"Qin Xuesong, that woman must not be too conservative, hehe, in fact, you are right, nothing wrong."

His thoughts are only monologues in his heart, the more he drinks, the more silent. She was too strong to drink, and after two glasses of wine, she talked more, but she was talking to herself.

"You drank too much, don't drink!" He drank in a low voice, and she shook her head, picked up the glass and drank again.

"I haven't drunk too much, and no time is more sober than now. I should bless him, I can't give him, and others can give, I should be happy. Happy, hehe."

"Go back!" He grabbed her arm and hated people with bad wine.

"Please, let me drink two more glasses. I am very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, you don't understand. My relationship with him for ten years, we have agreed to get married. But why broke up all at once, I... Please, let me drink."

Her face was flushed, but he felt her pain, and she wanted to numb herself, so why not?

What a coincidence, today they are completely broken in love, and they are all disappointed people. Wine is the best friend of a frustrated person. If you don't stop her, she will be fine if he is there anyway.

Let go of her and order some more wine.

"Drink, I'll accompany you."

She picked up the glass and forced herself to choke off the wine.

She was very strange, she was in extreme pain, why didn't she cry?

Seeing her forbearing, he couldn't bear it, and even ignored the bitterness in his heart.

"Cry if you want to cry, why endure?" He frowned and asked her, but she just smirked.

"I can't cry, it will break my eyes." His heart was pierced again. The eyes were indeed too important to her.

What else can he do to make her feel better?

"Can you hug me? I feel very cold." She suddenly raised her face and looked at him, her eyes filled with confusion and helplessness that made him worry.

He silently took her to his chest and gently embraced her.

She trembled and trembled in his arms, and he thought she couldn't help crying. Reaching out to explore her small face, there is no dampness except that it is piping hot with alcohol.

Damn, do you like that unworthy man so much?

If it were him, he would never allow a good girl like her to be so sad for him.

He put his arms around her, and suddenly realized that he was the real lonely person.

In the past, Wen Ruo had been guarding Wen Ruo. In the future, Wen Ruo doesn't need him to guard him. He doesn't know where his feelings will go.

No woman likes him, like an idiot likes Qin Xuesong.

Qin Xuesong is lucky, and there are people who are willing to get drunk for him and sad for him.

She wrapped her waist tightly, and he tightened his arms, full of envy and jealousy of the man in his heart.

His embrace was very warm, warm and safe, but it was not hers, not Qin Xuesong's.

She still didn't drink enough, and she knew exactly who he was.

How much she longed to be hugged by Qin Xuesong again, and for the last time, listening to him personally say to her: "After a while, I will always bless you. We will never be strangers."

"Continue drinking." She got out of his arms, she wanted to drink until the world became chaotic.

Whenever he tried to stop her, she would plead with him.

"Don't let me drink, I will feel that the world is dark, do you know how terrible the darkness is?" Whenever she closes her eyes, she is always worried when she opens her eyes again. There are no colorful colors, and some are just endless Darkness, like the eyes of her parents, a dark world.

Accompanying her silently, until she was really drunk and there was only gibberish in her mouth, and he paid to hug her back.

"Are you tired of tossing? Get a good night's sleep, everything will be fine after dawn." He comforted her loudly and softly.

"Cedar, you're dark." She smirked.

"I am not Qin Xuesong, I am Situ Qing!" He hated her to recognize him as someone else, his face was a little dark.

She stretched out a little hand to touch his face and murmured: "Nonsense, you are Cedar. Cedar, you said, I said the cutest girl in the world, do you remember?"

Ignore her, let her say, he walked back quickly.

It was almost eleven when she was put on the bed in the guest room.

"Go to bed early."

"Cedar, don't leave me alone, I'm afraid of the dark." She reached out and grabbed his arm, as if grabbing the only ray of sunshine in years.

"Go to sleep, I will sit next to you with you."

"No, you said you wouldn't leave me, you said you'll be with me forever. Don't go, don't go, I beg you. You go, I'm alone, I don't want to be alone , You accompany me. Lie beside me, accompany me." She is like a child, pestering him, and not letting him go.

He shouldn't let her drink, it's really annoying, he frowned, after all he couldn't bear to leave her behind.

He took off his shoes and went to bed, lying next to her, keeping a certain distance from her.

"Cedar, hug me!" she murmured, approaching him, trying to wrap his waist, he ducked aside, her arm fell free.

It's not like being in a bar. He was afraid of being alone. She drank too much, and her body was hot. In case he was not calm, it would be bad for her to do it.

