"When Uncle Qing will come back, it depends on when Uncle Yuan leaves." Xiaoying replied, and Situ Yuan glanced at it, and immediately shut up.

"What do you mean?" she asked puzzled.

"No...nothing..." Sakura and Momo waved her hands again and again.

"Teacher Bai, this is not something you should care about. All you have to think about is how to teach them well, understand?" Situ Yuan scolded her with a cold face.

"Understood, of course, I have been working hard. Well, I want to talk to you alone, okay?" There was a question that had been in her heart for too long, and she had to ask it clearly.

"Let's go!" He wiped his mouth, stood up, and Bai Chichi followed him up to the second floor. He and Situ Qing lived in the same room.

"What's the matter?" Situ Yuan looked impatient to say more, still thinking of her sentence that Situ Qing had been identified.

This girl is really unrestrained, but it is a pity that the man from the Situ family is not something she can get if she believes it.

Bai Chichi didn't care about his black face at all. In her opinion, he and Situ Qing must be good men with indifferent appearance and fiery heart.

He listened to the movement outside and made sure that Xiaoying Xiaotao hadn't followed. Bai Chichi lowered his voice and asked Situ Yuan in a low voice: "Classmate Yuan..."

"Don't call me that!"

"Oh!" If you don't scream, you don't scream. The mood swings are too great, even more exaggerated than Situ Qing's servant.

"Who, then how do I call you?"

"Whatever." Frowning, Situ Qing said casually last time, and then acquiesced in her calling.

She cleared her throat, revealed a triumphant smile, smiled, and said, "Isn't that far classmate yet? Hehe."

Losing his patience, he frowned and asked coldly: "If you have something to say, there is..."

"Classmate Yuan, I just want to ask you, Classmate Qing, is he gay?" Afraid that others would hear him, he whispered close to his ear, and avoided him in disgust.

"What?" He was stunned by those three words, gay, how could he be gay.

Could it be that Situ Qing rejected her argument?

After a long silence, Situ Yuan nodded heavily.

"So, is it true?" After he confirmed, Bai Chichi suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, as if something inexplicable broke to the ground, it was a pity.

Such a good person, I really can't think about it that way.

"As long as you know, go out if nothing else."

"Okay, I understand, I won't tell others, do you want to pull the hook?" She had a clear expression, and she could say such naive words so logically, the sky was rolling.

Situ Yuan kept observing her calmly, and he wanted to understand whether she was acting stupid or really stupid.

If she really thinks that Situ Qing is gay, what is it about her being intimate with him in the bathroom, what about the hickey on her neck?

Mostly, this woman's purpose and intentions are not simple.

"Go out, don't enter my room if it's okay, you just need to do a good job of tutoring in the future, and don't inquire about our private affairs." Situ Yuan said coldly, waved impatiently and let her go.

Well, there is still a difference between Situ Yuan and Situ Qing, this guy is even more difficult to shake, so tight all day long, isn't it tired?


For more than a week, Bai entered the busiest final exam lately.

No matter how busy he is, he still often thinks of Qin Xuesong. He didn't contact her anymore, maybe he really gave up.

Whenever I think of the feelings of nearly ten years, Bai Chichi is lost as if he is the only person in the world.

It turns out that this is a broken relationship and a vacant one. Habitually want to call him, habitually want to see him, and always tell myself that if you can't give him what you want, you should let go.

I really went to him, and the two were still deadlocked. She couldn't give himself to him, and he would still insist.

Knowing his character too well, what he has to do, even if it is to bet on his life, he will not stop, will not hit the south wall and will not look back.

In addition to worrying about Qin Xuesong, occasionally looking at the same dark face as Situ Yuan, she would guess Situ Qing's return date.

It was finally confirmed that he was gay. From the time he knew he was gay, he encountered all kinds of troubles and discrimination.

She wanted to hug him well, comfort him, let him know that the world is warm, and make him smile more.

She didn't seem to see him smile except to talk to the child.

He just couldn't think about it, which made her worry.

Look at her, even if she is broken in love, she will still feel better when she sees the beautiful colors.

She will be in a bad mood for a short time because she will focus on beautiful places.

When classmate Qing comes back, she must teach him these little methods.

But classmate Qing, when will he come back?

How did she know that Qing's life was not easy.

He went to the army, but his mind was strangely stuck on an idiot.

Thinking that she would fight Qin Xuesong in bed that night, how he thought it was not a taste.

Not only this, would she treat Situ Yuan like him. Will it pull his arm and rub him seemingly.

