Regardless of demeanor, the army only emphasizes strength, not demeanor.

He has always disliked those foreign gadgets learned abroad.

"Thirty seconds! I'll go if I don't come up!" After he said, he swished into the drill cart.

This bastard, no wonder only men like him, who can stand women?

He started, really wanting to leave her.

Bai Chichi also got in quickly and closed the car door.

After getting in the car, she had time to call Qin Xuesong and cared about his injury.

"Cedar, I'd better go to the hospital today, take a good check, and go out of town after the check."

The car accelerated suddenly, and she glanced at the **** face inexplicably while holding the phone.

She made a call, was he angry? No reason!

Sure enough, the curtains were pulled down again, hey, how can this inexplicable neuroticism be changed?

"No, I really didn’t get hurt this time. I asked Huang Mao and they were arrested last night. Huang Mao and the others were so bold because there were people on it? The matter is under pressure, they are on the verge of trouble this time."

"Really? Great!" Bai Chichi smiled exaggeratedly, and Situ Qing glanced at her contemptuously.

"That's still a fake, we don't have to hide away anymore. Chichi baby, I can see you every day from now on!"

Chichi baby... Situ Qing frowned slightly.

It was the first time Qin Xuesong called her that, it was strangely numb.

The voice is still so loud, the capitalists have heard it.

A little embarrassedly glanced at the capitalist, he was really looking at her, and the gaze of encounter was quickly avoided.

"It's fine if you are not injured. By the way, do you know who the big man who suppressed this incident is? I really want to repay him well. It's so kind and honest!"

After being praised so hard, Situ Qing seemed to be in a little better mood.

Thank you... He raised the corners of his mouth wickedly, thinking of her convex and concave figure.

The capitalist is smiling, and the handsome and careless smile, Bai Chichi even looks a little dazed.

Confucius said that because of her food and sex, she was tempted severely by his superb male sex, knowing that she could not eat.

"You better repay me first. I have cared and taken care of you for ten years unimpeded. Should you consider giving yourself to me?"

Today's Qin Xuesong doesn't know what's wrong, saying such excessive words.

Bai Chichi's face was hot for a while, and he leaned awkwardly against the car window, and whispered, "Don't be so serious. Let's meet after school."

"You are coming to class after school!" Situ Qing's curtain snapped down again, and his voice was extremely cold.

The tone of the command is beyond doubt!

"Yeah, I still have to teach Little Cherry after school. Come on at noon. I'll wait for you at school."

Qin Xuesong said yes, and she ended the call.

His face was still hot, turned to look at the poker face of the capitalist, and explained embarrassingly: "He just likes to joke..."


How can a man make such a joke for no reason? He must really want to put you, a big brainless guy in bed.

He didn't speak, didn't look at her, inexplicably irritable, stepped on the accelerator again.

It has nothing to do with him, it has nothing to do with him.

When the car drove to the main entrance of the school, Situ Qing kept his face black from start to finish, and kept his mouth closed.

"Classmate Qing, thank you!" Bai Chi said with a smile, opened the door and got out of the car. Situ Qing ignored her, kicked the accelerator, and the car whizzed away.

Entering the campus, it was time for breakfast, and she went straight to the cafeteria.

"Really! I saw it!"

"Isn't it? She really got off a black Audi."

It seems that someone is talking about it. Who are they talking about?

"Looking really pure, who knows how to do this kind of thing."

"Oh, you don't understand. Look at how big her chest is. Can it be that big without a man rubbing it?"


Pointing, she found several girls standing not far in front of her.

They looked at her with strong disdain, rudely looking up and down, as if they were going to take off her clothes and see clearly.

Are you talking about her? What happened?

There was a girl she knew, Liu Liu from the class next door.

"Liu Liu!" She yelled, but the girl looked like a ghost, pulling away from the girl beside her.

"Hey, aren't you and Bai Chichi good? Have you seen you two eat together in the cafeteria?"

Liu Liu stammered back: "Who said that? I don't have one, I'm not familiar with her."

"Haha, you don't understand this, Bai Chichi is that kind of person, Liu Liu doesn't want to be that kind of person, does he?"

What kind of person is she?

"Hey, stop for me! Make it clear, where did I bother you?"

Since she was angry with Jiang Tingting last time, no one dared to confront her head-on.

Looking at her contemptuously, no one picked her up, speeding up the pace.

Bai Chichi died of depression, and was curious as to why someone pointed to her early in the morning.

"Bai Chi!" Xin Xiaozi's voice, thankfully, she did not ignore people like Liu Liu.

"Xiao Zi, do you know..."

"Who else doesn't know? What's the matter with you, you didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep last night, and there was a post on the forum saying that you were taken care of, so you often spend the night outside."

"Nonsense! Who is making the rumors?" Bai Chi chi stomped straight, in that posture, if she knew who was making the rumors, she would have to tear the other party to relieve her hatred.

"Just now I heard that you came to school in an Audi in the morning, which confirms what they are saying."

