"Say, why don't you say it?" He asked gritted his teeth, his face turned green.

"In short, Situ Qing is not as good as you..."

"I'm Situ Qing." His face approached her small face again, eye to eye, nose to nose, and mouth to mouth with her.

His words are too horrible!

It's impossible!

Bai Chi was stupid, his eyes widened and his mouth widened unconsciously.

This is more terrifying than being chased by loan sharks, did she hear it right?

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble." She smiled and tried to push him. As a result, as soon as her little hand touched him, she was immediately retracted from the scald.

"I'm not making trouble, I'm Situ Qing. I just went home and took a bath. Now, I want to use practical actions to overthrow your judgment on me just now."

"What...what?" She said something, she was shocked by him, her head short circuited.

"As for whether I am a man or not, I will prove it to you now, who is the real man!"

Questioning his masculine charm is the greatest insult to a man, his patience has been exhausted.

With a big hand stretched out, she firmly grasped her.

"Ah...no!" Her scream was tightly sealed by his sudden lips.

The kiss was like a storm, he was jerky and excited, and he rubbed her lips fiercely with an instinct.

The heavy breathing sound echoed throughout the room, and Bai Chi was shocked and wondered how to react.

Su Su's numb sensation came from his lips, he was rubbing vigorously, but she felt no pain at all.

Even, I don't feel annoying.

Her heart seemed to jump out of her throat, and her body was shaking violently. She stretched out her hand to push him, but found that her arm was weak.

Situ Qing's anger diminished with several kisses and her emotionless reaction.

The strength in his hands was much smaller, and he was even more impatient.

He really wanted to want this woman very much, every living cell in his body was clamoring, possessing her, possessing her.

At this point, there is no punishment at all, only the instinctive pleasing between the sexes is left.

He wanted to please her, he wanted to faint her, and bond with her thoroughly.

The tongue is hard, trying to pry away her clenched teeth and get in and dance with her little tongue.

This action instead awakened her sanity, and while he didn't try to restrain her, she tilted her head and avoided his kiss.

She blushed and yelled at him, "Quickly let me go, let me go! Situ Qing, don't do this! You don't need to prove anything to me."

With the inhalation of fresh oxygen, her head became clear.

She had been saying just now that Situ was much handsomer than him, and more masculine than him, which really angered him.

He definitely wanted her to think he was a real man, and he certainly didn't want others to know that he was gay.

She was too rash, and even said he was a sissy or something, isn't this poking his scar?

He will be angry and go crazy and kiss her, which is understandable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I'm joking. You let me go, okay?" She talked with him very tenderly and sincerely guilty.

His eyes were full of Yuwang, still staring at her closed mouth.

As long as he wants, he can kiss as well as just now.

But he is also sober now, she has a boyfriend, he is immoral to do so.

He had done this too much. No matter how angry she was, she shouldn't invade others. Fortunately, she was very nervous and had no idea what she was thinking.

But she was stupid and he shouldn't bully her, but he couldn't tell him to apologize.

"Tell you, don't provoke me easily! Get out!" He snorted coldly and took his hand from her. She wouldn't go out again. He didn't know whether to kiss and knead again.

He was still very angry, she really blamed herself. I don't know what to say and do to make up for the mistakes I made.

Or, can he be in a better mood by shifting his attention?

Thinking of this, she said cautiously: "Classmate Qing, I haven't thanked you for picking lotus flowers for my parents."

"I didn't pick it, go out!" He frowned, his face even more gloomy.

She knew that this guy's face was a curtain, and she didn't squeeze her madly like she did just now. Should she feel lucky?

Hey, it seems that if you want to change him and save him, it really takes more frustration and courage.

Going out from his room with a grey face, Bai Chichi was actually unable to calm down.

In the end, it was because Shenma would have a feeling for his kiss, if it was Situ Yuan, it would be fine, but it was Situ Qing.

Yue Lao, do you think that I have not given incense to your old man, so that you toss me like this?

With a bitter face, I can't help but recall the feeling of being kissed just now in my mind.

My God, it was really warm at that moment, which was different from the last time Qin Xuesong forced her to kiss her.

Bai Chichi, wouldn't you like him?

Bah, baah, what are you thinking about? It is absolutely impossible. The electric current that is only inevitably generated when the meat touches the meat is purely a basic conditioned reflex.

"Mr. Situ, Miss Bai, Xiaoying Xiaotao, it's dinner!" Aunt Zhang's voice came from the kitchen.

Bai Chichi turned back and knocked on Situ Qing's door, reminding him to go downstairs to eat.

