Kang Shaonan tilted his head laboriously, trying to get rid of Xuexue's touch.

Xuexue's face became cold, her thumb and forefinger clasped Kang Shaonan's chin like iron tongs, and she squeezed Kang Shaonan to her side, her face already very ugly.

"Kang Shaonan, I said, you should remember me, now I think I should change, you can't help but look at me!" Xuexue didn't talk nonsense with Kang Shaonan, so she asked two people to carry Kang Shaonan up. Helicopter.

Situ Qing said that there is no future situation here.

Situ Qing didn't speak, and Yu Xiao didn't speak, just staring at him with a fixed look, the dull look in his eyes made Situ Qing feel very sad inexplicably.

It takes a person's heart so much that he can't cry until he cries. Situ Qing thought that Kang Shaonan would often be in a daze at the pictures of Yu Xiao on his phone, and sometimes smirk.

This feeling was like he was thinking of Wen Ruo, but he didn’t dare to giggle with Wen Ruo’s photos, and even when he saw Wen Ruo’s photos, he couldn’t laugh, some of which were just faint misses. A touch of sorrow, although some people say that love should be sweet, but his love does not seem to be like this.

Judging from the madness when Yu Xiao just heard the news, the relationship between their husband and wife should be particularly good, so Situ Qing looked at Yu Xiao and looked at him like this, as if he wanted to see through him. Finding Kang Shaonan in his body, this feeling, even if he has experienced iron-and-blood battles, he can't stand it.

There is no way, Situ Qing can only continue to talk, but saying this paragraph is equivalent to revealing the scar, so Situ Qing opened his mouth several times, but couldn't say it.

Finally Xiaotong pushed Tang An, and Tang An then continued Situ Qing's words, "Xiaoxiao, it has been a long time since I saw Shao Nan. It was very chaotic that day..."

In two months, no one knew what Kang Shaonan had done, but when Tang An saw him, he had no good meat on his body.

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Tang An stood up in fright and knocked frantically on the iron door that only opened twice a day, although he knew it was useless, because he did it before. Knocked it, but there was no response from outside, not even a personal yell.

But he doesn't want to die. He has to go back to marry Xiaotong, inherit the company, and wrestle with his grandfather. All of this is gone when he is dead. People only know the value of life when they are dying, Tang Ann patted the rusty iron door almost desperately. In the end, his hands were bleeding, and he stopped. No one would come to rescue him. He might be gone for a lifetime.

But suddenly he heard a sound of running footsteps, right in the direction of his door, "Tang An, are you inside?"

Tang An doesn’t care whose voice it is, as long as someone knows him, “Yes, I’m inside, who are you, you...” Before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the outside command.” Step back immediately, and run as far as I can, I'm going to blow up the door."

Blow the door! As soon as he heard these two words, Tang An immediately got up and ran to the corner, only halfway through, and with a bang, the iron gate fell down with a large pile of soil, Tang An only felt like his back It was the same as the fire, but before he could react, he was dragged up and run.

Tang An only had one thought. This person was here to save himself, and he could go out with him, so he ran with this strange person without resisting at all. Why did he say he was a strange person.

Because this person is all black and ragged, it looks like they have been locked up for a long time. They have been running all the time. There is a dark and deep cave behind and only a little light in front.

Tang An felt that he was still alive when he ran to a sunny place outside. Tang An's tears came down as soon as he saw the sun. He didn't know how long he hadn't seen the sun.

Seeing the black man next to him resting on his knees and panting, Tang An simply fell on his back and stretched out on the messy black soil, but before lying down for a second, he was yelled at.

"Get up, let's go!"

Tang An stood up as soon as he turned over. Even a specially trained person would not get up as fast as he was afraid that he would get up a step late and would be thrown into the cave where there was no sunlight.

The black man dragged him to run again. Within a hundred meters, Tang An almost vomited over a small slope. What was in front of him was a raging fire. The flames brought us not only the strange smell of medicine, but also There was also the smell of burnt flesh. In places where there was no fire, there were large fragments of limbs and broken arms. The blood was still flowing, and it seemed to be bursting.

Only then did Tang An realize that the person next to him was not black, but that he was covered with dry blood scabs. Tang An never knew that a person's potential could reach this point.

These thoughts of Tang An just made a quick turn in his head. In fact, it took him less than a second to stand on this small slope, and he was immediately dragged by the black man to that **** on earth, if it weren’t for the scene. Appropriate, he really wants to say, don't you want me to live and die with you?

But just think about it, because as soon as they crossed the big fire field, it was an extremely wide river, the river below was turbulent, the water roared, and there were countless rocks, and they stopped on the steep rock wall. Two helicopters.

As soon as he saw the helicopter, Tang An seemed to have a bit more strength in his legs, but in fact he ran even slower. Such a five-and-three-thin man, he only eats two meals a day and can only maintain a basic energy supply. After eating for two months, he was about to collapse long ago, and now he ran like this for a while, his eyes were already showing gold stars.

The more he wanted to run to the helicopter, the more he felt that this distance was like the distance between life and death, far enough to make him desperate.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, the other hand grabbed him, and he was almost dragged into the helicopter.

But the black man who brought him out hasn't come for a long time. Tang An clings to the glass of the helicopter window, watching that the black man is confronting a woman in tights, and the woman is holding the man.

It's ridiculous to say that a woman is holding a man, but it's not funny when the real one is in front of the eyes. The woman is a little shorter than the man and just perfectly covers her head. In addition, everyone has already boarded the helicopter, so That woman was unscrupulous.

Tang An pressed hard against the glass before he could see clearly that the woman was Xuexue.

The popping of the helicopter paddles and the rumbling of Dajiang made it impossible to hear what Xuexue was talking about. It was just that the three words Kang Shaonan reached Tang An’s ears. Tang An knew that when he heard these three words, the black man It is Kang Shaonan.

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