"No wonder! It turned out to be like this..." Bai Chichi finally knew the answer and was still angry, but not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.

Before the voice was over, her mobile phone rang, which was the phone of the hospital office.

Really bad things have spread thousands of miles, not fake.

The storm suddenly rose, but Bai Chichi's anger subsided.

There is nothing irritable. Are all kinds of discrimination and slander that have been received since childhood, are there still few?

Father often said: The world slander me, deceive me, insult me, laugh at me, I can only bear him, let him, let him, avoid him, stay for a few more years, you look at him.

Answering the phone, the voice on the other end was not as calm as hers, very anxious.

"Bai Chi, this is Deputy Dean Xing, you come to the hospital office immediately."

"Okay! Coming soon!"

I hung up the phone and saw Xin Xiaozi looking at her face worriedly.

"Bai Chi, what should I do? Now even the school knows it. I believe you, they don't necessarily. Do you remember that a senior sister was expelled from the school and committed suicide? You must ......"

"Help me go to the cafeteria to buy two tortillas and a hard-boiled egg. Take it to the dormitory. I'll come back to eat later." Bai Chi smiled faintly and patted Xin Xiaozi on the shoulder.

Xin Xiaozi looked at her incredulously, as if he had known her the first day.

Is she so calm, or does she eat so much at one go to make the final breakfast?

"Silly girl, if I die, who would be proud? Am I like such a stupid person?" Seeing that Xin Xiaozi was worried, Bai Chichi smiled and comforted.

Xin Xiaozi rolled her eyes and replied, "Unlike you, you are a stupid person than her."

"Nonsense!" Punched Xin Xiaozi, her action finally relieved Xin Xiaozi.

"I have you breakfast!" Xin Xiaozi was silly.

"Oh, then give me another bottle of high-calcium milk."

"Add ten bottles and drink to death!"


Wherever he went, it was all pointers and quiet discussions.

Bai Chichi always held his head up and pursed his mouth tightly.

She believes that those who are clear are self-clear, why do they still feel heartache.

She is kind to people, no matter who she is, she always tries her best to take care of people and be nice to them.

Why, someone should deliberately slander her?

It's Jiang Tingting, it must be her!

She doesn't regret standing up at that time, and she must be prepared for everything.

Knocked on the door of the hospital's office, and inside the door was Deputy Dean Xing calmly: "Enter!"

The word please is gone, and there is a little displeasure in the usual gentle voice.

Bai Chichi is not always so dull, sometimes her nerves are very sensitive, such as this time.

"Dean Xing, hello!"

He was the person she was grateful for. He helped her apply for bursaries, paid her tuition fees, and took care of her everywhere.

Even if she did nothing wrong, she was still a little ashamed in front of him.

"I came to you today to talk about your personal affairs, sit down!" Xing Jian couldn't believe this happened to Bai Chichi.

But this morning he saw with his own eyes a black car parked at the door, and Bai Chi got off the car.

"Dean, I was wronged, I didn't do anything like that." Bai Chichi's tone was calm, without eager arguing, Xing Jian carefully examined her spotless eyes.

Yes, for such a girl, she can refuse the bursary she needs most, just because the other party didn't tell her name, how could she do such a thing?

"Sorry, I really shouldn't doubt you." Xing Jian said softly, without the image of the dean that he had always maintained, and more like a friend.

Bai Chichi did not understand the sentiment in his eyes. In her heart, he was just her teacher.

"It's okay, anyone will inevitably wonder if you encounter such a thing. I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Didn't it mean that I was wronged? It's not you who caused me trouble." Xing Jian smiled.

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know!" Bai Chichi shook his head.

Even if it was Jiang Tingting, she had no evidence after all.

Besides, her relationship with Situ Qing is not ordinary, and she must be cautious about this matter.

"Let’s pay attention to words and deeds recently. Getting off the car itself will lead to speculation and is not good for the school spirit. I believe you, others may not."

"Thank you Dean Xing, I understand." His heart-warming attitude made her feel warm.

After leaving the hospital office, Bai Chichi's heart became heavy.

He believed her, and Xin Xiaozi believed her, that was enough.

Back to the dormitory, the breakfast is still a bit warm.

I took the tortillas and chewed slowly. The tortillas are very sweet.

The other people in the dorm always looked at her secretly, and she smiled openly.

Xin Xiaozi was still a little worried, while she was eating, she took out review notes from her bag.

"Xiao Zi, come over and explain to me, what is going on with this topic, I didn't even want to understand it."


Had breakfast and went to study room with Xin Xiaozi.

As soon as I settled down, there are new discussions bombarding my ears.

"I'm really capable. I think our Deputy Dean Xing also fell in love with her. I heard that we had a fight with the Dean today!"

"Tell me what's going on."

"The dean said that he would be expelled. Such a humiliating person would not be expelled! Vice Dean Xing took a picture of the table. He said that he believed her, and he would not allow the school to stage another tragedy..."

"The result? As a result, the dean compromised?"

"No, the dean said he must be expelled! There is no room for negotiation!"

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