It has just rained in this city, maybe it is still not enough, the air is full of sultry drops of water.

Bai Chichi stepped on the wet ground and asked store by store in order to find a part-time job. He was already sweating.

"Look, it looks like a girl surnamed Bai!"

"It's really her!"

"Catch her! The boss said, let us try it!"

Several gangsters coaxed and rushed in the direction of Bai Chichi.

Bai Chi ran away after hearing the sound. Fortunately, she was often chased by these loan sharks recently, so sprinting and long-distance running are nothing to mention.

The door of Mingshi Hotel was being opened, and she rushed in without thinking.

The little **** did not relax, and continued to chase after her wildly.

Listening to their voices getting closer, Bai Chichi's nervous face turned pale.

In panic, she instinctively twisted the doorknobs one after another, hoping that there would be an open door for her to avoid.

After twisting several doors, they were all locked.

Just when she was almost desperate, suddenly a door lock was twisted by her. Without time to think about it, she twisted the door and got in without hesitation.

Just coming out of the bathroom, the black-faced man wearing only a white bath towel was obviously a little surprised at her intrusion.

"Who are you?" He frowned unhappy.

"Shhh! Do me a favor!" Bai Chichi's eyes looked like a frightened deer, and Situ Qing couldn't bear to refuse to help her.

"Bang bang! Bai, come out!" In the room not far away, the little **** knocked on the door, and then the next one...

Being caught by them is a dead end, and Bai Chi bit his lip slowly, and went all out.

She took off her skirt neatly and threw it into the open bathroom together with the small bag in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Situ Qing looked wary.

"Please! Hold me!" Bai Chi finished hurriedly, standing on his toes and wrapping his arms around his dark neck.

"Little girl, get out!" The gangster turned open the door cursingly, and saw the shirtless Situ Qing tightly hugging a long shining beauty, the two were kissing each other.

"Looking for death?" Situ Qing quickly turned around and blocked Bai Chi's rigorously. He turned his head and stared at the rushing thugs, his eyes were like torches and his voice was like iron.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I made a mistake!"

The bully, who is usually tyrannical and fearless on the street, was frightened by Situ Qing's aura, obediently helped him close the door and rolled away.

Bai Chichi breathed a long sigh of relief before realizing that he was wearing a cool dress and sticking to a half-fruited strange man. The pride of escaping just now disappeared, blushing and purple, I really wanted to get in there.

"Thank you!" she whispered nerdy.

"Qing...what are you doing? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

day! There is still a man in the room?

For a while, Bai Chi had forgotten his embarrassment and turned his head to look at the bed.

A delicate-skinned, beautiful-looking man Chiguo was leaning on the bed with his upper body covered with a short bath towel, squinting his eyes and looking towards them.

He called him Qing, what an intimate name, one had just finished taking a bath, and the other had been naked.

He also said that he waited for a long time.

My god, with a bang, Bai Chichi's brain went blank and the blood flowed backward.

This is the legendary friend, so what to do in the hotel, she was hit by her undeadly.

It's no wonder that a young woman who was almost naked just now took the initiative to press his lips, and this black-faced man didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of her.

"That... that... I'm sorry," she said guiltily. She got out of Situ Qing's embrace and ran into the bathroom a few steps.

His fire was all lifted up by her, but her eyes ran away strangely.

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