"Got it!" His voice was still so impatient.

How did she know that when he saw her, he was a little abnormal, as long as he was a little excited, he would start thinking with his lower body.

At this moment, I thought about it positively, and I was very embarrassed, and of course I didn't have a good tone.

Bai Chichi went downstairs first, Sister Zhang had already put the food on the table, and Sakura and Tao were putting the dishes.

"You eat, I have already eaten." Bai Chichi smiled and said to the three people.

"Miss Bai, Situ..." Mr. Situ specifically asked me to stew a bowl of soup for you every day. Just as Sister Zhang was about to say this, she was interrupted by Situ Qing who stepped in.

"Must have to eat! You are stupid, and you can't keep up with nutrition. You teach the kids to be stupid."

Kosakura Komomo couldn't bear to curl her lips, clearly caring about others, why is he always so insincere.

However, Teacher Bai is really stupid, hey, it makes them worry too much.

"Sister Bai, eat, eat, we also have this worry."

"Okay." Bai Chichi could only sit down and eat with everyone.

Aunt Zhang prepared the food every day and served it to the table and went home. Before leaving, she had asked Situ Qing for two days off for family affairs, and he happily agreed.

When the four of them ate, Situ Qing kept his face straight, and Bai Chi was very uncomfortable eating.

Sakura also felt depressed, and said to Bai Chichi without a word, "Sister Bai, let me tell you a joke."

"I like to listen to jokes the most, just tell me!" Bai Chichi's face lightened again, and he glanced at Situ Qing secretly, the door curtain had not been opened yet.

"There used to be a bear chasing a rabbit. Suddenly the gods came and told them: You can each make three wishes. The bear rushes to say, I want to be the most handsome bear in the forest. The rabbit said, give me a motorcycle. Car. The bear said, let all the female bears in the forest fall in love with me. The rabbit said, give me a hard hat. The third wish of the bear, let all the other male bears die. The third wish of the rabbit, sister white Guess what?"

Bai Chi thought hard and couldn't guess.

"Haha, the rabbit said, he turned the bear into a homosexual, and ran away on a motorcycle after he said it."

Xiaoying Xiaotao chuckled, and even Situ Qing's brows twitched.

Bai Chichi, who has always laughed at jokes, frowned slightly and was silent for a long time, and suddenly he said: "Hey, why am I cupped like those female bears?"

"Huh?" Xiaoying Xiaotao looked at her strangely, and Situ Qing also glanced at her. It was obvious that he was also wondering what she meant.

Did she fall in love with a gay?

Looking at her sad look, it really looked like that.

If it is true, it means that she didn't have **** with the man. Thinking of this, his depressed mood seemed to improve.

"Sister Bai, what do you mean? Are you in love with homosexuality?" Xiaotao's words made Bai Chichi wake up like a dream. Hey, when she doesn't think about anything, she just tells her, all the secrets are leaked.

His face flushed, and he said in a low voice: "No, no, I'm talking nonsense, eat quickly, don't talk when you eat."

The explanation is to cover up, how could he feel so happy?

Xiaoying Xiaotao was secretly observing Situ Qing, his rigid face finally cleared up before they became active.

"Uncle, I want to ask you a question." Sakura leaned toward her uncle and said mysteriously.

"Say!" Situ Qing lifted the soup in the bowl to his mouth and replied before drinking.

"Just now, you found out that Sister Bai treats you as Uncle Yuan. You are so angry, are you jealous?"

"Cough cough!" Tang choked into the trachea with no face, and he coughed again and again.

Bai Chichi quickly put down the bowl in his hand and stood up and patted him on the back. The expression on his face was very worried, and his face was dark when he coughed.

Two little **** girls, always have nothing to do to tear down his desk, little white-eyed wolf, hurt them for nothing.

Kozakura sat back in her seat with awareness and ate as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Tao waited until her uncle's cough subsided, and she was bold enough to continue the topic just now.

"Uncle, you are so excited that we are right, so don't hide it anymore."

Situ Qing glared, and snarled in a low voice, "Didn't Teacher Bai teach you to eat, don't talk when you eat? Listen to the teacher!"

Ah, they are going to collapse. Uncle is really a timid and hypocritical fellow.

Bai Chichi knew that the two girls had misunderstood again, and helped Situ Qing explain.

"Your uncle, it's not jealous, he just doesn't want people to make him wrong. You guys eat well!"

Can't stand it, they can't stand it.

"Oh! You are not saved!" The two girls finished speaking in unison, and under the uncle's gaze, they took the last few mouthfuls of food, and disappeared.

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