"Cedar, are you angry with me? It's me who is not good, and I always refuse to give it to you. Is it because I give it to you, and you won't leave me alone? Okay, I will give it to you, give it to you!" She yelled, reaching out to pull her neckline excitedly.

"Don't move!" He leaned over to her, holding down her trembling hand.

Damn, she's so courageous, don't you know how many years his Yuwang has been holding back?

The fire is a little bit, I'm afraid it can't be contained, she will be blamed if it is not cleaned up then.

"Kiss me, kiss me!" She looked at his face, and his face was a little fuzzy in her eyes at this moment.

Her face was flushed, and her pouting mouth was even more rosy and lovely. His throat was astringent, and it took him a few minutes to resist the urge to kiss.

"Kiss me, kiss me, don't you really want to kiss me?" She still chattered, and she tried to lift her head to get close to his lips.

It's just that my head is so dizzy and heavy, I can't touch him after working hard several times.

"Stop arguing, go to sleep!" His patience was exhausted, and he was about to be tortured madly by jealousy.

She didn't care if she was drinking for that guy, but she still wanted to seduce others in a daze.

If it wasn't him who was next to her, but the **** bastard, she would have been wiped out by others.

Confused! stupid! moron!

He had never seen such a woman, and he was mad at him.

"Still angry? Don't be angry, I admit, I admit that I have never felt that way towards you. I don't want this, and I don't want to feel that way towards that gay, but I can't help it... forgive me. , Cedar, I'm working hard..." She didn't know where the strength came from, her arms suddenly wrapped around his neck, and she moved upwards, until she kissed his lips.

It was as if he had been hit by high-voltage electricity, and it became difficult to breathe.

He wanted to hug the woman tightly, kiss hard, kiss fiercely, and finally he grabbed her arm and took her away.

She babbled what she had just said again, and he heard it really. What is she saying? He suddenly remembered what she said the last time Sakura told a joke at the dinner table. She said she was as sad as a mother bear.

He thought she said that her man was gay, and then she said he was gay.

In other words, she just kept saying that she felt that way, was it to him?

His heart tightened, his eyes looked at her small mouth unconsciously.

Due to drinking, she was thirsty and unbearable, and she was licking her lips unconsciously.

The sultry gesture made him breathe more quickly.

The feelings of several close contacts, seeing her, touching her, and kissing her suddenly came to my mind.

The woman in front of her, she really felt that way for him, and he felt that way for her more strongly.

The situation turned into this, how could he calm down? He wants to kiss and caress her so much, he really wants to do what every man wants to do.

"Cedar, kiss me, I am willing to be your woman, I am willing!" Damn, if she dares to say that she wants to be someone else's woman, he will punish her.

"Cedar, don't hold me, don't you want me? I'll give... uh..." His lips pressed down suddenly, engulfing her severely.

He had already given her a chance, she asked for it.

The sweet little mouth now has a mellow wine smell, exuding a fascinating taste, and he himself drank some wine, so that when he kissed, all the reason was immediately gone.

Knead her vigorously and hold her while kissing.

Damn woman, isn't she going to give it? Give it to that bastard, better to give it to him!

With a sense of punishment and passionate desire, his big hands desperately fanned the flames on her.

She couldn't tell if the man in front of her was Qin Xuesong. In his kiss, she involuntarily sank and fell again...

His lips rubbed her small lips vigorously, sucking wildly, and violently.

As if not enough to **** the sweetness from her mouth, nor satisfied with just kissing her lips, he was eager to go deeper.

She pressed her tongue hard, and he pried her teeth open, and the flexible dragon tongue instantly broke into her little mouth.

The unprecedented vertigo overwhelmed her and defeated him.

All thoughts are far away, only the lips are still rubbing against the lips, and the tongue and tongue are dancing with full force.

The squeak hit the eardrums of the two of them, as if the sound was infinitely amplified, and it played a role in stimulating **** desire.

He kissed her with his lips, and his big hands went in frantically through her neckline following instinct.

The dizzy Bai Chichi was even more dizzy at this time, not only dizzy, but also a complete sense of powerlessness.

She seemed to have lost the support of her bones, lying there softly, not resisting, just wanting to get a closer kiss and caress.

This was the closest contact between Situ Qing and a woman in thirty years. His male instinct was completely activated by her grunt. He kissed her small mouth for a while, and the rough kiss began to greet her indiscriminately.

"Hmm...Hmm..." She was very impatient, twisting her body small, not knowing whether it was to avoid his contact or she wanted more.

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