"Oh, this is, bastard." As soon as he called out the bastard, he was captured by Situ Qing again.

It's late at night. Even if the Situ's house has good sound insulation, I'm afraid it will let people in other rooms hear what they are doing.

Bai Chichi didn't want to sink, but at this time, it was obvious that her brain was no longer controlled by her thoughts.

At this moment, there is endless joy, both his and hers.

When everything returned to calm, Bai Chichi blushed and stared at the contented Situ Qing: "It's crushed to death, go down now."

"Why didn't you just say pressure?" He smirked, looking at her blood-red face.

My forehead is full of sweat. I didn't expect such a small person to have so much strength.

"You hate it!" Bai Chichi stretched out his small fist and punched him, softly without a trace of strength.

She was charming and shy, so he liked it to his heart, reaching out and grabbing her small fist.

"During the college entrance examination, did you get a perfect score for sit-ups?" He suddenly asked her seriously.

"Yes. How do you know?" She was very proud of this.

"The waist strength is good!"

"You! You won't be again, do you?"

Situ Qing just wanted to continue, and Bai Chichi's stomach grunted with a series of protests.

Remembering that she didn't eat much in the evening and the food was limited, he didn't follow his own ideas.

"I'll go to the kitchen to heat up some food for you. You should take a break first." He moved quickly to get up and talk to her while putting on his underwear.

"No, just endure it, and don't feel hungry."

She wasn't really hungry, but she was in his house and didn't want to give the impression that she was troublesome.

Especially when his father still doesn't approve of her, and Jiang Meilian and Jiang Tingting are hostile to her again, she has to be strict with herself all the time.

Even if she doesn't want to marry him right now, she doesn't want to lose everyone's respect and recognition.

Anyway, she is also the one that Qing classmates and likes, and can't shame him.

"Wait." He shook out only two words, opened the door quickly, and his voice disappeared in the corridor.

There is a separate bathroom in the guest room. Bai Chichi got up from the bed and took a quick shower.

When she took a shower and climbed back to bed, Situ Qing had already entered with food.

"It's too late, eat some light food to digest." Bai Chichi looked at it and it turned out to be very light. One portion of porridge was paired with two side dishes.

In the case of slight nausea in the first battle, this food still made her very appetizing.

He cared for her so considerately and thoughtfully. She seemed to be wrong if she didn't accept it, let alone being hungry and would not agree.

She picked up the bowl and swept away all three things with great respect.

Situ Qing watched her eating silently, and found that she was eating more than Wen Ruo was going to gobble it up. It's no wonder that she could use so much energy to cater to him during affection.

After Bai Chi finished eating, he habitually picked up the tray and wanted to take it into the kitchen.

"I'll come." He has the same mindset as Bai Chichi. He eats at home and eats at any time, no one will find him wrong. As a future wife, Bai Chichi has a long trial period.

Of course, he will not keep her so tired, he will take her to a quieter two-person world.

Bai Chichi's carefree personality is not suitable for dealing with a complicated family environment. She should live a simple and happy life.

Situ Qing went out with an empty plate and bowl, and Bai Chichi sat on the side of the bed and couldn't help but dazed for a while.

To say that this guy is really a good man who is considerate, gentle and domineering. He is so stubborn to marry her, a woman who has no money, no status, and no beautiful appearance, it is her great happiness.

If she is married to him now, she doesn't need to be so entangled and can agree to him happily.

Qing classmate, don't treat me too kindly, this is shaking my willpower, and I want to give up my principles even to my happiness.

Nothing, really nothing.

I couldn't think about it anymore. I had to find something to do. When Situ Qing returned with the tray, Bai Chichi had already turned on his computer to search for Mathematical Olympiad questions.

The children like her. As long as she has the opportunity to be with them, she should teach them more, so that even if she can't marry him, she will be regarded as a certain return to him.

"Are you full?" he asked her sitting on the edge of the bed.


"Talk about it."

"What are you talking about? Didn't you talk about marriage again?"

"Talk about eating."

Alas, I thought I was going to be forced to marry again. It's good to talk about eating, although this topic is a bit boring.

"Let's talk about it." She continued looking at the Mathematical Olympiad on the screen and said copingly.

"Let go of what's in your hands and talk seriously!" After speaking without any doubt, Situ Qing reached out and directly pressed the shutdown button, and the screen went black for an instant.

