickets, and planned routes. Because it was decided temporarily, the location and hotel were not determined, and some of him were busy.

However, he is happy no matter how busy he is for this matter, but some people are not so happy when they are busy, such as Gu Sen who is now trying to keep himself busy.

Kang Shaonan has four days off, and of course he does, but Kang Shaonan has a young wife to go around, he doesn't.

The life and death of this mission was unpredictable. He received the holiday notice early in the morning, thinking that this might be the last period of leisure in his life. How could he have to live in a meaningful way? Called Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou was still asleep at this time. Hearing the phone ringing, no matter who it was, she took her hand and grabbed her mobile phone and then crackled and cursed, "Who are you, don't you know if this is still bedtime? Early in the morning. Disturbing people’s dreams, disturbing people’s sleep is like killing a parent, don’t you understand? Hurry up and get rid of me."

Gu Sen couldn’t help being amused when he heard the heavy nasal voice coming from the phone. He hadn’t heard that disturbing people’s dreams and killing parents, thinking that Shen Xinrou was lying in the bed with his eyes closed and scolding him, he suddenly I thought, if I woke up in the future, I could see this sturdy woman beside me, and there was still sunshine.

Shen Xinrou scolded for a long time, and didn't hear the other party's reply. He thought that it was someone who called the wrong one, so he took the phone to his face and opened his eyes hard to see who was calling. When he saw the word "Dear" displayed In the center of the large screen, she almost cried, shaking her hand, slapped her phone on her face.

Gu Sen heard the sound of clicking, and Shen Xinrou let out a painful cry, this person, hasn't he fallen out of bed?

After another strange noise, Shen Xinrou's voice came from the phone, but this time it was his turn to be scared to fall out of bed.

"Honey, are you still there?"


"Ahhh, I was wrong, Gu Sen, Gu Sen, I mean are you still there?"

"...Not dead yet."

Shen Xinrou was silent, why hadn't she noticed that Gu Sen could make cold jokes like this before.

Gu Sen wisely ignored the name Shen Xinrou had just called the wrong name, and calmly asked, "What happened to you just now? You fell out of bed?"

"No, just now, my phone hit my face."

"Oh." Gu Sen really didn't want to say how stupid this woman was, but just said something of concern, "It hurts."

"Gu Sen! Can't you care about me? I was smashed by my phone, and you still talk like that."

"Am I not concerned about you?"

"Are you caring about people like this? Say, what did you find me for early in the morning?" Shen Xinrou was about to be killed by this popularity, because Gu Sen's good mood to take the initiative to call was completely ruined, and the questioning was quite bad.

"Oh, then I will pay attention next time. Actually, there is nothing wrong. I just want to ask you if you don't have time today."

"If you have something to say, there is time."

"Then let's have a meal together." Gu Sen hung up after saying this.

"Hello? Hello? Gu Sen."


Before Shen Xinrou knew what was going on, she was hung up. After looking at the dark screen for a long time, she realized that Gu Sen was asking her, Gu Sen was asking her!

"No, I want to put on makeup. How can I go out so ugly." Shen Xinrou muttered to herself with excitement. She got up from the bed and opened the closet, thinking about what clothes to wear when she went out.

Gu Sen also hung up the phone for a long time before he recovered. He thought that the phone that Shen Xinrou had just said hit his face, and he didn't know if it hurt.

If you encounter something like this next time, how should you comfort this irritable woman?

As a rigorous technical house, the way Gu Sen can think of is to practice it. He lay flat on the sofa, hung the phone 20 centimeters from his face, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and snapped the phone. The sound of touching the flesh rang clearly.

"Oh." Gu Sen cried out involuntarily, it hurts.

Wiping away the tears from the pain, Gu Sen silently picked up the phone on the ground. It seems that next time he has to comfort the woman, the phone smashed in the face is indeed not something ordinary people can bear.