The time to think about these questions even exceeds the time to think about Wenruo. Every time I realize that I'm thinking about that woman with no brains, I pull my mind back and think about Wenruo.

As a result, he didn't stay for a few seconds, and his attention went to the idiot again.

Damn woman, she didn't know what kind of gu was put on him.

Sometimes after thinking about her for a long time, those intimate contacts flashed and flashed in front of him.

She always has a small face full of sunshine, her bright smile, her **** big breasts, her white bun-like buttocks... occasionally I can't sleep in irritability.

That night, in the dead of night, Situ Qing repeatedly struggled with his own thoughts.

After falling asleep, I can't stop.

Bai Chichi was wearing a see-through outfit while grinning while rubbing him, he pushed her away with a cold face. The girl shamelessly pretended to see through and rubbed him against him.

Well, she asked for this, don't blame him for not being human.

Depressed crazily, rubbing and destroying X all night.

When I woke up, all kinds of humidity...

This Situ Yuan is also annoyed. Every time he changes shifts with him, he rushes to the troops. Why doesn't he mention it this time, and he is not in a hurry. What is he doing?

Go with an idiot?

Situ Yuan still kept his face all day long, disregarding Bai Chi Chi's existence.

As for her, in line with the principle that the benefactor's younger brother is the benefactor, she still smiled, spinning between him and the two little girls.

In a flash, the final exam was over, and Bai Chichi could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Xuesong still had no news. She couldn't help but quietly went outside to take a look at his house, and she didn't see anyone else, she was sad.

The summer vacation began, obviously relaxed, except for the preparation of two little girls' make-up lessons, the rest of the time was in a daze.

On this day, I saw Situ Yuan sitting in the bright morning light, his eyes were slightly melancholy, and his brows were unconsciously locked.

She has been wondering for a few days whether this servant, like Situ Qing, is also gay.

Therefore, he will have the same pain as him.

Thinking about this, the Virgin Mary's expression hung on his face, and he looked terrified.

"What are you looking at?" he slapped her angrily.

It turned out that he knew she was watching.

Smiling carefully, he approached him step by step and sat down on the cane chair next to him.

"Actually, I'm studying a question. Are you **** too..."

His expression is as painful as eating a dead mouse. Is that correct?

"It's okay, you can treat me as a friend, and Classmate Qing treats me as a friend. Tell me when you feel painful, I can help you." The little hand put his shoulder on his shoulder and stroked comfortingly.

Situ was impatiently tossing away her hand from eating tofu, and with an already black face, he told her categorically, "I, I like women."

"Really? Hey, no wonder you think you are handsomer than Qing classmate." She sighed in relief, saving her benefactor is already an important task, she really didn't want to save two at the same time.

Cut, he is more handsome than him, so she needs to say?

The expression on the black face eased slightly, and the capitalist's tone was still there.

"Use your mind to improve their grades, and don't study inexplicable things all day long."

"Ah, haha, you don't understand, these of me are not inexplicable, but are related to the succession of your Situ family."

When it was over, he ate the rat to death again.

After several days of observation, he was almost certain that this woman was not pretending to be the second one, she was really two very two.

In order to prevent his dearest brother from being defiled by her, he decided to make her always think he is gay.

After clearing his throat, he solemnly said: "We can leave it to me for the inheritance of the Situ family. I am gay. No matter what a woman wants to seduce him, he won't be interested."

"That's right, shall I just say? Last time I took off my skirts, he was stunned and did not respond. The other day when he took a bath, I also went in. We held them for a long time, and I thought he felt about me. Guess what? Oh! No calls at all."

His brows twitched, no... impossible, right? Is there really an obstacle to Qing Dynasty?

She was still reproaching Hengfei about her experience of "tempting" Situ Qing, Situ Yuan was strange. How could she make the seduction of men so logical, he was really defeated and couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's okay, you can go home, and come back to class for them at night." He hurried her away with a cold face.

"Didn't I say that I am going to be here 24 hours in the summer vacation?"

"No! Go home." He didn't want his head to be damaged by such a nervous person.

"Ah, thank you so much!" She wanted to go home to see her parents, accompany them to dinner, and also to drop by to take a look at Qin Xuesong.

Bai Chichi went home and cleaned for a day. Her parents couldn't see anything. It was very difficult to do housework, so she would clean up at home.

The lotus in the bathroom is about to fail, and she has not had time to express her gratitude.

Classmate Qing, are you planning to not see me for the rest of your life? A little melancholy inexplicably, he sighed unconsciously.

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