So strong, she took back what she had just praised him in her heart. This guy is an arrogant man. He never cared about women's feelings. He was so serious when talking about eating, and he didn't care if the new folder she created was not saved, which made her work for nothing.

"Situ Qing, you are not allowed to do this next time, everything hasn't been saved." If he was not so good to her just now, she would really be angry.

"This is for you to remember that when I want to talk to you in the future, you must stop what you are doing and talk to me seriously. This is the rule."

"You..." She once again took back the words she had praised him in her heart just now, and looked at his serious face now, as well as the dominance between the lines in his words. Isn't she still that badass capitalist?

"I will not repeat this a second time, otherwise, you must pay the price."

Damn, she didn't seem to be his wife yet, so she started to discipline. If she really marries him, can she breathe freely?

Remembering that he gave her militarized management at the time, and limited time for anything she did, she drummed her heart.

Forget it, she should run away before she has completely sunk in, and she hasn't made a kiss. She can't afford to get rid of it.

"Situ Qing, your father doesn't agree yet, doesn't it? It's too early to make the rules, hehe, you still keep these spit stars, spray your real dating partner, I'm going to sleep."

Want to avoid, little thing, where did the intimacy just now go?

Do you think you can avoid it? I can't take it off long ago!

He glanced at her full stomach unkindly, and said lightly: "Now you have two choices. The first is to communicate with me, and the second is to continue what I just did. I am It doesn’t matter. You are a doctor. You should know that coming right after eating is bad for your health."

If this is the case, can he not be so straightforward, doesn't he think it is strange?

"I choose to sleep." Whoever says to choose one of the two, she must choose one.

"Then come next?" Situ Qing tried to pounce again.

"Okay, okay, talk about eating, talk about eating."

"That's right." He glanced at her triumphantly. In a nutshell, she wants to fight him, and he has some means to deal with her.

"Seriously, don't look boring, sit upright, sit upright..."

"Good, good." Bai Chichi adjusted his sitting posture according to what he said, but thought in his heart: You can do whatever you say, my old lady, hurry up and go to bed after talking, and she will run away at dawn tomorrow, who Listen to your class here.

"Food is the most important thing for the people. As a doctor, you should understand that eating is the most important thing. I have only one purpose. In the future, you must complete every meal on time and in quantity. Like today, for a little bit Little grievances just skipped eating, this behavior is only this one time, not as an example." Bai Chichi stared at his black face incredulously, where is he talking to the sweet lover who just rolled the bed sheet? In a meeting for his soldiers.

The split personality, your pure personality split, the two extremes of evil and seriousness are harmoniously unified by you split fellow.


She really wanted to slap him on the head, but she didn't want to be brutally rubbed again, the best way was to bite the bullet and respond.

She is right to be acting, but this is a wise way to protect her life under threats, and it is not her dishonesty.

"Remember, Chief." Bai Chichi laughed, raised his hand, and saluted a non-standard military salute.

"Can I go to bed? Excuse me? You see, you plan your meals so well. It seems that you should sleep on time and get enough sleep."

It doesn't matter if you deal with him, anyway, you agreed, I will execute it for you, and can't clean up your little girl movie?

"Go to sleep, there are other things, I will tell you one by one later, you just need to remember."

It's okay for him to love her, but he still has to control everything from big to small in life. No one cares about her confused personality.

Just say it was thanks to her that she didn't agree, he would only tell her that he didn't even have the idea of ​​discussing it.

He didn’t stay, he didn’t plan to stay in the guest room and put his arms around her to sleep. The rules still have to be there. Don’t care if you want to be affectionate over and over again, she will think too, but first he has to be disciplined and give him this little bit. My son and wife set an example.

"I am leaving."

"Good night." She smiled sweetly and walked slowly, arrogant villain, you can tell me to go this time tomorrow, haha.

Situ Qing strode to the door, and after taking two steps, he still felt wrong. He wanted to discipline himself. As a woman, she should always stick to him and pester him.

Even if he set two rules for her, she shouldn't be too angry, there is no nostalgia.

Walking to the door, Bai Chichi followed behind him, planning to lock the door.

Unexpectedly, someone else arrived at the door, didn't turn the door, and stopped, causing her to hit his hard back again.

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