Gu Sen only remembered when he was rubbing his nose. It seemed that he had just made an appointment with Shen Xinrou for a meal. The time and place were not fixed, and he hung up too quickly.

Satisfied Shen Xinrou, who had finally managed to clean up, also thought of this question. Did Gu Sen mean it for fun? Because of this idea, Shen Xinrou dared not call back to ask.

But she didn't struggle for long, Gu Sen called again.

"Hey, Gu Sen."

"Well, didn't I just say where to eat?"

"Yes, I thought you asked me to eat on the side of the road."

"No, where do you want to eat."

"Otherwise, come and eat at my house."

"Huh? Your home?" Gu Sen was shocked by this sturdy woman again.

Shen Xinrou was particularly satisfied with Gu Sen's reaction. After Gu Sen calmed down, she said, "It seems that this is not a good idea, but if you invited me to dinner, shouldn't you make a reservation?"

Gu Sen didn't feel that Shen Xinrou was fooled, only that he should really decide on his own, "Then have you been to Liusheng Square, can you wait for me at Gate 1 in three hours?"

Gu Sen had learned well now, and didn't hang up until he heard Shen Xinrou's definite answer.

It was the first time that Gu Sen invited a girl out for dinner, but it was not the first time that Shen Xinrou was asked. Although there were some minor problems and some jokes, the date was generally very successful.

They had a Western meal, went to the amusement park that they should go on a date, played the Ferris wheel, and watched a movie. Shen Xinrou had a very happy day.

It's coming, and the two are going to each house. Shen Xinrou suddenly called to Gu Sen who was leaving, "Gu Sen."

Gu Sen thought he was doing something ugly again, so he checked his whole body in a panic before answering, "Huh?"

"Are we dating?" Shen Xinrou asked nervously, tightening the paper coffee cup in his hand.

"I thought it was something that made me sweat." Gu Sen smiled deliberately and approached Shen Xinrou. "Do you think this is like a date?"

Looking at Gu Sen's deep eyes, Shen Xinrou became more and more nervous, and his tongue knotted several times.

"Xin Rou, why are you so stupid? Of course this is a date."

"You are stupid, your whole family are stupid." After saying that, Shen Xinrou stepped on Gu Sen's foot severely, turned and ran away.

Gu Sen was jumping on the spot in pain, and it took a long time to walk, "This woman, you stepped so hard!"

The next day, early in the morning, Kang Shaonan dug Yu Xiao out of the quilt.

Yu Xiao usually still sleeps sweetly at this time, how could she get up so obediently, she hugged Kang Shaonan without letting go, "Kang Shaonan, I will sleep for another five minutes, OK."

Seeing his wife's so charming appearance, Kang Shaonan almost agreed to this unreasonable request. Fortunately, there was still a trace of reason, "No, let alone five minutes, three minutes will not work, you don't want to see the world? We will continue to sleep."

Of course Yu Xiao wanted to go. This trick was the most useful. She immediately let go of the cold face **** and went to find the clothes she wore that day.

Wearing clothes crookedly, Yu Xiao might have fallen asleep while wearing clothes, so she had to find some topics, "Kang Shaonan, where are we going to see the world."

"Yangzhou, right next to Suzhou." Kang Shaonan tidyed up his little wife's undressed clothes and replied straightforwardly.

I can't blame him for his stern face, he can only use this trick to deal with this little girl, nothing else.

"Yangzhou, what's so fun about Yangzhou." Yu Xiao searched in her chaotic head, and she really didn't have the impression of this place.

"Does Yangzhou fried rice count?"

"Oh, this is it, then are we going to eat fried rice?"

"There is also the breakfast in Yangzhou, boiled dry silk, old goose, and..."

The more Yu Xiao listened, the more wrong he became. Why was it all for food, "Kang Shaonan, we went so far to eat."

"Then you don't want to eat these things?" Kang Shaonan continued to lure, if there is no good food, how can it attract you.

"Eating is of course important, but we can't just go out to eat. Let's find a place with great food and beauty.

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